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Data Communication April 2021

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Data communication april 2021

Computer Science (University of Calicut)

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Downloaded by Amala P (bajtry5@gmail.com)

C 3495 (Pages2) Name..

Reg. No..
APRIL 2021
Common Course


Time Two Hours and a Half Maximum 80 Marks

Section A

Answer at least ten questions.

Each question carries 3 marks.
All questions can be attended.
Overall Ceiling 30.
1.How is topology related to line configuration ?

2 Why is synchronizationa problemin datacommunication?

3 hat are the functions of DCE ? Give an example of a DCE.

4 How does FDM combine multiple signals to one?

5 What is the advantage of asynchronous TDM?

6 How can the capacity of a GSM cell be increased ?

W.at are tne reanots for the delays in a GSM system tor packet data tratfie?

What is the purpone of line discipline?

9. in what situation does the sender re-transmit a packot ?

10 What are the uses of BSC control frames?

What are the advantages of FDDI over a base Token ring ?

12 What is the basie principle of prupagation of hght through the fibr?

13 What is a double heterustructure 7

14 Define dark current as applied tw a photo detector?

15 Dfine mode field dianmeter

103 30 maiks)

Tura over

Downloaded by Amala P (bajtry5@gmail.com)


2 C 3495

Section B

Answer at least five questions.

Each question carries 6 marks.
All questions can be attended.
Overall Ceiling 30.

16. What are the four different methods that convert a digital signal to analog signal ?

17. Write a note on twisted pair cables.

18. Explain in detail synchronous TDM.

19. What are the two basic groups oflogical channels specified by GSM?
20. What are the two methods that control the flow of data across the communication links.

21. In HDLC, what is bit stuffing and why is it needed ?

22. What are the advantages of optical fiber communications ?

23. Distinguish between LEDs and LASERs.

(5 x 6 30 marks

Section C

Answer any two questions.

Each question carries 10 marks.

24. Explain the different network topologies.

25. Explain the GSM system architecture.

26. Explain the three switehing methods.

27. What are the different types of fibers used in optical fiber communications?

(2 x 10 20 marks)

Downloaded by Amala P (bajtry5@gmail.com)

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