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Die Geskenk-Vrae

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Graad 11

Afrikaans EAT

Werkboek 1


KORTVERHAAL: Die geskenk...........................................................................bl 1-4

LEESBEGRIP: Die vrugtemandjie uit Kannaland...............................................bl 5-7
TAALKONVENSIES: Voornaamwoorde.............................................................bl 8-13

1. Volg alle instruksies.
2. Onthou om datums en opskrifte te skryf vir elke aktiwiteit.
3. Plak hierdie werk in jou boek.
(If you cannot print this work, please copy all the work in your book.) THIS
4. Merk jou werk.

NOTE: Throughout the lockdown, your teacher may have given you some
activities to do. Because not all of us have the same access to resources, we
have to go through this work again. This means that you may have already
done some of the work. Please check before you do it twice. If you have done
something already, please still go through the worksheet to make sure you are
After every worksheet there is a memorandum. Please do not cheat yourself.
If you are just going to copy the work and not work through it, you are wasting
your time. You won’t learn anything that way. These are exceptional
circumstances and you need to take responsibility for your own future. DO

Monday and Tuesday, Week 1: Die geskenk.

Today we are focussing on the short story called “Die geskenk”. Follow the
instructions given before answering the questions. After you have finished the
questions, see the memo attached and mark your answers. Go back to each
question that you got incorrect and go figure out where you went wrong.

At the end of every day’s work, ask yourself: “Did I get this? Did I understand?”
If your answer is no, go back to the beginning and try again.


BL 48 (Verneukkind en ander verhale)

Lees die storie op Bl 48 van jou Verneukkind en ander verhale boekie.

Onthou om die moeilike woorde aan die einde van die storie deur te gaan.
Waaroor gaan hierdie verhaal:
This story is about a girl and her father. They don’t have a good relationship. We
know they don’t really speak. The father is in a relationship with a widow. The girl
finds out about this when she hears stories at school that her father was in a
restaurant with this widow.
One night her father comes home he asks her to sit with him. She says the lights are
blurring when she looks at them.

****Why do you think the lights blur? Think about when you start to cry and the tears
are starting to build up, everything gets blurry. Why is she sad?***

The girl stays at home at night with her caretaker, Nora. She goes into her parent’s
room sometimes. When she goes there this time, she sees a gold watch on the
nightstand with the slip. She can see it is very expensive.
At school she hears that her father and the widow broke up. Notice how she gets
more information about her fathers’ life from school than from him.

***Where do you think her mother is? Maybe she has passed away? Is this why she
is crying earlier. Is this why she goes into her parents’ room when her father i sn’t

That night her father has a conversation with her for the first time in a very long time.
He gives her the watch. She says that he gave it to her in a careless way. It wasn’t
wrapped or in a box. He just took it out of his pocket.

****Do you think the watch was a gift for her? Or was it meant for the widow and she
gave it back because they broke up? How would you feel if you get a regifted second
hand gift from someone? How would you feel if your mother passed away and your
father gives you a second hand gift meant for the woman he is seeing but is hiding
from you?*****

The girl can smell the woman’s perfume on the watch. She wants to get rid of this
smell. She keeps saying that she doesn’t want to damage the watch, just clean it, but
she totally breaks the watch. She washes it with Dettol, takes a nail file and
scratches it. She forces open the watch and breaks the inside.

****Do you think she can really smell the other woman? Or does she just want to
take out her frustrations on something? ****

The next morning she tells her father he can take back the watch.

She basically just told her father don’t try and give me a new mother. You will never
be able to replace my mother.


Verteller/ Narator: Eerstepersoonsverteller. (“Ek” word herhaal. Alles is vanuit haar

Titel /Title: Skep verwagting. Wanneer jy ‘n geskenk sien of kry wil jy
dadelik weet wat dit is. The title creates expectation
(verwagting). We immediately ask “what is the gift?
Simbole/ Symbols: Die horlosie is ‘n simbool van die stukkende verhouding tussen
haar en haar pa. Dit kan ook die liefde vir haar ma simboliseer.
(Niemand kan haar ma se plek vat nie.)
Stemming/ Atmosphere: Hartseer


Skryf vandag se datum en die opskrif “Die geskenk” in jou boek in die afdeling
(section) LETTERKUNDE.
Beantwoord die volgende vrae.

