Sem I Notes
Sem I Notes
Sem I Notes
It was recommended that a national or social service should be introduced
on a voluntary basis and extended as widely as possible with a provision for
rich and varied programmes of activities.
The Education Commission headed by Dr.D.S. Kothari (1964-66)
recommended that students at all stages of education should be associated
with some form of social service.
The Vice Chancellors’ Conference in September, 1967 welcomed this
It was laid down that work experience and national service should be an
integral part of education.
In May, 1969, a conference of the students’ representatives of the
universities and institutions of higher learning convened by the Ministry of
Education and the University Grants Commission also unanimously
declared that national service could be a powerful instrument for national
On September 24, 1969, the then Union Education minister Dr. V.K. R.V.
Rao,launched the NSS programme in 37 universities covering all states and
simultaneously requested the Chief Ministers of States for their cooperation
and help.
National Service Scheme (NSS)
Launched in 1969 The Birth Centenary
Year of Mahatma Gandhi, Father of our Nation
1. Understand the community in which they work.
2. Understand themselves in relation to their community.
3. identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in
problem solving process.
4. Develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility.
5. Utilize their knowledge in finding practical solutions to individual and
community problemsDevelop competence required for group living and sharing of
7. Gain skills in mobilizing community participation.
8. Acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitude.
9. Develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters and
10. Practice national integration and social harmony.
The overall objective of the scheme is education and service to the community
The symbol of the National Service Scheme, as appearing on the cover is based on
the ‘Rath’ wheel of the Konark Sun Temple situated in Orissa.
• These giant wheels of the Sun Temple portray the cycle of creation,
preservation and release, and signify the movement in life across time and
• The wheel signifies the progressive cycle of life.
It stands for continuity as well as change and implies on the part of the NSS for
continuous striving for social transformation and upliftment
(Present Thrust Areas
• One NSS unit consists of 100 student volunteers led by a teacher -in -charge
called "NSS Programme Officer”.
Regular activities (community work); 120 hours in a year
• Special activities - 12 hours in a year - two per semester of 3 hours duration
A Camp of 7 days duration is conducted every year in an adopted village/slum on
specific theme
NSS attempts to establish meaningful linkages between
· Campus and Community.
· College / university and Villages.
· Knowledge and action.
In order to recognize the NSS units the following awards are instituted
1. STATE NSS Award
2. Indira Gandhi NSS National Award
In addition to the above awards certificate will be issued to NSS students
after two years of completion.
In addition Leading volunteers are being selected and sent each year to take part in
programmes organized at the national level.
Republic Day Parade
National Integration Camp
National Youth Festival etc
1. To establish rapport with the people in the project area.
2. Identify needs, problems and resources of the community.
3. To plan programs and carry out plans.
4. Relate his learning and experience towards- finding solutions of the
problems he identifies.
5. Record the activities in his work diary systematically
Production Oriented Programmes
Education and Recreations
Adult education
Pre-school education programme
Programmes of continuing education of school drop-outs, remedial coaching
of students from weaker sections.
Work in crèches
Participatory cultural and recreation programmes for the community
including the use of mass media for instruction and recreation, programmes
of community signing, dancing etc.
Organization of youth clubs, rural and indigenous sports in collaboration
with Nehru Yuva Kendras
Programmes including, discussions on eradication of social evils like
communalism, casteism, regionalism, untouchability, drug-abuse etc.
Non-formal education for rural youth
Legal literacy, consumer awareness
• In Bihar, Orissa, Kerala and Haryana thousands of shelters for shelter less
have been constructed. In Punjab and Jammu & Kashmir, which shed
enough blood in the past, now top in blood donation camps.
01.National Youth Week 12-19 January
02. Van Mahotsava Week 1-7 July
03. International Literacy week 8-14 July
04. Quami Ekta Week 19-25November
Discussion with NSS Group Leaders, Volunteers and Colleagues regarding
camp projects :
The Programme Officer should convey the information regarding the proposed
Special Camp to the Programme Coordinator, NSS Regional Centre, State Liaison
officer and the concerned TOC/TORC. The information should contain the
dates,time, venue and other details of the camp. The nature of the projects to be
undertaken may also be intimated to the above authorities.
The preparation at the unit level should ensure consultation with the
concerned local departments, the support of the local panchayat and the
community in the village/slums and with active participation by local youth
(upto 10%). Arrangements for upkeep of the assets created as a result of the
camps shall also be ensured by the local community. Efforts should be made
to identify and involve representatives of different Departments who can be
approached for guidance and assistance.
Guidelines for the success of Camp
The selection of proper projects for special camping programme can boost
the morale of the campers and develop in them a sense of achievement.
(i) The needs of the locality;
(ii) Facilities available in the area;
(iii) Local participation;
(iv) Possibility of completing or developing the project in 7 days and
(v) Possibility of follow-up action in Regular Activities.
The permissible expenditure for a 7 day camp is Rs. 450/- per camper at
Rs. 64 /- per camp per day on board and lodging and transport,
contingency expenses etc. is the outer limit and every effort should be made
to keep the expenditure on the lower side especially in view of the need for
austerit To achieve economy in expenditure, the camp should be held in
the village/slums in the vicinity of the college/schools. Thus, the
expenditure on travel should be minimized.
Other expenditures like those on pre-camp orientation, Resource Persons,
Planning of Activities, Evaluation etc., may be met from the NSS regular funds
and should not be charged from camping fund.