Architectures Notes
Architectures Notes
Architectures Notes
There are 5 registers, each 24 bits in length, their mnemonic , numbers are A
(Accumulator) - 0, X (Index Register) -1, L (lLinkage Register)-2, PC (Program
Counter)- 8, SW (Status Word)- 9
Data Format
Characters stored in 8 bits, in ASCII Format, Integers are stored as 24-bit binary
numbers, 2`s Complement representation is used for negitive values. No
Floating point Hardware on Standard Version of SIC
Instructions Format
All machine instructions on the Standard Version of SIC have 24 bit format
Opcode 8 Bits, 1 Bit X is used to Indicate Indexed Addressing Mode, and 15
bits for Address
Addressing Mode
There are Two Addressing Modes available, indicated by the setting of the X
bit in the instruction. The Target Address is Caculated from the Address given
in the Instuction. The Type are Direct Mode & Indirect Mode Where Direct
mode X= 0, Target Address(TA) = Address, Where in Indexed X= 1, Target
Address (TA) - Address + (X), Parentheses are used to Indicate the contents of
Instruction Sets
Basic Set of Instruction That are Sufficient for most simple Tasks, These
include instructions that load and Store Registers, these instruction set
comprises of Arthmetic Operation, CC Condiotional Code (Relational
Operations), Conditional Jump Instructions etc., Another Two Instructions are
Provided for Subroutine linkage JSUB, RSUB returns by jumping to the Assress
Contained REgister.
A total Memory of 2 20 (1024) bytes i.e., (I Mega Byte) , this increase leads to a
change in instruction formats and addressing modes
B - 3 = Base Register, S - 4 General Rgister, T - 5 General Register, F - 6,
Floating Point Accumulator (48 bits)
Data Format
In Addition to Standard Version of SIC there is a 48 bit Floating point data type,
1 bit for sign, 11 bits for exponent and 36 bits for fractions refered as f
Instructions Format
Sic X/E supports 4 data Formats ie., 1,2,3,4 which include its Lower version
also. F-I has 8 bits, F-II 16 bits, F-III 24 bits , F-IV 32 Bits, Hence instruction
format used on SIC is nor longer Suitable
Addressing Mode
Two new Addressing modes are available for the use in Assembly Inst. Base
Relative, Program-Counter Relative. In N I X B P E registers BP are used as
Diaplacement Fields, X is Index field, I & N are addressing Modes, if I = 0 &
N=0 then treated as Immediate. Address / i=0 n=0 then treated as Indirect
Address and BPE are part of Address of instruction
Instruction Sets
SIC/XE Provides all of the Inst. That are available on Sic in addition there are
inst. To load and store the New Register (LDB,STB) and to Perform Floating
Point Arithametic Operation, RMO Remove Register, SVC, Supervisor Call
Register, Register to Register Arithametics
There are 16 General Purpose Registers(GPRs), 32 bits each, named as R0 to
R15, Program Counter (R15), Stack Pointer (R14), Frame Pointer (R13),
Argument Pointer (AP) (R12), Others Available for general use. There is a
Process Staus LongWord(PSL)
Data Format
Integers are Stored as binary numbers in byte, word, Long Word, Quardword,
OctaWord. 2`s Complement notation is used for storing negitive numbers.
Chracters are stored in 8-bit ASCII codes.
Instructions Format
Uses VAriable-Length instruction formats - OP Code 1 or 2 bytes, Maximum of
6 Operand Specifiers depending on type of instruction. Each operand specifier
designates one of the VAX Addressing modes and give any additional
informatiom necessary to locate the operand.
Addressing Mode
Provides a large number of addressing modes, they are Register Mode, Register
Deferred Mode, AutoIncrement, AutoDecrement, base relative, Program-
Counter Relative, Indexed, Indirect and immediate mode.
Instruction Sets
It has an Instruction Set that is Symmetric with Respect to Data Type. 1. A
Prefix that Specifies the Type of Operation, 2) A Suffix That Specifies the
Data Type of the Operand 3) A Modifier that gives the number of Operands
Involved. Vax Provides all of the usual Types of Instructions for Computation,
data Movement and Conversion , Comparasion, Branching etc., In addition
there ara a no. of operations that are much more complex than the machine
Instruction found on most Computers. These Operations are for the most part
HardWare realizations of frequently occurring sequences of Code They are
implemented as Single Instructions for Efficiency and Speed
Data Format
This Architecture provides for the Storage of Integers, Floating Point Values ,
Chracters and Strings, Integers are Stored as 8, 16, 32 bit Binary Numbers, Both
Signed and Unsigned. Floating Point Unit can Also Handle 64 Bit Integers.
