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Historical Antecedents in the Course of Science and Technology

Ancient Times
1. Transportation and Navigation
• To go places and discover new horizons
• To search for food
• To find better locations for their settlements
• Trading purposes

2. Communication and record-keeping

• To facilitate trade
• To prevent conflicts when they visit new places
• Record-keeping enables them to remember the places they had been to and document the trades they
made with each other
• Record-keeping is also vital to enables their identities as they tried to relate with other cultures a

3. Mass production
• To increase food supplies and other survival needs

4. Security and protection

• Weapons and armors important in the discovery of new places and establishment of new alliances
• To control vital resources
• Stronger nations tend to invade weaker ones

5. Health
• Discovery of cures or prevention of illnesses and diseases both natural and man-made
• Discovery of things that would add some features and decorations in their body

6. Infrastructure and Architecture

Development in the field of Engineering
1. Better transportation
2. Protection from human attacks and natural disasters
3. Construction of bigger and stronger infrastructures

Introduction of Architecture
1. Status symbol of technological advancement
2. Identity of a nation

Sumeria- located on the southernmost tip of ancient Mesopotamia

- With high degree of cooperation with one another
- With desire for great things which pushed them to develop many things connected with science and

Cuneiform- First writing system

- It is system that utilizes word pictures and triangular symbols which are carved on clay using wedge
instruments and left to dry
- It allowed Sumerians to keep records of things

Uruk City- Built during the reign of King Gilgamesh- 4,500 years ago
- First true city
- Was built using only mud and clay from the river mixed with reeds- sun bakes bricks
- They also used bricks to make houses and walls around the city
The Great Ziggurat of UR- Called as the “Mountain of God”
- Built in the same manner as the City of Uruk
- Built also using sun- baked bricks
- It served as the sacred place of their chief god, where their priest is allowed to enter
- The temple showcased the intricate Sumerian architecture and remarkable technology
used to build it
Irrigation and Dikes- Created to address the need to mass produce food due to increasing demands
- To bring water to farmlands
- To control the flooding or rivers
- Considered as one of the world’s most beneficial engineering works
- Sumerians enjoy year-long farming and harvesting
Sailboats- Boats are the first mode of transportation through rivers
- Used to carry large quantities of products
- Their desire to discover faraway land led them to invent the sailboats
- Sailboats were essential in transportation, trading and in fostering culture, information, and technology
Wheel- First wheel were made up of stone
- they were not made for transportation but for farm work and food processing
The Plow- It was invented to dig the earth in a faster place
- Using this tool, farmers were able to cultivate larger parcel of land faster

Babylonia- emerged near the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers

- Babylonians were great builders, engineers and architects
Hanging Gardens of Babylon- From historians and paintings
- Said to be a structure made up of layers upon layers of gardens that contained
several species of plants, trees, and vines.
- Legends say that the great Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar II built the gardens for
his wife, Queen Amytis
- exact location is unknown; some believe it is mythical
- True or not, it may be the considered as one of the greatest engineering and
architectural achievements of the world that is almost impossible to replicate


Egypt- Located in North Africa

- Well known for infrastructures established by pharaohs
- Pyramids
- Egyptians have also contributed other practical things that the world now considers essential
Paper of Papyrus- Paper was an important contribution by Egyptians because it made the transport of writing
- Made from “papyrus” a plant that grew abundantly on Nile River
- Egyptians were able to process the plant in order to produce thin sheets to write on
- It was a major accomplishment in record-keeping and communication
Ink- The invention of papyrus led to the invention of the ink
- It was made by combining soot with different chemicals to produce ink of different colors
- Inks must withstand the elements of nature, since it was used to record history, culture, and codified laws
Hieroglyphics- A system of writing using symbols
- Egyptians believed that this writing system was provided to them by their gods
- Can still be seen today carved at the walls of pyramids and other important Egyptian structures
Cosmetics- The purpose of cosmetics was for both health and aesthetic reasons
- Kohl, a mixture of soot or malachite with galena, were used around the eyes to prevent an even cure
eye disease
- Egyptians also believe that a person wearing make-up was protected from evil and beauty was a sign of
Wig- They wear wigs for health and wellness
- Are used to protect shaved heads of the wealthy Egyptians from the harmful rays of the sun
- Are better than putting a scarf because it allows heat to escape
Water Clock/Clepsydra- It utilizes gravity that affects the flow of water from one vessel to the other.
- It was widely used as a timekeeping device during the ancient times

