CO-IRQ-FOD-PRA-0163-EN - Environment Management Plan Procedural Aid
CO-IRQ-FOD-PRA-0163-EN - Environment Management Plan Procedural Aid
CO-IRQ-FOD-PRA-0163-EN - Environment Management Plan Procedural Aid
Procedural Aid
Environment Management Plan
Han Shun,
Imad Hussein,
HSE Manager of CMIT
CMIT FOD General Manager
Accountable Responsible FOD
Owner: Dai Weihua, Author: Ghazwan Faisal,
CMIT FOD Deputy General HSE Manager of
Manager CMIT FOD
Required Review
Publish Date: 30-Jun-24 3 Years
Uncontrolled if Printed
Environment Management Plan Procedural Aid
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 3
1.1 PURPOSE ................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 SCOPE ...................................................................................................................... 3
DEFINITION ............................................................................................................. 3
RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................ 4
3.1 HSE DEPARTMENT .................................................................................................. 4
3.2 OPERATIONAL DEPARTMENTS .............................................................................. 4
3.3 CONTRACTORS ....................................................................................................... 4
REQUIREMENT ...................................................................................................... 4
4.3 WASTE MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................ 7
4.4 AUDITING AND REPORTING ................................................................................... 9
4.5 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN ............................................................................10
REFERENCES ...................................................................................................... 13
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ..................................................................... 13
APPENDIX............................................................................................................. 13
APPENDIX 1. SPILL RESPONSE FLOW CHART ................................................................14
APPENDIX 2. EMERGENCY CONTACT LIST ......................................................................15
The purpose of this Procedural Aid is intended to guide the development of detailed
management plans at FOD facilities to be established for the project‘s construction and
operation phases and to define the mitigations and monitoring activities to be carried out
to ensure environmental management principles.
Ministry of Oil
Buzurgan Terminal
The plan below identifies these areas specifically and identifies environmental key areas
which have impact and are crucial for environmental mitigation. These identified key
environmental areas are required to be monitored by FOD and its related departments.
These measures ensure environmental monitoring at a detailed level at all FOD facilities
to enable environmental compliance by addressing environmental impacts related to FOD
There are various environmental aspects and impacts to be monitored based on type of
activity that include construction phase, operation phase, drilling and workover at FOD
facilities to maintain environmental compliance these are divided as per the category
4.1.1 Construction Related Environmental Key Areas:
• Air Quality - Dust emissions from construction activities including drilling and work
over, pollution from diesel equipment like generators and machinery etc.
• Noise - Noise from construction activities, noise from generators and other
construction equipment etc.
• Water - water used for construction, cleaning, commissioning etc.
• Soil - soil contamination due to oil and chemical spills, contamination of soil due to
drilling activities etc.
• Archaeology and cultural heritage – Protection and preservation of any
Archeological sites identified in EIA study
• Waste Management
4.1.2 Operational Environmental Key Areas
• Air Quality - Emissions from stationery sources, diesel generators, ambient air, un-
burnt hydrocarbons, dust from operational activities.
• Noise - Noise from stationery plant equipment, shut down and maintenance
• Water - Water quality from treatment units, discharges to ground from operational
activities, sewage water etc.
• Soil - Spills from pipelines, maintenance activities, chemical handling and transfer
• Waste Management
Based on above identified environmental key areas which have to be monitored as per
monitoring program and mitigated to minimize environmental impact based on their aspect
a detailed monitoring plan devised below, this covers all FOD activities that include
operation and construction phases. Individual responsibilities are assigned to related
departments. Based on the environmental key aspects that originates from their respective
area or location.
4.2.1 Air Quality
The following tables summarize potential significant residual effects on air quality identified
in the Missan oil fields and set out the required mitigation measures to address these
effects. The responsibility for implementing these measures and the criteria to be used to
assess implementation are also identified.
Environmental Aspect Monitoring Program / Mitigation Measure
Deterioration in air quality 1. Diesel generators to comply with standard emission
(including from dust) from limits for plant of that type and with the Iraq limits.
Construction and operational 2. Owner drilling and serve staff accommodation to be
activities used for minimum required period.
Deterioration in air quality from 1. Burning of unprocessed gas at the degassing stations
flare. and CPFs to be minimized.
2. Commissioning of new NGP units to reduce the
unburnt hydrocarbons.
Deterioration in local air quality 1. All reasonable attempts should be made to maximize
due to stack emissions. (NOx, energy efficiency and design facilities to minimize
SOx, CO2) energy use.
2. Stacks serving the proposed power plant will be of
sufficient height to enable adequate dispersion of
3. Ensure to reduce dust emissions during drilling
activities by following best practice methods during
drilling activities.
4.2.2 Noise
The following tables summarize potential significant residual effects noise quality identified
in the Missan oil fields and set out the required mitigation measures to address these
effects. The responsibility for implementing these measures and the criteria to be used to
assess implementation are also identified.
Environmental Aspect Mitigation Measure
Noise from the operational and 1. Sensitive location of static plant items, such as
construction activities generators and compressors.
2. Carry out adequate maintenance/lubrication of plant
3. Shut down engines when not in use; Install suitable
mufflers on exhausts; Carryout noise monitoring
whenever required.
4. Provide acoustic enclosures of noisy items of plant
such as generators and compressors.
5. Ensure all FOD employees and Contractors are made
aware of noise related hazards by Toolbox talks and
sign boards displayed on sites at noisy areas.