Integers can also be Stored in Binary Coded Decimal (BCD). this Architecture
store Three Types of floating point data, Single Precession 32 bit long, Double
Precision 64 bit long, Extended Precision format 80 bit long. Chracters are
stored one per byte ASCII Format.
Instructions Format
The Instructions yuse variations of the same basic format, this format begings
with optional prefixes containing falgs that modify the operations of the
instructon. The OPCODE is the only element that is always present in every
instruction, Other Elements may or maynot be present and may be different
lengths, depending on the operation and the operands invloved.thus there are
large no of different potiential instruction formats, varying in length from 1 byte
to 10 bytes or more.
Addressing Mode
This architecture provides a Large No.of Addressing Modes. It accepts as
Immediate Mode or it may be Register Mode TA= (Base Register)+(Index
Register) * Scaling Factor +( Displacement). The address of an operand in
memory may also be specified as an absolute location(Direct Mode) or as a
location Relative to the relative mode
Instruction Sets
there are Register to Register Instructions, Register to Memory Instructions and
few Memory to Memory Instructions, In smome cases operands may also be
specified in the Inst. As Immediate Values. INT Data Type uses operands that
are 1,2 or 4 Bytes. String data type uses VAriable Length strings of Bytes ,
Words or Double Words and there are many Inst. that perform Logical and bit
Manipulations and support Control of the Processor and Memory Management.
More than 100 General Purpose Registers with 64 bit length, There are 64
double precision floating registers in a Special Floating Point Unit (FPU), In
additon to these, it contain PC, condition Code Registers and Control Registers
Data Format
SPRAC provides the Storage of Integers, Floating Point Values and Chracters,
Both Signed and Unsigned integers are supported 2`compelemt is used for
Negv. Values. It supports both Big Endian and Little Endian Formats. This
Architecture Supports three Floating point data formats, Single Precision,
Double Precision and Quad Precision. Chracters are stored one per byte using 8
bit ASCII format.
Instructions Format
There are Three basic instructions formats in the SPRAC architecture . All of
these formats are 32 bit long. The First 2 bits of the instruction word identify
which format is being used. Format 1 is used to call the Instruction. Format 2 is
used for Branch Instruction, Format 3 provides for register Loads and Stores
and three Operand Arthimetic Operations. The Fixed instruction Length in the
Sparc is Typical fo RISC Systems and is intended to speed the process of
instruction fetching and decoding.
Addressing Mode
Operand vales my be Specified as part of the Instructions itself ie., (Immediate
Mode) or it may be Register (Register Direct Mode), it uses the following
addressing modes. 1) PC- Relative, 2) Registers indirect with displacement, 3)
Register indirect indexed. Pc-Relative Mode is used for only for branch
Instruction Sets
Instruction execution on a SPRAC system is PIPELINED, while one
instruction is being executed, the next one is being fetched from memory and
decoded.this technique speeds instruction execution. To make pipeline work
more efficiently SPRAC branch instructions are delayed branches. This Means
that the instructions immediately following the branch instruction is actually
executed before the branch is taken.Communication in MultiProcessor System
is facilated with "ATOMIC" Instructions that can ne execuited without allowing
other memory accesses to intervence.
There are 32 General Purpose Registers(GPRs) with 64 bits length each called
R0 through R31, contains value zero always, In Addition to these, it has 32
Floating- Point registers , 64 bit Long and 64 bit PC, Status and Control
Data Format
The Cray Architecture priovides for the Storage of Integers, Floating Point
ccalues and Characters. Intergers are Stores as Long and Quard Wards, 2`
Complement is used for Negv. Vlaues. Chracters may be Stored one per Byte
using their 8-Bit Ascii Code However only Long Word and Quard Wards can
be Transfered b/w Registere and Memory, Usuallu chracters are Stored One PEr
Instructions Format
There are 5 basic Instruction formats in Cray T3E Architecture, Some of which
have Subforms all of these formats are 32 bit long. The First 6 bits of the
Instruction word always specify the OPCODE, Some instructions also have an
additional function field.
Addressing Mode
As in Most Architectures an operand value may be specified as part of the
Instruction itself(Immediate Mode) or an Register Direct Mode. Cray T3E uses
the following two Addresses Modes 1. Pc-
relative TA=(PC)+DisPlacement (23 bits Digned) ,
2) Register Indirect with Displacement TA=(Register)+Displacement(16bit,
Signed), the 2nd Add Modes is used for Load and Store Opeartions and for
SubRoutines jumps. Pc-Relative mode is used for Conditional and
unconditional Branches.
Instruction Sets
The Cray T3E Architecture has Approximately 130 Machine Instructions
reflecting its RISC Orientation. The Instruction set is designed so that an
Implementation of the architecture can be fast as Possible.
the Processing Nodes. A System may be configured with uo ot one I/O Channel
for every 8 Pes. All Channels are Accessible and Controllable from all PEs.