BulteHousenPallotti2024LL Accepted Version
BulteHousenPallotti2024LL Accepted Version
BulteHousenPallotti2024LL Accepted Version
(accepted version)
Bulté, B., Housen, A., & Pallotti, G. (2024). Complexity and Difficulty in Second Language
This article presents a theoretical review of and methodological guidelines for the study of two key
notions in second language acquisition research, complexity and difficulty. The term “complexity”
has gained considerable currency over the past decades and has taken on a wide range of meanings.
We argue for a more restricted interpretation, focusing exclusively on formal, structural properties of
linguistic items. The less employed term “difficulty” in our account refers to the cognitive costs
associated with learning and using such items. Based on our theoretical definitions, we critically
review measures operationalizing these constructs and discuss their strengths, limitations and
potential applicability to second language research, in order to establish a small set of measures to be
used routinely in the interest of replicability and knowledge accumulation in the field. In addition, we
discuss the relationship between complexity and difficulty and the associated notions of proficiency
and development.
1. Introduction
The study of language complexity has both theoretical and applied relevance. Theoretical
approaches to language complexity are typically motivated by the attempt to evaluate and refine
theories of language structure, language evolution, or the human language processor, or to describe
and compare linguistic structures across languages and varieties. Applied approaches to language
complexity (e.g., in clinical and developmental linguistics, language testing and pedagogy) have been
primarily motivated by the attempt to develop accurate, reliable and objective metrics of language
performance, proficiency and development across contexts or conditions. Within the second language
acquisition (SLA) literature, a constant complaint is that research on complexity often produces
inconclusive results. Some of the most frequently cited reasons include conceptual ambiguity of the
key notions and the proliferation of measures, with little attention to issues such as their construct
validity and redundancy, which in turn impedes knowledge accumulation in the field (Bulté &
Housen, 2012; Norris & Ortega, 2009; Pallotti, 2015). In an attempt to promote both conceptual
clarity and empirical rigor and, ultimately, foster knowledge accumulation, we present in this article a
theoretical overview and a critical discussion of how complexity and difficulty have been defined and
operationalized in applied linguistics (AL) and SLA research, together with some concrete proposals
Some terminological clarifications are in order before we start our exposition. First, we will
discuss the complexity and difficulty of linguistic objects. Linguistic objects can be conceived of at
different levels of abstraction. On the one hand, there are the more abstract form-function pairings that
linguistic community and thus possibly represented in published grammars and vocabularies, or as the
“items” interchangeably and depending on established conventions. For instance, it is more customary
structure would be the English “passive”, consisting of the pattern NP-Subject PATIENT + BE + PAST
PARTICIPLE (+ by NP AGENT). An example of a lexical item would be the pairing of the phonological
form /bɔɪ/ (together with its graphological representation <boy>) and the meaning [+human, +male -
adult]. On the other hand, there are the concrete instantiations of these abstract structures and items in
oral and written language production. For these, we will use the terms “forms” or “units”, again
interchangeably. An example of a syntactic form is the concrete passive sentence “The symphony was
written by Mozart” as it appears in a written text. The form counterpart of the above-mentioned
lexical item would be the graphic string “boy” as it occurs in writing or the phonetic sequence [bɔɪ] as
it is uttered in spoken language. Finally, we use “text” to refer to oral and written language
productions containing such forms and units. While it is certainly possible (though not always easy) to
observe and count different forms in a text produced by a language learner, establishing exactly what
functions or meanings they express is often problematic. This is why our discussion on how to
analyze learners’ texts will be concerned with formal aspects only, as will be further explained and
argued below (see section 5). Second, we will only be concerned with the complexity and difficulty of
individual linguistic forms and of the texts containing them, deliberately ignoring the question of the
complexity of a whole linguistic system. In the last decades there has been a lively debate in
(Baerman et al., 2017; Sampson et al., 2009). This approach is viable only in those cases where a
system can be identified and circumscribed, for example when an exhaustive grammatical description
is available. However, with unstable, idiosyncratic systems such as learner varieties it is virtually
impossible to establish what the “system” is, as this can only be inferred and approximated based on
concrete linguistic productions (or performance on receptive tasks). Thus, in what follows we will be
concerned with describing the complexity and difficulty realized in actual texts, not the theoretical
inflection in German”. Finally, for the sake of descriptive clarity, we propose to study complexity and
difficulty at the level of different layers of language (i.e., the lexicon, syntax, morphology), as is
customary in the L2 literature, although we are aware that in some cases these layers are not always
easy to tease apart. We also incorporate a brief discussion of more recent measures that target
complexity and difficulty at the lexico-grammatical interface. Other levels and interfaces of course
exist or can be conceived of, for instance the morpho-phonemic or syntax-pragmatic interfaces, or
linguistic phenomena at the supra-sentential or discourse level, but for reasons of space we will not
This paper is structured as follows: section 2 presents the state of the art of complexity and
Section 3 discusses conceptual issues and proposes theoretical definitions of the key constructs. In
section 4, we pay attention to the linguistic units of analysis used in the operationalizations of
complexity and difficulty. These operationalizations are critically discussed in sections 5 and 6,
used in SLA research. Section 8 offers some notes on the relationship between complexity and
difficulty on the one hand and L2 development and proficiency on the other. The final section
contains recommendations for SLA researchers and conclusions. Given our personal academic
backgrounds, the discussion will mainly focus on L2 research, although much of what will be said is
also relevant for L1 acquisition, and we will draw on the L1 acquisition literature whenever this is
The term “complexity” was sporadically used in the early years of SLA research to
characterize L2 development (e.g., Larsen-Freeman, 1978). It rapidly gained ground in the 1990s in
association with the notions of fluency and accuracy to form the CAF triad (Housen & Kuiken, 2009).
This reflected the field’s awareness that language development could not be described simply in terms
of increasing accuracy (more target-like uses). Firstly, the addition of fluency accounted for the fact
that, over time, language processes become faster, due to their higher automatization. Secondly, the
interlanguage perspective (Selinker, 1972) implied that linguistic systems may grow in ways that do
not necessarily result in more grammatical correctness, but that nonetheless display a wider, though
not always target-like, range of options. “Complexity” was a suitable term to describe this further
dimension, and the number of studies including it among their key variables grew exponentially in the
following years. Wolfe-Quintero et al. (1998) provided an extensive overview of the numerous
measures of lexical and grammatical complexity used thus far, as was done by Ortega (2003) for
syntactic complexity, with a specific focus on academic writing. More recent overviews of syntactic
and lexical complexity measurement practices can be found in Johnson’s (2017) meta-analysis of
research on cognitive task complexity and Crossley’s (2020) overview of measures for analyzing
The relationship between the definition and operationalization of complexity was critically
discussed in a number of theoretical contributions. Many of these argued that linguistic complexity
itself is not a unidimensional notion, and that its use as an umbrella term covering all aspects of
language development other than accuracy and fluency may be problematic (Biber et al., 2011, 2020;
Bulté & Housen, 2012, 2014; Lambert & Kormos, 2014; Norris & Ortega, 2009). A further issue that
was repeatedly pointed out is that the term “complexity” can have at least two main meanings (Bulté
& Housen, 2012, 2014; Kusters, 2008; Miestamo, 2008; Pallotti, 2009, 2015). One refers to the
structural properties of an object, phenomenon or system as such and is also called “objective
complexity”. In a general sense, objective complexity has to do with the number and variety of
constituent components and the elaborateness of their interrelational structure (cf. Rescher, 1998).
