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Class 2

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Class II

Worksheet 1– My Fun day

Q1. Circle the months with 30 days and underline the months with 31 days.
January February March April

May June July August

September October November December

Q2. What day will it be?

a) After Friday - ____________________________.

b) Before Saturday - _________________________.

c) The fifth day of the week is - ____________________.

d) 3 days after Monday - _______________________.

e) 2 days before Tuesday - ______________________.

f) A week has __________________ days.

g) 7 days after Sunday - ________________________.

h) If today is Wednesday, then yesterday was ________________ and tomorrow will be


i) Sunday comes between ________________ and ______________.

j) The second day of the week is ___________________.

Q3. What do you like?

Name Month it comes




Q4. Write the name of the months in which these festivals take place.

Festivals Month
Children’s Day
Teacher’s Day
Independence Day
Republic Day
Gandhi Jayanti
Worksheet 2 – My Fun day
Q1. Fill in the blanks:

a) Number of days in a week is _____________________.

b) February has _________ days but it has _________ days in a leap year.

c) First month of the year is ___________________.

d) September is the _________________ month of the year.

e) ___________________ comes between October and December.

f) The eleventh month of the year is ____________________.

g) If this month is December, then previous month was _________________ and the next month will

be ____________________.

h) If today is Friday, then day before yesterday was ________________ and the day after tomorrow

will be ___________________.

i) If the day after tomorrow will be Monday, today is ___________________.

j) The months which have 30 days are __________________, ___________________,

___________________ and ___________________.

Q2. Look at the given calendar and answer the following questions:

a) How many Sundays are there in the given month?


b) Identify the importance of the day which is encircled?


c) If today is 15th, the day after tomorrow will be


d) If today is 15th, the day before yesterday was


e) The day after 15th is _________________________.

f) The day before 15th is ________________________.

g) On which day will Independence Day fall?


Class: II Date:
Subject: ENGLISH Topic : Silent letters & Who am I
1. Which letter is silent in comb, limb and lamb?


2. Which letter is silent in knee, know and knot?


3. Which letter is silent in raspberry and cupboard?


4. Which letter is silent in wrinkle, wreck and wrist?


5. Which letter is silent in castle and nestle?


6. Which word has a silent B?

limber doubt rubber robes

7. Here is a tricky one. In the word phone, what sound do the letters PH make?

a P sound an F sound an H sound a J sound

8. Another tricky one: In light, tight and taught, which letter or letters are silent?

L G and H T H and T

9. Is the letter r in the following words in British English silent or not silent?

Drink learn

hear here

Friend finger

Cry carrot

Story board

10. Who am I ?

(a) I take care of your teeth. I am a ______________ .

(b) I look after the plants in your garden. I am a ____________ .

(c) Keeping the city safe is my job. I am a _____________ .

(d) I read news, normally on television. I am a __________________ .

(e) I fly a plane. I am a _______________ .

(f) I look after sick animals. I am a _______________________ .

(g) You come to me when you are sick or have some health problem. I am a ______________ .

(h) I make bread and cakes . I normally work in a bakery. I am a ____________ .

(i) I repair cars and motor bikes. I am a ________________ .

(j) I catch fish. I am a ________________________ .

What did they do? Describe what you see in the
picture using Simple Past Tense:

1. The birds ____________.

2. The cat ____________ the tree.
3. Mike ____________ thewindow.
4. Grandfather ______________.
5. Paul _____________ the flowers.
6. Mrs. Green _____________ to music.
7. Mr. Green _____________ a newspaper.
8. Simon _____________ beside the table.
9. The girls ______________ with dolls.
10. The ducks _____________ in the pond.
What are they doing? Describe what you see in the
picture using Present Continuous Tense:

1. Grandma ______________________________________.

2. Dad ___________________________________________.

3. Cindy _________________________________________.

4. Evan __________________________________________.

5. Baby Ben ______________________________________.

6. Usel ___________________________________________.
Choose the proper verb to complete the sentences:
Add a noun from the box to each of the following sentences:

