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Science, Technology, and Society SUMERIAN CIVILIZATION

Mette Aleissa M. Quisido DMED 1-2

- Located on the southernmost tip of ancient
Lesson 1 Mesopotamia.
- Known for their high degree of cooperation
ANCIENT TIMES with one another and their desire for great
Concerns: Transportation, Communication, - Not contented with the basic things that life
Mass Production, Weapons and Armors, can offer, which led them to develop many
Engineering and Architecture. things connected with science and technology.

Transportation Cuneiform
- the movement of goods and people from - The first writing system known as
one place to another. cuneiform.
- evolution: From simple boats, walking, - Utilizes word pictures and triangular
riding animals, to wheeled vehicles. symbols that are curved on clay wedge
instruments and then left to dry.
Communication methods
- Cave Paintings, Symbols, Smoke Uruk City
signals, Carrier pigeons. - The City of Uruk is considered the first
true city in the world.
Mass production - Construction was a challenge due to a
- Began for food security and warfare lack of materials.
needs. - The city was built using only mud or
clay from the river, mixed with reeds,
Weapons and Armors producing sunbaked bricks - an
- The careful selection of weapons at engineering feat.
times proved to be the crucial difference
between winning a battle or being The Great Ziggurat of Ur
slaughtered on the field. - An engineering and architectural feat of
the Sumerians.
- The Great Ziggurat of Ur, also known as
ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE the mountain of god, was constructed
using sunbaked bricks.
- commenced between 4000 and 2000 BC - It served as the sacred place of their
in Egypt when transportation gained chief god, accessible only to priests.
such importance that it led to the - The preserved Great Ziggurat of Ur
development of the wheel. continues to marvel people today.
- Structures that were built during :
Sphinx, Ziggurat of Ur, City of Uruk,
Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
Irrigation and Dikes : Farmers in Sumer - The code was carved onto a massive,
created levees to hold back floods and cut canals finger-shaped black stone stele (pillar) that was
to channel river water. rediscovered in 1901.
Sailboats: Main mode of transportation was
through waterways. Boats were used to carry EGYPTIAN CIVILIZATION
large quantities of products and were able to
cover large distances. Paper of Papyrus
Wheel : The first wheels were invented for farm - Egypt was not the first to develop a
work and food processes. Farmers were able to system of writing, they made writing
mill grains with less effort in less time easier.
Plow : Invented to dig the earth at a faster pace. - Before the Egyptian innovation, clay
Roads : Made with the same technology they tablets were used. However,
used in making sunbaked bricks. The flow of safe-keeping and transporting them were
traffic becomes faster and more organized. a major problem. Clay tablets were very
fragile, heavy, and delicate to handle.
BABYLONIAN CIVILIZATION So, bringing them to places was a major
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
- The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are a Ink : Combined soot with different chemicals to
marvel known only from stories of produce inks of different colors.
historians and paintings.
- It was described as a structure with Hieroglyphics: Symbols, known as
layers of gardens containing various hieroglyphics, tell the modern world of the
plant species, trees, and vines. history and culture of the ancient Egyptians.
- Believed to have been built by King
Nebuchadnezzar II for his wife, Queen Cosmetics and Wig: The wigs were used to
Amytis. protect the shaved heads of the wealthy
- No physical evidence has been found to Egyptians from the harmful rays of the sun.
prove their existence, and their exact Used for health and aesthetic reasons."
location remains unknown.
- Babylonians used contracts for commercial
transactions. Alarm Clock: Although the alarm clock during
- They developed two significant literary pieces. that time did not resemble the present-day alarm
- They established the Code of Hammurabi, clock, the purpose was just the same- to tell an
which became the foundation for many modern individual when to stop or when to start. Used
laws. large complicated mechanisms to time the alarm.