Greece- An archipelago in the southern part of Europe

- The birthplace of western philosophy and mathematics
Alarm Clock- Used for the purpose of telling an individual when to stop and start
- Used a large complicated mechanism to time the alarm
- It made use of water that dropped into drums which in turn, sounded the alarm
Water Mill- Used in agricultural process like milling of grains which resulted in the mass production of rice, cereals
and flours
- It requires to rivers or flowing water where a mechanism of a large wheel with small “buckets” of
water attached to it could be installed


Rome- The strongest political and social entity in the west

- Considered to be the cradle of politics and governance during that period
Roman Architecture- was considers a continuation of Greek architecture, hence, the resemblance
- was regarded as the pioneer because they were able to adapt new building and engineering
- Sturdier and stronger infrastructures
- Well supported and funded by the Roman government so a lot of projects were done:
cathedrals, basilicas, coliseums, amphitheaters
Roman Numerals- A number system specifically devised to address the need fo a standard counting method that
would meet the increasing communication and trade concerns
- Are still being used today
Newspaper- The first newspaper was engraved in metal or stone called gazettes, it contained announcements of
Roman Empire to the people
- When paper was invented, publishing matters that needed the attention of Roman citizen became
Bound Books or Codex- When record-keeping becomes easier since paper did not easily break, was lightweight,
and did not occupy much space, civilizations become fond of record-keeping especially documenting historical
events and newly legislated laws
- Julius Caesar- started the tradition of stacking up papyrus to form pages of a book

China- Also known as the middle kingdom

- Located on the far east of Asia
- Considered as the oldest civilization in Asia
- Not much was written about China because of its distance from other civilizations
Silk- Naturally produced by silkworms but Chinese were the ones who develop the technology to harvest silk and
process it to produce paper and clothing
- It opened China to the outside world making way for cultural, economic, and scientific changes
Tea Production- Tea is a beverage produced by pouring hot or boiling water over crushed or shredded dried tea
- Tea production was developed when a Chinese inventor created a machine that would shred tea
leaves into strips
- China thus became known for its tea production, making it one of the most popular beverages
Great Wall of China- The only man- made structure that could be seen in outer space
- The largest and most infrastructure
- Made with stone, brick, wood, etc., it was constructed to keep out foreign invaders and
control the borders of China
- The wall’s construction put the nation among the powerful civilizations during the ancient
Middle Ages- Trends
1. Massive invasions and migrations- wars are prevalent
2. Technology used in the field of:
• Weaponry
• Navigation
• Mass food and farm production
• Health
3. Trade and commerce increased thus, greater demands for transportation technology

Printing Press- Invented by Johann Gutenberg

- A more reliable way of printing using a cast type
- It was invented to address the need for publishing books that would spread information
Microscope- First compound microscope was invented by Zaccharias Janssen
- It enabled people to observe organism that were normally unseen by the naked eye
- By studying microorganisms that cause diseases, scientists were able to discover new means in
preventing and curing various illnesses
Telescope- Middle Ages- “Age of Explorations”
- Invented by Galileo Galilei
- An optical instrument that helps in the observation of remote objects; a great help for navigators
- Compass and rudders were also invented together with the telescope
War Weapons
• Cross bows and long bows- used to attack enemies at long range
• Iron Body Armors- for protection of soldiers

Modern Times- Trends

1. More goods to produce at a faster rate
2. Efficient means of transportation for trade and to search for places
3. Upgrade animal- operated machines
4. Faster means of communication to establish connections among nations
5. Food processing
6. Medicine

Pasteurization- A process of food preservation for dairy products (milk)

- Invented by Louis Pasteur
- It is the process of heating dairy products to kill the harmful/ spoilage bacteria
- Prolonged shelf-life and prevented illnesses
Other Contributions of Pasteur
A. FERMENTATION- The process of converting sugar rich substances into alcohol as lactic acid thru the action
of microorganisms
B. VACCINATION- Use live microorganisms to induce the body to produce antibodies that will prevent them
from developing diseases
- First vaccine used commercially is for rabies

Petroleum Refinery- Initiated by the invention of kerosene by Samuel Kier

- Kerosene was referred to as illuminating oil- used to provide lighting to homes then later on
used for heating purposes
- A present, petroleum is widely used in powering automobiles, factories, and power plants
Telephone- Invented by Alexander Graham Bell
- To maintain connections and communicate with other nations for trade and exploration
Calculator- To provide a faster way to compute more complicated equations
- Led the way for the development of more complex processing machines

