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Appointment - 16.11.24a

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& Price Rs. 4
Vol. 20 ! Issue No. 7 ! KOLKATA ! 16th - 22nd November, 2024 ! Saturday ! RNI No. WBENG/2005/16385

5,647 Apprentice in 640 Management

North East Frontier Rail Trainee in Coal India Prama Das, New Delhi : Coal India Limited under vacancy is 263 (UR : 106,
Pallabi Dewan, Guwahati : Govt. of India is going to Electrician / Mechanic Mechanic / Turner / Ministry of Coal, Govt. of India, is going to recruit 640 EWS : 26, SC : 39, ST: 21,
North East Frontier Railway induct 5,647 persons as Refrigeration & Air Mechanic Advanced persons for the post of OBC : 71).
under Ministry of Railways, ‘Act Apprentice’ in the Conditioning / Electronics Machine Tool
A CBSE School in ‘Management Trainee’ in Contd. on Page 7
following trades under Maintenance / Diesel
Raghunathganj, MSD the following disciplines.
ICE Academy
requires experienced Post Code 11 : A Management Institute
Apprenticeship Act, 1961 Mechanic / Surveyorship /
• Principal / Vice Management Trainee in of Kolkata needs
Lady Office Assistant
for its different divisions / Draughtsman (Civil /
WBCS-2025 õ²ß±È ëéý
Principal / TIC
workshops. Mechanical) / Mason • Admission Mining Engineering.
Certificate holders in
SSC, Rail, ²ßȱ¥Eëêò³iQ³³ (Building Constructor) /

PGT Physics &
Graduates in Mining (Minimum 2 yrs experience)
Engineering from any
having knowledge of
Plumbing / Carpentry /
²r´ëêò³áëì²ßþ²ßþ êò³K²I³³ëò ²ßþìà²Õ²ò
Instrument Mechanic /
Computer Science Modern Computer
Welding / Welding (Gas & Computer Operator & recognised University /
Æ ìÖ²òìβã : áëS 1200/-
• Hostel Warden
Electric) / Mechanic Programming Assistant / • Dance Teacher Institute with at least 60%
• Salary Negotiable.
A Chatterjee & Co
Machine Tool ¬ı±ø˘·? Œfl¡f . ˆ¬øÓ«¬ ‰¬˘ÀÂ√ Health Sanitary Inspector Apply directly to (55% for SC / ST / PWD)
Maintenance / Fitter / 9804412898 / TIG / MIG Welder / kkdmsrecruitment72 @gmail.com marks in aggregate are
Turner / Machinist / 8597355667 Contd. on Page 8 WhatsApp : 9144400872 eligible to apply. Number of M: 8910742581

Required 1,000 Executive Recruitment process for
Tarak Das, Salt Lake :
Kolkata based reputed
Chartered Accountant
Firm is going to recruit few
in IDBI Bank Primary Teacher initiated
Ranjit Ghosh, means candidates should be born
Saikat Halder, Kolkata : West Bengal
TET application likely to be
Board of Primary Education has recently
females as ‘Lady Office FOR Kolkata : IDBI between 02.10.1999 and 01.10.2004.
started from January, 2025
Assistant’. Graduates initiated one of the most coveted
GRADUATES Bank is going to OBC & SC / ST candidates will get recruitment exam of job aspirants of the intimated that some vacancy list of few
(preferably Commerce
recruit 1,000 persons for the post of relaxation in age by 3 years & 5 years state i.e. the primary teacher recruitment. schools had already been submitted in
In Reputed CA Firm ‘Executive-Sales & Operations’. respectively. EXSM & PWD candidates It is most likely to start in the month of DPSC, whether others are to be expected.
discipline) are eligible to Graduates in any discipline from any will get exemption in age as per the December. The state school education Once the accurate vacancy list is being
apply. In addition to this, recognised University / Institute are Govt. Rules. Consolidated salary will be department sought the vacancy list of submitted then automatically the interview
candidates should have eligible to apply. Age should be between Rs.29,000/- p.m. in 1st year & primary teachers from the District Primary process of 2022 & 2023 TET passed
Contd. on Page 5 20 and 25 years as on 01.10.2024 that Rs.31,000/- p.m. Contd. on Page 5 School Council (DPSC). It is to be candidates will be Contd. on Page 8

94 Worker
Nantu Barman, Bhandara : Ordnance Factory at
10 Assistant
Bhandara under Ministry of Defence, Govt of India is Paromita Mitra, New Delhi
going to recruit 94 Apprentice for the post of ‘Danger : Indo Tibetan Border Police
Building Worker’ on contractual basis. Force (ITBP), under Ministry
Candidates, who have undergone Apprenticeship in of Home Affairs, Govt. of
Attendant Operator Chemical Plant trade from any India is going to recruit 10
ordnance factory are eligible to apply. Candidates, who male & female persons for
possess NAC / NTC Certificate in Attendant Operator the posts of ‘Assistant Sub-
Chemical Plant trade issued by NCVT are also eligible. Inspector (Lab Technician)’
Age should be between 18 and 35 years as on and ‘Assistant Sub-
23.11.2024. OBC & SC / ST candidates will get relaxation Inspector (Radiographer)’.
in age by 3 years & 5 years respectively. EXSM Contd. on Page 8
candidates will get exemption Contd. on Page 5

In BEL UPSC result

Trainee Engineer declared
Subrata Sen, New Delhi :
Union Public Service
Bapan Khanra, New Delhi :
FOR Commission has intimated
Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL),
GRADUATES a Govt. of India Enterprise under us that they have already
& POST the Ministry of Defence is going to declared the ‘National
GRADUATES recruit 18 persons for the post of Defence Academy & Naval
‘Trainee Engineer-I’ on contractual basis. Academy Examination (I),
Graduates (4-years’ B.E. / B.Tech / B.Sc.Engg) in 2024’. Detailed merit list is
Computer Science / Information Technology / Electronics available on the UPSC
& Communication / Electronics / Contd. on Page 8 website i.e. https://
2 ! A ppointment & C areer News ! Vol. 20 ! Issue No. 7 ! 16th November, 2024 ! National Calender : 25 Kartick, 1946 Shakabda !

