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1. The vertical or a nearly vertical opening into a mine. D) Shaft

A) Adit
B) Reading
C) Drift
D) Shaft

2. Profile levelling and differential levelling are alike in A) Purpose

A) Purpose
B) Accuracy
C) Field Procedure
D) Principle

3. It is the angular distance from the zenith to the celes- B) Zenith distance
tial body measured along vertical circle.
A) Polar distance
B) Zenith distance
C) Declination
D) Ecliptic distance

4. In secondary control triangulation the check on base A) 1:10000

not to exceed _______.
A) 1:10000
B) 1:15000
C) 1:50000
D) 1:20000

5. Field notes containing erasure of field data shall not A) Above it

be accepted. If erroneous data have been entered'
shall be crossed out with pencil line and the correct
data be written.
A) Above it
B) After it
C) Below it
D) Before it

6. The Constellation Cassiopeia, is used as reference to C) W

easily locate Polaris, the stars are formed like a letter

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A) X
B) Z
C) W
D) Y

7. A photograph taken with the camera axis directed B) Oblique Photo-

intentionally between horizontal and vertical. graph
A) Displacement Photograph
B) Oblique Photograph
C) Vertical Photograph
D) Tilted Photograph

8. The base meridian to which all azimuth of lines of the C) Central

project shall be referred is called ________.
A) Grid
B) Primary
C) Central
D) Geodetic

9. In afternoon observation, when the mark observed is B) A - observed

on the southeast and on the left side of the sun the horizontal angle
true azimuth of the line is ________.
A) A - (360 degrees - Observed horizontal angle)
B) A - observed horizontal angle
C) A + observed horizontal angle
D) A + (360 degrees - observed horizontal angle)

10. A transit station, or point over which the transit is set C) Hub
with a tract in the top marking, the point is ________.
A) Turning point
B) Station
C) Hub
D) Stake

11. In the tertiary control of cadastral project the instru- B) 30 seconds of

ment shall be oriented in a primary or secondary tra- arc
verse lines of the project to the nearest ________.
A) 1 second of arc
B) 30 seconds of arc

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C) 20 seconds of arc
D) 10 seconds of arc

12. In declination of reservation, parks and other protect- C) Dotted lines

ed areas, the unsurvey claims shall be sketched and
reflected in the plan in ________.
A) Broken lines
B) Light full lines
C) Dotted lines
D) Heavy lines

13. In differential levelling, the vertical distance from da- A) Height of instru-
tum to the line of sight of the telescope is ________. ment
A) Height of instrument
B) Foresight rod reading
C) Backsight reading
D) Vertical rod reading

14. The uniform size of cadastral map is ________. C) 54x54cm

A) 65x60cm
B) 45x45cm
C) 54x54cm
D) 64x64cm

15. The vernier of engineers' transit be set to 0°0'0" read- D) Upper clamp
ing with the use of ________. tangent screw
A) Lower clamp tangent screw
B) Lower clamp screw
C) Upper clamp screw
D) Upper clamp tangent screw

16. A double rodded line of levels is a line which is run D) From one
________. bench mark to an-
A) As an especially long line which does not close on other in one direc-
B) From bench mark to another in one direction only tion or in both di-
using two rod men and rod, as in precise work rection
C) From the bench mark to another and back using
single rod and rod man
D) From one bench mark to another in one direction
or in both direction
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17. The sides of astronomical triangles are ________. B) Co-latitude,

A) Declination, polar distance and zenith distance zenith distance
B) Co-latitude, zenith distance and polar distance and polar distance
C) Declination, polar distance, altitude
D) Zenith, altitude and polar distance

18. In a photograph, the effect of relief is the location B) Relief

image points are called _______ displacements.
A) Tilt
B) Relief
C) Location
D) Image

19. An unintentional fault of conduct arising from poor D) Mistake

judgement or confusion of mind of observer is
A) Personal error
B) Error
C) Discrepancy
D) Mistake

