Technical Guidance Document For Terms of Reference (TOR) : EAD-EQ-PCE-TG-04
Technical Guidance Document For Terms of Reference (TOR) : EAD-EQ-PCE-TG-04
Technical Guidance Document For Terms of Reference (TOR) : EAD-EQ-PCE-TG-04
Reference (TOR)
Signature on Original
* Refer to SG Circular S.G/C-08/12 Concerning Appointment and Responsibilities of the Corporate Management
Representative at the Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi.
Terms of Reference (TOR)
Table of Contents
Section I. Background Information ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Definition of a TOR ......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Objective of a TOR ......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Preparation and Submission of a TOR ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Review of a TOR ............................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Section II. TOR Format and Contents...................................................................................................................................... 7
List of Abbreviations ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Definitions of Terms ........................................................................................................................................................................ 8
List of Tables .................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
List of Figures ................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Chapter 1—Executive Summary..................................................................................................................................................... 9
Chapter 2—Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Chapter 3—Legal Framework and Standards............................................................................................................................... 10
Chapter 4—Project Description .................................................................................................................................................... 10
Chapter 5—Environment, Impacts, and Mitigation........................................................................................................................ 12
Chapter 6—Project Alternatives.................................................................................................................................................... 14
Annexes ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 14
List of Tables
1. Checklist for Chapter-By-Chapter Review of a TOR ............................................................................................................ 6
2. Standard Table of Contents for the TOR ............................................................................................................................. 7
3. Organization and Corresponding Section Number for the Environmental Components That Should Be
Addressed in Chapter 5 ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
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Terms of Reference (TOR)
List of Abbreviations
AD EHS Center Abu Dhabi Environment, Health, and Safety Center
CEMP Construction Environmental Management Plan
Definitions of Terms
Area of Probable Impact—The extent of a physical area occupied by an environmental component that is likely to be impacted
by at least one of the phases of the proposed project (i.e., construction, operation, and decommissioning activities and
processes). The boundary of the area of probable impact is determined by measurements, previous studies, models, or best
professional judgment and may vary by environmental component.
Assessment Area—The physical area that the consultant and proponent have identified for assessment of potential
environmental impacts.
Construction—The time period corresponding to any event, process, or activity that occurs during the construction phase (e.g.,
building of site, buildings, processing units) of the proposed project. This phase terminates when the project goes into full
operation or use.
Decommissioning—The time period corresponding to any event, process, or activity that occurs during the decommissioning
phase (destruction or dismantling) of the proposed project. The decommissioning phase follows the operation phase.
Environmental Component—Attribute or constituent of the environment (i.e., Air Quality; Marine Water; Waste Management;
Geology, Seismicity, Soil, and Groundwater; Marine Ecology; Terrestrial Ecology; Noise; Traffic; Socio-economic) that may be
impacted by the proposed project.
Environmental Hazard—Any substance, physical effect, or condition with potential to harm people, property, or the
Environmental Impact—Positive or negative impact that occurs to an environmental component as a result of the proposed
project. This impact can be directly or indirectly caused by the project’s different phases (i.e., construction, operation, and
Hazardous Waste—Waste that poses potential harm to human health and the environment.
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Terms of Reference (TOR)
Operation—The time period corresponding to any event, process, or activity that occurs during the operation phase (fully
functioning) of the proposed project (operation phase follows the construction phase, and then terminates when the project goes
into the decommissioning phase).
Project Area—The physical area within which all phases (i.e., construction, operation, and decommissioning), processes, and
activities of the proposed project will take place (boundary of project area is defined by titled property boundary). The project
area is equivalent to the project site.
Proponent—The developer, permit applicant, company, or agency associated with the proposed project.
Residual Impact—A potential environmental impact that is associated with the proposed project that is not addressed as part of
the recommended mitigation measures (i.e., is not mitigated as part of the proposed project).
Solid Waste—Rubbish, debris, garbage, and other discarded solid materials resulting from the project that are not classified as
hazardous waste.
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Terms of Reference (TOR)
Definition of a TOR
A TOR is a document that, within the context of the federal laws of Abu Dhabi Emirate and the jurisdiction of EAD, serves as a
planning tool to guide the assessment and evaluation of the baseline condition of the environment, environmental impacts, and
potential mitigation efforts associated with a proposed project within Abu Dhabi Emirate. The TOR, as well as subsequent
environmental reports, is intended to support the requirements of the Abu Dhabi Emirate Environment, Health and Safety
Management System (EHSMS) Regulatory Framework (Decree 42 of 2009).
