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Effect of Capital Structure and Sales Growth On Firm Value With Profitability As Mediation

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International Research Journal of Management, IT & Social Sciences

Available online at https://sloap.org/journals/index.php/irjmis/

Vol. 7 No. 1, January 2020, pages: 145-155
ISSN: 2395-7492

Effect of Capital Structure and Sales Growth on Firm Value with

Profitability as Mediation

I Gusti Agung Prabandari Tri Putri a

Henny Rahyuda b

Article history: Abstract

This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of capital structure with the
Submitted: 18 November 2019 Debt to Equity Ratio proxy, sales growth with Sales Growth proxy and
Revised: 27 December 2019 profitability with Return on Asset proxy on firm value with direct and indirect
Accepted: 11 January 2020 Price Book Value proxy using Return on Asset as a variable intervening. This
study uses secondary data sourced from annual reports of 51 Consumer Good
industrial companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period
2013-2018 as population. The sample selection is made by a purposive
Keywords: sampling technique that is the existence of certain criteria which are used as
capital structure; the basis for the selection of research samples. The results of the study are DER
firm value; significant negative effect on ROA, SG significantly positive effect on ROA.
mediation; DER does not affect PBV. SG has a significant positive effect on PBV. ROA
profitability; can act as a mediator of the influence of DER, SG, and DPR on PBV.
sales growth;
International research journal of management, IT and social sciences © 2020.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Corresponding author:
I Gusti Agung Prabandari Tri Putri,
Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia.
Email address: igaptp95@gmail.com

Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia
Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia

146  ISSN: 2395-7492

1 Introduction

The purpose of the company besides getting profit is maximizing the firm value based on the Theory of The Firm
(Jensen & Meckling, 1976). Managers as decision-makers at least must have more information about the company
compared to outside parties. Positive information that shows the company's performance must be shared with investors
based on Signal Theory. The goal is that the company information can encourage the creation of firm value because it
increases investor confidence in the company. Decisions made by financial managers in creating firm value must be
right to get maximum performance. A company that performs well and has good corporate value has another goal
which is to provide prosperity for shareholders. The prosperity of shareholders is said to be the ultimate goal of
financial managers achieved by maximizing the present value of the current benefits expected to be obtained in the
Firm value is the investor's perception of the company's success in managing company resources in year t, which
can be seen from the stock price during year t + 1. The level of prosperity of shareholders can be seen from the value
of the stock price. The higher the stock price, the more prosperous the shareholders will be because the company has
good performance and has prospects for the future. The impact is that many investors who invest in companies can
drive high demand and stock prices so that it reflects an increase in the firm value.
Corporate funding decisions can be seen in terms of the company's capital structure. Capital structure is the
allocation of company equity and the use of debt to carry out the company's operational activities. The formation of
capital structure has an important role in the activities of the company because it can be used as a basis for determining
profits. The composition of the capital structure can be a signal for investors in assessing the condition of the company.
Rasyid (2015), based on the results of his research, found that capital structure does not affect firm value. The
composition of debt in the company's capital structure will not affect investors' decisions in investing, as long as the
company has prospects in the future. This means that no matter how much they use of corporate debt will not affect
stock prices and firm value.
The use of debt at a certain value will be beneficial because it can save corporate taxes (Gumanti, 2017). This
savings is due to companies that use debt will pay less interest. It is feared that the high use of debt will reduce the
firm value. The lower the debt used can increase the firm value. Investors consider low debt that the company has a
low bankruptcy risk. Rahman et al. (2019), found the results of the capital structure harmed firm value.
Generally, the manager is part of the company who knows the company information in detail compared to investors.
Important company information is needed to assist investors in deciding on investments. The signal theory states that
information related to company conditions is needed by investors to make investment decisions and improve their
well-being so that it impacts on the company's value. Signal theory shows that capital structure has a positive effect on
firm value (Hoque et al., 2014). The use of debt by companies for investment can be a signal for investors if the
company has prospects in the future. The maximizing value will fundamentally increase stock prices. Handriani &
Robiyanto (2018), found the results of the capital structure had a positive effect on firm value.
The company that has determined the source of its funding is the next company to plan product sales targets.
Product sales are a sustainable activity for the company. The company will establish certain sales strategies to increase
sales. Reducing costs can help companies sell products at affordable prices and can help increase sales. Evaluation of
sales is important to do. The aim is to create sales growth. The existence of sales growth means, the higher the
company's revenue and can affect the firm value, according to the results of research Febriyanto (2018).
Achievement of the management of company resources can be seen from the company's profitability. Profit is the
company's main goal that can be used as a benchmark by investors in making investment decisions. Companies that
show positive performance become investment opportunities by investors because investors believe in the coming
period, the company will get a higher profit. The increase in corporate profits will have an impact on the firm value;
this is due to the high confidence of investors to invest, thereby increasing demand and stock prices. This condition is
following the results of research Sucuahi & Jay (2016), found that profitability has a positive effect on firm value.