1. Die titel van die storie skep verwagting. Maak die geskenk die karakter bly?
Motiveer jou antwoord.
2. Hoe weet ons dat daar nie goeie kommunikasie tussen die meisie en haar pa
is nie? Watter woorde bevestig (confirm) dit in die teks?
3. Gee EEN woord om die stemming van die verhaal te beskryf.
4. By wie het die meisie die nuus van haar pa gehoor?
5. Waarom “smeer” (blur) die liggies as die meisie na dit kyk?
6. Waarom bly die meisie wakker tot haar pa by die huis kom?
7. Hoekom het die meisie die horlosie met Dettol gewas?
8. ‘n Geskenk word gewoonlik toegedraai. Noem TWEE dinge wat anders is aan
hierdie geskenk?
9. Hoe, dink jy, kon die verhouding van die meisie en haar pa verbeter word?

10. Hoe kon die meisie sien dat haar pa nie die geskenk vir haar gekoop het nie?
11. Wat simboliseer die stukkende horlosie?

1. Nee. Sy breek die horlosie en gee dit terug vir haar pa.
2. “ons praat nie baie nie”
3. Hartseer.
4. Kinders by die skool.
5. Sy is besig om te huil.
6. Sy wil hom graag sien. Sy mis haar pa. Sy sien haar pa baie min.
7. Want sy ruik die weduwee se parfuum.
8. Dit was nie toegedraai nie en die pa het dit net uit sy sak uit gehaal.
9. Hy kan meer tyd met haar spandeer. Hy kon haar vertel het van die weduwee.
Hy kan haar soms vra hoe gaan dit met haar.
10. Dit was nie toegedraai nie.
Dit was vir iemand anders bedoel.
Dit was te groot vir haar.
11. Die stukkende horlosie is ‘n simbool van die stukkende verhouding tussen
haar en haar pa. Dit kan ook ‘n simbool wees vir die liefde wat sy het vir haar
oorlede ma.

Wednesday, Week 1: Leesbegrip

Today we are focussing on our comprehension skills. Study the worksheet below
before doing the activity at the end of the worksheet. After you have finished the
activity, see the memo attached and mark your answers. Go back to each question
that you got incorrect and go figure out where you went wrong.

At the end of every day’s work, ask yourself: “Did I get this? Did I understand?”
If your answer is no, go back to the beginning and try again.


Bl 84-86
Lees die teks op bl 84 – 86.

This text focuses on distance, direction and eiename (propernouns).

Moeilike woorde:

Verbind -connects Grondpaaie -gravel Vallei -valley Rotstekeninge -

roads rock paintings
Omring - Seespieël -sea Uiterste -extreme Kweek-
surrounded level produce,plants
Konfyt -jam Druiwe -grapes Beskermde- Bekoring -charm
Suidoos- South Suidwes- South Noordwes- North Noordoos -North
East West West East

Waaroor gaan die leesstuk?

It’s about Calitzdorp,in the Klein-Karoo. You can get there via gravel roads, passing
van Wyksdorp, or when you go through the Seweweekspoortpass from Laingsburg
side. The Khoi people called it Kannaland, because the valley had no grass.
Calitzdorp got its name from a farmer that built a school and a church in the town.
Calitzdorp north from Ladysmith
Calitzdorp west from Oudtshoorn
It’s surrounded by the Swartberge (mountains) and has a population (bevolking) of
8400 people. The weather can get very hot, and very cold. Perfect temperature for
grapes, fruits, nuts, and wine. In the Nature reserve you can see animals and a lot of
bird species.

Moeilike woorde in die vrae:

ontbrekende - missing
verste - furthest
naaste - closest

1. Jy volg die R62.
2. a) deur die Seweweekspoort
b) via die Swartberge
3. a) noord
b) wes
4. Kaapstad
5. a) Onwaar
b) Oudtshoorn/ Ladysmith is die naaste dorp aan Calitzdorp.
6. sneeu
7. wes; noorde; suid
8. 40 grade Celsuis
9. 8400
10. Die Kaapsebergsebra en die bleeksingvalk.

Thursday and Friday, Week 1:

Today we are focussing on the concept “voornaamwoorde”. Study the worksheet

below before doing the example activity at the end of the worksheet. After you have
finished the activity, see the memo attached and mark your answers. Go back to
each question that you got incorrect and go figure out where you went wrong.

At the end of every day’s work, ask yourself: “Did I get this? Did I understand?”
If your answer is no, go back to the beginning and try again.



 ek
OF  my
 jy
 jou
 sy
 haar
 hy
 hom
 ons
 julle
(unspecified)  u

 Iets
 niks
 almal BETREKLIKE (relative)
 elkeen  wie
 iemand  wat
 waaraan
 waarvan
 waarvoor

BESITLIKE (Possessive)
VRAENDE (question
 myne words)
 my
 jou  wie
 joune  wat
 sy  waar
 syne  hoe
 haar  hoekom
 hare  waarom
 ons s’n
 hulle s’n
 julle s’n
 u

