A Research
Presented to the Faculty of the
Senior High School Department
San Carlos City, Pangasinan
Soriano, Melvin F.
Reyes, Jhocel P.
Palaganas, Marc F.
Mondares, Clarence P.
Lavarias, Crystal
Chapter I
changes sensory activity that is reasonably populated, consciousness practically all voluntary
muscles are inhabited, and reduced contacts with the environment The majority of people
sleep during the night. The body's systems are in an anabolic condition, which aids in weight
loss to heal the immunological system, neurological system, skeletal system, and muscular
system systems. Sleep patterns were classified as behaviors such as going to bed on time,
getting up on time, drinking coffee at night, sleeping for a long time, and taking sleeping
drugs. The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) have called the total loss of
sleep as “Sleep Debt”. Teenagers (aged 14-17) require at least 8-10 hours of sleep, and young
adults (aged 18-25) require at least 7-9 hours at night as stated by the National Sleep
Foundation (NSF, 2015). In the same study, the NSF did not recommend less than 7 hours of
sleep for teenagers and less than 6 hours of sleep for young adults, respectively. Less sleep at
night also meant sleep loss adds up. Students often complained they do not get enough sleep
at night, which affected their day time activities. Not getting enough sleep was a common
Sleep is as essential to human health as food and water, but many of us are sleep
deprived. Inadequate sleep, Sleep deprivation or interruptions to the sleep-wake cycle have an
impact on how people perform during the day, causing tiredness, dizziness, and weariness.
HUMSS have a lot of different sleeping habits, students who grow up in a culture that
encourages them to be frugal sleep deprivation, academic work, and social obligations
pursuits. Poor sleep hygiene can be caused by a variety of factors Caffeine, alcohol,
stimulants, technology, and the use of social media platforms, in particular, preventing pupils
from getting enough sleep and quality. Poor sleep, according to research, has an immediate
negative impact exercise has a detrimental impact on a person's hormones brain function and
Poor sleeping habits were also prevalent in the Philippines. According to the Healthy
Living Index Survey, Filipinos have one of the highest rates of sleep deprivation in Asia.
According to the survey, 46% of people do not get enough sleep, and 32% sleep for less than
six hours (2016). Technology may play a role in why excellent sleep habits are difficult to
maintain. Tan (2018) claimed that artificial light has eliminated the night, and that television,
phones, and tablets have extended waking hours, not merely because of work and play, but
also because they produce a blue light that stimulates increased awake.
Getting the required amount of sleep can be difficult with all of the duties we have as
practitioners, academics, and family members. The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention declared insufficient sleep to be a public health issue earlier this year. Getting
enough sleep has been proven to be beneficial to our health in numerous research. Dr. Dinges
explains, "We know for sure that sleep performs various roles." "Nature is frugal in that it
frequently employs a single system or biology in various ways to improve an organism's
Students should get the proper amount of sleep at night to help stay focused, improve
concentration, and improve academic performance. Children and adolescents who do not get
enough sleep are more likely to suffer from obesity, type 2 diabetes, poor mental health, and
"Students should receive the right amount of sleep at night to help stay focused,
increase concentration, and improve academic performance," according to the CDC Healthy.
Children and adolescents who do not get enough sleep are more likely to suffer from obesity,
type 2 diabetes, poor mental health, and injuries.
The majority of students are unaware that their sleeping habits can have an impact on
their academic performance. In terms of academic achievement, when people are cramming
and not resting, the key knowledge they learned and believed they had memorized
essentially slips out of their brain, and they will have difficulty recalling it the next day. Apart
from that, pupils who do not sleep or wake up at the same times every day are more likely to
receive poor grades. Significant discrepancies in grade point averages can be found between
regular and irregular pupils. Students with erratic sleeping patterns had lower ratings, near to
zero, whereas habitual sleepers received higher values, close to 100. (Knight, 2017)
Meanwhile, stress is one cause of insomnia, while others can be attributed to "early
school and work hours," a lack of exercise, and nighttime traditions that would be altered. In
this scenario, kids express the need for sleep in order to prevent being weary and completing
their schoolwork properly, as attention is compromised (Merenheimo, 2018).