1. Animal lives in the ______________.

2. Malini goes to school by ______________.
3. My sister ______________ is taller than me.
4. My friend likes______________.
5. I like to play ______________.
6. The boy is playing with bat and ______________.
7. I have a red ______________.
8. ______________ is in my class.
9. Ram is going to ______________.
10. ______________ runs fast.
11. The ______________ is crying.
12. The ______________ is flying in the sky.
The longest Step
Fill in the blanks:
1. ____________ is a non-standard unit of
2. 1 m = ___________ cm
3. ___________ is the fundamental unit of length.
4. ___________ unit is used to measure the length of long objects.
5. ___________ unit is used to measure the length of short objects.
Write the correct unit (km/m/cm) used to measure the following:
1. Length of an eraser __________
2. Height of a tree __________
3. Your height __________
4. Width of tv screen __________
5. Distance between Bilaspur and Raigarh __________
6. Length of your mother’s saree __________
7. Length of your classroom __________
8. Length of a truck __________
Body parts (longer/ shorter)
1. My nose is ____________ than my face.
2. My arm is ____________ than my toes.
3. My neck is ____________than my leg.
4. My arm is ____________ than my foot.
Circle the object that is
less than 1 m long:
Q.1 Break the numbers into tens and ones:
a. 85=_______+_______
b. 59=_______+_______
c. 15=_______+_______
Q.2 Find the number
a. 3 tens + 5 ones =_______
b. 9 tens + 9 ones =_______
c. 2 tens + 0 ones =_______
Q.3 Regroup the following:
a. 3 tens + 11 ones =______
b. 5 tens + 18 ones =_______
c. 2 tens + 45 ones =_______
Q.4 Match the following:
a. 5 tens and 8 ones 60+6
b. 5 tens less than 60 100
c. 10 tens 49
d. 40+9 10
e. 66 58
Q.5 Fill in the blanks
a. 42 = _______ + 2
b. _______ = 80 + 3
c. 63 = _______ + 3
d. 36 = _______ + _______
e. 13 = _______ + 3
Read the given dialogues and circle the pronouns.

Hi, my name is
Rohan, I’m your

Encircle the correct pronoun from the given options to replace the
underline nouns:
1. Babita went on a trip to a desert.
He She It I
2. The desert was hot and dry.
He She It I
3. Mina’s brother saw a cactus.
He She It They
4. Rita and Rita’s brother are happy.
He She It They
5. I and my mother went to a movie.
We He She It
Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns .
1. We should eat an apple daily. …….. is a healthy habit.
2. Mr. and Mrs. Sharma are our neighbours. We meet ……..
3. Let’s go for a drive with uncle John . …….has bought a new car.
4. I, Dolly and Swati have planned to visit a park . ……are very
excited .
5. My mother is a teacher. ………teaches me English.
6. Mother loves me a lot. ……. Love her too.

Encircle the incorrect pronoun and write the correct one for the
underlined noun.
1. My father has a holiday. She helps in lighting the candles.
2. I like my new clothes. We are very pretty.
3. Diwali is a Festival of Lights. He is celebrated in all over the
4. My brother and I read a comic book. You enjoyed a lot.
Class: II Topic- Green world, Seasons,
Festive time.

Q1.Tick the Correct Option

1) We wear ______________ clothes in summer.
a) loose b) Jute c)Cotton d) Woollen
2) Which part of the plant makes food.
a) Fruit b)Leaves c)Root d) Stem
3) ______________ is the coldest month in India.
a) April b) May c) June. d) December
4) Effigies of Ravan burn on
a) Dussehra b) Christmas c)Holi d) Diwali
5) Which of the following is a plant product?
a) Perfume b) Milk c) Wool d)All of the above
Q2 Match the following
1) Sugarcane Leaf
2) Gurunanak's Birthday National Festival
3) Bihu Gurupurab
4) Spinach Harvest Festival
5) Republic Day Stem
Q3) Give two examples of the following parts of plants we use as food.
a) Stem ____________ , _____________
b) Root _____________ , _____________
c) Leaves _____________, _____________
d) Seeds_____________, _____________
Q4) Answer in one word
a) Harvest festival in Tamilnadu -
b) Colourful band in sky after rain-
c) Festival celebrated after 30 days of fasting-
d) When the days are shorter and nights are longer-

Conserve Water
Activity Worksheet
Water is blessing. Drought is a big problem that needs to be taken seriously. We
use a lot of water everyday like brushing our teeth or taking shower. We must not
waste water. We must learn to save water by using water carefully.
Look at the picture below and start some ways to save/conserve water. You may
take help of the sentences given below:-
 Use a bucket not a hose to wash the car.
 Use washing machine when it is fully loaded of with clothes.
 Turn of tape while brushing your teeth.
 Repair dripping take and pipes.
 Take shorter showers.