PERSONAL PRONOUNS (Persoonlike voornaamwoorde)
I - ek me, my - my Mine - myne
he - hy him/ his - hom/ sy His - syne
she - sy her - haar Hers - hare
you (s) - jy your, you - jou Your - joune

we - ons our, us - ons Ours - ons s’n

they - hulle their - hulle Theirs - hulle s’n
you (pl) - julle your, you (pl) - julle Yours - julle s’n

you - u your/ you - u Yours - u s’n

it - dit it - dit

Ek het ‘n huis. Dit is my huis. Die huis is myne. Ek het vir my gekoop.
Hy het ‘n huis. Dit is sy huis. Die huis is syne. Hy het dit vir hom gekoop.
Sy het ‘n huis. Dit is haar huis. Die huis is hare. Sy het dit vir haar gekoop.
Jy het ‘n huis. Dit is jou huis. Die huis is joune. Jy het dit vir jou gekoop.

Ons het ‘n huis. Dit is ons huis. Die huis is ons s’n. Ons het dit vir ons gekoop.
Hulle het ‘n huis Dit is hulle huis. Die huis is hulle s’n. Hulle het dit vir hulle gekoop
Julle het ‘n huis Dit is julle huis. Die huis is julle s’n. Julle het dit vir julle gekoop.
U het ‘n huis. Dit is u huis. Die huis is u s’n. U het dit vir u gekoop.

*u is used when you address someone highly respectfully or



1. Replace a noun with a pronoun. (Vervang die selfstandige naamwoord met ʼn

2. Choose the correct voornaamwoord. (Kies die korrekte voornaamwoord)
3. Ask yourself what it would’ve been in English and translate (above table).
4. Ask yourself whether the sentence is Direct or Indirect speech.
5. TIP: After ‘n mens we say jy or jou
‘n Mens moet jou huiswerk doen.
‘n Mens moet seker maak dat jy jou huiswerk doen.


 WAT is used for mense, diere, dinge if there is no preposition directly before
the betreklike voornaamwoord.
o Die meisie (wie/wat) so mooi sing. = Die meisie wat mooi sing.

 WIE is used for mense if there is a voorsetsel before the betreklike

o Die meisie op (wie/wat) hy verlief is. = Die meisie op wie hy verlief is.

 WAARMEE, WAARVAN, WAAROP, WAARVOOR is used for diere, dinge

with voorsetsels. Take this voorsetsel and attach it to -waar.
o op wat = waarop
o met wat = waarmee
o van wat = waarvan
o voor wat = waarvoor

Probeer dit nou self!!

Voltooi die volgende aktiwiteit in jou werkboek. Skryf vandag se datum en die
opskrif “Voornaamwoorde” in die TAAL afdeling van jou boek.
1. Lees die onderstaande sinne en kies die korrekte voornaamwoord tussen
a) Kan ek met (jou/jy) dans?
b) Hy gee vir (haar/ sy) ʼn roos.
c) Ek wil met (hy/ hom) praat.
d) Die boek is (hom sʼn/ syne).

2. Gee die korrekte vorm van die voornaamwoord tussen hakies.

a) Het jy die Afrikaanse taak op (jy) rekenaar?
b) Weet jy of hierdie hemp (hy) is?
c) Hierdie skool is (ons).

3. Kies die korrekte betreklike voornaamwoord tussen hakies.

a) Die meisie (met wie/ waarmee) ek praat, is in my klas.
b) Die dans (na wie/ waarna) ons gaan, is in die skoolsaal.
c) Die klavier (waarop/ op wat) ek speel, is fals.
d) Die danser (waarvoor/ vir wie) ons hande klap, is baie goed.

1. a) jou
b) haar
c) hom
d) syne
2. a) jou
b) syne
c) ons sʼn
3. a) waarmee
b) waarna
c) waarop
d) waarvoor

BL 84
Lees die inligtingstuk op Bl 84 in jou handboek.
You have to read the text and chose the correct answer.
Moeilike woorde:

Wetgewing -law Veiligheidsgordel - Bestuurder -driver Manslag -

safety belt manslaughter
Skuldig -guilty Ongeluk- accident Vasgegordel- Ernstige beserings-
strapped in serious injuries
Passasiers + Voorkom -prevent Ontwerp-design Botsing -crash

Waaroor gaan die teks:

By law you must wear your safety belt. The driver can be found guilty for
manslaughter if the passengers did not wear their belts. Serious injuries could be
prevented by wearing your safety belt. A safety belt is designed to keep you safe
during accidents. Why play with your life if you can buckle up and reduce serious
injuries while in an accident or crash?

1 Wat
2 Hom
3 Sy
4 Wat
5 Wat
6 Jou
7 ‘n mens
8 Jou
9 Jou
10 jou


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