When applied to language, this type of complexity refers to an inherent property of a linguistic
structure or system, or a text. The second sense concerns the interaction of these linguistic objects
with an agent, most typically a human agent. It is in fact sometimes deemed “subjective” or “agent-
related” complexity as it has to do with the processing costs and demands for the individual, that is
include everything that is learned later. This is done on the assumption that what is learned first is
easier and what is learned later on is more difficult, or what typically occurs later in language
production is indicative of “more advanced” language use or, in short, development (DeKeyser, 2005;
Housen, 2021). This attitude is evident in the suggestion that the validity of complexity measures
should be argued on the basis of their ability to show that development has taken place over time (e.g.,
Larsen-Freeman, 1978; Ortega, 2012; Wolfe-Quintero et al., 1998). Yet another sense or use of the
term complex(ity) is to describe, characterize, measure and explain learners’ or users’ language
“proficiency”, according to the assumption that more proficient language knowledge and use is
somehow more complex and, conversely, more complex language knowledge and use entail higher
Thus, the term “complex” has been employed to cover at least four distinct notions: 1)
language use.
While umbrella terms may be useful in some cases, when they come to cover too many
conceptually and empirically separate meanings they may cause terminological confusion and hinder
the progress of a coherent and shared research agenda. Different studies may in fact attribute different,
or multiple meanings to the word “complexity”, or they may fail to define its exact meaning and
boundaries of application altogether. This makes it difficult to compare and accumulate research
findings. The situation gets even more complicated with the proliferation of complexity measures,
some of which actually represent different constructs, while others are substantially overlapping and
redundant (Norris & Ortega, 2009). This situation may be partly driven by an increased reliance on
computational methods and tools (see e.g., Lu, 2017, for syntactic complexity, Kyle et al., 2018, for
“fine-grained” indices of syntactic complexity, Kyle & Crossley, 2015, for “lexical sophistication”)
that provide dozens, perhaps hundreds of measures, many of which have been interpreted in terms of
“complexity”. The risk is to select them randomly, without careful reflection on the relationship
between empirical measures and theoretical constructs (Bulté & Housen, 2012). Even more
problematic is p-hacking, that is, the inclusion of a wide range of measures to then simply select or
focus on those that produce statistically significant results. A research design, including the measures
operationalizing the variables of interest, needs to be specified in advance, based on conceptual rigor
and theoretical consistency rather than on the quest for ex-post statistical significance, which may
sometimes lead one to select questionable or redundant measures. This is why in later sections we will
propose a small set of measures that should be routinely used in order to facilitate knowledge
Compared to complexity, difficulty is not a popular term in applied linguistics and SLA
research and, even more than linguistic complexity, linguistic difficulty has rarely been thoroughly
theorized (Housen & Simoens, 2016). Studies have often simply posited certain L2 structures to be
“hard”, “problematic”, “challenging” or “difficult” for L2 learners, without providing any further
argumentation. While the term “difficulty” as such may not have been employed frequently in the
literature, the notion has played a considerable role as a descriptive or explanatory factor in empirical
studies in various research strands, including on text readability, psycholinguistic processing, L1 and
L2 acquisition and language attrition. It is related to the notion of processing cost proposed in
psycholinguistics and various areas of theoretical and applied linguistics. It has been measured in
terms of, for instance, the iconicity of structures (Steger & Schneider, 2012), communicative
efficiency (Gibson et al., 2019; Hawkins, 2014), or semantic transparency (Seuren & Wekker, 1986).
Difficulty has also figured in several theoretical models of SLA, albeit indirectly and under the guise
of other terms and related concepts such as learnability (Izumi & Lakshmanan, 1998; White, 1990),
processability (Pienemann, 1998; Pienemann & Lenzing, 2020), or markedness (Callies, 2013;
Eckman, 2008).
Our understanding of difficulty, which will be further elaborated below, is largely grounded
on theories seeing language acquisition and use in terms of cognitive processes and skills, for example
Skill Acquisition Theory (DeKeyser, 2020) or emergentism (O’Grady, 2022). According to these
approaches, the acquisition of any linguistic skill (e.g., the ability to produce and comprehend a
certain word, syntactic pattern, morphological process) occurs as a chain of cognitive processes and
mechanisms that operate at different levels or stages of cognitive processing. First, at the level of
input, new linguistic elements are attended to (i.e., perceived, detected, selected) and stored in
working/short-term memory as intake (input processing). They may then be further analyzed and
reception/comprehension and for generating output (Suzuki, 2023; VanPatten, 2020). It goes beyond
the scope of this paper to discuss these mechanisms and processes in detail, or the extent to which
they overlap with the cognitive processes involved in language comprehension and production.
Important for our discussion is that they have different costs, in terms of the cognitive resources,
effort and energy their execution takes, which is what we call “difficulty”.
The aim of this article is primarily to bring conceptual and terminological clarity by
proposing a key conceptual and terminological distinction between “complexity” and “difficulty” and,
secondly, by discussing how these two constructs relate to the constructs of “development” and
“proficiency”. We see this endeavor as a continuation of previous approaches and practices. Adding
“complexity” as an additional dimension besides accuracy and fluency has led to a more perspicuous
representation of language development, but we believe that, after three decades of systematic
investigation of this dimension, a critical reappraisal seems in order to differentiate it from other
related yet distinct constructs. These constructs should not be conceived of as sub-categories of
“complexity” - rather they are on a par with it - which allows us to provide a more articulate picture of
the multidimensional nature of language development. Thus, rather than continuing to use
“complexity” as an umbrella term covering many different dimensions, we suggest restricting its
scope so that it refers to a clear, relatively homogeneous notion. We also advocate using different
terms for different constructs, which can then be (empirically) related to complexity, instead of being
seen as its manifestations. We realize that this proposal may be controversial, but we hope that it will
at least stimulate discussion surrounding the issues that are presented here.
linguistic items/structures and texts. By “difficulty” we mean the cognitive demands that these
“Development” refers to changes in the learner’s language system over time, most notably the
temporal order in which linguistic structures appear and/or are mastered. “Proficiency”, finally, refers
nonlinguistic devices) for a range of communicative goals. In what follows, we offer conceptual
definitions of linguistic complexity (3.1) and difficulty (3.2) which strive to be as much as possible
language-independent and theory-neutral, after which we will examine their relationships with the
Depending on the field and object of study, complexity in contemporary science has been
associated with various related, but also quite distinct, measurable properties such as entropy,
information, perplexity, intricacy and description length. Many of these modes, or “standards” as
Rescher (1998) calls them, have also been used to study language systems, specific linguistic
structures or texts. In this contribution we take a more restrictive approach which allows one to study
the relationships between complexity and other constructs in a more perspicuous manner.