According to Nasim et al., (2018), nearly half of teenagers experience sleep
deprivation during the week and three-quarters do not feel refreshed in the morning. Regular
daytime napping is observed throughout the week, according to the study. A variety of
biological, demographic, behavioral, and environmental factors have been linked to sleep
deprivation in Saudi Arabian youth. Given the negative effects of sleep deprivation on one's
health, academic performance, and societal well-being, preventive measures should be taken.
The importance of sleep and the implications of sleep deprivation are promoted by delaying
the start of school in the morning and promoting sleep hygiene behaviors among teenagers
and the general public.
sharpness, among other things numerous types of cognitive tasks everyone, however, is
unique different. One person may be able to function with fewer resources. While one person
may require only 6 hours of sleep, another may require a whole 8 hours. Any sleep
deprivation for an extended period of time will have an impact on your mood amount of
energy and capacity to concentrate, focus, and learn It has a direct impact on your academic
Understanding the underlying issues that contribute to sleep deprivation can also help
students determine which aspects of their daily routine should be altered. Knowing the
dangers of sleep deprivation may persuade youngsters to get enough sleep no matter how
a. Age
b. Sex
c. Section
a. mobile devices
b. caffeinated beverages
d. school works
3. What is the extent of effects in academic achievements does these sleeping habits do.
to everyone. What is students' sleeping habits and how does this relate to their academic
The students:
The information gathered from this research will be useful in the future allow kids to
understand how sleeplessness affects them their academic performance is influenced by their
behavior this will raise awareness about the significance of sleep and how to get enough of it
how it affects their lives, particularly their children's lives their education and health.
The Teachers:
This acts as a wake-up call for educators’ kids aren't aware of the magnitude of their sleeping
habits as well as the teachers. This will also assist them in achieving their goals make
conditions for them to remember how to teach their students. Sleep is quite important. They
will be able to grow and develop find out how to avoid sleep deprivation.
The parents:
Parents will profit from this as well, since they will see that their children are learning. They
should provide direction and discipline to their children. Parents will become more aware as a
result of this research. People are aware that their sleeping habits can have an impact on their
health youngsters, in particular their studies They will have the ability to be aware that they
conduct a similar study on the effects of self-reporting on HUMSS students' sleeping habits
Our study was limited to only the Grade 12 Humanities and Social Science
Students of Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School, which disqualifies students
from other schools. Having respondents of just one school did significantly shorten the
sample size. This also eliminated the junior high school students, and other academic and
Chapter II
Theoretical Framework
The Self-Care Deficit Theory by Dorothea Orem focused on each individual’s ability
to perform self-care, defined as the practice of activities that individuals initiate and perform
on their own behalf in maintaining life, health, and well-being. This theory was composed of
three theories: the theory of self-care, the self-care deficit theory and the theory of nursing
systems. For the theory of self-care, we had emphasized the maintenance of a balance
between activity and rest. This was a part of the universal self-care requisites, which suggests
an individual must recognize when they were not maintaining a balance of exercise and rest.
For a senior high school student, it can prove to be challenging to choose rest overactivity.
Whether it be school work or studying, they must sacrifice their rest to participate in these
activities. This balance between exercise and rest also includes a balance between solitude
and social interaction. For a student, these tasks may prove difficult because some students
cannot properly balance these aspects. Many students claim they don’t have enough sleep at
night and they participate in activities. Activities may include social interaction with their
classmates or friends, which can get in the way of adequately resting. Solitude could also
result in no balance between rest and activity, as a student could be studying alone and not
Conceptual Framework
Figure 1 presented the conceptual paradigm of the study. In the presentation of the
research paradigm, the input-process-output-model was utilized. The inputs were the
respondent's demographics, their understanding of getting adequate sleep for overall health
and satisfactory academic performance. The process of gathering data about sleep habits by
the students of the Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School with selective
guidelines for the increased understanding of the importance of getting adequate sleep would
be the output.
Input Process Output
Alternative Hypothesis
Sleeping Habits will in all ways affect students’ academic performance. Their
minds become disturb and the result is lack of focus in studies which become the
Null Hypothesis
Student’s sleeping habits and routine has nothing to do with their academic
performance, and their irresponsibility and laziness that causes them bad performance
in school.
