Arts Lesson Plan GROUP 8
Arts Lesson Plan GROUP 8
Arts Lesson Plan GROUP 8
A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of and skills in sewing household lines.
B. Performance Sews household linens using appropriate tools and materials and applying
Standards basic principles in sewing.
C. Learning Classifies tools and materials according to their use (measuring, cutting,
Competencies sewing)
D. Learning Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. identify the different sewing tools and equipment
c. appreciate the importance of using sewing tools and materials in
real life situation.
Start of Class
Yes, maam.
A. Reviewing Previous Class, do you still remember what we have
lesson discussed last meeting? Yes, teacher
B. Establishing a Purpose
for the Lesson Now, it seems that you are ready to embark on
another lesson, but before we officially do so, let us
have another game called “Fix me, I’m broken.”
The class will be divided into three groups, and I
will give you the broken pictures, and then you are
going to fix it, and after that, you are going to
explain it in the class.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
C. Presenting Examples/
Instances Of The New
D. Discussing New
Concepts & Practicing New
Skills #1 (TIME)
What have you observe in the house class? It is a house with trees
and plants, maam.
Cool colors consist of blue, green, purple and all
combinations of colors from these three hues. Cold
colors have the ability to spread feelings and
provide relaxation. The cold color makes us think
of water and heaven .
G. Finding Practical Riley’s are now back on track. Thanks for all of
Applications of Concepts your help. Lets give around of applause in
and Skills in Daily Living appreciation of the headquarters of our emotions.
H. Making Generalizations Let us give ourselves a round of applause for we (clap… clap… clap)
and Abstractions about the have successfully learned. Can you give me an
Lesson example of finished product of sewing tools and
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