We thus define language complexity as structural complexity, that is, the quantity and variety
of linguistic components and of the relationships between them (Bulté & Housen, 2012; Pallotti,
2015). These components are linguistic items resulting from linguistic description or analysis. More
specifically, our definition of complexity largely overlaps with Rescher’s (1998) ontological modes of
compositional and structural complexity, which comprise constitutional (i.e., number of constituents)
and taxonomical complexity (i.e., variety of constituents) on the one hand, and hierarchical (i.e.,
and interrelationships) on the other. Our definition is also largely in line with Biber et al.’s (2020)
characterization of complexity as the structural elaboration of linguistic units. In contrast to, for
example, Ortega (2003), our definition does not refer to the notion of “sophistication”, which is often
defined in terms of frequency, as frequency is not part of the structural makeup of a linguistic item
In fact, complexity, narrowly defined, can be used as an explanatory variable accounting for
difficulty, development and proficiency, whereas interpretation and explanation become more
problematic if the latter notions are included in the definition of complexity itself. Our definition also
appropriacy (see e.g., Biber et al., 2011). Finally, we also define complexity independently from the
cognitive effort that may be associated with processing linguistic structures, that is, difficulty, which
The notion of difficulty proposed in this article is akin to the category of computational
complexity in Rescher’s (1998) taxonomy, defined as the effort involved in resolving a problem,
A linguistic structure is thus said to be more difficult if its processing (production, comprehension)
and/or learning requires more cognitive resources (activity, energy, effort) from a language learner-
In this paper we will be mainly concerned with the difficulty of learning linguistic structures,
that is, the cognitive processes involved in decoding linguistic input and integrating this information
which can then be used in the production or comprehension of linguistic messages. Three main types
of causes of learning difficulty have been identified in the literature: structure-related, context-related
and learner-related difficulty (DeKeyser, 2005; Housen & Simoens, 2016). Structure-related difficulty
arises from the properties of the target linguistic phenomenon itself, such as its linguistic/structural
complexity, as previously discussed, or its transparency, that is, its interpretability. A second potential
set of causes determining a structure’s difficulty has to do with its use in the learning context. One of
the key factors in this respect is frequency in the input (DeKeyser, 2005, 2016). The third set of
causes concerns the individual contribution that each language learner/user brings to the L2 learning
and processing task. A relevant factor in this respect is linguistic knowledge, including knowledge of
previously learned languages or general metalinguistic abilities. In this article we will not develop the
discussion of learner-related (or individual) difficulty, as we are more interested in identifying ways
of establishing difficulty across learners (i.e., interindividual difficulty; Housen & Simoens, 2016).
The approach proposed in this paper has several implications for the epistemological status of
and relationship between the various constructs, whose illustration will allow us to be more explicit.
Firstly, the study of complexity, as defined here, relates to the what of acquisition and can contribute
to a property theory of SLA as it can provide an account of some (not all) quantifiable non-trivial
aspects of the underlying interlanguage systems, while the notion of difficulty relates to the ‘how’ and
‘why’ of acquisition and can be part of a transition theory of SLA (Gregg, 2003). Secondly, in order
to establish the degree of complexity of a language structure or text, it is not necessary to collect any
further data from human participants. Rather, complexity is an “observable attribute” (Kane, 2001),
and the validity of its measurement rests on the descriptive adequacy, internal coherence and
perspicuity of the linguistic account that is adopted. Difficulty, on the other hand, is more like a
“theoretical construct” (Kane, 2001). In order to assert that something is difficult one must invoke a
theory explaining the causes of difficulty and gather empirical evidence proving that this is indeed the
case. Thirdly, difficulty may be the (ontological) cause of development or a certain developmental
order, and this developmental order may be taken as evidence for the structure’s difficulty, but one
thing does not coincide with the other. Finally, proficiency is a much broader, general notion that has
been widely discussed especially in the language assessment literature (for reviews, Harsch, 2014;
Harsch & Malone, 2020). Some of its many characterizations also include aspects related to
complexity and difficulty alongside many more constructs, most notably accuracy and fluency (cf. the
CAF framework), but also notions such as adequacy, efficiency, appropriateness, quality,
Complexity, difficulty, development and proficiency are thus four distinct constructs which
must be called by different names in order to study, among other things, the possible relations among
them. These relations are not circular, but have a clear directionality. The gradual development of
linguistic structures over time is an observable fact, and it has been amply demonstrated that at least
some of them emerge in predictable and systematic orders in first and additional language acquisition.
The structures’ greater or lesser difficulty may be one possible explanation for these developmental
orders and, in turn, more structurally complex items may be argued to be more difficult to process and
learn. The causal chain is thus as follows: complexity > difficulty > development. This causality is not
absolute nor exclusive, in that complexity is not the only cause of difficulty, nor is difficulty the only
Firstly, complexity, difficulty and even typical developmental timing are properties of linguistic
structures (i.e., linguistic structures are more or less complex, difficult or late acquired), while
proficiency is a property of persons who use linguistic structures. Secondly, the complexity, difficulty
and developmental order of the linguistic structures that language users can process may contribute to
perceptions, evaluations or characterizations of their proficiency, but the relationship is not directly
causal and it depends on how proficiency is defined and operationalized. Defining whether and to
what extent “(communicative-linguistic) proficiency” should include the ability to process complex,
difficult and advanced language implies a whole discussion of the proficiency construct, which has
engaged applied linguists for decades. Although in this article we cannot develop this point much
important to identify and delimit the different linguistic units involved, which is a crucial, though
At the level of the lexicon, the practical measurement of complexity and difficulty has
traditionally started from the identification of lexical units, “words” in everyday parlance. However,
as many linguists have pointed out (see e.g., Ramat, 2019), it is not possible to provide
crosslinguistically valid criteria for sharply demarcating what is a word and what is not. Well-known
cases such as clitics, compounds or idioms, or isolating languages such as Chinese, or polysynthetic
ones such as Inuktitut, challenge the intuitive notion of word that seems so obvious to (literate)
speakers of many European languages. This implies that any empirical study that includes among its
measures those based on word counts should specify, relative to the language or languages in
question, how the word construct is defined, providing examples of what is included and what is
excluded. At a more practical level, for the purposes of measuring lexical, as opposed to
morphological, complexity and difficulty, one should remove the morphological variation manifested
by words in a text. This can be achieved by lemmatizing the different word forms (i.e., reducing them
to one single lexical base) prior to the calculation of lexical complexity and difficulty measures
(Vermeer, 2004; Nation, 2006), and/or by grouping them into “word families” (i.e., by merging
derivational forms) (see Jarvis & Hashimoto, 2021). This raises the question as to how derivational
morphological variants should be treated. Are these different words (i.e., different entries in the
mental lexicon) or rather are they linked to one entry through processes of derivational morphology?
There are no straightforward theoretical answers to these questions and decisions on how to treat such
variants of “words” may vary from language to language and according to one’s theoretical
orientations. In addition, analyses of lexical complexity should be explicit about whether so-called
“function words” are included as part of the lexicon or excluded on the grounds that they belong to
Turning to morphology, to overcome the difficulties inherent in the “word” construct, 20th
century linguistics introduced the more technical notion of “morpheme.” This too has been discussed
and criticized, so much so that many authors propose to abandon it altogether (for a review, Leu,
2020). Many morphologists find it preferable, which is also the orientation of this article, to speak of
morphological processes, patterns or operations. These include both concatenative processes such as
the addition of phonological segments and other processes such as phoneme change, contraction,
reduplication, or even the absence of any change at all (Haspelmath & Sims, 2010). The different
forms that lexemes can take as a result of inflectional processes are called “exponents” (Mathews,
The scope and nature of syntax, too, is still widely debated in theoretical linguistics. Simply,
and somewhat simplistically, syntax refers to the principles determining how units of language are
combined to signal a range of linguistic meanings and functions. These combinations may be
described in terms of constituencies (smaller units forming increasingly larger units), dependencies
constructions (patterns of co-occurrence going from relatively fixed expressions like idioms, to
templates such as X enjoy Y, or abstract patterns like NP-Subject + Transitive Verb + NP-Object). The
study of syntactic complexity and difficulty in mainstream applied linguistics has often been
conducted with scant attention for syntactic theorizing in general, or without pledging explicit
allegiance to any specific syntactic theory. There are, however some notable exceptions to this, such
as Biber and colleagues (working with his corpus-based grammar) and those working within
generative grammar, such as Slabakova (2014), who identified the structures in an L2 that are harder
to process and acquire based on their inherent properties as defined by minimalist generative theory.