A ppointment & Career News

Weekly Newspaper
Head Office ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
General English dimension to manufacturing. By the 1950s came modifications in
electronics and transistor devices to be followed by innovations
in microelectronics, computers and various forms of sensors all
Direction (Qs. 1-10) : In the (D) outside (E) trends of which (23) altered the manufacturing scene. It is now no longer
12/3/4, Jamir Lane,
Kolkata-700 019 following passage, there are 9. (A) lying (B) while (C) and (D) messed (E) combined necessary to make prototypes in a factory or a laboratory to study
HELP LINE blanks, each of which has been 10. (A) proliferation (B) absence (C) limitations (D) totally (E) a new product. Many new products can be designed on computers
numbered. Against each, five conformity and their behaviour simulated on them. By choosing an optimum
6291684943 design through such simulations, computer programmes can
words are suggested, one of Direction (Qs. 11-15) : In each question below, a sentence is
E-mail which fits the blank given with a part of it printed in bold type. That part may contain directly (24) the manufacturing processes. These processes are
appointmentnews@gmail.com appropriately. Find out the a grammatical error. Each sentence is followed by phrases (A), generally called Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Computer
For Advertisement appropriate word in each case. (B), (C) and (D). Find out which phrase should replace the phrase Assisted Manufacturing (CAM). These capabilities are leading to
& for Circulation There is a principale (1) given in bold to correct the error, if there is any, and to make the newer forms of demands by customers. Each customer can be
09830795430 between technological and sentence grammatically meaningful and correct. If the sentence offered several special options. Customised product design or (25)
biological evolution. Biological is correct as it is and no correction is required, mark (E) as the manufacturing are other popular techniques currently in vogue in
Vol. 20 " No. 7 " 16th Nov., 2024 evolution is driven by survival of answer. many developed countries.
the (2), as adaptive traits are 11. What does make him feel awkward, is only a trivial matter. 21. (A) discarded (B) resorted (C) indulged (D) perfected (E)