Literature Review and Hypothesis Development

Signal theory by Ross (Gumanti, 2017) states the use of debt by companies can show good company performance. A
high DER indicates that the company feels optimistic about the profitability that will increase in the next period. The
company is considered good by creditors because, to get high debt, the company must show high profits. Seeing
growing profits means the company can pay obligations in high nominal terms. The higher the company's debt, the
higher the profit the company will get from debt. Nirajini & Priya (2013); Putra & Sedana (2019); Safeena & Hassan

IRJMIS Vol. 7 No. 1, January 2020, pages: 145-155

IRJMIS ISSN: 2395-7492  147
(2014); Idode et al. (2014); in his research, found the results of capital structure have a positive effect on profitability.
The use of large amounts of debt can be tolerated by the company, as long as the benefits of the debt are considered
The research hypothesis is as follows:
H1: Capital structure has a positive effect on profitability

The higher sales growth signifies that the company is performing well, thus encouraging company profits to increase.
Missy et al. (2016), as well as Odalo et al. (2016), in his research, showed that sales growth has a positive effect on
profitability. The results showed a positive direction indicating the higher sales growth would increase company
profitability. The company has a determination to market its products to achieve company growth so that it has a
positive impact on the company's profitability.
The research hypothesis is as follows:
H2: Sales growth has a positive effect on profitability

Hoque et al. (2014) and Handriani & Robiyanto (2018), found the results of the capital structure had a positive and
significant effect on firm value. A positive effect is shown from the success of the company in utilizing debt in business
expansion and getting a positive response from investors. Investors like companies that continue to grow and increase
stock demand, thereby increasing share prices. An increase in stock prices indicates the firm value is increasing.
The research hypothesis is as follows:
H3: Capital structure has a positive effect on firm value

Company growth is a benchmark that shows the movement of company activities from the initial investment to a
certain period in business improvement. Sales growth means the company has effectively and efficiently sold its
products because it has been able to provide a return on investments made. The higher sales growth has an impact on
investors' assessment of the company so that it can increase the firm value. The reason for the increase in the firm
value is due to the high demand for shares which drives up stock prices. Investors generally like companies that
continue to show growth, especially sales. Sales growth means more and more people or consumers who believe in
the company's products. Kodongo et al. (2015) and Febriyanto (2018), in their research, found the results of sales
growth had a positive effect on firm value. Positive results indicate that sales growth shows the company has good
growth prospects, thus providing greater profits. This condition gives a positive perception to investors so that it has
an impact on increasing the firm value.
The research hypothesis is as follows:
H4: Sales growth has a positive effect on firm value

Profitability is a ratio that describes the performance of management in managing company resources (Rahayu & Bida,
2018). Increase in profits will increase the firm value, when the company has optimized the use of assets, increase
sales of company products and increase cost-efficiency. The higher the profitability ratio means, the better the
productivity of assets in generating profits. The high profitability will show the prospect of a good quality company so
that it will be responded positively by the market. Investors will receive a positive signal for reporting information
related to the company's good financial performance. Good performance is seen from profit because it shows a return
on the investment made by the company. Investors believe if the coming period becomes easy for companies to increase
profits. The form of investor participation is by buying shares, which triggers an increase in share prices and has an
impact on increasing the firm value. Sucuahi & Jay (2016) and Handayani et al. (2018), in line with the description
above, namely, profitability has a positive effect on firm value.
The research hypothesis is as follows:
H5: Profitability has a positive effect on firm value

The composition of good debt usage is lower than company equity. Low debt indicates that the company has a low
risk. Investors will decide to buy shares in companies that can provide good business prospects and have a low risk,
especially bankruptcy. Low debt can affect profits because companies don't have to use high amounts of profits to pay
interest on loans. Low business risk and offset by high profitability will drive the high demand for the company's shares
so that it will increase share prices. High stock prices indicate the firm value increases. Rahman (2012), in his research,
found results if profitability mediated the effect of capital structure on firm value.