Winter Vocabulary
Look at the picture and complete the missing letters:-

1. m___ tt___ ___ s

2. s____0_____

3. b___ ___ ts

4. s__ __a t __ r

5. e___ ___ m ___ ffs

6. i___l___ ___

7. ___c___r___

8. s___ o__ ma___

कऺा – दस
ू री

विषय – हहिंदी (काययपत्रक)

प्र० १. ननम्नलऱखित कविता की ऩॊक्ततयाॉ ऩण

ू ण कररए I

अ. टे सू राजा

ऱे रहे अनार I

इस अनार में ककतने दाने ?


ब. ऩर भरू ी काऱी,



गरु ाणता है

प्र० 2. शब्दों की अॊत्याऺरी आगे बढाइए I

अ, बादऱ ऱेककन नहर ____________ ____________ ____________

ब. ददए गए नामों के समह

ू लऱखिएI

मोर, बऱ
ु बऱ
ु , कबत
ू र -

आऱ,ू बैंगन, प्याज -

स. जोड़ीदार शब्द बनाइए I

ददन X ऩीछे X

मीठा X अच्छा X

प्र० ३. ददए गए शब्दो को िातयों में प्रयोग कीक्जये I

१. आिाज –

2. मॉह
ु -
३. चचड़ड़या –

४. अचानक –

५. सड़क –

प्र० ४. ऩाॉच जानिरों के नाम लऱखिए-






प्र० ५. अऱग शब्द में गोऱा ऱगाइए I

१. घर – दरिाजा, खिड़की, दीिार, साबन

2. बाररश – ऩानी, गीऱा, बादऱ, काजऱ

प्र० ६. ननम्नलऱखित में से ककसी एक विषय ऩर डायरी लऱखिए.

 अऩने वप्रय लमत्र के जन्मददन की ऩाटी में शालमऱ होने ऩर, अथिा
 ऩहऱी बार नाटक/डाॊस में भाग ऱेने ऩर
कऺा – दस
ू री

विषय – हहिंदी (काययपत्रक)

प्रश्न १ ननम्नलऱखित गदयाॊश को ऩढ़कर सही उत्तर लऱखिए ।

रवििार को आनॊद अऩने गाॉि गया । आनॊद अऩनी माॉ के साथ ताॉगे ऩर बैठ कर गया । तभी आॉधी आ गई ।
ू ें भी चगरने ऱगी । आनॊद ने ऩहऱी बार आॉिऱे के ऩेड़ और गें हूॉ के िेत दे िे । उसने ऩाॉच ऊॉट भी दे िे । िहाॉ
एक कॉु आ भी था । तभी कॉु ए के ऩास की झाड़ड़यों में से एक साॉऩ ननकऱा । साॉऩ को दे िकर आनॊद ने डरकर
आॉिें मॉद
ू ऱी । साॉझ होने से ऩहऱे आनॊद अऩने गाॉि ऩहुॉच जाना चाहता था ।

१. रवििार को आनॊद कहाॉ गया ?

२ आनॊद के साथ कौन था ?

३ उसने ककतने ऊॉट दे िे ?

४. साॉऩ कहाॉ से ननकऱा ?

५. उसने अऩनी आॉिें तयों मॉद

ू ऱी ?

६. आनॊद ने ऩहऱी बार --------- के ऩेड़ और ---------- के िेत दे िे ।

चन्द्रबिन्द्द ु िाऱे शब्दों को गदयािंश से छााँटकर लऱखिए ।

१. साॉझ का समान अथण िाऱा शब्द लऱखिए I

२. आॉिें मॉद
ू ऱी का मतऱब

३. अगर आऩ िहाॉ होते तो साॉऩ को दे िकर तया

करते ?
नाम िाऱे शब्दों को छााँट कर लऱखिए

५. सब
ु ह होने से ऩहऱे आनॊद अऩने गाॉि ऩहुॉच जाना चाहता था। (सही / गऱत)

प्रश्न२ शब्दों को सही क्रम में जमाकर िातय बनाए -:

१) भी / िहाॉ / ऩर / कुिाॉ / था

२) गई / आॉधी / तभी/ आ

३) चगरने / बॉद
ू ें / भी / ऱगी

प्रश्न ३ गदयाॊश के आधार ऩर कल्ऩना कर चचत्र बनाइए ।

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