Job Directory those that make the survival

and reproduction of a
(A) does make him to feel (B) makes him to feel (C) makes him
feel (D) would make him feeling (E) No correction required
22. (A) removing (B) nurturing (C) appeasing (D) cajoling (E)
population more (3). It isn’t 12. This is exactly what he wanted me to solve the problem. mastering
For Jobs in Private Sector perfect, but at least, in a rough (A) how he wanted me (B) what he wants from I (C) how does he 23. (A) immediately (B) precisely (C) irreversibly (D) indefinitely
way, it favours organisms that want me (D) how did he want me (E) No correction required (E) measurably
SITUATION VACANT have (4) to their environments. 13. They wanted to know that we could extend the required help. 24. (A) inspire (B) cultivate (C) visualise (D) drive (E) curtail
éîK²Ú²ßþ²ßóÜ Ç²ßȱֲòë õ²ßȱëìβã õéK²I³³òëó²ßþ Technological evolution has a (A) that can we extend (B) that we had extended (C) if could we 25. (A) visible (B) secure (C) fundamental (D) overt (E) flexible
éëêò³óKé²ßþ (3) êò³ãìäó_Ò²ßþ (3) Ð³Ü ìÖ²òβë²ßþ different motive force. It is self- extend (D) if we could extend (E) No correction required Direction (Qs. 26-30) : Read each sentence to find out whether
evolution, and it is therefore 14. The Minister said that he is proud of the people of his there is any grammatical mistake/ error in it. The error, if any, will
βëêò³¸ Mobile : 6295809353
driven by what we want as (5) constituency. be in one part of the sentence. Select the part with the error as
to what is adaptive. In a market (A) he should be proud of (B) he was proud of (C) he had pride your answer. If there is no error, select ‘No error’ as your answer.
ÁëóÐý³K²I³³ò à²øë²ßȱëìKé economy, it is even more for (D) it is he to be proud of (E) No correction required (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any)
complex: for most of us, our 15. The mob started pelting stones on the vehicles which were 26. He identified the most important machines required (A)/ for
õ²ßȱëä²ßȱëزë, ³Ú³á³Ú³á Æ ì_Òìä¢qìÕ²ÿ
technological identities are (6) parked on the street. modern life and worked in making a prototype (B)/ ‘do it yourself’
²ßë¢ÒóÕ²ë¢ÒÕ²ÿ ë Çâþ ë ²ßþ ó ²rÒëÖ²ò ý - Ç version of each bej-cause he believed that if people (C)/ could
by what companies decide to (A) started to pelting stones (B) started stones to be pelted (C)
õâë¢ÒøزëÜîâëâþí M/F ìÜóâþë¢Ò βäóϳ¸ sell based on what they believe pelted stones starting (D) had started to pelting stones (E) No build these themselves, it would improve their way of life (D)/ No
õâë¢Òøزë- MP- ¦§ë ز²ßÈ ±¸ õ²ßزÜ- we, as consumers, will pay for. correction required error (E).
18200/-56700/-. ²ßâþé- 18- Comfort (7) missiles, we spend Direction (Qs. 16-20) : Rearrange the following six sentences (A), 27. Natural disasters will not turn into a catastrophe (A)/ if we
45. Ùë²ßȱë ÉëÆâþë éê³³ PF, ESI, the most to minimize pain and (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a invest in building infrastructure that (B)/ can withstand the
õ²ßëÜëé, õ²r´ëóáë_ÒÜ-Dzßþ éîì²ß¿ë¸ maximize (8). When it comes to meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below devastating impacts of storm (C)/ which have became more
éPE²ßþ õâë¢Òëóâë¢Ò : 9062529664 technologies, we mainly want to them. severe (D)/ No error (E).
Ì make things easy. Not to be (A) Assuming that all these reasons are true, the fact remains that 28. Many goods are being manufactured quickly without (A)/ any
bored. Oh, and maybe to look a there is an urgent need to check the accelerated costs and ini- regard for quality and as consumers we must be (B)/ aware of
Õ²ëâþó²ßþN³ гóâþìÜã bit younger. tiate suitable measures. our rights and the government (C)/ should penalise them who
õ²ßȱëä²ßȱëزë õáó²µIf³òë õ²ßþóä ì_Òt²ë¢Òز Our will-to-comfort, (9) with our (B) Some people attribute it to the increasing greediness among indulge in unscrupulous business practices (D)/ No error (E).
technological powers, creates a the medicos. 29. The European Central Bank has said that if all (A)/ Euro-zone
õâë¢ÒøزëÜî â ëâþ í é²ßþ ë éì²ßþ M/F
stark possibility, If we’re not (C) The impact of these measures will be visible only after a nation continue to carry out (B)/ economic reforms as Portugal
ìÜóâþë¢Ò βäóϳ¸ õâë¢Òøزë : MP- careful, our technological considerable passage of time. and Ireland have (C)/ Central Bank will guarantee future bailouts
¦§ëز²ßȱ, ²ßâþé : (18-45), õ²ßØ²Ü : evolution will take us toward not (D) Health care costs have a been skyrocketing in our country. (D)/ No error (E).
(18K-62K), PF, ESI, Ïî ³ ì Ö²ò , a singularity but a sofalarity. (E) The measures include yoga classes with emphasis on 30. While farmers are struggling (A)/ to cope with severe drought
õ²ßëÜëé, ²r´óáë_ÒÜ éê³³ Ùë²ßȱë Æ ÉëÆâþë²ßþ Sofalarity is nothing but a future physical and mental exercises and also change in food habits. (B)/ crop companies are researched (C)/ ways to breed crops that
éî²ßø²ß¦lë¸ Mob-9051218937 defined not by an evolution (F) Certain others feel that it is because of drastic changes in thrive in drought (D)/ No error (E).
toward super intelligence but by peoples’ lifestyle and eating habits. Direction (Qs. 31-35) : In the following questions, some parts of
the (10) of discomforts. 16. Which of the following would be the FIRST statement after the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part
г²ßþnµì²ßþ ì²ßÝìX 1. (A) ambiguity (B) rearrangement? of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is the answer.
homogeneity (C) similarity (D) (A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D (E) E If a sentence is free from error, your answer is (E) i.e. No error.
Çâþ ë ²ßþ ó ²rÒëÖ²ò ý - Ç ì²ßìà²i§ ²ßÈ ± ëóг
difference (E) intensity 17. Which of the following would be the SECOND statement after 31. Birthmarks on the back (A)/ could be signs of Tethered Spinal
õâë¢ÒøزëÜîâëâþí ¦lëâþí ²rÒó³Ú³ ìÜóâþë¢Ò
2. (A) fittest (B) people (C) most rearrangement? Cord Syndrome (TCS) (B)/ a neurological disorder (C)/ caused by
βäóϳ¸ M/F Õ²òà²âþ¸ õâë¢Òøزë- M/ tissue attachments. (D)/ No error (E)
(D) least (E) limited (A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D (E) E
P- ¦§ ë ز²ßÈ ± ¸ õ²ßزÜ- 18000/- 32. As a part of the new survey, (A)/if you says you are (B)/unhappy,
3. (A) possibility (B) better (C) 18. Which of the following would, be the FOURTH statement after
56000/-²ßâþé- 18-45. Ùë²ßȱë Æ likely (D) agreed (E) technical rearrangement? the city police may (C)/ call to ask you that reason. (D)/ No error (E)
ÉëÆâþë éê³³ ÁÜøëÜø éîì²ß¿ë ²rÒëó²ßܸ 4. (A) adapted (B) survived (C) (A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D (E) E 33. By keeping the brain (A)/engaged, anyone can (B)/become
õâë¢Òëóâë¢Ò (M): 9874944828 given (D) led (E) witnessed 19. Which of the following would be the FIFTH statement after learn to (C)/control immediate cravings. (D)/No error (E)
Ì 5. (A) against (B) contrast (C) rearrangement? 34. Foodies have realised (A)/that there is more to eating out (B)/
perfect (D) opposed (E) (A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D (E) E than switch restaurants that has (C) /predictable menus and sterile
Don’t be cheated diagonal 20. Which of the following would be the SIXTH (LAST) statement decors. (D)/No error (E)
We accept advertisement only after 6. (A) determined (B) logical (C) after rearrangement? 35. The doctors are been worried (A)/that the ace cricketer will (B)/
the verification of Trade License & suffer from a heart ailment (C)/for the rest of his life. (D)/ No error (E)
located (D) establish (E) (A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D (E) E
other informations so that people
would not be cheated. But still, bought Direction (Qs. 21-25) : In the following passage, there are blanks, Direction (Qs. 36-45) : Read the following passage carefully and
some organisations convince the 7. (A) averting (B) changing (C) each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed answer the questions. Certain words are given in bold to help you
job seekers to pay money by
seeking (D) lamishing (E) below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, locate them while answering some of the questions.
offering them uniforms & instant job.
We are requesting not to give leaving one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate Once there was a beautiful verdant island. It had forests with huge
money to such organisations. If any 8. (A) doubt (B) pleasure (C) life word in each case. trees, waterfalls gushing with clear blue water and mountains with
person does so at his own risk, we
will not be held responsible for that. ............................................... Mankind has seen rapid transformation in the last 150 years quarries of a unique stone. The stone was valued for its attractive

If any organisation demands a huge because of the mass manufacturing techniques (21) in western colour and texture. It was also easy to turn it into sculptures. Now
amount of money then you may All disputes regarding sales nations and later taken to new levels of efficiency by Japan. Mass the island was ruled by a king who looked after his subjects and
submit a written complaint to local
Police Station by mentioning the and advertisement of all production and production for the masses became the bases of the natural beauty of the island well. His closest advisor and friend
name of the Organisation & publications of Sangsthaan new business strategies. Large scale consumption by all with the was a sculptor who ran a school where students from far and wide
concerned person. We co-operate came to learn the art of sculpting. But the teacher had an odd
Prakashan Pvt. Ltd. are subject social benefit of (22) poverty became the dominant economic
by giving all kinds of information
before making payment. strategy. The advent of electricity and its large-scale application condition for students who studied at his school. He insisted they
to Kolkata Jurisdiction only.
– Editor to lighting, heating and operating machines added a fresh Contd. on Page 4
    

Tricks for Rapid Answer


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4 ! A ppointment & C areer News ! Vol. 20 ! Issue No. 7 ! 16th November, 2024 !

