Physiology 2
Physiology 2
Physiology 2
of Pages : 2 01112B'
Section - B
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2) Do notwrite anything on the blank portion of the question paper.
lf wriften anything, such type of actwill be considercd as an attempt
to resort to unfair means.
3) All questions are compulsory.
4) The number to the right indicates full marks.
5) Draw diagrams wherever necessary.
6) Distibution of syllabus in Question Paper is only meant to cover
entire syllabus within the stipulated frame. The Question paper
pattem is a mere guideline. Quesfions can be asked from any
paper's syllabus into any question paper. Sfudenfs cannot claim
that the Quesfion is out of syllabus. As if is only for the placement
sake, the distribution has been done.
Use a common answer book for Section B.
N-28 P.T.O
011 12E
3. Shortanswerquestion(anyEightoutofnine):[8x5=401
in eye?
d) what is the mechanism and significance of dark adaptation
e) Draw and label organ of corti. Add a note on Place principle'
0 Describe in detail any two functions of
of muscles all over the
post morrr- . There is rigidity and stiffness
of this
B) What is the cause
body. A) What is this condition called as ?
Compare and contrast REM and non REM
with complaints of weakness,
D A 40 year old male came to medicine oPD
reveal' Serum
blood pressure is 90/60 mm Hg. Blood investigations
qt)What i s ikely di a gno s i s
Na: 1 3 0 mEq/L, S erum K4 .6 nFlq{-, pH--7'2
body ? c) what is the treatment of this
condition ? D) what will be the
complications if the condition is not treated
4. LongAnswerQuestions(AnyTWooutofThree):[2x|0-201
a note on
calcium level' Add
a) Describe hormonal regulation of blood
hypocalcemic tetanY'
pain sensation' Add a note on
b) Define pain. Describe the pathway for
the neural pathway and
c) Defrne accommodationto near vision. Describe
Add a note on presbyopia'
changes occurring during accommodation '