EHSMS-nominated entities that are required to submit EHSIA must submit at TOR prior to conducting the EHSIA. The health
and safety elements of the EHSIA are defined within COP 07 of the EHSMS Regulatory Framework. The Sector Regulatory
Authority (SRA), in conjunction with EAD and the Abu Dhabi Environment, Health, and Safety Center (AD EHS Center), will
review, approve, and monitor the health and safety elements of the EHSIA.
For entities that are not currently nominated under the EHSMS Regulatory Framework, the SRA /AD EHS Center retains the
right to request the TOR/EIA to consider health and safety issues. All requirements for health and safety are included within the
AD EHSMS Regulatory Framework and will be incorporated into an EHSIA when requested.
Upon review of an environmental permit application, EAD will require the preparation and submission of a TOR when (1) an
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) or (2) a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is required. A TOR must be
completed, reviewed, revised (if necessary), and approved prior to conducting an EIA or SEA.
A TOR provides descriptions of the proposed project, the current environmental condition of the project site, additional baseline
data and methods that must be conducted, the probable environmental impacts associated with the project, and potential
mitigation approaches to reduce the negative impacts of the project on the environment at a level of detail that satisfies EAD.
Objective of a TOR
The main objective of a TOR is to determine the data collection and assessment needs of the EIA or SEA that will follow the
TOR. This includes outlining and characterizing existing baseline data, identifying data needs, and detailing the methods that
will be used for data collection. To be effective, a TOR should, at a minimum, also identify the probable environmental impacts
of the proposed project and define the elements required to fully assess these impacts. A TOR supports the goals of
environmental protection and sustainable development; integrates environmental protection and economic decisions at the
earliest stages of planning an activity; predicts environmental, social, and economic consequences of a proposed activity and
assesses plans to mitigate any adverse impacts resulting from the proposed activity; and provides for the involvement of
government and other agencies in the review of proposed activities.
The findings and recommendations of a TOR effort should be documented clearly and concisely and be devoid of unnecessary
technical details. The usefulness of a TOR is measured by how well the environmental baseline condition, probable
environmental impacts, and potential approaches to mitigation are foreseen, evaluated, and addressed with adequate and
straightforward measures and proposed actions. A TOR should not make recommendations, decisions, or conclusions about
the appropriateness or approval of the proposed project.
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Terms of Reference (TOR)
A TOR should include, but is not limited to, all of the details, content, and requirements outlined in Section II; the sections of a
TOR may be expanded to include other aspects relevant to the proposed project. The proponent should use the checklist in
Table 1 to ensure that all components and criteria are included and adequately addressed within the TOR. A TOR should
adhere to the framework presented in Table 2 and described in Section II of this guidance document.
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Terms of Reference (TOR)
Review of a TOR
EAD officials will review the submitted TOR to verify that all chapters are complete and that the TOR meets all of the stipulated
After EAD officials have reviewed and approved a TOR, the proponent may proceed with the next steps towards conducting an
EIA or SEA and the issuance of a construction environmental permit.
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Terms of Reference (TOR)
Table of Contents
Chapter 4 Project Description 4.1 Statement of Need
4.2 Project Location and Scale
4.3 Project and Activity Description
4.4 Project Status and Schedule
Chapter 5 Environment, Impacts, 5.1 Air Quality
Mitigation, and Monitoring 5.1.1 Description of the Environment
5.1.2 Environmental Impact Prediction and Evaluation
5.1.3 Mitigation Measures
* NOTE: Sections 5.2–5.10 should also include the subsections listed for
5.1, Air Quality
5.2 Marine Water
5.3 Waste Management
5.4 Geology, Seismicity, Soil, and Groundwater
5.5 Marine Ecology
5.6 Terrestrial Ecology
5.7 Noise
5.8 Traffic
5.9 Socio-economic
5.10 Other Environmental Component(s)
5.11 Risk Assessments
Chapter 6 Project Alternatives
Annex 1 References
The following text describes the content that should be included in each of the chapters and sections of the TOR.
List of Abbreviations
This section should include a list of abbreviations and acronyms used in the TOR. This list should be presented in a tabular
format using a format similar to that on page iii of this guidance document.
Definitions of Terms
This section should include a list of terms used in the TOR and their definitions. This information should be presented in a
format similar to that used on page iv of this guidance document.
List of Tables
This section should include a list of all the tables presented within the main body of the TOR and should indicate table numbers,
table titles, and associated page numbers.
List of Figures
This section should include a list of all the figures presented within the main body of the TOR and should indicate figure
numbers, figure titles, and associated page numbers.
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Terms of Reference (TOR)
General conclusions or recommendations concerning the overall project should not be included in the Summary of Findings
Chapter 2—Introduction
Chapter 2 should include information, data, and details relevant to the proposed project of the TOR and be organized according
to the following sections, which are discussed below:
• Project Title and Project Proponent
• TOR Consultants
• Project Description and Rationale
• Justification and Chronology for the Development of the TOR.
