Piller of Islam
Piller of Islam
Piller of Islam
ISBN: 789-849-56234-5-1
Mobile: +12672066644
Contents Page
Introduction 3
Chapter 2 kalma 10
System of Islamic worship
worship education
There is a huge society of Muslims all over the
world, and all Muslims must know the rules and
regulations of daily worship of this Muslim society.
Although all the methods and rituals of worship are
introduced from the original Arabic Language There
is no obstacle to perform those rituals in the
mother tongue. In this situation, I realized the need
to write a simple and concise book on obligatory
worship and Islamic behavior in the international
language English, this is my small effort in its
continuation. Hopefully it will be very easy for
English speakers to know the basic infrastructure of
Islam. Therefore, the book will help a lot in
teaching religion to the followers of Islam. Pray to
all, great merciful, grant us all knowledge for
human welfare, Amen.
Chapter 1
(Book of Islamic Knowledge)
8. Touba
10. Roja
11. Haj
12. Hakat.
13. 40 Hadid
14. Others
Pillars of Islam
BY Dr. Rafiqul islam
Chapter: 2 kalima
List of 6 Kalimas?
Capter -2 kalma
Meaning- sallallahu alaihiussallam
Kalima Tayyab
The meaning of la ilaha illallah muhammadur
rasulullah is,
Pronunciation in English
la ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika lahu, lahul
mulku wa lahul hamdu yuhyi wa yumitu Wahuwa
Hayyu-l Laa Yamootu Abadan Abada. Dhul Jalaali
Wal Ikraam. Biyadihil Khair. Wahuwa Ala Kulli
Shai-in Qadeer.
This in turn can set you free from the past and
enable you to have a strong, functioning, healthy
body and mind for the future. Stress, anxiety, and
regrets are silent killers which take their toll slowly
but accumulate through time. We need to become
aware of the things we have done wrong and
sincerely repent to relieve ourselves of the past.
Pronunciation in English
Kalima Astaghfar
The meaning of this supplication is,
Allahumma Inne A’udhu-bika Min An Ushrika Bika
Shay-awn Wa-ana A’lamu Bihee Wa-astaghfiruka
Limaa Laaa A’lamu Bihee Tubtu ‘Anhu Wata-
barraatu Mina-l Kufri Wash-shirki Wal-kidhbi Wal-
gheebati Wal-bid’ati Wan-nameemati Wal-
fawahishi Wal-buhtaani Wal-m’aasi Kulli-haa
Wa-Aslamtu Wa-aqoolu Laaa Ilaaha Illa-llaahu
Muhammadur Rasulullah.
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Roger's intention
َنَو ْيُت َاْن ُاُصْو َم َغًدا ِّمْن َش ْه ِر َر ْم َض اَن اْلُم َباَر ِك
َف ْر َض ا َلَك َيا اللُه َف َتَق َّبل ِمِّنى ِاَّنَك َاْنَت الَّس ِمْيُع
َاْس َتْغِف ُر اللَه اْلَعِظْيم – َاَّلِذْى اَل ِاَلَه ِااَّل ُه َو َاْلَح ُّي
اْلَق ُّيْو ُم َو َاُتْو ُب ِاَلْيِه اَل َح ْو َل َو اَل ُق َّو َة ِااَّل ِبالَّلِه
اْلَعِلِّى اْلَعِظْيم Pronunciation:-
Astagfirullahul Azim, Allaji La Ilaha Illahu Al-
Hayyul Qayyum, Wa Atubu Ilaihi La Hawla Wala
Quyata Illa Billahil Aliyil Azim.
Chapter 5
Doa ঃ “Rabbana-a-tina fiddunia-hasanataon wa fil
a-khirati hasanataon wa kina aza-banna-ra.