Practically speaking, the sentence is often chosen as the main syntactic unit of analysis,
especially when automated analyses are performed, although this raises several problems. Firstly,
operationalized on the basis of punctuation. This in turn makes it unusable for analyzing oral data or
productions by writers with limited punctuation skills. Furthermore, the traditional “sentence”
encompasses both coordination and subordination as clause linking mechanisms, which is rather
coordinating conjunction leads to a lower level of integration than subordination (of which there are
different types with varying degrees of integration themselves; see Lehmann, 1988). In this respect,
we recommend counting independent coordinated clauses as separate syntactic units. This means that
a main clause together with its dependent clauses (i.e., a T-unit, Hunt, 1965; or AS-unit, Foster et al.,
2000) is the largest syntactic unit of analysis that we consider (Pallotti, 2015).
Similarly, clauses have also been defined and operationalized in different ways, with some
studies using finite clauses only, others including non-finite clauses, leading to varying results when
using the same metric (Bulté & Housen, 2012). In addition, some studies have included sub-clausal
units (e.g., without a verb) in the calculation of syntactic measures (Foster et al., 2000), whereas
others discard any utterances that do not consist of a verb (+ predicate) structure. Finally, Biber et al.
(2020) argue that instead of using coarse-grained units like the clause or the phrase, one should
distinguish between different types of finite and non-finite dependent clauses and dependent phrases
at different levels of granularity. We believe that this is complementary with a more holistic (or
“omnibus”) approach, in that it can offer a more detailed picture of the specific type of (syntactic)
Recent approaches have looked beyond traditional linguistic units by focusing on the
interfaces between previously identified levels of linguistic structure, in particular the lexico-
grammatical interface (Bestgen & Granger, 2014; Kyle et al., 2021; Paquot, 2019; Stefanowitsch &
Gries, 2003). Typically, lexico-grammatical units consist of combinations of two (or more) items
(Kyle & Eguchi, 2023), either defined on the basis of mere sequential co-occurrence (i.e., n-grams) or
on the basis of syntactic dependency relationships (e.g., noun - direct object or verb - adverb, see
Paquot, 2019). Some researchers have also studied the combination of a specific lexical unit (e.g., the
verb walk) and a grammatical construction in which it can occur (e.g., a transitive or intransitive
construction; Stefanowitsch & Gries, 2003). A wide range of potential units of analysis has thus been
proposed in this context, some of which could be argued to be very closely related to the traditional
lexicon (e.g., an adjective-noun combination such as tight grip), whereas others are closer to what is
often called syntax (e.g., the template of a ditransitive verb-argument construction). The way in which
lexico-grammatical units are identified also varies across studies. In some cases, this is done by
looking at their “collocational” properties, meaning that the strength of the association between the
items (i.e., how often they tend to occur together) is used to determine whether they qualify as a unit
or not; in other cases, units are identified based on the researchers’ or informants’ intuitions
(Gablasova et al., 2017). All this variety at the theoretical and methodological level testifies to the
liveliness of this research area, although it makes it difficult at the current state of knowledge to arrive
After considering how to define and delimit the relevant linguistic units of analysis, we
proceed by discussing how complexity and difficulty can be operationalized and measured.
5. Operationalizing complexity
On a theoretical level, we have defined complexity as the quantity and variety of constituents
and relationships between constituents. Opting for such a narrow complexity definition has
consequences for its measurement. For example, frequency-related measures do not fall within the
scope of the complexity construct as defined here, which is not in line with most SLA research
(including some of our own previous studies, e.g., Author, XXX). It can be argued that a learner who
produces more infrequent words most likely has a larger vocabulary size (see Jarvis, 2013), so
frequency-based measures could be used as a proxy for the complexity (in terms of number of
different elements) of the language system of the person who produced that text. However, a text
containing more infrequent words is in itself not necessarily more structurally complex (e.g., varied)
than a text with more frequent words. This being said, the fact that frequency-related measures do not
fall within the scope of complexity as defined and operationalized here, does not make them a less
valuable tool for SLA research in general, for example for the purpose of studying of difficulty (see
For the analysis of learner texts, we also do not recommend using measures calculating the
function relationships, even though this is a common approach to calculating the complexity of a
single lexical item or a morphological process (e.g., Goldschneider & DeKeyser, 2001). Even in a
standard language with published grammars it is not easy to count how many meanings are expressed
by a linguistic item. What seems practically impossible, though, is to determine which and how many
meanings are expressed by a linguistic item in an evolving linguistic system. We can certainly record
a learner’s production of the form speaks, but how can we be sure that the ending –s expresses the
entire set of morphological properties it has in the standard language or only a fraction of it and, if so,
which? The conclusion is that one can calculate the semantic complexity of structures in the target
language input, and this may have an impact on the difficulty of learning them, but it is often highly
(learner) texts.
In the following sections we present a number of concrete complexity measures. Our aim is
not to be exhaustive or to propose new measures but rather to provide illustrations and bring clarity as
to what these measures actually measure. This review of measures is subdivided into those targeting
complexity at the level of individual linguistic forms (5.1) and those assessing texts (5.2).
A first category of measures targets the constitutional complexity dimension, that is, the
quantity of constituents in individual linguistic forms. The most obvious way in which this
complexity of individual forms can be measured is arguably by calculating their length in terms of
formal constituent components. Deciding what these constituent components are is not
straightforward. At the level of syntax, the most common operationalization consists in calculating the
length in words of various syntactic units, such as T-units or AS-units, (finite) clauses and phrases.
Note that these word-based measures are compatible with different syntactic frameworks. Most
typically they have been operationalized from a constituency grammar perspective (e.g., Lu, 2010),
but also dependency parsers can be queried to calculate them (e.g., Brunato et al., 2020). Their main
appeal is that word-based length measures are relatively easy to implement and interpret. However,
some of these measures, especially those targeting higher-order syntactic units (e.g., T-units or AS-
units), are hybrid or omnibus measures since it can be argued that the larger the syntactic unit, the
wider the range of syntactic phenomena that may contribute to its length (for instance, a long sentence
or T-unit may be made of a few long clauses or many short ones; Biber et al., 2020; Pallotti, 2015).