Putri, I. G. A. P. T., & Rahyuda, H. (2020). Effect of capital structure and sales growth on firm value with
profitability as mediation. International Research Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences,
7(1), 145-155. https://doi.org/10.21744/irjmis.v7n1.833
148  ISSN: 2395-7492

The research hypothesis is as follows:

H6: Profitability acts as a mediating effect of capital structure on firm value

Sales growth can occur when the company's products have been accepted and are attached to the needs of consumers.
High demand from the market will have a positive impact on companies, especially in receiving profits. This means
that sales growth will produce the maximum profit for the company and increase profitability. High profits make it
easy for companies to invest by adding production facilities. The higher the production, the more market demand can
be met and again increase profits. This positive information will certainly be responded well by investors by increasing
the company's share ownership. Profitability has a positive effect on the effect of sales growth on firm value according
to the results of the research of Burhanuddin et al. (2019).
The research hypothesis is as follows:
H7: Profitability acts as a mediating effect of sales growth on firm value.

2 Materials and Methods

This study uses profitability as a mediating variable with a Return on Asset (ROA) proxy and a firm value with a Price
Book Value (PBV) proxy as an endogenous variable. The exogenous variables chosen are the ratio of capital structure
to the Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) proxy, and the ratio of sales growth. The research data used are secondary, meaning
that the data obtained from the company's financial statements, documents related to the research company and other
supporting data obtained by researchers indirectly but through intermediary media. Secondary data referred to in this
study include the annual financial report (annual report) of the Consumer Good industrial companies listed on the
Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2013-2018. The data was obtained from annual financial reports published
from the websites of each company. Research analysis techniques using path analysis with the help of SPSS 25
statistical analysis tools for hypothesis testing. Furthermore, the results of the hypothesis analysis will be interpreted,
and conclusions will be drawn at the end of the stage and suggestions.

3 Results and Discussions

Testing data in this study uses path analysis (path analysis) with the help of SPSS 25. This path analysis aims to
examine the pattern of relationships that reveal the relationship between variables, both direct and indirect influences.
The regression model will be divided into substructure one and substructure two. Table 1 below will present a summary
of the results of testing the Debt to Equity Ratio (X1), Sales Growth (X2), Return on Asset (Y1) and Price Book Value
(Y2) regression models of research both direct influence, indirect effect, total effect and results in Sobel test
calculations. The results of this path analysis can be used to create equations of substructure one and substructure two
and calculate the values of e1 and e2.
Table 1
Summary of Path analysis test results

Direct Indirect Sobel

No Variable Total Effect Sig Description
Effect Effect Test
1 X1  Y1 -0,366 0,000 H1 rejected
2 X2  Y1 0,129 0,048 H2 accepted
3 X1  Y2 -0,010 0,896 H3rejected
4 X2  Y2 0,230 0,001 H4 accepted
5 Y1  Y2 0,321 0,000 H5 accepted
6 X1  Y1  Y2 -0,366×0,321 -0,010+(-0,117) 2,40 H6 accepted
= -0,117 = -0,127
7 X2  Y1  Y2 0,129×0,321 0,230+0,041 2,05 H7 accepted
= 0,041 = 0,271
substructure I = 0,157
substructure II = 0,181

IRJMIS Vol. 7 No. 1, January 2020, pages: 145-155

IRJMIS ISSN: 2395-7492  149
Based on the results of the path analysis test, substructure one and substructure two are made equations, and the values
of e1 and e2 are calculated, as follows:

Structure I:
Y1 = β1X1 + β2X2 + + e1
Y1 = -0,093X1 + 0,082X2 + e1
e1 (error1) =

Structure II
Y2 = β3X1 + β4X2 + β5Y1 + e2
Y2 = 0,001X1 + 0,034X2 + 0,075Y1 + e2
e2 (error2) =

Model Validity Test

The model validity test or the model accuracy test aims to determine the magnitude of the influence of exogenous
variables on endogenous variables. Valid or not depends on the underlying assumptions. Indicators of model validity
in the path analysis used in this study are the total determination coefficients as follows:
R²m = 1- (e1) 2 (e2) 2
= 1- (0.918) 2 (0.904) 2
= 0.319
A total determination value of 0.319 means that 31.9 percent of the variation in PBV (Y2) is influenced by ROA (Y1),
DER (X1), and SG (X2) while the rest is explained by other factors not included in the study.

