II. Ancient Times - Compressed
II. Ancient Times - Compressed
II. Ancient Times - Compressed
(3500 B.C.- 1200 IN THE
First civ ili z at io n s
emerged in d e p e n de n t
of one a n o th e r a lo n g
fertile ri v er v a l le y s in
Mesopoto m ia (T ig ri s-
Egyp t(N ile ), Ch in a
(Huan g H o V a lle y)
and India.
located in Sumer, the southernmost region of
ancient Mesopotamia (Iraq and Kuwait now).
the earliest known civilization and was the
first established in the region in about 3600 BC.
“first cities”
Science and
of Sumerians
the first writing system
a set of word pictures depicted in symbols of
triangular marks around 3100 BC.
Pictograms or drawings symbolizing actual
things were the basis for Cuneiform writing
Contains the Sumerian historical information
and culture
It began as record keeping for trade and evolved
into the use of symbols for writing down laws
and stories.
The concept of Wheel
Sumerians come up with the concept of
wheels that will carry their wagons after
they invented the potter’s wheel shortly
after 3500 BC. This was a heavy flat disk
made up of hardened clay. The Sumerians
simply turn this clay-splattered wheel on
its end and hook it to a wagon to make a
wheel as a means of practical method for
moving heavy objects from one place to
This is also invented by Ancient
Mesopotamia. Sumerians used this for water
transportation and trade in the two famous
rivers, namely the Euphrates and Tigris.
Sumerians were among the first astronomers, mapping the
movement of stars, planet and moon into sets of
constellations, many of which survived in zodiac and were
also recognized by ancient Greeks. They were also recognized
for building the foundations of logic, mathematics,
engineering, architecture, agriculture, transportation and
Sumerians also developed systematized technique of
farming such as seed plow and irrigation. They also used
wool from sheep into textiles, mastered the arts of
bleaching and dyeing.
They also used sexagesimal system of counting in units of
60 which served as the basis of 360 degree circle and the
60-minute hour.
It is located in Babylonia, the ancient region
bordering the Tigris and Euphrates river. It is the
capital, and served as commercial and religious
center in the Tigris and Euphrates valley.
Science and
Development of
Science and Technology Development
of Babylonians
Code of Hammurabi
“An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”, this
is the famous code enacted by Hammurabi,
the first leader of old Babylonian Empire.
This served as rule and standards which
helped maintain a period of stability in this
region, as well as the establishment of
science and technology.
Hanging Gardens
Hanging Gardens of Babylons is Described
as a remarkable feat of engineering with an
ascending series of tiered gardens
containing a wide variety of trees, shrubs,
and vines, resembling a large green
mountain constructed of mud bricks, and
said to have been built in the ancient city of
Babylon. The construction of this and the
Isthar Gate was ordered by King
Nebuchadnezzar II. This place is now
considered as one of the seven wonders of
the world.
Babylonians contributed to the development of science and
technology such as: irrigation system of canals flanked by
earthen dikes; system of book keeping, double entry
accounting, multiplication and division tables and
calculations using geometry.
They also adopted the Sumerian’s sexagesimal system that
made accurate predictions of solar and lunar eclipses and
other astronomical phenomena.
It is located in the northeastern part of the
African continent, Egypt is located along the
Nile River which provided a fertile delta The
success of ancient Egyptian civilization came
partly from its ability to adapt to the
conditions of the Nile river valley for
Science and
of Egyptians
Ancient Egypt depended on the
waters of the Nile River, which
flows through harsh and arid
desert. The Nile River gave life to
the civilization of Egypt. The early
settlers were nomadic animal
hunters and later change their
lifestyle as farmland settlers. Their
agriculture was supported mainly
by extensive irrigation system from
the Nile River.
They learned how to heat metal
ore such as copper, gold and
bronze to make weapons and
utensils. Egyptians may have
been the first people to learn
how to make glass. They learned
how to heat sand in a very hot
furnace and then blow the
molten sand into glass products
such as jars and beads.
Egyptian writing was in
the form of pictorial
symbols known as
hieroglyphics. It is being
written in a paper made
of papyrus reeds
with ink and brushes.
Their knowledge of
human anatomy,
physiology, surgery and
medical plants enabled
them to master the art
and science of
embalming their dead
through mummification.