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Terms of Reference (TOR)
If Emirate or federal standards are not available, then the best-available source of standard limits, with a justification for the
selection of these limits, should be detailed (multiple documents may be necessary).
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Terms of Reference (TOR)
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Terms of Reference (TOR)
Sections 5.1 through 5.9 in Chapter 5 discuss the environmental components and the corresponding section number for each
component as it should appear in the EIA report. The remaining sections within Chapter 5 (i.e., 5.11, Impacts, Mitigation, and
Monitoring Summary; 5.12, Risk Assessment; and 5.13, Environmental Management Framework) are summary sections and
address all the environmental components together.
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Terms of Reference (TOR)
be specific emphasis on areas and conditions that may be directly and indirectly affected by any of the proposed project
activities conducted during the construction, operation, and decommissioning phases (if applicable). Baseline conditions that
should be addressed include all existing physical, chemical, biological, and socio-economic conditions relevant to the
environmental component. These conditions should be evaluated in the project area (i.e., site of proposed project) and in the
area of probable impact (i.e., the extent of the area outside of the project area that is likely to be directly or indirectly impacted
by the proposed project). Maps should be used to describe both the current baseline conditions and the baseline surveys that
will be conducted.
For the TOR, the current condition of the environmental component should be described as fully as possible, based on the
outcomes of a scoping study. This scoping study should consist of data gathering and a gap analysis. Data gathering should
involve a desktop review of existing data. Suitable data sources include results from previous baseline condition assessments
conducted on the project site and data from studies, literature, or reference documents that describe the environmental
condition of a sufficiently comparable site. For data from such sources, the TOR should contain a detailed description of the
source, the methods used to collect the data (to the level of detail contained within the source document) and an assessment of
the validity of the data.
After existing baseline data have been collected, a gap analysis should be conducted to identify what data are missing and what
baseline surveys should be performed. This section of the TOR should describe the method and results of the gap analysis and
the baseline surveys that will be conducted and methodology that will be used to fully describe the current condition of the
environmental component to the level of detail required by the EIA or SEA. The following information on the baseline surveys
should be included in this section of the TOR:
• Parameters to be assessed
• Survey location and boundaries (with maps)
• The number of samples collected or sampling sites (with justification and methods used to determine number of
sampling sites and sample site locations)
• Proposed location of sample collection sites (with maps and justification of selection)
• Duration and frequency of the survey (addressing daily, seasonal, and annual trends)
• Survey methodology and the basis for selecting the methodology (should be based on international standards)
• Quality assurance/quality control methods to be adopted during sample collection
• Methods that will be used for validating the data
• Justification that the selected survey system will accurately and comprehensively represent the condition of the
environmental component.
When designing baseline surveys, the proponent and consultant should refer to the EAD-issued pamphlet titled General
Guidelines for Submission of Baseline Environmental Data, along with the Technical guidelines within the EHSMS Regulatory
Framework, and should adhere to the guidance regarding data collection, formatting, and reporting methods.
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Terms of Reference (TOR)
• Identification of potential cumulative impacts. Cumulative impacts are impacts that result from the incremental impact of
an action added to other actions. Therefore, the potential impacts of the proposed project should be considered in the
context of participating in a cumulative impact from past, current, and foreseeable future industrial and non-industrial
activities on the project site and within and near the area of probable impact.
• The methods, models, and approaches that will be used to determine environmental impacts in the EIA or SEA efforts
that will follow this TOR.
If this TOR is preceding an EIA, then this section should also specifically address the steps that will be taken and the
information that is necessary to develop a comprehensive Hazard and Effects Register and Control of Major Accident Hazards
(COMAH) reports, if necessary. If accidental environmental impact risks associated with the proposed project are already
known, then this section should contain more detailed information regarding: (1) environmental hazards that could be
encountered during a phase, activity, or process associated with the proposed project; (2) the level of risk associated with each
identified hazard; and (3) the control and recovery measures that will be implemented to minimize the risk of the occurrence and
impact of each hazard. This information should be presented in enough detail to demonstrate that the proposed project has
acknowledged the potential risks associated with the hazards to the environment and that facilities, activities, and processes of
the project will be operated with measures and protocols to avoid or contain direct and indirect risks associated with the
identified hazards.
Annexes should include all information not immediately relevant to the main text of the TOR. At a minimum, the TOR should
include an annex that lists references. Additional annexes should be added as needed.
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Terms of Reference (TOR)
Doc. No. Rev. No. Rev. Date Revision Description Page No. Approved by
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