Code of Hammurabi Water Mill: One of the most important

- Hammurabi's Code of Laws consisted of contributions of the Greek civilization to the
282 rules that established standards for world. Commonly used in agricultural processes
commercial interactions. like milling of grains.
- It sets fines and punishments to meet the
requirements of justice.
ROMAN CIVILIZATION - There were advances in math,
- was perceived to be the strongest astronomy, art and military technology.
political and social entity in the west. It They used a highly developed calendar
was considered to be the cradle of system and an early form of modern
politics and governance during that Chinese language.
Zhou Dynasty
Newspaper : Gazettes (the first newspapers) - Longest dynasty... culture flourished and
contained announcements of the Roman Empire civilization spread.
to the people. Made before the invention of - Writing was codified, coinage was
paper, these gazettes were engraved in metal or developed and chopsticks came into use.
stone tablets and then publicly displayed. - The Zhous also developed the Mandate
Aqueduct : A watercourse constructed to carry of Heaven – a concept that was used to
water from a source to a distribution point far justify the rule of kings, who had been
away. In modern engineering, the term aqueduct blessed by the gods.
is used for any system of pipes, ditches, canals,
tunnels, and other structures used for this Qin Dynasty
purpose. - marked the beginning of the Chinese
Roman Numerals : Numbers in the system are Empire.
represented by combinations of letters from the - Unified state walls into a single Great
Latin alphabet. Wall.
- the period saw ambitious public works
projects including the unification of
CHINESE CIVILIZATION state walls into a single Great Wall. It
saw the development of a standardised
- considered to be the oldest civilization form of currency, a uniform system of
in Asia, if not the world. Also known as writing and a legal code. He was also
the “Middle Kingdom” It is famous responsible for building a city- sized
among other ancient civilizations mausoleum for himself, guarded by the
because of its silk trade life-sized Terracotta Army of more than
8,000 life-sized soldiers, 130 chariots
Xia Dynasty with 520 horses and 150 cavalry horses.
- First Chinese dynasty... known for
developing a flood control technique. Han Dynasty
- known for developing a flood control
technique that stopped the Great Flood - Known as a golden age in Chinese
that ravaged farmer’s crops for history.
generations. - China’s territory was extended to most
of China proper. The Silk Road was
Shang Dynasty opened up to connect to the west,
- Earliest recorded Chinese dynasty... bringing in trade, foreign cultures and
advances in maths, astronomy, art, and the introduction of Buddhism.
military technology. - The name ‘Han’ was taken as the name
of the Chinese people.
Silk Trade : Famous among other ancient Inspirational Quote
civilizations because of its silk trade. One of the - The history of our civilization, the great
things that connected Far East China to the advances that made it possible, is not a
world is silk. Although silk is naturally produced story of cynics or doom criers. It is a
by silk worms, the Chinese were the ones who gallant chronicle of the optimists, the
developed the technology to harvest silk and determined people, men and women,
process it to produce paper and clothing. who dreamed great dreams and dared to
try whatever it took to make them come
Tea Production : Machine that was able to shed true.” - Reagan
tea leaves into strip. was developed when an
unknown Chinese inventor created a machine
that was able to shed tea leaves into strip. This
machine was done using wheel-based
mechanism with sharp edges attached to a
wooden ceramic pot.

Great Wall of China : One of the most

notorious structures in the entire world. The
Jinshanling section in Hebei Province, China,
pictured here, is only a small part of the wall that
stretches over 4,000 kilometers (2,500 miles).

Stretches over 4,000 kilometers. Chinese leaders

instituted wall- building projects to protect the
land from northern, nomadic invaders.

One surviving section of such an ancient wall,

in the Shandong province, is made of
hard-packed soil called “rammed earth” and is
estimated to be 2,500 years old.

Gunpowder : Mixture of 75 parts saltpeter with

15 parts charcoal and 10 parts sulfur.

According to a text from that era, "smoke and

flames result, so that [the alchemists'] hands and
faces have been burnt, and even the whole house
where they were working burned down.
Lesson 1.2 4. War Weapons
Technological Development:Advanced
MEDIEVAL/MIDDLE AGES weaponry for both offense and defense.
Examples:Crossbows and longbows for
Challenges: long-range attacks.
- Massive invasions and migrations. Tactical Use:Used in open-area battles and
- Prevalence of wars. fortified structures.
- Need for advanced technology in
weaponry, navigation, food production, 5. Leonardo da Vinci
and health. Contributions: Pioneer in arts, engineering,
architecture, and science.
Population Dynamics: Importance of Experimentation: Emphasized the
- Initial population decline due to wars. importance of experimentation.
- Later significant population rise. Notebooks: Contained observations on various
subjects and inventions.
Trade and Commerce:
- Increased trade among nations leading 6. Nicolaus Copernicus
to greater demand for transportation Rediscovery:Reaffirmed the heliocentric model
technology. of the solar system.
Key Insights:Sun at the center; Earth revolves
1. Printing Press around it.
Inventor: Johann Gutenberg. Geographic Discovery: Era marked the
Invention: Printing press using cast type. beginning of geographic exploration.
Process: Metal impressions of letters pressed
onto paper for reliable printing. 7. Prince Henry and Columbus
Evolution: Mechanical printing press used Prince Henry: Navigator from Portugal who
worldwide. explored South Africa.
Triangle Sail: Invention aiding navigation.
2. Microscope Columbus: Discovered America during the same
Purpose:To understand illnesses and develop period.
Inventor: Zacharias Janssen.
Invention: Compound microscope.
Capability: Magnification of invisible objects.