Definition of Terms
Mental State- a mental condition in which the qualities of a state are relatively
constant even though the state itself may be dynamic
Anabolic Condition- The term "anabolic" means the use of body energy to promote
growth and regulate constructive metabolism.
Immunological system- The immune system protects your body from outside
invaders. These include germs such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi, and toxins
(chemicals made by microbes). The immune system is made up of different organs,
cells, and proteins that work together.
Neurological System- is the major controlling, regulatory, and communicating
system in the body. It is the center of all mental activity including thought, learning,
and memory.
Sleep Debt- Sleep debt is when you sleep fewer hours than your body needs. It’s
cumulative, meaning that if you regularly get less sleep than you should, you’re going to
have more sleep debt.
Sleep Deprived/ Deprivation- refers to getting less than the needed amount of sleep,
which, for adults, ranges from seven to nine hours2 of sleep per night.
Inadequate Sleep- such as not sleeping long enough overall or having poor quality
sleep—affects both how we feel and how we function.
Sleep Wake Cycle- refers to the pattern of time we spend awake and asleep every 24
hours. For humans, the 24-hour clock is divided between approximately eight hours of
sleep and 16 hours of wakefulness. The most significant role of the sleep-wake cycle
is to consolidate sleep2 during the night, helping you stay awake during the day.
Circadian Rhythm- are physical, mental, and behavioral rhythms that are around 24
hours in duration, are intrinsic to the individual, and respond to light and dark. Your
body essentially has a 24-hour internal clock. This clock controls a number of
processes, including sleep-wake cycles.
Anxiety/ Depression- Anxiety and depression are two of the most common mental
health concerns in our society. They are often experienced as a complex set of
emotional and functional challenges.
Most students probably know that depriving themselves of sleep was bad, but
they were willing to sacrifice sleep and as a consequence, health, telling themselves it
was just for a short time and they can soon start sleeping 12-hours a day once the
semester drew to a close (Segaren 2018). This information highlights that student are
aware that getting more sleep was better for them, but they prioritized their studies
instead. Students who care for their academic performance tend to do it because they
want good grades. Sleeping for a long time can also negatively affect the student, as it
can force their bodies to adjust to an inconsistent sleeping pattern and circadian
Going from sleeping for a short amount of time, a longer period wasn’t the
only way the circadian rhythm could be altered. Using mobile phones meant the
mobile phones at night could diminish the quality of sleep quality, resulting in fatigue
and impairing the psychological function (Kawada, 2017). In the current year of 2020,
students were often seen clinging to their cellphones. Their phones held an assortment
of essential applications that store their notes and documents and social and leisure
applications such as Facebook and games. When a student or individual has difficulty
sleeping at night or wishes to relax at the end of the day, they tend to turn to their
phones for aid. This proved to be detrimental to their sleep schedule, as time can “fly”
when using a phone during the night. However, this can also cause a distraction,
Daytime sleepiness was also a struggle many students face, and to get rid of
this, the favored drug was caffeine. Caffeine was used by more than 80% of the
world’s population and was commonly found in coffee, tea, caffeinated soft drinks,
energy drinks, and chocolates (AlSharif et al., 2018). It was no secret that the favorite
caffeinated beverage of the world was coffee. In the 2018 study made by the National
beverage. While this was a decent temporary solution, there would inevitably be a
crash in with the individual experiences once the effects of caffeine wear off. If this
happened in the middle of the day, one could always take a short nap to catch up on
their sleep. However, a student was still in school during the day and had to choose to
stay awake and focused during their class or have another coffee cup—this action of
drinking multiple cups of coffee throughout the day as a consequence. During the
evening, caffeine could still be in their system, and they struggled to sleep at night
until there was no effect from the coffee. The student then slept late and waked up
early to start the cycle over again. If the student also had a test to study beforehand,
they used coffee to stay awake and study as much as before their exam. In
between non-caffeine consumers versus those consuming high levels of caffeine. The
consumers (Gabrish, 2017). Students are turning to caffeine face consequences if they
consumed during the day or at night. In the long run, students would negatively
impact their academic performance if they use caffeine as a replacement for sleep or
to compensate for lack of sleep. The findings of this study can be used to educate
The Philippines ranked 4th spot among other countries experiencing sleep
deprivation, based on a recent study by Sleep Cycle. They claimed that the lack of
sleep or sleep deprivation might sabotage one’s mental and physical health at risk
causing short-term and long-term memory problems, mood swings, anxiety and
depression, inability to focus, weight gain, and others (The Filipino Times, 2019). For
senior high school students having short-term and long-term memory problems
inhibited their ability to learn properly. Since the study was recent, it means that
people are not getting enough sleep at night still. Coupled with the inability to focus,
it can further prevent students from paying attention in class or doing their school
Consistent delay in the circadian rhythm or the sleep-wake cycle caused the
students to perform better later than in the early morning. Medical or health-related
students with late evening class schedule and an early morning duty rotation have
lesser sleeping time. This pattern may result in sleep problems, such as insomnia,
increased daytime sleepiness or hypersomnia during the weekends (Basa et al., 2017).