Wadkhilnal Jannata Maal Abrar Ya-Azizu Ya-
Ghaffaru Ya-Rabbal Alamin ”. After reciting this
prayer, Hazrat Aswad reached along and one circle
was completed. Thus complete a total of seven
rounds. Use 8-grain tasbih to keep track if
necessary. After completing seven chakras, Hajar
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will kiss Aswad for the eighth time and the Tawaf
will end. At the end of the seven rounds, proceed to
Ibrahim in Makkah and say, "Wattakhiyu Mim
Makami Ibrahim Musalla." Make Ibrahim a place of
prayer in Makkah. At the end of Tawaf, start
reciting Talbiyah again
Chapter 6
10. The gold and silver ornaments given to the wife will
not be counted as the property of the husband but the
property of the wife. And the ornaments that the wife is
only allowed to use, the owner owns the husband, it will
be calculated from the husband's property. And those
whose ownership is unclear should be made clear. The
ornaments which the wife has her own property made
or which she acquires from the father's house, will be
considered as the wife's property. In the case of the
ornaments given to the daughter, if the mother is made
the owner, she is the owner. And if given only for the
purpose of use, the girl does not own it. They are the
owners of the ornaments that are made in the name of
the minor girls on their wedding day or the money that
is invested in the bank or business in their name for the
purpose of spending on the marriage of the minor boy
or girl. Therefore, they will not be considered as the
property of the father / mother and they will not be
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Kaba sharif
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Chapter 7
Bismillaherrahmair rahim
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1) Alha-Kumuttaka-Chhur.
2) Hatta-jhurtumul maka-bir.
3) Kalla-Chaofa Ta'lamun.
4) Chu mma kalla-chaofa talamun.
5) Kalla-Lao Ta’lamuna ‘Ilmal Yakin.
6) Lataraunnal Jahima
7) Chumma Lataraunnaha- ‘Ainal Yakin.
8) Chu mma latusalunna yaomaizin
ِإ َّن ٱ ْل ِإن َٰس َن َل ِفى ُخ ْس ٍر
ِإاَّل ٱ َّل ِذي َن َءاَمُنو۟اَوَعِمُلو۟ا۟ا ٱل َّٰص ِل َٰح ِت َوَتَواَصْو۟ا۟ا ِبٱْلَح ِّق َوَتَواَصْو۟ا۟ا ِبٱلَّصْبِر
1) Wall ‘Asr
2)Innal insha-na lafi khushar.
3) Illalallaina a-manuwa ‘amilussa-liha-ti wa
tawa-saobil hakki wa tawa-sao bissabari.
sh meaning of Surah Asr.
Englishpronunciation of Surah
1)Wailulilkulli Humajhatil Lumajah
2) Allazi Jama’a Ma-Laonwa WAddadah.
3) Yahchabuanna Ma-Lahuakhladah
4) Kalla-Laiumbayanna Phil Hutamah.
5) Wamaadra-ka maal hutamah.
6) Na-rulla-hil mukadatul
7)lati tattaleoalal afidah
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Surah Fil
ِإِلي ِف ُق َر ْيٍش
ِإَٰلِفِهْم ِرْحَلَة لِّشَتٓاِءَولَّصْيِف
107 | P a g e
ِإَّنا ْعَطْيَناَك اْلَكْوَثَر
َفَصِّل ِلَر ِّبَك َواْنَح ْر
ِإَّن َش اِنَئَك ُهَو ا ْبَتُر
1, Inna’ataina-kal Kawshar.
2, Fasalil Lirabbika Wanhar.
3, Inna Sha-Niaka Huwal Avtar.
Meaning of Surah Kawthar.
Surely I have given you Kawsar. So pray to
your Lord and sacrifice. The one who is your
enemy is the one who has been cut off.
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سورة اإلخالص
Allahu assamad
2. Allah, the Eternal Refuge.
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الناس سورة
Capter 8----
40 Hadiths
Read 40 hadiths yourself and give
others the opportunity to read
1. Reach out to me, even if it's just a verse.
(Sahih Bukhari: 3215) .
28. Even the sin under his nails comes out. (Sahih
Muslim: 464,465) .
Capter 9
1 .Belief in God
2. Believe in angels
6. Belief in destiny
Chapter 10
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