Current Affairs General English students who were poor. (B) He wanted

Current Affairs
to attract the best students to the
From Page 2
At a Glance school. (C) He was greedy and wanted
bring their own supply of stone. Only the island to be prosperous at any cost.
for their final sculpture were they (D) He wanted the students to work
allowed to use a piece of stone from with the best material only and

20 23
th SEPTEMBER : The State rd SEPTEMBER : Megastar Odisha, marking a significant milestone
Govt. of Uttarakhand enacts Chiranjeevi has been for the steel sector. With a total the island’s quarry. Many grumbled at beautify the island. (E) He realised that
the Public (Government) & officially recognized by investment of Rs. 27,000 crore, this this rule. After all dragging tons of the quarries were lying idle and
Private Property Damage Recovery Guinness World Records as the most Phase II expansion will increase the stone to an island in the middle will we masons were being paid for being idle.
(Ordinance) Act, 2024. With the prolific actor/dancer in the Indian film plant’s capacity from 3 million tonnes be able to save this island for our 40. What was the people’s reaction to
implementation of this Act, Uttarakhand industry. Over 45 years, he has performed per annum to 8 MTPA. children? The King applauded his the king doing things?
becomes the third state in India, an astonishing 24,000 dance moves in thinking and let him continue to run the (A) They disagreed with him and left
following Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, 537 songs across 156 films. school the way he wanted. But one day the island.
to enact such comprehensive property ❑ The Film Federation of India has the king who was aging dead and his (B) They followed the king’s orders
protection legislation. The introduction officially announced that filmmaker Kiran son Rehmat was crowned king. King without protest.
of this law is expected to serve as a Rao’s ‘Laapataa Ladies’ has been chosen Rehmat wanted to do everything (C) They were happy and the future
strong deterrent against vandalism and as India’s official entry in the Best Foreign differently, to make the island generations blessed the king.
destruction of property during protests. Film Category for the Oscars 2025. prosperous and have lovely statues (D) They were sad and clung to the
❑ Jordan has become the first country ❑ The Pradhan Mantri Janjatiya Unnat decorating the island. He changed traditional ways.
in the world to receive WHO verification Gram Abhiyan has chosen Mana ❑ Iran, for the first time, has many laws and also lifted the rule that (E) Other than those given as options.
for eliminating leprosy, a significant village in the Joshimath block of showcased the Shahed 136B drone the old teacher hadnposed. He made 41. Choose the word which is most
public health milestone. Jordan has not Chamoli district for implementation. and Jihad ballistic missile. The the old teacher tep down and brought nearly the same in meaning to the
reported any indigenous cases of This selection is particularly significant Shahed-136B drone is an upgraded in someone lse to run the school. Now word CLOSEST given in bold as used
leprosy for over 20 years, a testament to for Chamoli district, which, according to version of the Shahed-136, with more cople would come to the school to in the passage.
the nation’s strong political commitment the district administration’s official site, new features and an operational tudy and the fees they paid could e (A) border (B) next (C) nearby (D) dear
and effective public health strategies. is home to the Bhotiya tribes. range of more than 4,000 increased or so he believed. Soon he (E) local
❑ Anurag Garg has been appointed as ❑ Kalikesh Narayan Singh Deo has kilometers. island was full of students chip-ling 42. Choose the word which is most
the Director General of the Narcotics been elected as the President of the away at the stone. Their de-nand opposite in meaning to the word
Control Bureau by the Appointments National Rifle Association of India. ❑ Vinod Bachchan has received the increased the mining at the juarry. PROSPEROUS as used in the
They created large sculptures which passage.

Committee of the Cabinet. th SEPTEMBER : The prestigious Global Prestige Award at
❑ India has secured Tier 1 status in the foundation stone for India’s the House of Lords, UK Parliament, now needed to get transported back (A) flourishing (B) comfortable (C)
Global Cybersecurity Index-2024, first of its kind CO 2 -to- recognizing his significant contributions down. Trees were cut down to make fortunate (D) impoverished (E) lucky
published by the International Methanol pilot plant with an overall to the Indian film industry. carts and to clear the roads. Without 43. Why did explorers come to the
Telecommunication Union. capacity of 1.4 Tons Per Day has been ❑ Jeevan Nedunchezhiyan & Vijay trees to provide wood for thick boats island ?
❑ India’s Ministry of Ports, Shipping unveiled by Govt. of India, at Thermax Sundar Prashanth from India have the fisherman could not go out to fish. (A) To learn the secret of its prosperity. (B)
and Waterways has appointed Manu Limited premises in Pune, Maharashtra. clinched the men’s doubles title at the New houses that were built were not To study its problems and suggest
Bhaker, the double Olympic medal The Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Hangzhou Open-2024 after defeating as strong js both wood and stone were remedies. (C) The climate was warm
winner, as a brand ambassador. (IIT Delhi) and Thermax Ltd. will Germany’s Constantin Frantzen & scarce. It was difficult for farmers o and welcoming. (D) They wanted to see
make good ploughs for farming. the famed architecture and statues. (E)

st SEPTEMBER : Kerala has collaborate to develop the CCU technology. Hendrik Jebens.
36. Which of the following can be Not clearly mentioned in the passage.

secured first position in the ❑ Pratyasa Ray has been selected for th SEPTEMBER : India has
State Food Safety Index-2024, the 32nd Ekalabya Puraskar for 2024 overtaken Japan to become lesson(s) of the passage? 44. Choose the word which is most nearly
marking the second consecutive year for her achievements in swimming. the third most powerful nation (I) Adhere to traditional ways as the same in meaning to the word SAVE
that the southern state has claimed the ❑ KVS Manian has taken over as the in Asia, as per the 2024 edition of Asia change brings ruin. given in bold as used in the passage.
spot. The report was released in the Managing Director & Chief Executive Power Index. (II) Respect the environment and use (A) bank (B) conserve (C) hide (D)
inaugural session of FSSAI Global Officer of Federal Bank. ❑ Defence Research & Development resources wisely. build (E) invest
Food Regulators Summit-2024. ❑ Under a transformative collaboration Organisation along with researchers of (III) We must pay our teachers well. 45. Choose the word which is most
with the United States, India is set to Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi has (A) Only (II) (B) Only (II) and (III) nearly the OPPOSITE in meaning to
launch its inaugural national security developed Light Weight Bullet Proof (C) Only (III) (D) Only (I) and (III) the word CLEAR given in bold as used
semiconductor fabrication plant, Jackets named ABHED (Advanced (E) All (I), (II) and (III) in the passage.
designed to produce chips for military Ballistics for High Energy Defeat). 37. Which of the following is TRUE in (A) untidy (B) condemn (C) uncertain (D)
applications and critical ❑ State Govt. of Assam has officially the context of the passage? overcast (E) murky
telecommunications. launched the CM-SATH scheme to (A) The old king was overly trust' ing Direction (Qs. 46-50): In the given
❑ Govt. of India has unveiled CSIRT- boost the educational prospects of the of people except his son. passage, there are blanks, each of which
Power to fortify power sector against state’s brightest students. The scheme, (B) King Rehmat’s plans for the island has been numbered. Against each
❑ Indian boxer Nikhat Zareen has cyber threats at Northern Regional designed to provide financial support to were necessary for the survival and number, five words are suggested, one
been appointed as Deputy Power Committee in New Delhi. meritorious students for their higher progress. of which fits the blank appropriately.
Superintendent of Police. ❑ Alok Ranjan & Amit Garg have been education, reflects the state (C) The teacher was feared by Find the appropriate word in each
appointed as the heads of the National government’s commitment to quality students and the old man alike. case.
❑ The nuclear power reactor that Crime Records Bureau & the Sardar education. (D) The island school had a good A man hired a donkey from a
achieved criticality is the first of a new Vallabhbhai Patel National Police ❑ A team from the National Institute of reputation when it was run by the old merchant. He paid two hundred
series of Pressurised Heavy Water Academy, respectively. Mountaineering and Adventure Sports, teacher. rupees to him for (46) the donkey for a
(E) All the given statements are true day. It was a very hot day and both