Development of Science in Mesoamerica

Mesoamerica- includes the entire central area of Central America from Southern Mexico to the border of South
MAYA Civilization- one of the famous civilizations which lasted for 2000 years
- Known for their works in Astronomy which they incorporated into their temples and other
religious structures
- They use their temples for astronomical observations
Calendar- Known for measuring time using two complicated calendar system
- Were useful in their religious rituals and cultural celebrations
Cloth Weaving- Develop various fools and adapt themselves to innovations especially in the field of arts
- Build looms for weaving cloth
- Devised a rainbow of glittery paints made from mineral, mica
Mayan Hieroglyphics- Mayans are one of the world’s first civilizations to use a writing system
Mayan Number System- A number system based on the numeral 20
- They independently develop the concept of zero and positional value

INCA Civilization- Flourished in ancient Peru between c. 1400 and 1533 CE.
- The largest empire in America and in the world during their time
- Incas made advanced scientific ideas considering their limitation as an old civilization
Stone Building- Strong stone buildings that surmounted earthquakes and disasters
Irrigation System- Storing water for their crops to grow in all types of land
Calendar with 12 months- Used to mark their religious festivals and prepare them for planting season
Quipu- A system of knotted ropes to keep records that only experts can interpret
AZTEC Civilization- Flourished in central Mexico in the post classic period from 1300 to 1521
- American Indians who are best known as the builders of an empire
- They were a civilization with a rich mythology and cultural heritage
Mandatory education- Children are mandated to get education regardless of their social class gender or age
Chocolates- Aztec valued Cacao beans highly and made it as part of their tribute to their Gods
Antispasmodic medication- Used to prevent muscles spasms and relax muscles during surgery
Chinampa- A form of Aztec technology for agricultural farming in which the land was divided into rectangular areas
surrounded by canals
Aztec Calendar- Used to plan their activities, rituals and planting season
Canoe- A light narrow boat used for travelling in water systems

Development of Science in Asia

Asia is the biggest continent in the world and the home of many civilizations. These civilizations were
incomparable in terms of their contributions to the development during their time

Indian Civilization- known by many names:

- Ancient India
- Indus Valley and Harappan Civilization
- It flourished around 2,500 BC, in the Western part of South Asia, what today is Pakistan and
Western India

Metallurgy- India is known for manufacturing iron in metallurgical works. Their iron steel is considered to be the
best and held with high regard in the whole Roman Empire
Ayurvedan Medicine- Ayurveda- a system of traditional medicine that originated in ancient India before 2,500 BC:
still being practiced as a form at alternative medicine
- Susruta Samhita, an ancient text that describes different surgical and other medical
Astronomy- They developed theories on the:
A. Configuration of the universe
B. Spherical self-supporting Earth
C. A year with 360 days
D. Month: 12 parts of 30 days each
- Ancient times with 12 chapters which covered topics such as:
• Mean longitudes of planets
• Diurnal rotation
• Lunar eclipse
• Solar eclipse
• Latitudes of the planets
• Paths of stars and moon
Mathematics- Ancient ruler, Mohenjodaro ruler
- Evidence that ancient India tried to standardize measurement of length
- Aryabhatha text written by mathematician Aryabatha. It introduced a number of trigonometric
functions, tables and techniques as well as algorithms of algebra
Hindu- Arabic Numerals- Introduced by Bramagupta
- He also explained the use of zero as both placeholder and a decimal digit

China Civilization
- One of the ancient civilizations with substantial contribution in many areas' life like medicine, astronomy,
science, mathematics, arts, philosophy and music
- It has greatly influenced many of its neighbor countries like Korea, Japan, Philippines, Vietnam etc.
Acupuncture- A method of relieving pain or curing illness by placing needles into person's skin at particular paints
in the body

1. Supernovas
2. Solar Eclipse
3. Lunar Eclipse
4. Comets
5. Weather Changes and seasons
Middle East Civilization
• Middle east countries are dominantly occupied Muslims
• Golden Age of Islam from 7-8th century to 13th century
• Muslim scientists placed greater value on science experiments rather the thought experiments
• Use of scientific method in the Muslim world

Ibn al Haytham- Father of Optics

- Empirical proof of intromission theory of light
Muhammad Ibn Musa al- Khwarizmi
1. Concept of algorithm
2. Algebra
3. Refinements of Hindu Arabic Numerals
4. Introduction of Decimals point notation
Jabir Ibm Hayyan- consider by most scholars to be the
- Father of Chemistry
Ibn Sana
1. First physician to conduct clinical trials
2. Two books in medicine:
❑ The Book of Healing
❑ The Canon of Medicine
3. Discovery of contagious nature of infectious disease
4. Introduction of clinical pharmacology

Development of Science in Africa

Africa- is blessed with natural and mineral resources. Science also emerged in this part of the planet long before
the Europeans colorized it
Geometry- Used to preserve the layout of ownership of farmlands
Medicine- Therapeutic massage
- circumcision

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