The hierarchical nature of syntactic units means that these different syntactic length measures, in part,
capture the same information and are thus not independent from one another (e.g., mean length of
clause contributes to mean length of sentence). To mitigate this issue, rather than looking at the
number of words per syntactic unit, we recommend using a different nominator for each unit (words
per phrase, phrases per clause, clauses per T-unit or AS-unit; see Pallotti, 2015) 1. An alternative way
of quantifying the number of syntactic elements within a syntactic unit is by counting the number of
nodes (in the parse tree) that are dominated by this unit (Hawkins, 1994), or the number of
dependents per unit, which of course depends on the specific syntactic framework that is used for the
analysis. Both counting the number of nodes and counting the number of dependents per
hierarchically superior unit can be said to tap into hierarchical complexity as well (cf. below).
Length-based measures are less commonly used for measuring constitutional complexity at
the level of the lexicon, where the length of lexical forms can be measured in terms of
less easily in different languages. Such lexical length measures figure prominently in research on
language and text processing (e.g., studies on readability, memory and lexical decision) but have
occasionally also been employed in language acquisition studies (Verspoor et al., 2008).
possible understanding of “individual structure” in the context of morphological analysis is the single
In our account, any measure that counts the (mean) number of constituent components (words, phrases,
clauses) of a larger syntactic unit, is a length measure. A ratio, on the other hand, shows the proportion of
elements belonging to a specific category relative to a more general category, and can thus be expressed as a
percentage (e.g., percentage of subordinated clauses compared to all clauses, unique words / total words, etc.).
Thus, for instance, the number of phrases per clause or clauses per T-Unit are to be interpreted as length
measures (based on units other than the word) and not as ratio measures, as is often done in the literature.
morphological operation, such as adding the –s ending to an English verb. In this respect, a
periphrastic process like the English present perfect, consisting of auxiliary + ending on the lexical
base, can be said to be structurally more complex than the simple addition of an ending, as in the
simple past. While the picture is rather clear in the case of periphrastic morphological processes, it is
less clear how different degrees of formal complexity may be established for different morphological
operations (such as concatenation, ablauting, reduplication or stem alternation), and we are not aware
of any previous attempt in this direction. The applicability of these measures thus seems to be
A second type of measures targets the hierarchical complexity of forms. This is mainly
relevant for syntax. The most popular measure used thus far that taps into this dimension is the
subordination ratio, which is the proportion of subordinated clauses relative to the total number of
clauses. This measure, however, only counts the number of subordinated clauses, disregarding the
degree of embedding. Another criticism that has been leveled at this measure is that it lumps different
types of embedded clauses (relative, complement, adverbial) together (Biber et al., 2011, 2020).
A more fine-grained, yet in SLA research rarely used measure, gauges the maximum depth of
the syntactic parse tree (or the length of the longest dependency path) (Ouyang et al., 2022).
Alternatively, also the average vertical distance between each node in a parse tree and the root node
(hierarchical distance) has been used as a measure of syntactic complexity (Liu et al., 2017). Finally,
mean dependency distance, or the average linear distance in terms of number of words between a
word and the one on which it depends, is a syntactic measure that falls within our definition of
complexity yet which has been rarely applied in SLA research (Liu et al., 2022). It quantifies the
number of elements separating two words that are hierarchically dependent on one another.
assessing the complexity of forms. This has most typically been done for syntax, with measures such
as mean length of unit, average number of dependents per unit and average tree depth. In principle it
would also be possible to do the same with measures gauging the complexity of lexical or
morphological forms, for example by calculating average word length or the average complexity of
morphological operations. A valid alternative approach consists in calculating the normalized rate of
occurrence of linguistic forms that contribute to complexity (e.g., number of subordinated phrases or
clauses per 100 words). Normalized rates of occurrence have been argued to have certain desirable
properties compared to length and ratio measures (Biber et al., 2013), even though we are of the
opinion that meaningful ratio measures have their own merits. It would lead us too far, however, to
A third type of text-level complexity measure targets the diversity of linguistic forms.
seven sub-constructs (i.e., size, richness, effective number of types, evenness, disparity, importance
and dispersion). In line with our general definition of complexity, we adhere to a narrower
interpretation, which does not incorporate the frequency of items in the language as a whole (as in
Jarvis’ subconstruct of “importance”). The lexical and morphological measures discussed here target
taxonomical complexity (i.e., the variety of constituents), whereas the syntactic measures tap into
Diversity has most commonly been measured for lexical forms. The most basic
operationalization of diversity consists in calculating the ratio between the number of different forms
in a text (i.e., types) and the total number of forms (i.e., tokens) (Type/Token ratio, TTR). A number
of computationally more complex diversity measures have been proposed with the aim of reducing
unwanted text length effects, including the hypergeometric distribution measure HD-D, the measure
of textual linguistic diversity MTLD (McCarthy & Jarvis, 2010), and the mean segmental type-token
ratio MSTTR (Johnson, 1944) and its variant, the moving-average type-token ratio MATTR
(Covington & McFall, 2010). We follow Zenker and Kyle’s (2021) recommendation to use MATTR,
which has been shown to be stable even with relatively short texts. TTR-based diversity measures can
processes can also be measured by looking at the variety of morphological processes, which may be
understood as a series of operations on lexical bases. The Morphological Complexity Index (MCI,
Pallotti, 2015) relies on the precise definition of these operations in order to identify a series of
inflectional types, the diversity of which is calculated on the basis of standardized samples that
include a constant number of forms of the same word class (e.g., 10 verbs, or 10 nouns). The index
can be calculated with an automated online tool (Brezina & Pallotti, 2019). Brezina and Pallotti
(2019) justify why this measure is a better alternative to the Inflectional Diversity (ID) measure
previously proposed by Malvern et al. (2004) and the (Normalized) Mean Size of Paradigm proposed
In contrast to lexical and morphological complexity, the diversity of syntactic forms has only
rarely been investigated in SLA research. Bi and Jiang (2020), for example, used dependency labels
obtained from a Universal Dependencies parser to calculate a (mean segmental) syntactic TTR. A
different approach was taken by De Clercq & Housen (2017), who classified AS-units according to
their internal clausal structure (e.g., main clause + finite adverbial clause). Following this method,
each AS-unit (or T-unit) gets one (composite) label, and the diversity of these syntactic labels is then
calculated. A related type of syntactic diversity measure is based on calculating the (dis)similarity
between the internal structure of syntactic forms (e.g., as implemented in the Coh-Metrix tool;
Many more measures have been developed that tap into text properties that are compatible
with our definition of complexity. These include measures based on the entropy, uncertainty or
quantity of information of texts, derived from information theory (e.g., Tanaka-Ishii & Aihara, 2015;
Gries & N. Ellis, 2015). Their formulas and outcomes, however, are less straightforward than those of
TTRs. Other measures, such as Yule’s K (Yule, 1944), more directly target the degree of recurrence
of words in a text or, alternatively, text constancy, properties which are related to the “dispersion”
Other approaches, based on for instance the Kolmogorov complexity algorithm, measure the
compressibility of texts after they are “distorted” (by deleting words or characters) in order to isolate
the differential contribution of morphological and syntactic complexity (Ehret & Szmrecsanyi, 2019).
However, they do not work well with shorter texts and their results are difficult to interpret and to
relate to more standard linguistic analyses. Finally, lexical density, operationally defined as the
proportion of content words relative to the total number of words, has sometimes been proposed in the
SLA literature as a measure of lexical complexity. Although lexical density may be a useful metric in
the context of, for example, stylometry and genre analysis, we do not consider it to be a dimension of
lexical complexity, as there is no formal criterion by which content words can be considered to be
6. Operationalizing difficulty
The operationalization of difficulty is less straightforward and more tentative than that of
looks at linguistic structures through the lens of the language learner/user. As with complexity
measures, the operationalizations proposed in this article have to do with the difficulty of structures as
they appear in texts. But in order to establish these difficulty levels several types of evidence have to
be invoked, most of which depend on behaviors taking place outside the production of a specific text.