20. In mineral land survey, the distance between location B) 300

posts should not exceed ________ meters.
A) 400
B) 300
C) 500
D) 60

21. DENR DAO 2007-29 provides survey accuracy using D) Over 15,000
new survey technology, the primary control shall used has
and project with an area of ________.
A) Less than 15,000 has
B) 1,500 to 15,000 has
C) 15,000 has and above
D) Over 15,000 has

22. Contour lines cross ridges lines. B) Perpendicularly

A) Skewly
B) Perpendicularly
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C) Vertically
D) Diagonally

23. Plane Surveying A) Cover limited

A) Cover limited areas and earth curvature is neglect- areas and earth
ed curvature is ne-
B) Are conducted by means of plane table glected
C) Are made to locate precisely the points for horizon-
tal control
D) Are use to locate ground points for aerial photog-

24. It is the angular distance north or south of the celestial A) Declination of

equator. the sun
A) Declination of the sun
B) Hour angle of the sun
C) Latitude of the observer
D) Altitude of the sun

25. In sectional cadastral map scale 1:2000, the Northeast D) Section 2

(NE) section of the standard cadastral map is the
A) Section 3
B) Section 1
C) Section 4
D) Section 2

26. DENR DAO 2007-2009 provides, survey accuracy on B) 1/10000

fourth order, the relative error using new survey tech-
nology, shall not be greater than ________.
A) 1/20000
B) 1/10000
C) 1/50000
D) 1/5000

27. Regular stadia rods differ from levelling rods chiefly A) Readability at
in ________. longer distance
A) Readability at longer distance
B) Design markings

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C) Length
D) Width and Thickness

28. In control point observation, it is a procedural con- B) Static mode

dition that if the base point is in static mode other
receiver during observation must be in ________.
A) Real-time kinematic
B) Static mode
C) Rapid static mode
D) Kinematic mode

29. NPD correction in morning solar observation, the D) Total difference

hourly variation multiplied by the difference in hours
from 8:00AM is the ________.
A) Parallax and refraction correction for NPD
B) Corrected NPD
C) Hourly difference
D) Total difference

30. The standard scale of seven and one half seconds C) 1:500
cadastral map is ________.
A) 1:1000
B) 1:250
C) 1:500
D) 1:2000

31. Is the vertical distance from the station occupied to C) Height of instru-
the horizontal axis of the transit in mining surveying. ment
A) Height of point
B) Elevation
C) Height of instrument
D) Rod reading

32. Photo scale is also determined from the photo dis- A) Ground dis-
tance dividing to its ________. tance
A) Ground distance
B) Camera focal length
C) Flight altitude
D) Flight height

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33. Refers to all original surveys covering Alienable and A) Public land sur-
Disposable lands which has not been subjected to vey
private rights nor devoted to public use pursuant to
the provision of public land laws as provided in DAO
A) Public land survey
B) Public land subdivision
C) Government land survey
D) Private land survey

34. Provincial base maps shall be drawn in the Philippine B) 1:400000

plane coordinate system/PRS92 on drafting film of
uniform size 54x54cm to standard scale of ________.
A) 1:500000
B) 1:400000
C) 1:30000
D) 1:25000

35. In the elements of circular curve, it is the point where D) Point of curva-
curve begins. ture
A) Length of curvature
B) Point of tangency
C) Tangent distance
D) Point of curvature

36. In the underground surveying the height of point is B) Above station

positive if the point sighted is ________
A) Below the station
B) Above station
C) On the left side of the station
D) On the right side of the station

37. In afternoon observation, when the mark observed is C) A + (360 deg -

on the northeast and on the right side of the sun the observed horizon-
true azimuth of the line station occupied to the mark tal angle)
is ________.
A) A - (360 deg - observed horizontal angle)
B) A - observed horizontal angle
C) A + (360 deg - observed horizontal angle)
D) A + observed horizontal angle
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38. In photogrammetry, the distance from negative to the A) Focal length

lens of camera is the ________.
A) Focal length
B) Anaglyph
C) Shutter
D) Aperture stop

