GDF - Tornament Guidelines v3.4.1
GDF - Tornament Guidelines v3.4.1
GDF - Tornament Guidelines v3.4.1
Referees: Each tournament should have one or Game Size: For tournament games we Force Lists: Before the tournament, all players
more referees that decide on how to interpret recommend fixing the game size to a total of must submit one main force list made of at least
certain rules and assist players in resolving any 2000pts per player. 70% worth of units of the total game size, plus
uncertainties that come up. up to three other lists made of up to 30% worth
Force Lists: Before the tournament all players
of units of the total game size as sideboard lists.
Tournament Length: We recommend playing should submit their force list to the tournament
tournaments of 4 rounds of matches, with each organizers for reference. Force lists must follow Composition: All sideboard lists must be
match lasting a max. of 90 minutes, including Force Org. rules. created in such a way that once combined with
game set-up. These numbers are based on our the main list, the combined list follows regular
Mixed Armies (optional): Whilst we don’t
recommended army sizes of 2000pts per player, composition rules.
recommend mixing armies in tournaments, here
so you will have to tweak them if you’re using
are some rules you can use if you want to allow Using Sideboard Lists: Before the game, after
different army sizes.
them. Players may bring units from up to two seeing each other’s main force lists and
Chess Clocks: The use of chess clocks is factions in the same list, but must select one of sideboard force lists, players must pick one of
recommended, giving each player 45 minutes them as their primary faction. Mixed armies their sideboard lists in secret, and add it to their
per game, including set-up. must consist of at least 60% worth of units of main force list. Then both players reveal their
their primary faction, and heroes from either final force list simultaneously to each other.
Match Pairings: The match-ups for the first
faction list may only join other units from their
round are randomized, and from the second
own faction.
round players are paired by matching players
with the same VPs together, from highest to Getting Fortune Points: At the beginning of
lowest score. In case of a tie, match players by each round, each player gets fortune points
their destruction points instead. Mission: The tournament organizers may pick based on the game size:
any official mission, or come up with missions of
Victory Points: At the end of each match the • Up to 1000pts = 2 points
their own.
winner gets 3 VPs, and in case of a tie both • Over 1000pts = 1 point
players get 1 VP each. Terrain: The terrain is set up by the tournament
Fortune points persist between rounds, but
organizers, and may not be moved by the
Destruction Points: Additionally, each player players can’t ever have more than 3 points at
players during the game.
gets as many destruction points as the total any time during the game.
point cost of all enemy units that were fully Armies: Before the game begins, and at any time
Using Fortune Points: Once per roll, after
destroyed or shaken at the end of the match. during the game, both players may inspect their
rolling, players may spend 1 fortune point to add
opponent’s force lists and ask any questions
Winning the Tournament: After the 4th round +1 or -1 to the result of all dice in a single roll for
they have.
of matches the player with most VPs wins, and in their own unit, but may only spend fortune
case of a tie the player with the highest total Match Start: As soon as players roll-off for points on each unit once per round. Note that all
destruction points across all matches wins. deployment the match starts. If you are using weapons within the same attack count as a
Otherwise, it’s a tie. chess clocks they must be started now. single roll, both to hit and to block, and that
additional rolls from special rules count as
Match End: The match ends as soon as the
different rolls.
mission conditions are met. If you are using
chess clocks and a player runs out of time, then
all of their units count as being destroyed
1 | Copyright © OPR Games. All Rights Reserved | Created By: Gaetano Ferrara |
More Precision: If you want to have more When playing with top-down line of sight, When playing with volumetric line of sight,
precise line of sight rules for tournaments, you models can see targets by drawing lines models can see targets by drawing lines
can play with one of the following methods, between their bases, and obstructions block between imaginary volumes, with heights
which should avoid disputes: sight based on their assigned height. defined by their base sizes.
• Hybrid True Line of Sight Before the game begins, players must assign a Before the game begins, players must assign a
• Top-Down Line of Sight height value to all units and terrain. As a height value in inches to all units. Each model
• Volumetric Line of Sight guideline, height can be defined as a value of occupies a volume of space of that height above
X+1, where X is the actual height of the physical its base, determined by its base size. As a
Note that no matter which method you use, the
object (miniatures, terrain, etc.). guideline, height can be defined based on the
following rules always apply:
typical size of miniatures that are mounted on
Example: A 1” model counts as being height 2, and
• Models can always see in all directions, those base sizes.
a 2” building counts as being height 3.
regardless of where the miniature is
For models without a base, measure their actual
actually facing. The same guidelines apply to models, but you
height and define an area around their centre as
• Models always have line of sight to can also use the following pre-set heights to
being their base size for determining how large
themselves, and may target themselves speed up preparation:
their volume is.
(unless stated otherwise).
• Height 1 - Swarms
• Models can’t see through solid obstacles, Here are some pre-set heights you can use to
• Height 2 - Infantry, Artillery
including the perimeter of other units speed up preparation:
• Height 3 - Large Infantry, Cavalry, Chariots
(friendly or enemy).
• Height 4 - Large Cavalry, Monsters, Vehicles • 25mm Base - Height 1”
• Models can always see through friendly
• Height 5 - Large Monsters, Giants • 32mm Base - Height 1.25”
models from their own unit.
• Height 6 - Titans • 40mm Base - Height 1.5”
Note that players may agree to ignore unusual • 50mm Base - Height 2”
When standing on top of terrain, units add its
features (like decorative banners or flame • 60mm Base - Height 3”
height to their own, and the total counts as their
effects) for line of sight. • 100mm Base - Height 4”
new height value.
To determine line of sight, simply draw a straight
Example: A height 2 infantry model standing on a
line from any point of the model’s volume to any
height 3 building counts as being height 5.
Before the game begins, all models are applied a point of the target model’s volume. If the line
size class, based on their Tough: To determine line of sight, simply draw a straight doesn’t pass through any obstacles or unit
line from any point of the model’s base to any volumes, then the model has line of sight.
• Small - No Tough, and Heroes with
point of the target’s base. If the line doesn’t pass
Tough(3) When using this method, we recommend
through any obstacles or units of same height or
• Medium - Tough(3), and Heroes with building simple paper cylinders with the volume
higher than both models, then the model has
Tough(6) of each base size before playing, which can be
line of sight.
• Large - From Tough(6) to Tough(12) used during the game in place of models to
• Huge - From Tough(15) to Tough(21) When using this method, we recommend determine line of sight.
• Titanic - From Tough(24) up counting all models and terrain pieces of the
same type as being the same height, to avoid
To determine line of sight, simply get down to
having to constantly measure heights.
the eye level of the miniature, and check if it can
see the target. If the target is visible, then the
model has line of sight.
2 | Copyright © OPR Games. All Rights Reserved | Created By: Gaetano Ferrara |