These include empirical observations of the overall time needed by learners to acquire individual
linguistic structures and learners’ performance on psycholinguistic tasks tapping into their cognitive
empirical link is established between a potential factor causing difficulty (see section 3.2) and putative
effects of difficulty, this factor can also be used as an indicator of difficulty. Postulating these
theoretical links is useful given that exhaustive empirical evidence for many structures or forms is
often unavailable. In such cases, one might still use measures based on causal factors, assuming that
evidence for these factors gathered in other contexts may be applicable to less investigated structures
and languages. Thus, we divide difficulty measures into those targeting factors that have been
demonstrated to cause difficulty and those that target specific linguistic structures whose difficulty
has been empirically established. Below we first discuss these two types of difficulty measures for
individual structure difficulty (6.1), and next for text-level difficulty (6.2). As will become clear in
these two sections, assessing difficulty in learner language is novel territory, and there are few final
difficulty is complexity, as discussed in previous sections. With regard to the lexicon, longer words
and derivationally more complex words are more difficult to process and learn than shorter,
derivationally simpler words, all other things being equal (Barclay & Pellicer-Sánchez, 2021; Laufer,
1997; Schmitt, 2010). The same seems to hold for morphology where, for example, in L1 acquisition
discontinuous inflectional forms (e.g., auxiliary + suffix, or prefix + suffix) are learned later than
those involving a single operation (Clark, 2017). Likewise, syntactic units that are longer, or with a
more intricate constituency/dependency structure, take longer to process and thus require more mental
Salience is a second factor that can contribute to the difficulty of acquiring linguistic
structures though it is not yet clear in which ways due to its multidimensional nature (N. Ellis, 2016;
Gass et al., 2017). Some structures and items have phonological and graphological realizations that
are perceptually more salient and are more easily perceived and attended to by the human mind, and
are therefore “more likely than others to enter into subsequent cognitive processing and learning” (N.
Ellis, 2017:71). Goldschneider and DeKeyser (2001), using the same criteria as Brown (1973),
operationalized one type of salience, perceptual salience, on the basis of three quantitative sub-factors:
number of phones, syllabicity (1 for functors containing a vowel, 0 for others) and sonority of phones
(based on a sonority scale of 1 to 9). Most typically, perceptual salience has been investigated for
lexical items and morphological structures. For example, children tend to acquire peripheral
morphological markers (i.e., operations taking place at a word’s margins) before markers modifying
the word’s internal structure (Dressler, 2012). L2 learners more easily learn morphological structures
composed of more phones, more sonorous phones, with syllabic character and that are clearly
segmentable (Collins et al., 2009; Goldschneider & DeKeyser, 2001). This is an example of how at
times different sources of difficulty may go in opposite directions – in this case, more structural
complexity (i.e., more phones) produces more saliency and thus a decrease in difficulty. A third
causal factor often mentioned is transparency, which has to do with the consistency and multiplicity
of form-meaning mappings in linguistic structures. The most “natural”, “canonical”, and therefore
easiest condition for the learner (Audring, 2019) is the use of a single form to express a single
semantic/syntactic function. This principle seems to apply to both first (Clark, 2017) and additional
language acquisition (DeKeyser, 2005). Phenomena such as allomorphy, suppletion, syncretism and
cumulative exponence constitute violations to this principle and are known to pose more problems for
learners, who tend to overregularize in order to bring these “anomalies” back to the canonical one-to-
one mapping (Godfroid, 2016). Likewise, morphological processes with a clear semantic motivation,
for example number marking on nouns or tense marking on verbs, tend to be acquired earlier than
processes with unclear or no semantic content, such as gender, verb mood and prepositional regencies
Similar phenomena, when applied to syntax, have also been described in terms of
transparency (Schwartz et al., 1987) or canonicity (Bettoni & Di Biase, 2015). These have to do with
the syntactic encoding of thematic roles (Lidz, 2022) so that, for example, the coincidence of agent,
topic and subject in clause-initial position is an easier to process configuration than cases where these
discursive-semantic-syntactic roles do not match. As was the case with salience, quantifying the
transparency of linguistic structures is not straightforward, if only because the construct has an
important semantic dimension. It is not immediately clear how structures can be ranked or scored in
terms of their transparency other than, for example, by counting the number of meanings expressed by
When it comes to lexical items, a range of properties has been found to contribute to their
processing difficulty, recently brought together under the heading of “lexical sophistication” (Kim et
al., 2018; Kyle & Crossley, 2015). Some of these properties partially overlap with the constructs of
salience and especially transparency, but they are rarely labeled or categorized as such. These
hypernymy. This type of data, however, is only available for a limited number of lexical items in a
limited number of languages and, once again, counting the number of meanings expressed by a lexical
form is bound to be controversial. More formal properties, such as neighborhood density (i.e., the
number of similar words) can be measured in a more straightforward way, and they have been found
to impact on the processing or learning difficulty of words (Hashimoto & Egbert, 2019).
Frequency (in the input) is a first source of contextual difficulty. It is, arguably, the most
commonly used measure in the AL and SLA literature of the difficulty (often called “sophistication”
in this domain) of individual lexical items, as it has been shown to strongly affect the ease or
difficulty of productive and receptive word processing and learning, in both L1 and L2 (Desai et al.,
2020). It has also been shown that frequency plays a role in the acquisition of morphology, although
this is less straightforward than with the lexicon, as it has been repeatedly noted that some
morphological phenomena are impervious to learning even after massive exposures in the input (N.
