MIS Final Exam 2016 E.C
MIS Final Exam 2016 E.C
MIS Final Exam 2016 E.C
Department of Management
Management Information System Final Exam For 3rd Year Regular Students
Name: _____________________ ID Number: _______________
Part-I: Write “True” if the statement is correct and Write “False” if the
statement is incorrect .2pt for each
________2. Knowledge is created as people determine new ways of doing things or develop
________3. Data is a very useful organizational resource, which needs to be managed like other
important business assets.
________4. most companies are building e-business and e-commerce Web sites to improve
business values.
1. Write at least three (3) benefits of computer integrated manufacturing systems for
business (3pt).
2. Assume you are knowledge worker at google company, how you can share knowledge in
google company with your co-workers (4pt)?