Dao 97 24
Dao 97 24
Dao 97 24
No. 97-24
July 30,1997
3.1.2 Generally, all documents classified as PC (for
General/Public Circulation) should be made available to the
public even without any formal or written request. A copy
of the documents classified as PC shall be turned over by
the originating office to either the Public Information
Division, Records Management and Documentation
Division, or the Library, for dissemination. Inquiries
through the telephone may be entertained only if the
information requested is classified as PC.
, 4
documents has been referred to, the label shall be replaced
This Order shall take effect fifteen (15) days after publication in
newspapers of general circulation.
vS J. .
: :cause administrative [
:embarassroent or injury : :
: :
:to an individual : [
: Jot
accessible to unautho:a) Reproduction or copy-:a) Direct contact
[Information, the unautho-:Department head ing is not allowed with- : • of orficers
:TOP SECRET/ .-The Secretary rized personnel and the
[SECRET DOCUMENTS':or his/her :rized disclosure of which:and his autho- public, except by order :out - permission of clear-
:would cause damage to the:rized officials.
:(TS/S) ■designate Of the DENR Secretary, or.ing ^ be ;rieBignated courier _
: nation, politically, :
: the President
: : edonomically, or from a t [under supervision of the :
: security aspect, or may’ : : designate of the clearing:
:cause serious injury to : . [officer :
-.the interest or prestige :
:of the nation :
Restricted Confidential : Top Sacrat/Secret :
eneral Public Circulation : Limited Circulation : i .
! : : : • :
:Laws, policies, regulations:Special orders and other ' :A11 inter-office comjnuni-:Preliminary or non-conclu- :Aerial photos/specific :
:administrative issuance on :office orders regulating. :cations, notes, memoranda:siva reports of studies/re- : location of old growth :
:EKR which affect the public:only DENR personnel and :prior to the knowledge :searches/investigations that:forests and other vital :
: :not the public. :of the,official to whom :may cause undue public alarm:natural resources. :
:Manuals, primers, SOPs for : :it is addressed. : :
.•various DEHR applications/ :Provisions of contract/ : :Information that may have :Very important political
:services. agreement entered into :A11 technical, investiga-:adverse impact on the :documents dealing with
: :by and between the Depart ;tivo, research, evalua- -.Department’s image/repufca- negotiations for major
:Plans/Programs/Projects/ :raent/Bureau and its client:tion reports prior to theition or that which may em- :alliances.and/or high
:performance targets and : :approval of the recom- :harass any DEHR official :level directives dealing
:accomplishments. :List and status of :mendation or formulation :or any individual who has a :with other important
: :various natural resources : of policy thereon by the:direct stake in the :negotiations with other
:DENR organizational struc- applications. :concerned official (e.g. :interests/operations of foe :countries,
:turas, mandate, functions, : iland classification geo- :Department :
directory of officials. :Status/Accomplishmants of :logic reports, task force: :Major governmental pro-
: :ongoing projects, re- :/gomraittaa reports, etc.) :5ub-judica matters, specifi-:jects such as drastic
:List, profile, abstract of :searchas, studies. :• :cally, the merits or deme proposals to adjust the
: ongoing •?nd completed pro- : :All financial documents rits of a case that has pro-:nation's economy (before
:jects, researches, studies,:Project terminal reports, :prior to the approval of :perly bean brought to the :official publication) or :
:and tachnical reports. :progress evaluation :the official concerned jjudicial process for :proposals for new schemes:
: :reports. : :resolution. :of government or other :
:Results of studies : :Detailed project propo- : :controls, for knowledge :
{approved for adoption by :FAFs project documents, :sals, Consultant's re- :Information contained in :of which would seriously :
:the Secretary. :loan agreements, finan- :port, Feasibility Study :personal, HKD, medical or :prejudice their operation:
: :cial disbursements/with- {reports :similar records, the dis- :
:A11 publications, e.g., :drawal applications : :closure of which may cons- :Matter relating to new :
:newsletter, technology . : {Equipment requirements :tituta an invasion of per- :and far reaching expari- :
{transfer,statistical re- -.Completed EI5, issued •.of DEHR offices/projects :sonar privacy or may put the:mental, technical and :
:ports, annual and perform- :ECCs, status of PAB cases :prior to the public bid- :lifa of an individual in :scientific developments
:ances reports : :ding’s official announce-:imminent danger. :of warfare and defense.
: {Decision on legal case :raent, including results : : :
{Official reports on the {after it was served to : of PBAC meetings, unless :Identity of personnel being {Critical information re-
:state of the environment :the concerned parties :its announcement was :investigated for misconduct/:lating to vital strate-
:and. natural resources and : :approved by the official :anomaly/fraud prior to the :gic areas and the sup
{information on related in- :Copy of the approved {concerned. .•filing of appropriate ply of vital strategic
:dustry groups, including {survey plans except : •.charges or completion of {materials, including
{validated statistics/maps/ :those under litigation, {Tenement information not :the findings of the boards :plans or details or
:data on the classification,{technical description of {covered in the preceding {created for such purpose. {schemas for the de- :
•.use, condition :lots, certified geogra- :classification :fensa of areas other than:
{.extent of natural resour- • :phic position of refer- : :The specific nature of recora:vital strategic areas
.:ces, and status of dispo- :ence and control points, .•Details of legal invest!-:mandation£ submitted by the :and plans or particulars
rsition (e.g. licenses :List of claimants in a :gations or law enforce- •.Department on matters that :of operations connected
{permits, leases issued. -.cadastral survey. :ment activities, the pre-':require approval of and are- :with them.