Ellis, 2022; Slabakova, 2019). This suggests that frequency is perhaps not one of the strongest
explanatory factors in this domain. The impact on difficulty of the frequency of syntactic structures
appears to be less thoroughly investigated in SLA (yet see theoretical claims in N. Ellis, 2002; Gass &
Mackey, 2002), in contrast to child language acquisition research which has yielded ample evidence
indicating that frequency effects extend to syntactic structures such as interrogatives, relatives, and
passives (see Ambridge et al., 2015, for a review). Frequency can be quantified either by calculating
the (logarithm of the) number of occurrences of an item, or by computing its probability of occurrence
(i.e., occurrences divided by total number of words in a corpus). Its measurement requires one to
specify a reference corpus that is assumed to approximate the language input that learners are exposed
In addition to frequency, also the dispersion (i.e., how equally distributed items are, e.g.,
across different contexts of use) has been shown to contribute to word processing costs and can thus
be used as an additional determinant of difficulty (Gries & N. Ellis, 2015; Jarvis, 2013). Similarly, a
distinction must be made between frequency and productivity of morphological operations. For
example, an irregular or suppletive inflectional form may be very frequent at the level of token
frequency (i.e., be repeated many times in the input), but it may have a low type frequency (i.e., it
may appear on only a few lexical items). Both types of frequency condition the learnability of
morphological structures and it is important to bear in mind which one is referred to (Collins et al,
2009; Dressler, 2012). The importance of considering both token and type frequency has also been
demonstrated with regard to the L1 learning of syntactic and lexico-grammatical structures (such as
For lexico-grammatical items, next to their absolute frequency, also their association
strength, or how often two (or more) items occur together relative to how often they appear in total,
has been found to impact their processing (Yi & Zhong, 2023). This may have to do with learning-
related phenomena such as prototype formation and cue validity and reliability (Stefanowitsch &
Gries, 2003). In addition to learning individual lexical items, learners also have to learn which words
or constructions they (usually or exclusively) combine with. Both frequency and strength of
association appear to play an important role in learning (N. Ellis & Ferreira-Junior, 2009; Yi &
Zhong, 2023), but the exact nature and directionality of their combined effects is still under
investigation (Kyle & Eguchi, 2023). Various measures are used to quantify strength of association,
which are based on the observed and expected frequencies of the items individually and in
combination (Gries & N. Ellis, 2015). Each of these measures has specific properties: some, such as
mutual information, attribute higher scores to rare combinations, whereas others, such as the t-score,
attribute higher values to combinations that occur frequently (Gablasova et al., 2017). The choice of
language structures, which in some early accounts of L2 acquisition was seen as a general explanatory
factor for predicting learning orders (for a review, see Callies, 2013; Eckman, 2008). However, the
notion of “markedness” turns out to be ambiguous and polysemic, since it can mean the difficulty of a
structure, its structural complexity, its rarity, its (ab)normality relative to others, and so on. For these
reasons, Haspelmath (2006) proposes to abandon the term and replace it with others that refer to the
In certain cases, evidence of processing and learning difficulty is available for particular
linguistic structures without making reference to potential causes of their difficulty. A first type of
evidence comes from studies on acquisitional timing, that is, when or at what stage in the
developmental trajectory a given linguistic structure or item is acquired, relative to other structures
and items for a review, see R. Ellis, 2008). Although “acquisition” may be operationalized variously
accuracy), acquisition timing is probably the most frequently invoked source of evidence to claim that
a given structure is (more) difficult to learn. One could thus operationalize the acquisitional difficulty
of a structure as the developmental stage at which it appears. To this end, a sequence of stages should
be first established (such as those in Processability Theory, Pienemann 1998; Pienemann & Lenzing
2020; or for French, Bartning & Schlyter, 2004; or for English, Biber et al., 2011), making explicit
how they were defined, with particular regard to the acquisition criterion. That done, each structure
would receive a score based on its acquisitional level. With regard to lexical items, for certain
languages lists of words have been established according to their average age of acquisition in the L1
(e.g., Kuperman et al., 2012). A related indicator of difficulty is performance accuracy by both
typically and atypically developing L1 and L2 populations. If users systematically fail to comprehend
and/or produce some linguistic structures correctly, as evidenced for example by grammaticality
judgment tasks, sentence-completion tasks imitation tasks or production tasks, these structures are
said to be more difficult (which has in turn been taken as a proxy for acquisition time, notably in some
cross-sectional studies).
A third type of evidence comes from online processing studies. This includes measurements
of time spent on task (e.g., reaction times; Hamrick, 2023), psycho-physiological measures of brain
activity (e.g., ERP or fMRI; Morgan-Short, 2014; Uddén et al, 2022), or eye movements and pupil
dilation (e.g., eye tracking; Godfroid, 2020; pupillometry; Schmidtke, 2018). With regard to syntax it
has been shown that, for example, center-embedding is more difficult than non-center embedding, that
(some types of) clefts are more difficult than non-cleft structures, that object-relative clauses are more
difficult to process than subject-relative clauses, that relative clauses appear to be difficult to process
in general and that passive structures are more difficult than active structures (see e.g., Gibson et al.,
2019; Juffs & Rodriguez, 2014; Levy et al., 2013; Traxler et al., 2002). This type of research has also
been conducted within the framework of specific syntactic theories (sometimes called “experimental
syntax”), which provides evidence on the processing difficulty of a further range of theory-specific
grammar; cf. review by Sprouse & Villata, 2021). Similarly, for some languages (esp. English) words
have been ranked according to the average reaction times of native speakers on lexical decision tasks
(Balota et al., 2007), with longer reaction times being indicative of higher processing difficulty.
It is clear that the evidence on the processing costs of individual linguistic structures gathered
thus far is at best partial, in that it is restricted to certain languages and certain structures only. In other
words, we do not currently dispose of lists containing all (or a wide selection of) linguistic items in
even a single language with their associated processing costs (in terms of e.g., reaction times or pupil
dilation). This is, at least in part, due to the fact that it is difficult to combine evidence across studies,
especially when it comes to the raw values of measurements. Alternatively, measures could be based
on a binary logic, for example singling out and counting those specific structures that have been found
to be (more) difficult to process. Another approach would be to rank structures according to an ordinal
difficulty scale on the basis of accumulated evidence from multiple studies, similar to establishing the
ratings and rankings of selected structures and phenomena by experts (applied linguists, teachers) or
L2 learners themselves. Examples of this approach include Silva and Roehr-Brackin (2016), who
related the perceived difficulty of structures to learners’ actual learning and performance of those
structures, and Cererzo et al. (2016) who used introspective methods (think-aloud protocols). A more
novel, yet more indirect source of evidence of the difficulty of individual syntactic structures may
come from research in computational linguistics measuring the processing cost of individual
syntactic structures (often defined in terms of specific syntactic theories) by automated parsers, which
has been shown to correlate with processing costs experienced/displayed by humans (see e.g.,
Caucheteux & King, 2022). However, at the present state of research this type of measure does not
seem to have wide applicability in mainstream SLA and AL studies, but seems restricted to
computational applications.
Once a principled way is found to assign difficulty scores to the relevant individual structures,
then the difficulty of texts could be computed by averaging over the difficulty scores of all the
relevant different structures in a text. This exercise, in effect, amounts to establishing a “difficulty
profile” of a text. A related approach consists in calculating the (normalized) rates of occurrence of
specific structures that have been empirically demonstrated to be difficult because they appear late in
acquisition and/or are difficult to process (e.g., number of passives or finite causative adverbial
We have mainly focused on difficulty in L2 production, but in the context of measuring text-
level difficulty, we should also mention difficulty measures of L2 comprehension. These could be
found in research on text readability. Such measures often encompass individual word and syntactic
In the previous sections we classified complexity and difficulty measures according to the
constructs and subdimensions that they target, and discussed some of their strengths and limitations.
In this section we propose a restricted set of “core” measures that we recommend to be routinely used
in SLA studies. Their identification is grounded on the discussion of the previous sections and takes
into account their construct validity, feasibility and/or relatively wide acceptance in the field.
Moreover, in our selection we strive for parsimony (i.e., avoiding overlap and multicollinearity), also
productions are rarely interested in measures targeting single linguistic structures, our list of core
measures (see Table 2) only contains text-level measures (which, as explained in the previous section,
are often based on averaging structure-level measures). We also recognize that individual studies may
require additional “non-core” measures, which in Table 2 are indicated by italics. These are not
necessarily inappropriate or less valid, but rather are either targeted to answer very (theory-)specific
research questions or (as yet) based on limited evidence or hard to implement in practice. To provide
some examples, mean words per (finite) clause, T-unit or AS-unit may be used for the sake of
comparability with previous research, while maximum depth of syntactic tree may be used in studies
grounded on paradigms positing trees and their depth. Likewise, acquisitional timing for certain
linguistic structures would make an ideal measure of difficulty but still we deem it to be a non-core
measure as this type of information is either lacking or incomplete for many languages.
