Air Quality Management Plan For DBO
Air Quality Management Plan For DBO
Air Quality Management Plan For DBO
O Plant
Early Works
Submitted to
Prepared by
25 April 2020
Revision Description Issued by Date
00 Air Quality Management Plan HE 27-02-2020
01 Air Quality Management Plan HE 07-03-2020
02 Air Quality Management Plan HE 24-03-2020
03 Air Quality Management Plan HE 25-04-2020
Air Quality Management Plan for R.O Plant Early Works
This Air Quality Management Plan has been prepared for the sole benefit, use and
information. This document was undertaken exclusively for the purpose outlined
herein and was limited to the scope and purpose specifically expressed in this
document. This document cannot be used or applied under any circumstances to
another location or situation or for any other purpose without further evaluation of the
data and related limitations.
Huta Hegerfeld reserves the right to modify the contents of this document, in whole
or in part, to reflect any new information that becomes available. If any conditions
become apparent that differ significantly from our understanding of conditions as
presented in this document, we request that we be notified immediately to reassess
the conclusions provided herein. Construction Department and for the purposes set
out in the document or instructions commissioning it.
Air Quality Management Plan for R.O Plant Early Works
1 Air Quality Control Plan.......................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Dust Management..........................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Gaseous Pollutants Management...................................................................................................................3
1.3 Odour Management.......................................................................................................................................5
Air Quality Management Plan for R.O Plant Early Works
Abbreviations and Terminology List
Term Definition
Air Quality Management Plan for R.O Plant Early Works
Air Quality Management Plan for R.O Plant Early Works
1 Air Quality Control Plan
The following Environmental Control Plans (ECP) present the management
measures required to be implemented for the duration of the construction phase by
HUTA. In addition, each ECP provides an overview of the expected impacts,
activities which may result in the impact, and the required mandatory reporting and
compliance measures necessary for auditing purposes. It covers the local air quality
limits that the HUTA is legally obliged to meet during the construction works.
Conduct visual inspections for emissions from engine and exhaust for the
presence of black smoke. Vehicles/ equipment with excessive exhaust
emissions or visible black smoke should be removed from service and proper
maintenance should be carried out.
Vehicles carrying dry earth material should be covered with tarpaulin or other
material during the entire length of their journey i.e. from source to final location
to avoid onsite and offsite dust dispersal.
All site personnel should be trained to identify activities that generate dust and
how-to best control it.
The number, height and slope of material stockpiles should be limited to the
minimum. All stockpiles should be covered and protected from the wind. In case
of long-term storage recommended height for stockpile is 2m.
Consider the use of wind barriers (where necessary) to limit dust escaping from
working areas.
Internal access and external access road and haul roads should be surfaced or
compacted or graded, where possible to reduce dust generation. All roads
should be well maintained and regularly inspected.
Air Quality Management Plan for R.O Plant Early Works
Allinternal roads as well as the access road linking the SWRO plot to the Coastguard
should be adequately signposted providing clear designated routes for vehicle
Air Quality Management Plan for R.O Plant Early Works
Unmetalled roads/ dirt roads will sprayed twice a day (The water will be
sourced from land raising project);
Stockpiles shall be located at least 300 m from roads;
Movements of excavated material are only to be undertaken in low wind and
must always be dampened and covered and all haul vehicles must be sheeted
prior to accessing public highways;
Haul trucks shall not be overloaded with sand and materials to prevent
shedding of loads;
Dumper trucks will be nested to avoid particles from becoming airborne.
Dump trucks will be de-nested on a specific allocated entry point near to the
Ultimately the Project Company is responsible for ensuring all ECP’s are effectively
implemented and enforced in site although on the site itself the task falls to HUTA
Site Construction Manager who would then pass details to the Project Company.
HUTA Site Construction Manager shall submit all required monitoring reports to the
Project Manager via HUTA Project Manager which would then be passed through to
the Project Company.
The Environmental Engineer will be responsible for daily visual assessments of air-
born dust as a result of construction activities. Visual assessments shall be
conducted each day at the following locations:
Stockpiles and spoil heaps;
Access and egress points; and
Construction and excavation site.