Students with class schedules that keep them at school longer and get them up earlier
in the morning had taken a toll on how much sleep they get. Students had to sacrifice
their own sleep time to prepare for the next day, whether they have duty in the
morning or just another early class. This sacrifice of sleep would eventually build up
their sleep debt as they continually put off sleep for responsibilities to themselves or
to their academics.
break to regain their energy, and the ideal nap was 10-20 minutes (2019). In this same
article, they mentioned having a room called the “blue snooze”. This room was
specifically for students who just want to take a nap. This idea of giving students a
place to sleep was a great way to catch up on sleep debt. It was hard to find a quiet
position on campus to rest and have a small break during the day. Implementing a
room would benefit the student’s energy for the rest of their day and encourage
students to sleep when they have time to. It could also help fight against daytime
that workload, as represented by the number of units, enrolled increases the likelihood
of experiencing exhaustion (Velasco 2019). The study claimed the average teams
registered were 17.64, which affected their levels of fatigue. It further stated that
concentration in class.
Chapter III
Research Design
The study had utilized a quantitative, descriptive correlational research design.
represented numerically (Matthews & Ross, 2020). In this study, the researchers had
practices improved through observation, analysis, and description (Koh & Owen,
2020). The researchers intended to describe how sleeping habits can affect academic
(2018), correlational research measures two or more pertinent variables in the same
sample and assesses a relationship between them. The study was correlational because
it compared two variables: Grade 12 HUMSS students' sleeping habits and their
academic performance. The participants of the study were Grade 12 HUMSS students
This study used data that evaluated the relationship of Grade 12 HUMSS
students' sleep habits and their academic performance and the significant finding with
a quantitative approach, the research was able to used statistical tools such as a
questionnaire. The tools aided to analyze and compute the data and its results.
Senior High School in the Municipality of San Carlos City, Pangasinan in Roxas
researchers gave to them through google forms. The study was concerned with
The study was limited only for Honor students of Grade 12 Humanities and Social
The sources of data that will be used are the students of Speaker Eugenio
Perez National Agricultural School. Specifically, the Grade 12 Humanities and Social
Science Students Honor Students with an average of 90% and above for the first
participate in their surveys based on their own opinion. The researchers will send the
link of the survey via google forms to the participants who are available to take part
with existing questionnaires relevant to this study. This questionnaire was used as the
main data-gathering for this study to determine and describe the other contributing
factors encountered by the Grade 12 HUMSS Students that affect their sleeping
pattern and describe its relationship to their academic performance. The tools used by
the researchers which are divided into three parts are discussed.
Part II research instrument was intended to gather data regarding the extent of
effects inadequate sleep for overall health and their exemplary academic performance
Part III aimed to assess the relationship between the sleeping habits and
Frequency= x 100 %
F= Frequency counts
n = Number of participants
Weighted Mean:
W . M .=∑ fx /n
f = Frequency
n = Number of respondents
To analyze the effects of adequate sleep and good academic performance, the
researchers used the Pearson correlation coefficient (Pearson’s R). The formula was:
N ∑ xy− (∑ x ) ( ∑ y )
N = Number of respondents
∑ xy=¿ Sum of the products of hours of sleep and negatively affected by sleep
∑ x =¿ Sum of squared hours of sleep
∑ y =¿ Sum of squared negatively affected by sleep