39. Generally, survey returns of complex subdivision pro- D) Sangunian

ject housing shall be accompanied by scheme of sub- Bayan / Panglung-
division or site development plan with the resolution sod
approved by the ________.
A) National Housing Authority
B) Municipal / City Planning and Development Office
C) Sangunian Panlalawigan
D) Sangunian Bayan / Panglungsod

40. If you were a Geodetic Engineer to conduct a public A) Regional Tech-

land subdivision, as provided in DENR DAO 2007-29, nical Director
the survey order shall be issued by ________.
A) Regional Technical Director
B) Community and Environment and Natural re-
sources officer
C) Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Of-
D) Regional Executive director

41. The difference between the elevations of any two A) Foresight and
points that are obtained at the same set-up of the backsight
instrument is equal to the difference between the
A) Foresight and backsight
B) Foresight
C) Turning point
D) Height of instrument

42. Advance survey shall be made only after a written C) Regional Tech-
authority is secured, upon recommendation of the nical Director for
________. lands
A) Chief of cadastral
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B) Chief surveys division
C) Regional Technical Director for lands
D) Regional executive director

43. In primary control measurement by repetition, sub- C) Forward Az-

tract the observed angle from the back azimuth of the imuth
proceeding line. If the difference is negative, add 360
degrees, the positive sum is the ________.
A) Forward solution
B) Back Azimuth
C) Forward Azimuth
D) Back solution

44. In primary control line measurement by repetition, the A) 25 meters

steel tape shall be supported to minimize sagging,
throughout its entire length at every ________.
A) 25 meters
B) 20 meters
C) 50 meters
D) 10 meters

45. A traverse which closes to the point of its origin is A) Circuit traverse
known as ________.
A) Circuit traverse
B) Hanging traverse
C) Loop traverse
D) Connection travers

46. In a control points pivot are stations that are common No Answer
to ________.
A) Two or more series
B) Two or more observation
C) Two or more sets
D) Two or more sessions

47. Errors are to imperfections or faulty adjustment of the A) Instrumental er-

instrument ........ devices with which measurement is ror
taken is ________.
A) Instrumental error
B) Resultant error
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C) Personal error
D) Natural error

48. In the elements of circular curve, it is the distance C) Tangent dis-

formed from curve begins to the point of intersection tance
or from the point of intersection to the curve ends.
A) External distance
B) Middle ordinate
C) Tangent distance
D) Radius

49. In mine surveying, the vertical angle between the D) Dip

plane of the vein and a horizontal plane measured
perpendicular to the strike.
A) Heading
B) Shaft
C) Drift
D) Dip

50. In mineral land survey, failure to submit survey re- D) Security

turns within one year from the date of receipt of sur-
vey order is sufficient cause for cancellation of the
________ bond.
A) Bail
B) Performance
C) Surety
D) Security

51. In manual for land survey procedures, conducting A) 20x20 cm (top)

geodetic control network, 4th order shall be marked D) 35x35 cm (bot-
on the ground by monuments of permanent nature in tom)
the form of a square frustum with a ...... section of
A) 20x20 cm (top)
B) 25x25 cm
C) 30x30 cm
D) 35x35 cm (bottom)

52. Mining claims and applicants registered/filled under C) 300

PD 463, the corners shall be defined by monuments
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placed at interval of more than ________ meters.
A) 500
B) 400
C) 300
D) 1000

53. In primary control measurements by repetition, at the B) Back azimuth

initial station, add the first angle on the mean of ob-
served angles to the back azimuth and subtract 360
degrees if the sum exceeds 360 degrees, the result is
A) Back solution
B) Back azimuth
C) Forward azimuth
D) Forward solution

54. The point of object back sighted could be bisected by C) Lower clamp
the ________. tangent screw
A) Lower clamp
B) Upper clamp
C) Lower clamp tangent screw
D) Upper clamp tangent screw

55. When corners of mineral land survey is inaccessible, B) Along the

corners shall be defined by the two witness corners boundary lines
which shall be placed as near as possible to the inac-
cessible point ________.
A) Before and after boundary lines
B) Along the boundary lines
C) Located nearest to the point
D) Offset parallel to the lines