Reactors to be built at Rajasthan Atomic th SEPTEMBER : The State has successfully scaled an unnamed
Power Project in Rawatbhata. 700 MWe Govt. of Maharashtra has and unclimbed 6383 MSL or 20,942 ft in the context of the passage. men wanted to stand in the donkey's
units are the largest indigenous nuclear approved the proposal to name high peak in Gorichen range of 38. Which of the following can be said shadow so they could stay cool. But
power reactors built by the Nuclear Pune airport as Jagadguru Sant Tukaram Arunachal Pradesh Himalayas on about the old teacher ? there was (47) for only one of them.
Power Corporation of India Limited. Maharaj Pune International Airport. Tawang-West Kameng region. (A) He was manipulative and took ‘Go away. I have hired this donkey for
❑ India has made history at Chess ❑ In a monumental step for India’s ❑ The Mankidia community has advantage of the old king.(B) He had today so it is my shadow,’ said the man.
Olympiad-2024 in Budapest in both the space program, Group Captain become the 6th particularly vulnerable foresight and was respected by the old ‘You hired the donkey’, said the owner,
men’s and women’s team categories. Shubhanshu Shukla of the Indian Air tribal group to get habitat rights over king. (C) He was selfish and was only ‘but not his shadow. The shadow (48)
❑ Lando Norris of McLaren has secured Force will pilot the Axiom-4 mission to forests in Odisha.The Mankidia are a concerned about the school. (D) He to me.’
his third career victory in Formula 1 by the International Space Station in 2025. semi-nomadic community known for did not welcome any change. (E) He They went on and on, the hirer saying one
winning Singapore Grand Prix. As the Ax-4 pilot, he will assist in critical their traditional skill of rope making, did not want his students to surpass thing and the owner saying the other.
❑ Jasprit Bumrah has become the 10th spacecraft operations like navigation & trapping and eating monkeys. him. They then (49) to fight and while they
Indian bowler to reach the illustrious docking. Contd. on next Week 39. Why did King Rehmat change the were fighting one of them happened to
milestone of 400 international wickets. ❑ Tata Steel has successfully Compiled by Anushka Ghosh rules regarding the use of stone from the hit the donkey. It became so (50) that it
This feat was accomplished during the commissioned India’s largest blast Drop your queries : quarry? ran away and took its shadow with it.
first Test against Bangladesh at Chennai. furnace at its Kalinganagar facility in appointmentnews@gmail.com (A) He was touchedby the plight of Contd. on Page 7
! A ppointment & C areer News ! Vol. 20 ! Issue No. 7 ! 16th November, 2024 ! 5