Hypothesis Test 1
The results of testing the effect of capital structure variables (X1) on profitability (Y1) found the results of a
significance value of 0,000 <0.05 can be seen in Table 1. Significance value that is less than the real level of 0.05
indicates if X1 has a significant effect on Y1. The beta value of the capital structure coefficient based on the results of
data processing is -0.386 and the t-value is -5.195, thus H1 is rejected. The results of this test mean that the capital
structure (X1) has a negative and significant effect on profitability (Y1).

Hypothesis Test 2
The results of testing the effect of sales growth variables (X2) on profitability (Y1) showed a significance value of
0.048 <0.05 with a beta coefficient of 0.129 seen in Table 1 and a tcount of 1.839. Significance value that is less than
the real level of 0.05 indicates that X2 has a significant effect on Y1. The results of this test mean that sales growth
(X2) has a positive and significant effect on profitability (Y1), so H2 is accepted.

Hypothesis Test 3
The results of testing the effect of capital structure variables (X1) on the Firm Value (Y2) in Table 1 show a significance
value of 0.896> 0.05 with a coefficient value of beta -0.010 and value of tcount is -0.131. Significance value that is
greater than the real level of 0.05 means that there is no significant effect between X1 to Y2. This result means that
the capital structure (X1) has a negative and not significant effect on firm value (Y2), so H3 is rejected.

Hypothesis Test 4
The results of testing the effect of sales growth variables (X2) on firm value (Y2) in Table 1 show a significance value
of 0.001 <0.05 with a beta coefficient of 0.230 and a tcount of 3.272. Significance value that is less than the real level
of 0.05 means that there is a significant influence of X2 on Y2. The results of this test mean that sales growth (X2) has
a positive and significant effect on firm value (Y2) so that H4 is accepted.

Putri, I. G. A. P. T., & Rahyuda, H. (2020). Effect of capital structure and sales growth on firm value with
profitability as mediation. International Research Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences,
7(1), 145-155. https://doi.org/10.21744/irjmis.v7n1.833
150  ISSN: 2395-7492

Hypothesis Test 5
The results of testing the effect of the profitability variable (Y1) on the Firm Value (Y2) in Table 1 show a significance
value of 0,000 <0.05 with a beta coefficient of 0.321 and a calculated value of 4.244. The significance value is less
than the real level of 0.05, meaning that there is a significant influence of Y1 on Y2. The results of this test mean that
profitability (Y1) has a positive and significant effect on firm value (Y2) so that H5 is accepted.

Hypothesis Test 6
Hypothesis 6 testing related to the role of profitability (Y1) as a mediating variable the effect of capital structure (X1)
on firm value (Y2), is carried out with the sobel test as follows:
Sa1b =
Sa1b = 0,0029
a1b = a1 × b
a1b = -0,093 × 0,075
a1b = -0,0069

Perhitungan nilai t 1
t1 = = = 2,40


b2 = value of Y1 substructure 2
a1 = value β X1 substructure 1
Sa1 = default value of error X1 substructure 1
Sb2 = default value of error Y1 substructure 2
The value of t1 is 2.40 which is then compared with the value of the table, where 2.40> 1.96 means that profitability
is able to mediate the effect of capital structure on firm value. These results prove if H6 is accepted.

Hypothesis Test 7
Hypothesis 7 testing related to the role of profitability (Y1) as a mediator of the effect of sales growth (X2) on firm
value (Y2), is carried out with the Sobel test as follows:
Sa1b =
Sa1b =
Sa1b = 0,0030
a1b = a1 × b
a1b = 0,082 × 0,075
a1b = 0,00615
t2 = = = 2,05

b2 = value of Y1 substructure 2
a1 = value β X1 substructure 1
Sa1 = default value of error X1 substructure 1
Sb2 = default value of error Y1 substructure 2

The t2 value is 2.05, then this value is compared with the table value, where 2.05> 1.96 means that profitability is able
to mediate the effect of sales growth on firm value. These results indicate if H7 is accepted.