For lexical complexity, we list one core measure that targets lexical diversity, MATTR, as
well as three non-core measures, mean word length, measures based on entropy, and Yule’s K. For
morphology, we propose to use the Morphological Complexity Index (MCI). We list the measure
mean number of morphological operations (or “morphemes”, under some accounts) as a non-core
measure as it requires an explicit operationalization of these operations, which is not always easy to
achieve. For syntactic complexity we recommend measures that target three different subdimensions
of complexity: mean words per phrase, mean phrases per clause and mean clauses per T-unit or AS-
unit for constitutional complexity, the normalized rate of occurrence of dependent syntactic structures
for hierarchical complexity, and the MATTR of dependency relations or syntactic structures for
organizational complexity. The table also contains a number of non-core measures of syntactic
complexity whose applicability may be limited or debated, for reasons explained in section 5.1.
Furthermore, some of these non-core measures are analytically correlated with other constitutional
and hierarchical complexity measures, which may produce multicollinearity issues. Finally, for
however defined.
Table 2
Table 3 lists core and non-core (in italics) measures of linguistic difficulty, distinguishing
between those based on the causes of difficulty and those based on empirical evidence for difficulty.
Given that difficulty research is a relatively new research domain, the list of core difficulty measures
is limited and the details for many of the non-core measures still need to be worked out.
Table 3
For lexical difficulty, we recommend widely used measures such as the mean length of lexical
units and their frequency in a reference corpus. The only rather uncontroversial measure of
structures are certainly valid indicators of difficulty, but their operationalizations and computation in
language samples remains more an objective for future research than an accomplished result. The core
measures of structural syntactic complexity listed earlier are also good candidates for measuring the
difficulty of syntactic structures, as are measures based on the notion of more or less canonical word
orders (as defined in various theoretical frameworks) and acquisitional timing. At the current state of
knowledge, we do not think that any measure of lexico-grammatical difficulty has yet received
enough empirical support to be considered as a “core” option for capturing this construct, even though
Following the definition of complexity and difficulty presented above, one may track their
development over time using the measures presented in the previous sections, and empirically
investigate their relationship with constructs such as L2 development and proficiency. As regards L2
development, several studies have shown that, as learners progress, they become able to produce and
comprehend more complex structures (e.g., Barrot & Agdeppa, 2021; Bulté & Housen, 2018;
Crossley et al., 2011). However, this does not imply that complexity grows steadily and endlessly:
some complexity levels are more appropriate to certain communicative situations or genres, and in
some cases the developmental trend goes from more to less complexity (for a discussion, see Pallotti,
2023). Moreover, longitudinal studies have shown that scores on these measures often develop in
nonlinear ways, especially at the level of single learners, and that there is considerable inter-individual
variation (Bulté & Housen, 2018; Kyle et al., 2021; Lowie & Verspoor, 2019). The relationship
between learning difficulty and acquisitional timing is tighter, and we have taken learning time as one
of the key indicators of a structure’s difficulty. Nonetheless, we do not think that the late appearance
of difficult structures is an analytic truth or an unfalsifiable tautology, if only because there are
multiple causes of difficulty so that a structure may be difficult under one respect (e.g., transparency)
and easy under another (e.g., salience). Thus, there are probably structures that are easy under all or
most respects and others that are unequivocally hard to learn, but more research is needed to unravel
all causes of difficulty and empirically establish different degrees of difficulty for different structures
in different languages.
In this context, it is important to once more stress that language development also occurs
along dimensions that are neither complexity nor difficulty (nor do they concern accuracy or fluency),
such as appropriateness and adequacy (e.g., Durrant & Durrant, 2022; Kuiken & Vedder, 2017).
Similar remarks may be made for using complexity and difficulty measures in the context of
proficiency assessment. Here, too, the ability to produce and comprehend complex and difficult
linguistic structures may be considered to be part of a more general proficiency construct, and several
studies have shown that higher proficiency levels, as established for example by standardized
proficiency tests (e.g., TOEFL, IELTS), tend to be associated with more complexity in learners’
productions (e.g., Bi & Jiang, 2020; Bulté & Roothooft, 2020; Ortega, 2003). However, and once
again, the relationship is not always linear and holding across the board. Especially at more advanced
levels, proficiency may entail using linguistically relatively simple language, or language with
"appropriate complexity” (Pallotti, 2023), where appropriateness has to do both with the quantity and
We hope that our contribution can bring more clarity to the notions of difficulty and
complexity, which are often brought to bear on the definition of the proficiency construct, along with
accuracy and fluency, communicative adequacy and linguistic development. This in turn has an
impact on the identification of developmental profiles, some of which will be common to many or
most individuals, while others may be idiosyncratic. Profiling has a number of practical applications,
for formative assessment, course placement, or the development of didactic materials and language
One of the implications of this approach is that the well-known CAF (Complexity, Accuracy,
Fluency) triad could be expanded to include more dimensions in order to give a fuller picture of
language proficiency and its development. One could thus consider including the constructs of
Difficulty (the ability to comprehend and produce difficult linguistic structures) and Appropriateness
(the ability to choose, within one’s repertoire, the alternatives that are most adequate for a given
The main point of this article is that different constructs should be given different names and
be carefully defined, both theoretically and operationally. This allows one to investigate their
relationships and to answer some fundamental questions of SLA research, such as how interlanguage
systems develop over time, how these constructs contribute to general language proficiency, and how
language acquisition and use are affected by a number of internal and external factors. In particular,
we advised against using “complexity” as an umbrella term covering several of these aspects together,
as this does not help the comparison across studies and the accumulation of reliable knowledge. In
order to arrive at a more coherent and fruitful research program, we advocate separating complexity
from difficulty. Furthermore, we recommend that a relatively small set of measures for both
constructs be recurrently used across studies, based on a few well-defined units of analysis.
Tools for automatic text analysis have become increasingly popular and we believe they are a
very valuable resource. However, they also bring some potential threats, such as the indiscriminate
calculation of as many measures as possible, possibly with the aim of selecting those producing
significant results, with no clear theoretical rationale. It is also possible that different tools
operationalize the same variables differently, thus producing inconsistent results when compared with
each other, or with manual coding. Establishing the accuracy of automated measurement is an
important endeavor in its own right (Châu & Bulté, 2023). Our recommendation to their developers
and users is that everything should be explicitly defined and nothing be taken for granted, beginning
with the definition and delimitation of units of analysis. Different measures could be labeled and
grouped according to the taxonomy proposed here, to clarify what constructs they refer to, whether it
promote an organic research program on some of the key issues of SLA studies. In particular, we
believe that the notion of “difficulty” should have a more central role, as it is at the core of many
fundamental issues such as language use and processing, acquisitional timing, task effects, and
language pedagogy. We acknowledge that research in this area is still limited, evidence is sparse and
controversial and results hard to interpret and integrate, mostly because what we call “difficulty” has
been labeled in many different ways, including an over-extension of the term “complexity”. We hope
that our reflections and suggestions will contribute to a more coordinated and effective endeavor to
unravel some of the most fascinating and challenging issues in applied linguistics research.
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