Windows Server Pre-Build & Post-Build Checklists
Windows Server Pre-Build & Post-Build Checklists
Windows Server Pre-Build & Post-Build Checklists
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Version Date Changes Author Initial Review Approved by
1.0 02/23/2020 Initial Karuna Shankar
documentation Wintel Engineering - LTI
Table of Contents
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Purpose/Background..................................................................................................... 4
Scope........................................................................................................................ 4
Pre-Build process for a Server Deployment (Physical & Virtual).................................................5
Post-Build process for a Server Deployment (Physical & Virtual)................................................6
Final Server Verification Checklist..................................................................................... 7
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a. Build a process to perform the tasks involved in pre-build & post-build server activity.
b. Following sections will be an overall process on how to manage the server build process.
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Pre-Build process for a Server Deployment (Physical & Virtual)
Before building a server, the following tasks must be completed. Gather the required information and
record it the table below.
Open a Normal Change Order for all the server build (Prod / Non-Prod).
o Choose the correct template (Server Commission / Server Decommission).
o This needs to be followed to ensure the post-build tasks for other team’s like
Backup, Security, Monitoring, QA & CMDB tasks are carried out.
(LAN & ILO).
If the server hardware type is physical, below tasks to be completed.
o Server will be racked in the cabinet with all the required network patch cables.
o ILO configuration.
o HBA connectivity if applicable
o Install the OS as per the design sheet.
If the server hardware type is virtual, below tasks to be completed.
o Ensure the enough space is available in the datastore.
Raise an IT connect with Infra_Storage_Admin_L2 for additional storage.
o Choose the correct server template.
o Install the OS as per the design sheet.
IT Connect request to be assigned with Net_Network_L2 for the IP provisioning
Sample ITConnect #
Serial Number/Rack
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Change Order
Assigned Engineer
Once the table above is complete, build the server according to the current build procedures for physical
and virtual servers.
Upon completion of the build processes, complete the post-build tasks depending on the type of server
(physical or virtual) and the operation system installed.
Install the HP Lights-Out Configuration Utility in the server and configure the IP
Address & credentials – Applicable only for the physical hardware
Register the ILO IP in HP One View for Hardware Monitoring - Applicable only for
the physical hardware
- License detail to be provided by the Eversource Domain Architect - Tom O’Keefe
- Assign an IT connect request with Monitoring Team to activate the license and
add the servers in monitoring.
Initial Scan of Vulnerability Scan Request will be assigned to the group
Sec_IT_Security_Eng_L2 via Lotus Notes IT request.
Remediate the Critical & High Vulnerability if any reported and raise an IT connect
request with Sec_IT_Security_Eng_L2 for rescanning.
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-Add any additional notes or details to the ticket and disposition as “Complete”
The final part of the procedure will not occur until the server is approved by change control. At
this point, all applications have been installed and tested and the users are completely done with the
server. The user will submit a change control request which must be approved at the weekly change
control meeting. Once the request is approved, the server will have a go-live date. The day before, the
server must be reviewed for production readiness.
Task Complete?
Re-scan of Vulnerability Scan request will be assigned to the group
Sec_IT_Security_Eng_L2 via IT connect > General Request and remediation of the
Critical & High vulnerabilities are mandatory.
Note – Ensure the server is moved to Prod OU within 2 weeks otherwise a new
scan request to be requested.
Verify the backup and monitoring is properly configured.
-Move the server object in Active Directory to the Prod OU under the
ServersApplications OU.
If the server object is in a sub-folder or OU, move it to the same location
under the Prod OU.
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