4.2.3 Soil and Geology
Reuse: Treatment of treated gas by routing it to Compressors for power plant where
treated Natural gas for furthering generating captive power.
Recycle: Process water from oil treatment is recycled in Water Treatment Plant where the
water is treated by chemical mixture process and the same is injected back to sub surface
through injection wells.
FOD has assessed and planned its waste management based on the actual waste
generation, its availability of local waste management infrastructure and service provider
to devise below hierarchy.
FOD classify the waste as the requirements of MOC and Ministry of Environment (MoE).
There are Hazardous and Non Hazardous wastes that are generated and these wastes
streams are to be segregated based on their properties, all contractor wastes shall be also
be reported to FOD whereas the responsibility of management, disposal of contractor’s
waste is solely on contractors.
• Domestic Waste: If the waste majorly consists of domestic waste i.e. paper waste,
food waste, cartoons packing material etc. then this waste shall be disposed at
assigned waste domestic waste dumping yard.
FOD generated domestic waste shall be transported to designated landfill such as Amara
or Mushara Municipal Sanitary Landfills. Furthermore, FOD plan to construct advanced
waste landfill after approved by local authorities.
For Sewage waste all the locations are provided with sewage collection pit where sewage
is collected on a regular basis. Sewage water is majorly collected and sent to Sewage
Treated Plant (STP) at work base camp to be treated.
As per Iraqi Laws and regulations, Paint related waste, Hydrocarbon Filters, Batteries/Dry
cell batteries, Amid, florescent lamps and Oil rags shall be segregated and transfer these
wastes to assigned temporary hazardous waste storage location.
MOC shall support FOD to handle, transfer and dispose hazardous waste from temporary
storage yard to offsite disposal facility that is finalized by MOC.
Any offsite transfer of Hazardous wastes shall be accompanied by supporting records, the
records shall as a minimum contain, waste transporter license to transport hazardous
waste, Truck number, volume, and final disposal location.
Information generated from auditing and monitoring will be stored by FOD to enable
corrective actions identified during the inspection / auditing process to be recorded,
tracked a finalized.
Emergency response situations that affect environmentally and cause damage due to
nature of activities in oil field operations are common, these incidents are majorly spills
that influence environmentally and cause collateral damage and have other types of
FOD has identified these spill incidents as per their nature of activity and distinguished
them as per their category and nature these are as follows:
4.5.1 Chemical Spills
Chemicals spills are those that occur due to some situations and cause environmental
damage to the soil, and contaminate the area these may be spills that occur during
transportation of chemicals, spills that occur during transferring chemicals from drums,
tote tanks in to units in plant and spills that occur in plants due to malfunction or faulty
equipment. In all the above scenarios there is a potential of spill causing environmental
damage to soil and contaminate the ground and this plan addresses how to effectively
prevent, address spill response, and contain and clean up under section 4.5.4 Spill
Response Strategies.
4.5.2 Spills from Waste handling, transportation, and storage
Spills from waste are those that occur due to some situations and cause environmental
damage and contaminate the area these may be spills that occur during transportation of
waste from one point to another on trucks, spills that occur during transferring waste from
waste storage containers onsite in to trucks and spills that occur due to high winds that
carry away waste and scatter the waste all along the area around leading to environmental
In all the above scenarios there is a potential of spill causing environmental damage to
soil and contaminate the ground and this plan addresses how to effectively prevent,
address spill response, and contain and clean up under section 4.5.4 Spill Response
4.5.3 Possible Oil Spill Scenarios
At Missan Oil Fields the probability of Oil spills is more due to the nature of activity involved
in oil extracting operations, drilling activities etc., added to this some oil pipelines being
old and gain corrosively leading to leaks and repairs.
The Tier 1 Oil Spill Response Plan describing in detail the communication system, site
emergency response operation, duties and responsibilities of personnel and action to be
taken in the event of an emergency.
• Primary high-risk area at well pad, degassing stations, CPD and drilling and
work over. Potential spillage would directly impact the ground. the most likely
causes of a spill, which can result to a Tier 1 incident, are:
• Leaks during maintenance activities and/or normal operations
• Oil and hydraulic fluid leaks from machinery/storage facilities or line failures
(burst of hydraulic hoses and cylinders)
• Spills during refueling operations (e.g. bunkering hose failure, overfilling of
tank, pump malfunction) Uncontrolled refueling operation.
• Spills because of an accident (e.g. excavation, grounding, collision, sinking,
fire or explosion).
A Spill Response Flow Chart detailing the process flow during an event of spill is detailed
in Appendix 1.
An Emergency Contact List that details all important contact details to be reached in an
event of spill is demonstrated in Appendix B, this list will be updated on a periodic basis.
Missan oilfield shall comply with all relevant environmental legislations and good practice
as well as FOD’s own health, safety, and environment (HSE) policies.
• Law No. 27 of 2009 related to Protection and Improvement of Environment
• Law No.471 of 2012 related to protection of ambient air quality
• Law No. 449 of 2012 related to Local treated effluent water quality standards for
usage in irrigation of farmlands/crops.
• Instruction No.4 of 1989 Safety Instruction for Storage/handling of Chemical
• Law No. 3 of 2011 related to environmental specifications for establishment project
To be interpreted by FOD HSE Department.
Appendix 1: Spill Response Flow Chart
Informs Supervisor