General Studies
Boxing Federation’s super 45. In which year, Kisan 53. Who has been recently
featherweight world title — Baburao Anna Hazare led ‘Jan selected as the new
Mandeep Jangra. Lokpal Movement’ to pass Managing Director & Chief
‘Lokpal Bill’ in India — 2010. Executive Officer of the
Answer in one word for the questions of Civil Services, Banks, SSC & Other Exams Political Science Financial Services Institutions
Jobs — Madhya Pradesh. 20. In which year did C.V. 33. Which one has recently 38. Duma Boko has been Bureau — Rahul Bhave.
Current Affairs elected as the president of 54. Which bank has recently
9. Bidar Fort is located in Raman win the Nobel Prize become the 17th district of
1. Which State Govt. has which state — Karnataka. in Physics — 1930. Manipur — Meluri. which country — Botswana. inaugurated its first branch in
recently launched Deepam 10. Which state govt. has 21. In which year did Raman 34. Which National park of 39. Which ministry has Singapore to provide banking
2.0 scheme to provide free recently approved a 35% establish the Raman Madhya Pradesh is famous recently launched the services — HDFC Bank Limited.
gas cylinders to eligible reservation for women in all Research Institute — 1948. for Asiatic lions — Kuno Digital India Common 55. Who has been recently
families — Andhra Pradesh. state govt. recruitments — 22. From which place botanists National park. Service Centre project — appointed as the
2. Which Indian agency has Madhya Pradesh. have recently discovered a Ministry of Electronics & Chairperson of the Board of
been recently included in
Sports Information Technology. National Pension System
11. Who is the Secretary new orchid species, Gastrodia
the Steering Committee of General of Commonwealth lohitensis — Arunachal 35. Who has been recently 40. Who has recently Trust — Chitra Jayasimba.
the Asset Recovery Parliamentary Association at Pradesh’s Lohit district. named as the Male clinched victory in Wisconsin, 46. ‘Lokpal Bill’ came into 56. Which scheme has
Interagency Network-Asia present — Stephen Twigg. 23. Which country has International Shooting securing 276 electoral force in which year — 2014 recently converged with the
Pacific — Directorate of recently launched world’s Sport Federation Athlete of votes to reclaim the White (16th January). Employees’ State Insurance
Enforcement. History first wooden satellite, the Year-2024 at the ISSF House as America’s 47th 47. Who is the chairperson Scheme to improve healthcare
3. Who has been recently 12. Who was the first LignoSat — Japan. World Cup Final Opening President — Donald Trump. of Lokpal at present — access for ESI beneficiaries
appointed as the new Muslim invader in India — ceremony — Liu Yukun. 41. Which country first took Pinaki Chandra Ghose. — Ayushman Bharat Pradhan
Chairman of India Yamaha Muhammad-bin-Kashim.
Geography initiative to establish 48. ‘Lokpal and Lokayuktas Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana.
Motor — Itaru Otani. 13. Who was the first Indian 24. Turtle Wildlife Sanctuary ‘Lokpal’ alias Ombudsman Act’ was enacted in which year
institution throughout the — 2013 (18th December).
General Knowledge
ruler to use rocket artillery is located in which district of
Uttar Pradesh — Varanasi. nation — Sweden (in 1809). 57. Who is the author of the
in war — Hyder Ali.
14. Which Governor 25. Which District of Madhya 42. The term ‘Lokpal’ was book titled ‘Speaking with
General of India founded Pradesh is Famous for Jai coined by whom in India — Nature: The Origins of
the Postal Service in India Vilas Palace — Gwalior. Dr. Laxmi Mall Singhvi (in 1963). Indian Environmentalism’
— James Andrew Broun- 26. Which Indian city is 43. Which President — Ramachandra Guha.
asserted ‘Lokpal Bill’ — 49. When & by which act 58. On which date World
Ramsay (Popularly known known as the ‘Land of Black
36. Who has won the Brazil Pranab Mukherjee. SEBI was accorded the status Vegan Day is observed every
as Lord Dalhousie in India). Diamond’ — Asansol.
15. In which year the 27. The Thadou Tribe Grand Prix-2024 of Formula-1 44. Lokpal committee of Statutory Body — 30th year — 2nd November.
4. Which country has been — Max Verstappen. comprises of how many January, 1992 & SEBI Act, 1992. 59. On which date World
publication of the primarily resides in which
recently elected as the 37. Which boxer has members — 9 (1 chairperson 50. Who is the President of Braille Day is observed
newspaper ‘Hicky’s Bengal state — Manipur.
President of the International Gazette’ was started from 28. Which one is the largest recently won the World and maximum of 8 members). United Arab Emirates at every year — 4th January.
Solar Alliance — India. rice producing country in the present — Mohammad bin 60. In the acronym SARAS
Kolkata —1780.
5. Who has been recently
Ballon d’Or 2024 winners Zayed Al Nahyan. mela, which are organized
16. In which year Shimla world with the total annual
appointed as the Secretary Men’s Player of the Year : Rodrigo Hernández frequently, what does R
was declared as the rice production of 144.62
General of the World summer capital of British million metric tons — China.
Cascante (Spain) Economics stand for — Rural.
Agriculture Forum — Women’s Player of the Year : Aitana Bonmati Conca (Spain) 51. Which state govt. has 61. On which date National
India — 1864. 29. Ningol Chakkouba
Jacqueline d’Arros Hughes. Men’s Coach of the Year : Carlo Ancelotti Cavaliere (Italy) recently received 241.3 Million Birds day is observed every
festival is celebrated in
6. Where was the 7th
Science & Technology which state — Manipur. Women’s Coach of the Year : Emma Carol Hayes (USA) USD loan from the Asian year in India — 5th January.
session of the International Men’s Club of the Year : Real Madrid (Spain) Development Bank to enhance 62. On which date World
17. Hwasong-19, an 30. Which district of
Solar Alliance held recently Women’s Club of the Year : Barcelona Femini (Spain) the power distribution of the Hindi Day is observed every
intercontinental ballistic Rajasthan is known as the
— New Delhi. Yashin Trophy (Best Goalkeeper) : Damián Emiliano state — West Bengal. year — 10th January.
missile, is developed by City of Bells — Jhalrapatan.
7. Which one is the host Martínez Romero (Argentina) 52. Who has been recently 63. Where is the
which country — North Korea. 31. Which Indian state is
country of the 16th BRICS Gerd Muller Trophy (Best Goalscorer) : Harry Edward Kane appointed as the Chief headquarters of World Justice
18. Which is the biggest organ known as the Orchid State
summit — Russia. (UK) & Kylian Mbappé Lottin (France) (Both with 52 goals) Executive Officer & Project located — Washington.
in the human body — Skin. — Arunachal Pradesh.
8. Which State Govt. has Kopa Trophy (Best Player under 21) : Lamine Yamal Managing Director of Multi Compiled by Prama Das
19. For what discovery did 32. Which Indian state is
recently decided to increase Nasraouni Ebana. Commodity Exchange of Drop your queries :
C.V. Raman receive the known as the ‘Kohinoor of
Women’s Quota in Govt. Socrates Award : Jennifer Hermoso (Spain) India — Praveena Rai. appointmentnews@gmail.com
Nobel Prize — Raman effect. India’ — Andhra Pradesh.

Assistant Required recent coloured photograph (one copy affixed on the hours duration will consist of objective open the sub-link entitled as ‘APPLY
From Page 1 application form), (2) Self-Attested photostat copies of type multiple choice questions based on ONLINE’ and open the appropriate on-

efficiency in modern computer application. Candidates all certificates & mark sheets in support of date of birth, the following 4 subjects : (1) Logical line application form. At first, candidate
must have relevant experience at least 2 years’. Salary educational qualification, caste (for SC / ST / OBC), Reasoning, Data Analysis & will have to register his / her name by
will be ranged between 8,000/- to 10,000/- p.m. discharge (for EXSM), experience (if any). Envelope Interpretation – 60 marks, (2) English providing basic details. Afterwards,
Interested female candidates may sent their CVs to this containing the duly filled in application should be Language – 40 marks, (3) Quantitative candidates will receive a unique
email : chatterjeeanup202@gmail.com For further superscribed as ‘APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF Aptitude – 40 marks, (4) General password & login ID through their
details, candidates may contact to this number : DBW PERSONNEL OF AOCP TRADE ON TENURE Awareness / Economic / Banking registered e-mail ID. Thereafter,
8910742581 BASIS’. Duly filled in application along with all requisite Awareness / Computer / IT – 60 marks. candidate will have to fill in all the