Each daily visual inspection shall be recorded and saved with the following
Time of inspection;
Name of inspector;
Air Quality Management Plan for R.O Plant Early Works
Weather conditions during the inspection (to include wind, rain, temperature);
Notes for each location inspection (to state whether dust levels were visible);
Photographs of each location inspected.
Air Quality Management Plan for R.O Plant Early Works
•Emissions from stationary equipment should be minimized through
operation of equipment in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications.
Emissions from stationary equipment should be visually inspected for
black smoke and maintenance measures should be madeto rectify
efficiency as necessary. All mobile plant should comply with National
Emission Standards for exhaust emissions
• Fuel for equipment, machinery and vehicles to be low sulfur (as much as
• Generator specification sheet including emissions compliance should be
obtained from the supplier / manufacture to ensure emission levels follow
national legislation. Specification sheet should clearly state compliance
with national legislation or international standards (if more stringent than
national legislation)
• All machinery and equipment should be calibrated and standardized per
the timeline approved for it from the competent authority in this field
• Burning of materials is prohibited. Small accidental fires must be
extinguished immediately. Fire extinguishers should be available close to
ignition sources
• HUTA should only procure non-toxic / low-VOC solvents, paints/coatings and
similar products where possible and stored in accordance with requirements of
the MSDS
• Compliance with TRSDC Green House Gas Emission Management Policy,
which states:
RSP will use for cooling production purposes hydrochlorofluorocarbon blends
for efrigerants, when it is technically feasible, eplacing
hydrochlorofluorocarbons, while chlorofluorocarbons are not used for any
purpose in TRSP.
Plants and equipment shall be operated at their optimum rated loads and
not beyond their design values.
Generators will be inspected regularly and periodic stack testing will be
conducted to ensure compliance with National Emissions Standards.
Drivers to keep to designated vehicle routes(One way). Traffic plan will be
presented by HUTA.
All mobile plant shall comply with Standards on Emissions from Mobile
Sources Saudi Arabia 2012. The mobile sources include those such as
mobile generators and large earthmoving equipment.
Unnecessary movement of plant and machinery onsite will be avoided.
Air Quality Management Plan for R.O Plant Early Works
Vehicles and machinery will be serviced and maintained to manufacturers
guidelines only in designated areas (Workshop)
Vehicles and equipment should have appropriate exhaust and filter
equipment where practicable;
‘Black smoke’ emissions will not be acceptable during normal operations i.e.
not during the start-up and general use of equipment;
Burning of any material will be prohibited;
All fuels and chemicals will be identified, labelled and quantities will be kept
to a minimum; and
Fuels and chemicals will be stored securely in sealed containers, in a
temperature controlled airy environment where appropriate, as per the
relevant MSDS.
One Copy of MSDS will be placed on the wall of the store while the other
updated copy will be placed in the records of Environmental Engineer as a
part of MSDS register.
Daily walkovers will be undertaken to cover air quality control practises,
including verification of excessive dust (visible plume).
Inspect machinery, vehicles and vessels every morning for defects and
excessive exhaust comply with TRSDC Green House Gas
Emission Management Policy
All incidents will be notified including near misses and hazards (e.g.
excessive dust), and complaints.
Generator specification sheet will be presented
Air Quality Management Plan for R.O Plant Early Works
Welfare wastes should be removed from site regularly enough not to cause
a nuisance;
Odourous chemicals must be stored in sealed containers and kept in
minimum quantities.
Ultimately HUTA Site Construction Manager is responsible for ensuring all ECP’s are
effectively implemented and enforced in site. HUTA Site Construction Manager shall
submit all required monitoring reports to the Project Manager via HUTA Project
The Environmental Engineer will be responsible for daily site inspections in order to
identify any odour emissions. Any noticeable odour will be recorded as an
environmental incident. Each daily inspection shall be recorded and saved with the
following information:
Time of inspection;
Name of inspector;
Weather conditions during the inspection (to include wind, rain,
Notes for each location inspection (to state whether odour was observed).
Air Quality Management Plan for R.O Plant Early Works
All records of black smoke shall be saved for inspection during site audits as defined
Air Quality Management Plan for R.O Plant Early Works