Assignment 5-Phylogeny-15 Nov. 2024
Assignment 5-Phylogeny-15 Nov. 2024
Assignment 5-Phylogeny-15 Nov. 2024
Assignment 5
In this assignment, you will use sequences of mitochondrial cox1 gene (for cytochrome c oxidase
subunit 1) to infer the phylogenetic relationships among 12 species of terrestrial vertebrates from
different major lineages: human, chimp, gorilla, baboon, lemur, bat, mouse, kangaroo, platypus,
croc, frog and angelfish. Mitochondrial genes are commonly used in molecular phylogenetic studies
due to their high substitution rates and the lack of recombination relative to nuclear genes.
Sequence alignment
5. Perform Pairwise Distances for amino acids & select the p-distance under Model/Method.
method for the Test of Phylogeny option. Input 100 for the No. of Bootstrap Replications.
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Seq. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 A G T A G T C T G C
2 A G T C G A C A G C
3 A C T C G G C T C T
4 A C T C T C C T G T
Seq. 1 1 2 2 10 7 7 1 10 1