56. In housing subdivision of titled property, it is neces- A) Relocation sur-

sary to determine the extent of property before topo- vey
graphic survey hence, a need of ________.
A) Relocation survey
B) Resurvey
C) Verification survey
D) Amendment survey

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57. In the manual for land survey procedure, establish- A) 2
ment of geodetic control points by connecting to ex-
isting control, the connection shall be made to control
on the same on higher order of accuracy, to achieve
3rd order, the minimum number of observation is
A) 2
B) 5
C) 3
D) 4

58. If you were a GE to conduct parks and protected areas B) DENR Secre-
delimitation surveys with areas covered 2 ore more tary
regions ..... in DENR DAO 2007-29, t he survey order
be issued by the ________.
A) NAMRIA Administration
B) DENR Secretary
C) Director of PAWCZM
D) .......

59. The geodetic control survey party, financial plan, B) Project man-
equipment development for the project and the esti- agement plan
mated duration of project are composed of ________.
A) Field operation plan
B) Project management plan
C) Technical plan
D) Management plan

60. The most farerable time to conduct solar observation D) After 8am, after
is ________. 2pm
A) Before 8am, after 2pm
B) After 8am, before 2pm
C) Before 8am, before 2pm
D) After 8am, after 2pm

61. It is a kind of survey for the purpose of determining D) Profile levelling

the changes in elevation of the surface of the ground
along some definite line.
A) Topography
B) Cross-section
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C) Trigonometric levelling
D) Profile levelling

62. DENR DAO 2007-29, provides standard accuracy for B) 10cm/km

secondary traverse using conventional instruments,
linear error of closure.
A) 20cm/km
B) 10cm/km
C) 5cm/km
D) 2.5cm/km

63. In a required series of astronomical observation for D) 10 seconds of

secondary control traverse, the allowable probable arc
error shall not exceed ________.
A) 5 seconds of arc
B) 15 seconds of arc
C) 2.5 seconds of arc
D) 10 seconds of arc

64. The angular distance measured along a vertical circle, D) Altitude

from horizon to the body in a celestial body.
A) Latitude
B) Vertical distance
C) Co-altitude
D) Altitude

65. Polaris observation at upper culmination, when the D) 180 degrees +

mark is on the right side of star, the true azimuth (360 degrees - ob-
station occupied to mark equals ________. served horizontal
A) 180 degrees + observed horizontal angle - bearing angle)
of star
B) 180 degrees + observed horizontal angle
C) 180 degrees + observed horizontal angle + bearing
of star
D) 180 degrees + (360 degrees - observed horizontal

66. In tertiary control triangulation, the check base note 1:5000

to exceed ________.
A) 1:10000
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B) 1:15000
C) 1:50000
D) 1:20000

67. The line of intersection of the vein with a horizontal C) Strike

plane, also the direction of that line expressed as
A) Outcrop
B) Dip
C) Strike
C) Drift

68. Number of stations between azimuth checks in sec- B) 35 stations

ondary control traverse by astronomical observation
not exceed to ________.
A) 50 stations
B) 35 stations
C) 30 stations
D) 25 stations

69. Two points on the ground are with known position. D) Intersection
Occupying the two known points and third point is ob-
served based from the known positions, this method
is known as location by ________.
A) Triangulation
B) Resection
C) Missing side
D) Intersection

70. Before provincial roads are monumented a notice D) District Engi-

shall be sent to the ________. neer, DPWH
A) Municipal Engineer
B) City engineer
C) Provincial environmental and natural resources of-
D) District Engineer, DPWH

71. In the manual for land survey procedure, establish- B) 4 or more

ment of geodetic control points by connecting to ex-
isting control, the connection shall be made to control
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on the same or higher order of accuracy. To achieve
first order, the recommended number of observation
is ________.
A) 6 or more
B) 4 or more
C) 5 or more
D) 3 or more

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