Team Teaching Math
Team Teaching Math
Team Teaching Math
Slide presentation, whiteboard marker, real analog clock, DIY analog and
B. Other Learning digital clock, folders, scissors, markers,
Lord, please guide us today and give (The pupils will stand and pray.)
us knowledge as we learn our new
topic. Amen.
(The pupils will check their seat)
Before you sit, please pick up any
trash and put it in the trashcan.
Very good.
1. On your white folder, draw a
circle and cut it out.
2. Write the numbers 1 to 12
around the circle, just like on a
real clock.
3. From the middle of the cut-out
circle, draw a long and straight
line that points to the number
that you want. (The pupils follow the instruction)
4. Again, from the middle of the
cut-out circle, draw a short and
straight line that points to the
number that you want.
5. You can color your clock and
add details. You can even draw
a little face in the middle of the
D. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new
skills. #1
Very good!
(The pupils will give varied answers)
First look at the shorthand, if it points
between 4 and 5, how do we read it?
45 minutes
25 minutes
What kind of clock is this first object?
How about this second object?
In the analog clock you need to
What do you think is their different identify first the hour and count the
when it comes to showing time to us. minutes before telling the time,
while in the digital the exact time
Yes, very good! will appear with indicated a.m. or
a. 6:40 a.m
b. 7:00 a.m
c. 7:45 a.m
d. 6:00 pm
a. 4:00 p.m
b. 9:00 p.m
c. 3:00 p.m
d. 7:00 pm
a. 9:00 a.m
b. 6:00 a.m
c. 4:00 a.m
d. 8:00 am
a. 6:00 p.m
b. 11:00 p.m
c. 8:00 p.m
d. 6:00 a.m
a. 6:30 a.m
b. 8:00 a.m
c. 11:00 a.m
d. 10:00 a.m
Alright class!
H. Making Generalizations
How do you read the time in an analog Ma'am we read the time by
and Abstraction about clock? watching where the shorthand and
the Lesson. the long hand points.
Yes zeney!
How about when you are writing the Ma'am in writing the time the first
time should be an hour followed by the
minutes and the symbol a.m. for
Yes Judy! morning and p.m. for afternoon.
We can tell the time using the two Analog and digital clock
different clocks. What are those?
What is the difference between analog The analog clock shows time
and digital clock? passing by moving hands
continuously. In contrast, digital
Very good! clock shows time numerically.
What is the importance of time in your (Pupils are raising their hands)
Teacher, time is very important
Yes Rhealyn! because it let us know what the
things are needed to be done or
comply in everyday living.
Excellent Rhealyn!
A. 3:00
B. 12:15
C. 6:00
D. 3:30
A. Hour hand
B. Minute hand
C. Second hand
D.All hands move at the same speed
B. 5:30
after lunch.
2. Dylan’s
time in the
3. Dinner time
after watching
4. Ana’s wake up
time to prepare
for her class.
5. Lunch time
after the mother
cooked a food.
1. 12.30
2. 1:00
3. 11:31
4. 11:15
5. 5:00
(Think about the lesson and
briefly the parts that went well
and the parts that were weak
and could be adjusted in the