3. Telescope
Function: Optical instrument for observing
remote objects.
Advantages: Aided navigators in sea travel.
Contributions: Improved navigation with the
compass, oars, and rudders.
(Around 1600 A.D.)
Booming Population (19th Century Onwards):
- Increased demand for goods. 1. GALILEO
- Need for efficient transportation to trade - First to use modern scientific methods
goods over larger distances. (experimentation, testable
- Upgradation of machines from observations).
animal-operated to more advanced Innovations:
forms. - Improvement of the spyglass into a
Pasteurization - Discovery of craters and mountains on
- Inventor:Louis Pasteur, French biologist, the moon.
microbiologist, and chemist. - Invention of the microscope and
- Process: Heating dairy products to thermometer.
eliminate harmful bacteria. - magnification stepped up by eight and
- Benefits: Extended shelf life of milk. finally thirty times which is now known
Prevention of illnesses from bacteria. as the telescope.

Petroleum Refinery 2. ISAAC NEWTON

- Inventor: Samuel M. Kier. Contributions:
- Invention:Kerosene from refining - Defined laws of gravity and planetary
petroleum. motion.
- Uses: Initially for home lighting - Co-founded calculus.
("Illuminating oil"). Later for heating - Explained laws of light and color.
- Impact: Establishment of the petroleum 3. ALBERT EINSTEIN (20th Century)
refinery industry. Impact:
- Profound contributions to quantum theory,
Telephone nuclear power, and the atom bomb.
- Inventor: Alexander Graham Bell. - Famous equations used in calculus.
- Significance: Facilitated rapid
communication for important decisions.

- Evolution: From basic to modern
calculators for complex computations.
- Importance: Portable computing
devices.Precursor to the development of
Lesson 2 Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543):
- Polish Catholic Cleric and astronomer.
INTELLECTUAL REVOLUTION - Proposed the heliocentric model in "De
- The term "Intellectual Revolution" Revolutionibus Orbium Celestium.
refers to Greek speculation about Faced opposition from the Catholic
"nature" in the period before Socrates Church.
(approximately 600 to 400 BCE).
- Two key concepts emerged during this Copernican Model Explained:
period: the belief that the world is a - Key features of the heliocentric model:
natural whole, without supernatural Earth's daily rotation, inferior planets
forces causing events, and the (Mercury and Venus), Earth's orbital
recognition of a natural 'order' motion causing Sun's annual motion,
governed by 'laws of nature'. and retrograde motion explanation.

1. Copernican Revolution: 2. Darwinian Revolution:

- Paradigm shift in understanding - A significant intellectual
the position of Earth and the revolution, challenging
Sun in the universe. traditional beliefs about the
- Rejected Ptolemy's geocentric origin of species.
model in favor of the - Charles Darwin's book "The
heliocentric model proposed by Origin of Species" emphasized
Copernicus. evolution as the process behind
- The invention of the telescope human existence.
contributed to exploring outer - Evolution is defined as change
space. over time; a scientific theory.

Claudius Ptolemy (100 CE - 170 CE): Charles Darwin (1809-1882):

- Egyptian astronomer, mathematician, - English naturalist and the founder of the
and geographer. theory of evolution by natural selection.
- Known for the geocentric model of the - Conducted research during his voyage
universe, known as the Ptolemaic on the HMS Beagle and published
system. theories on evolution.
- Darwin's Studies:
: Influence of Charles Lyell's Principles
of Geology on Darwin's ideas.
: Observations on the Galapagos Islands,
including the study of finches.
: Described descent with modification
and the concept of common ancestry.
3. Freudian Revolution: Components of Human Mind
- Transformation of psychology - Freud's three aspects of the human
from an art to a science. mind: id (unconscious), ego (conscious),
- Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis and superego (unconscious).
theory revolutionized the field.\ - Conflict between id and superego
- Introduced the "Freudian influences behavior.
Theory of Personality" and the - Psychoanalysis as a method to explore
concept of psychoanalysis. unconscious thoughts and conflicts.