94 Worker
documents should have to reach within 23.11.2024 to There shall be negative marking of 0.25 required fields of the on-line application
the following address : The Chief General Manager, marks for each wrong answer. form and upload his / her passport size
From Page 1 Ordnance Factory Bhandara, Dist : Bhandara, PIN – How to Apply : Candidates will have to recent coloured photograph, signature,
in age as per the Govt. Rules. Basic pay will be 441906, Maharashtra. apply online through this website : left thumb impression & handwritten
Rs.19,900/- p.m. along with other allowances. Number Advertisement No. GA/Hire/AOCP/152/03/2024. www.idbibank.in within 16.11.2024. declaration in specific digital format.
of vacancy is 94 (UR : 41, OBC : 25, SC : 09, ST : 09, Source : Available on https://munitionsindia.in Candidates are required to have a valid Thereafter, candidate should verify the

1,000 Executive
EWS : 10). personal e-mail ID, which should be kept data by click on ‘ Submit’ button to
Mode of selection : Selection will be made on the basis active during this recruitment process. complete the application process.
of marks obtained in ITI examination. Shortlisted From Page 1 Before applying on-line, candidates will After completion of the online
candidates will be called for trade test / practical test in 2nd year. Number of vacancy is 1,000 (UR : 448, ST have to go through the detailed application process, candidates will
followed by document verification. : 94, SC : 127, OBC : 231, EWS : 100). recruitment notification, which is have to pay Rs.1,050/- (Rs.250/- for SC
How to Apply : Candidates should have to download Mode of Selection : Selection will be made on the available on the website under the link / ST / PWD) as application fee through
the application form from this website : https:// basis of online test followed by personal interview. ‘Careers → Current Openings → online payment gateway.
munitionsindia.in OR https://rb.gy/ejcnle Duly filled in Online test will be held tentatively on 1st December at Recruitment of Executive – Sales and Advertisement No.09/2024-25.
application should be enclosed with the following Kolkata / Greater Kolkata, Asansol, Durgapur, Hooghly, Operations (ESO) (on Contract)- 2025- Source : Available on
documents : (1) 2 copies of self attested passport size Kalyani & Siliguri in West Bengal. Online test of 2 26’ . After that, candidates will have to www.idbibank.in
    
    

640 Management Trainee

8 ! A ppointment & C areer News ! Vol. 20 ! Issue No. 7 ! KOLKATA ! 16th - 22nd November, 2024 ! RNI No. WBENG/2005/16385 ! Postal Regd. No. KOL RMS/457/2019-21 ! Air Charge Rs.5

Vacancy in CBSE School Electronics System Maintenance / Repair & OBC : 03, EWS : 02). Primary Teacher
Maintenance of Hardware of Computer & Peripherals Post : Assistant Sub-Inspector From Page 1
Staff Reporter, Raghunathganj : CBSE affiliated English trade from any recognised ITI after passing 10th (Radiographer).
medium H.S. School, Kamal Kumari Devi Model School standard examination from any recognised Board / Diploma holders in Radio Diagnosis from scheduled. Apart from this, 2014 & 2017
at Raghunathganj, Murshidabad is going to recruit male Council with at least 50% marks (pass marks for SC / any recognised Institute after passing TET passed candidates will also be
and female staff for the posts of 'Post Graduate Teacher', ST / PWD) in aggregate are eligible to apply in 12th standard examination from any eligible to appear for the interview.
'Admission Counsellor', 'Hostel Warden', 'Dance Teacher', respective trade. Duration of apprenticeship will be 1 recognised Board / Council / University The meritlist of primary TET (conducted in
'Principal / Vice Principal / TIC'. year. with Physics, Chemistry & Biology 2023) has already been prepared and will
Post Graduates in Physics / Computer Science from any Trade : Secretarial Assistant. subjects are eligible to apply. Number of be published once school education
recognised University / Institute are eligible to apply for Certificate holders in Stenography (English) / Secretarial vacancy is 03 (UR). department would be given their nod to do
'PGT' post. B.Ed. / D.El.Ed is desirable. Qualification for Practice trade from any recognised ITI after passing For all posts : Candidates should have so. This will be expected to be published
other vacancies & age for all posts will be as per the CBSE 10th standard examination from any recognised Board / relevant experience of at least 1 year. in the 3rd week of this month. Afterwards,
rules. Salary will also be depending on the qualification Council with at least 50% marks (pass marks for SC / Age should be between 20 and 28 years online application process for 2024 TET
& performance of the candidates. For all posts, English ST / PWD) in aggregate are eligible to apply. Duration of as on 26.11.2024. OBC & SC / ST will be published. It is relevant to
fluency is must. Selection will be made primarily on the apprenticeship will be 1 year. candidates will get relaxation in age by 3 mentioned Goutam Paul the Chairman of
basis of qualifying examination as mentioned above. Trade : Medical Laboratory Technician (Pathology / years & 5 years respectively. EXSM will West Bengal Board of Primary Education
Shortlisted candidates will be called for online interview. Radiology). get exemption in age as per the Govt. has earlier announced that Board decided
Interested candidates will have to send their resume to 12th standard passed candidates with Physics, Rules. Scale of Pay is Rs.29,200/- – not to conduct TET as the 2023 exam
this number through WhatsApp : 9144400872 or may Chemistry & Biology subjects from any recognised 92,300/-. Height of the male candidates results are yet to be published and the
directly e-mail to this mail ID : Board / Council securing at least 50% marks (pass should be at least 170 cms (162.5 cms successful candidates of 2022 are yet to
kkdmsrecruitment72@gmail.com marks for SC / ST / PWD) in aggregate are eligible to for ST & candidates residing in North be recruited. As a consequence, it is
apply. Duration of apprenticeship will be 1 year & 3 Eastern States; 165 cms for Gorkhas, expected that application process of 2024

