2017 - 18 GLE1O - GLS1O - GLE2O Course Outline
2017 - 18 GLE1O - GLS1O - GLE2O Course Outline
2017 - 18 GLE1O - GLS1O - GLE2O Course Outline
Course Description
This course focuses on learning strategies to help students become better, more independent learners. Students will learn
how to develop and apply literacy and numeracy skills, personalmanagement skills, and interpersonal and teamwork
skills to improve their learning and achievement in school, the workplace, and the community.The course helps students
build confidence and motivation to pursue opportunities for success in secondary school and beyond.
A student’s final report card grade will be based on the evidence provided of these overall curriculum expectations:
Learning Skills
• identify and use a variety of literacy skills and strategies to improve reading, writing, and oral communication in
everyday contexts;
• identify and use a variety of numeracy skills and strategies to improve their practical application of mathematics in
everyday contexts;
• demonstrate an understanding of learning skills and strategies required for success in school.
Personal Knowledge and Management Skills
• apply knowledge of their personal skills and learning strengths to develop strategies for success in secondary school;
• identify and describe personal-management skills required for success, and explain their use to help maximize
• demonstrate the use of personal-management skills and strategies to enhance learning.
Interpersonal Knowledge and Skills
• identify and describe the knowledge and skills necessary for successful interpersonal relations and teamwork;
• assess their interpersonal and teamwork skills and strategies, and explain how those skills requiring further
development affect their learning;
• demonstrate the ability to apply appropriate interpersonal and teamwork skills in a variety of learning environments.
Exploration of Opportunities
• apply their knowledge of school, work, and community involvement opportunities to develop a personal learning plan;
• demonstrate an understanding of school and community resources and how these can be utilized to support their
learning needs;
• develop a portfolio of documents pertaining to self-assessment, research, and career exploration that are necessary for
planning a pathway for secondary school success.
Term work: 14% Knowledge & Understanding: the knowledge of content and understanding of
70% of your grade will be content
based on all of the
21% Application: the application and transfer of knowledge and skills; making
evidence you have
connections within and between various contexts.
provided. It will reflect
your most consistent level 21% Thinking: use of planning and processing skills; use of critical and creative
of achievement with thinking processes.
special consideration given 14% Communication: expression and organization of ideas and information;
to more recent evidence. communication for different audiences and purposes in oral, graphic and media forms;
use of conventions, vocabulary and terminology of the discipline.
Final Evaluation: 30% Performance Task(s) Includes overall curriculum expectations from all
30% of your grade will be strands.
determined at the end of
the course. *Please note that there is no final exam for this course.
Your final grade will be calculated by combining your Term (70%) and your
Performance Task Evaluations (30%).
It is your responsibility to provide evidence of your learning within established timelines. Due dates for assignments and
the scheduling of tests will be communicated well in advance to allow you to schedule your time. If you aren’t going to
be able to follow an agreed upon timeline you should demonstrate your responsibility and organizational skills by
discussing with your teacher the challenges you’re facing as far in advance of the deadline as possible.
It is your responsibility to be academically honest in all aspects of your schoolwork so that the marks you receive are a
true reflection of your achievement.
Plagiarism is using the words, ideas or work of someone else without giving appropriate credit to the original creator.
This is a form of cheating.
Consequences for not meeting these academic standards may include:
● Reporting the issue to your parents;
● Requiring you to complete the original or alternative work after school or during your lunch hour;
● Requiring you to complete an alternative assignment;
● Suspension;
● Assigning a “zero” for an assignment not completed prior to an agreed upon closure date;
● Mark deduction of 5% / day.
NOTE: the complete HDSB policies and administrative procedures for “Lates and Missed Assignments” and “Cheating
and Plagiarism” policies may be found at www.hdsb.ca
Learning Skills & Work Habits
These learning skills and work habits will be taught, assessed and evaluated throughout the course.
Unit Outlines
Units Curriculum Focus Major Assignments / Evaluations Key Resources