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939):

- Austrian doctor and father of
- Believed mental illness resulted from
nurture rather than nature.
- Explored human motivation and
introduced the concept of drives or

Freud-believed that mental illness is the result of

nurture, not nature. He asked the question:
“What makes people do things?” Answer:
MOTIVATION Needs motivate human behavior
(food, shelter, clothing)

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

- A theory explaining human motivation
based on fulfilling needs in a
hierarchical order.
- Five levels of needs, with
self-actualization as the ultimate goal.
Lesson 3 - Some women added a piece of red or white
cloth called "tapis" to their skirt.
- Literacy was prevalent among both genders. **Ornamentation and Tattoos:**
- Writing materials included sharp-pointed tools, - Both men and women used ornaments like
leaves, bamboo, and trunk's skin. "kalumbiga," pendants, bracelets, and leglets,
- Writing direction was from top to bottom, read primarily made of gold.
from left to right. - Some individuals had gold fillings between
- The script, Alibata, was distinct from China, their teeth.
Japan, and India. - Tattoos were fashionable among precolonial
- Account by Fr. Pedro Chirino, a Spanish Filipinos and often reflected a person's war
missionary. record.
- The term "Islas del Pintados" was coined by
**Pre-Colonial Life:** the Spaniards to refer to the Visayans.
- Key skills and activities included shipbuilding,
martial arts, weaponry, weaving, and
- Houses like the "bahay kubo" were raised on
stilts and accessible through ladders.
- Some groups lived in treetop houses (e.g.,
Kalingas, Mandayas, Bagobos), while others
used boats (e.g., Badjaos).
- The Banaue Rice Terraces were created over
2,000 years ago by the Igorot people in the

**Pre-Colonial Clothing:**
- Visayan men wore Moorish-style robes
reaching their feet, embroidered with vibrant
- Men used "putong" (narrow cloth strips) to
bind their temples and foreheads.
- Gold jewelry and accessories were popular for

**Mode of Dressing:**
- Men's attire consisted of "kanggan" (sleeveless
jacket) and "bahag" (loincloth), with the color of
"kanggan" signifying rank.
- Men also wore a turban called "pouchennej,"
indicating social status or achievements.
- Women wore "baro" or "camisa" (jacket with
sleeves) and "saya" or "patadyong" (long skirt). Lesson 4
**Reviewer: A Brief Overview of Science and - Internationally recognized in electrical
Technology in the Philippines** engineering.

*Historical Background of Science and 3. **Lourdes Jansuy Cruz**

Technology* - Renowned for her research on sea snail
- Technology has played a crucial role in the venom.
Philippines throughout history.
- Key applications include building houses, 4. **Fabian Millar Dayrit**
irrigation, developing tools, and even crafting - Acknowledged for research in herbal
musical instruments. medicine.
- The Metal Age had a significant impact, with
the use of gold and silver jewelry and trade with 5. **Rafael Dineros Guerrero III**
other countries. - Known for his research on tilapia culture.

*Spanish Colonial Influence* 6. **Enrique Mapua Ostrea Jr.**

- The Spanish colonization brought cultural - Inventor of meconium drugs testing.
influences and practices to the Philippines.
- The establishment of schools and the 7. **Lilian Formalejo Patena**
introduction of formal subjects marked the - Contributed to research in plant
beginning of formal science and technology biotechnology.
- The Galleon trade further advanced technology 8. **Mari-Jo Panganiban Ruiz**
and development in the country. - An outstanding educator and graph theorist.

*Government Policies on Science and 9. **Gregory Ligot Tangonan**

Technology* - Conducted research in communications
- The Philippines has implemented various technology.
programs and policies to boost science and
technology. 10. **Other Renowned Scientists**
- Goals include preparing the country for a - Notable figures include Caesar A. Saloma
technologically driven world and fostering a (physicist), Edgardo Gomez (marine scientist),
society driven by science. William Padolina (chemist and president of
- Clustered policies encompass social sciences, NAST - Philippines), and Angel Alcala (marine
humanities, education, international policies, science expert).
governance, physics, engineering, industrial
research, medical and pharmaceutical sciences, This review provides an overview of the
and biological sciences, agriculture, and forestry. historical background, government policies, and
notable Filipino scientists in the field of science
*Notable Filipino Scientists* and technology in the Philippines, highlighting
1. **Josefino Cacas Comiso** key developments and contributions to the field.
- Known for observing Antarctica
characteristics using satellite images.

2. **Jose Bejar Cruz**

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