5,647 Apprentice months. Assamese, Garhwalis) and chest should TET will be started from the month of
January, 2025.
From Page 1 For all trades : Age should be between 15 and 24 years be at least 80 cms (76 cms for ST and 78
as on 03.12.2024. OBC / SC / ST / EXSM / PWD cms for candidates residing in North
Structural Welding / CNC Machining / PLC & Automation candidates will get exemption in age as per the Govt. Eastern States) with expansion capacity Trainee Engineer
/ Central AC Plant, Industrial Cooling & Package Rules. During this apprenticeship period, candidates will of minimum 5 cms. In case of female From Page 1
Airconditioning / Mechanical Maintenance / Operator also get stipend as per the Govt. Rules. Number of candidates, height should be at least
Advance Machine Tools / CAD-CAM Operations / Electronics & Telecommunication
vacancy is – (A) in Alipurduar Division : 413 (UR : 161, 157 cms (150 cms for ST; 152.5 for
Building Maintenance Technician / Sanitary Hardware Engineering from any recognised
OBC : 109, SC : 67, ST : 31, EWS : 45), (B) In Kathihar candidates residing in North Eastern
Fitter / Advanced Welding / Manufacturing of Jigs & University / Institute are eligible to apply.
Division : 812 (UR : 321, OBC : 221, SC : 125, ST : 62, States; 155 cms for Gorkhas, Assamese,
Fixtures / Quality Engineering / Non-conventional Power Post Graduates in Information
EWS : 83), (C) In Rangiya Division : 435 (UR : 171, Garhwalis). For both male & female
Generation, Battery & Inverter / Mechanical Technology (M.Sc.) / Computer
OBC : 116, SC : 68, ST : 35, EWS : 45), (D) In candidates, weight should be
Maintenance & Automation / Electrical Maintenance & Applications (MCA) from any recognised
Lumbding Division : 950 (UR : 380, OBC : 256, SC : corresponding to the height and age. Eye
Automation / Information & Communication Technology University / Institute are eligible. In
145, ST : 74, EWS : 95), (E) In Tinsukia Division : 580 sight should have to be at least 6/6 in
System Maintenance / Information Technology & addition, candidates should have relevant
(UR : 227, OBC : 158, SC : 92, ST : 43, EWS : 60), (F) In better eye & 6/9 in other eye without
experience of at least 1-year’s. Age
New Bongaigaon Workshop : 982 (UR : 380, OBC : wearing glasses. Candidates should not
should be within 28 years as on
270, SC : 156, ST : 77, EWS : 99), (G) In Dibrugarh have knock knee, flat foot, varicose vein,
01.10.2024. OBC & SC / ST candidates
Workshop : 814 (UR : 314, OBC : 223, SC : 129, ST : 65, squint in eyes. Candidates should
will get relaxation in age by 3 years & 5
EWS : 83), (H) In NFR HQ : 661 (UR : 267, OBC : 181, possess normal colour vision good
years respectively. EXSM / PWD
SC : 97, ST : 48, EWS : 68). Unit / Workshop wise mental & bodily health and free from any
candidates will get exemption in age as
breakup in various trades is available on the below physical defects, which is likely to per the Govt. Rules. Consolidated salary
mentioned website. interfere with the efficient performance of will be Rs.30,000/- p.m. Number of
Mode of Selection : Selection will be made on the the duties. vacancy is 18 (UR : 07, OBC : 05, EWS
basis of marks obtained in the 10th standard & ITI Mode of Selection : Selection will be : 02, SC : 03, ST : 01).
examination. Shortlisted candidates will be put through made on the basis of Physical Efficiency Mode of Selection : Selection will be
document verification. Test, Physical Standard Test, Online Test, made on the basis of written test followed
How to Apply : Candidates will have to apply online Document Verification, Practical Trade by interview.
through this website : www.nfr.indianrailways.gov.in Test & Medical Examination. How to Apply : Candidates will have to
within 03.12.2024. At first, candidate will have to visit to How to Apply : Candidates will have to apply online through this website :
that website and register his / her name by providing apply online through this website : www.bel-india.in within 24.11.2024. At
basic details. Afterwards, candidates will receive a h t t p s : / / r e c r u i t m e n t . i t b p o l i c e. n i c . i n first, candidate will have to visit to that
unique password & log-in ID (through their registered e- within 26.11.2024. At first, candidate will website and register his / her name by
mail IDs & mobile numbers) required to open the have to visit to that website and register providing basic details. Afterwards,
appropriate online application form. After that, candidate his / her name by providing basic details. candidates will receive a unique
will have to fill in all the required fields and upload his / Afterwards, candidates will receive a password & log-in ID (through their
her passport size recent coloured photograph & unique password & log-in ID (through registered e-mail IDs & mobile numbers)
signature in specific digital format. Thereafter, candidate their registered e-mail IDs & mobile required to open the appropriate online
should verify the data by click on ‘Submit’ button to numbers) required to open the application form. After that, candidate will
complete the application process. After submission of appropriate online application form. After have to fill in all the required fields and
the application form, candidates will have to pay Rs.100/ that, candidate will have to fill in all the upload his / her passport size recent
- as application fee by using online payment gateway. required fields and upload his / her coloured photograph & signature in
No application fee is required for Female / SC / ST / passpor t size recent coloured specific digital format. Thereafter,
PWD / EBC candidates. photograph & signature in specific digital candidate should verify the data by click
Source : Available on format. Thereafter, candidate should on ‘ Submit’ button to complete the
www.nfr.indianrailways.gov.in verify the data by click on ‘ Submit’ application process. After submission of
button to complete the application the application form, candidates will have
10 Assistant Sub-Inspector process. After submission of the to pay Rs.150/- as application fee
From Page 1 application form, candidates will have to through online payment gateway. No
Post : Assistant Sub-Inspector (Lab Technician). pay Rs.100/- as application fee by using application fee is required for SC / ST /
Diploma holders in Medical Laboratory Technology from online payment gateway. No application PWD candidates.
any recognised Institute after passing 12th standard fee is required for Female / ST / EXSM Advt. No. 383/HR/HLS & SCB 2024-25
examination from any recognised Board / Council / candidates. Dated : 06.11.2024
University with Physics, Chemistry & Biology subjects Source : Available on Source : Available on www.bel-
are eligible to apply. Number of vacancy is 07 (UR : 02, www.recruitment.itbpolice.nic.in india.in

Owner : Sangsthaan Prakashan Pvt. Ltd., Printer : Mousumi Ghosh, Publisher : Mousumi Ghosh, Published from Flat No. B-3, 2nd Floor, 12/3/4 Jamir Lane, Kolkata – 700 019, Dist. : 24 Parganas (South) and Printed from Sangsthaan Prakashan Pvt.
Ltd., Vill : Nazirabad – Uchchepota, P.O. : Uchchepota, Gram Panchayet : Kheadaha, Dist. 24 Parganas (South), Kolkata – 700 150, Editor : Avishek Basu. Phone No. : (033) 2460 6211/12, Fax No. : (033) 2460-8233. E-Mail : appointmentnews@gmail.com

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