Multimedia and Web Technology (Code 067) Sample Question Paper - Set II Class XII (2015-16) Max Marks:70 Duration: 3 Hrs
Multimedia and Web Technology (Code 067) Sample Question Paper - Set II Class XII (2015-16) Max Marks:70 Duration: 3 Hrs
Multimedia and Web Technology (Code 067) Sample Question Paper - Set II Class XII (2015-16) Max Marks:70 Duration: 3 Hrs
1. a) What is a DBMS? 1
b) i) A part of the Microsoft Office suite that is used to create and manage databases 1
ii) The view in which we can define each field in the table, associated data types
and their input masks.
D Study the following data and answer the questions given below:
(ii) What type of relationship exists between table tbl_car and the table 1
(e) What is the impact of changing Frame Rate of a movie? 1
(f) Rita is trying to make change in the movie. Though the content of layer on 1
stage is visible but no changes can be done to it.What should she do so that
she can make changes.
(g) Ms. Reena Sharma is planning to gift an animated digital card to her father on 2
fathers day.She wants to include vector graphics, sound and video. But the
size of the movie should be small even if it requires additional plug-in to play
the movie. Which of the following formats are best suited for this purpose:
(i) GIF
(ii) JPEG
(iii) SWF
The image on the right hand side shows the position and size of the image for
frame 1.
The image on the left hand side shows the position and size of the image for
frame 25.
3. Answer the following questions based on HTML:
a) Fill in the blanks in the HTML code to create a framed web page in the following 2
b) Write the HTML code to generate a Web Page in the format given below : 8
c) Write a program to read a text file “exam.txt” and display the no. of spaces 3
in the file.For example , if the content of the file exam.txt is
b) Observe the program segment given below carefully and fill the blanks 4
marked as Line 1 of the server object and Line 2, Line 3 and Line 4 using
methods of the RecordSet object for performing the required task.
a) Name the event that occurs when the mouse cursor is brought over an 1
element on a web page.
When the user clicks on any of radio buttons, the message should be
displayed according to selected gender.
For Example if the First name entered by user is Neeraj and Last Name
entered by user is Singh the following message should be displayed
according to the selected Gender
Gender Message
Male Hello Mr.N.Singh. Welcome to our website.
Write the HTML code for creating the form and the embedded VBScript
code for the click events of the button.
a) The doctors in the same room have connected their Palm Tops using Bluetooth 1
for exchanging views about a patient. Out of the following what kind of
network they have formed?
Block - A Block - B
Block - D
Block - C
Number of computers
Block A 35
Block B 60
Block C 140
Block D 1