IFU Dengue NS1 Ag Rapid Test Kit V1.5 EN Bioperfectus
IFU Dengue NS1 Ag Rapid Test Kit V1.5 EN Bioperfectus
IFU Dengue NS1 Ag Rapid Test Kit V1.5 EN Bioperfectus
6. Product Description
This product is based on immunochromatographic technology. The detection area of
Only one colored line appears
the strip has a test line (T line) and a control line (C line). Goat anti-rabbit IgG antibody Negative
at the C area.
and NS1 antigen specific antibody is coated on the C line and T line, respectively.
Rabbit IgG antibody and another NS1 antigen specific antibody are coated on the
conjugate pad.
When starting the test, the sample will be added into the sample well on the cassette.
After mixing with the colloidal gold-labeled antibody on the conjugate pad, the sample No colored line appears at the
will then flow onto the nitrocellulose membrane. If dengue NS1 antigen is present in Invalid C area even if a colored line
the sample, the antigen will form a complex with the colloidal gold-labeled antibody appear at the T area
coated on the conjugate pad. The complex will be captured by the NS1 antigen specific
antibody coated in the T line area. In this case, a visible T line will appear on the
detection area as the presence of dengue NS1 antigen. If dengue NS1 antigen does not 13. Performance Characteristics
present in the sample or the antigen concentration is lower than the detection limit of ⚫ Limit of Detection (LOD)
this method, only a C line will be visible. The limit of detection of the kit is determined by testing varied concentrations of
plasmodium diluents for 20 times, and repeat the whole process for 3 batches. The level
7. Warnings and Precautions with a positive detection rate of 95% was set as the limit of detection.
⚫ The test devices are for in vitro diagnostic and professional use only. Serotype I II III IV
Bioperfectus Technologies Dengue NS1 Ag Rapid Test Kit Version1.5 Issue Date:May 2023
2.5x103 5x103 1x102 5x102
PFU/ml PFU/ml PFU/ml PFU/ml
The detection limit of dengue serotype I, II, III, IV is 2.5x103 PFU/ml, 5x103 PFU/ml,
1x102 PFU/ml and 5x102 PFU/ml, respectively.
⚫ Diagnostic Sensitivity and Specificity
Dengue NS1 Ag Rapid Test Kit has been tested with Dengue positive and negative
clinical samples confirmed by highly praised comparator reagent. The results are as
Comparator reagent
Positive Negative Total
Positive 350 5 355
Negative 10 768 778
Total 360 773 1133
Sensitivity: 97.22%, 95%CI: 94.96%~98.48%
Specificity: 99.35%, 95%CI: 98.49%~99.72%
Accuracy: 98.68%, 95%CI: 97.83%~99.20%
⚫ Analytical specificity
The following cross reactivity microorganisms have no impact on the assay.
Potential cross-reacting
No. Type Positive/Total
1 Inactivated Yellow Fever 0/5
2 Inactivated Chikungunya 0/5
3 Inactivated Zika 0/5
4 Inactivated Japanese encephalitis 0/5
5 Virus Inactivated Hepatitis B 0/10
6 Inactivated HIV 0/10
7 Inactivated Influenza A 0/10
8 Inactivated Influenza B 0/10
9 Inactivated Rubella 0/5
10 Inactivated Treponema pallidum 0/5
11 Inactivated Borrelia burgdorferi 0/5
12 Inactivated Toxoplasma gondii 0/5
13 Inactivated Chagas 0/5
14 Inactivated Malaria Pf 0/10
15 Inactivated Malaria Pv 0/10
The cross-reactivity of Bioperfectus Dengue NS1 Ag Rapid Test Kit with other relevant
microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses and parasites were demonstrated on assay
performance. In these studies, those specimens did not react with the Bioperfectus
Dengue NS1 Ag Rapid Test Kit.
⚫ Interference substances
The following potentially interfering substances have no impact on the assay.
Potential interfering
No. Type Concentration
1 Hemoglobin 2.5mg/mL
2 Compounds Triglyceride 30mg/dL
3 Bilirubin 12000mg/L
4 Rheumatoid factor Rheumatoid factor ≤300IU/mL
5 Autoimmune antibodies Human anti-mouse antibody ≤500IU/mL
The effects of potential interference substances were characterized on assay
performance. Potential sources of interference including Positive titers of rheumatoid
factor, Positive titers for other autoimmune antibodies were investigated. In these
studies, those specimens did not interfere with the Bioperfectus Dengue NS1 Ag Rapid
Test Kit.
⚫ Precision
Repeatability and Reproducibility were evaluated by within or between batches assay
conducted by different operators at different sites. There was no statistical difference
during the evaluations.
14. Appendix
Index of Symbols
Authorized representative in the
CE certification
European Community
In vitro diagnostic Medical
Use-by date
Manufacturer Date of manufacture
Bioperfectus Technologies Dengue NS1 Ag Rapid Test Kit Version1.5 Issue Date:May 2023