IRJMIS Vol. 7 No. 1, January 2020, pages: 145-155

IRJMIS ISSN: 2395-7492  151

The Effect of Capital Structure on Profitability

The results of hypothesis testing indicate that capital structure has a negative and significant effect on profitability.
The negative effect indicates that the higher the capital structure, the lower profitability, so the results show that H1 is
Companies need large amounts of funds to cover the costs of their activities so that equity will be combined with
debt. High and low debt will have an impact on earnings because the debt used by companies is obliged to pay interest
on the loan. The higher the debt means the higher the loan interest to be paid. The high-interest payments will affect
the profit decline. The negative impact means the use of high debt does not benefit the company, because the company
has not been able to use debt to increase profitability. The results of this study support the empirical study by Tailab
(2014); Khan & Imran (2015) and Rahman et al. (2019).

The effect of sales growth on profitability

Growth is generally expected by internal and external parties, especially investors because it will have a positive impact
on both parties. One of them is sales growth which has an important role in projecting future profits. The results of
hypothesis testing found that sales growth had a positive and significant effect on profitability, so H2 was accepted.
Positive direction means sales growth will have an impact on increasing company profits. Sales must be able to cover
costs to be able to increase profits so the company can determine strategies in anticipating the increase or decrease in
sales in the coming period (Missy et al., 2016). Profit can be maximized by adding production facilities. The addition
of production facilities can increase the number of products offered so that sales growth opportunities can be met. The
results of this study support the empirical study by Missy et al. (2016) and Odalo et al. (2016).

The effect of capital structure on firm value

The capital structure shows the composition of the use of equity and debt in the company's operations. The results of
hypothesis testing found that capital structure has a negative and not significant effect on firm value, so H3 is rejected.
Negative influence means that the higher the use of debt as forming capital structure will reduce the Firm Value. High
debt can provide high risk for companies because the amount of debt will be proportional to the obligations that must
be paid. The problem that arises is the inability of companies to pay interest on loans that encourage the risk of
bankruptcy. The increase in debt by companies will be responded negatively by investors so that it can reduce the Firm
Value. The negative results of testing the effect of capital structure on firm value support the empirical study found by
Paminto et al. (2016).
Overall, the results of capital structure testing on the firm value obtained by this study are negative and insignificant,
meaning that capital structure has no effect on firm value. These results are in line with the empiricism obtained by
Saputra et al. (2019); Rasyid (2015); and Sudiani (2018). An increase or decrease in the use of debt in the capital
structure does not cause high or low Firm Value, because investors see investment risks from various sides of the
financial statements not only on the capital structure.

The effect of sales growth on firm value

Sales growth is an ongoing process of the company. Growth means the company is performing well, creating a positive
image for the company. The test results found that sales growth had a positive and significant effect on firm value, so
H4 was accepted. This means that higher sales growth will have an impact on increasing the Firm Value.
Sales growth information is used by many parties such as company owners, investors, creditors and others to see
the company's prospects. The importance of past sales data can help companies optimize their resources to develop
Firm Value. Sales growth is a positive indicator to assess the Firm Value because sales growth reflects the condition
of the company better than before. The higher investor confidence in sales growth drives stock purchases and the high
demand for shares results in an increase in stock prices and Firm Value. The results of this study are in line with
Kodongo et al. (2015) and Febriyanto (2018), who found sales growth to have a positive and significant effect on firm

Putri, I. G. A. P. T., & Rahyuda, H. (2020). Effect of capital structure and sales growth on firm value with
profitability as mediation. International Research Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences,
7(1), 145-155. https://doi.org/10.21744/irjmis.v7n1.833
152  ISSN: 2395-7492

The Effect of Profitability on Firm Value

Profitability is explained as the ratio of profits derived by the company from the benefits of its investment. The test
results show that profitability has a positive and significant effect on firm value so that H5 is accepted. Positive
direction means the higher profitability, the impact on increasing the Firm Value.
Positive information related to company performance bodes well for investors. An increase in profitability shows
if the company is performing well because it has received a return on investment. The high profitability of the company
will increase the Firm Value when the company has optimized the use of assets, increasing product sales, and increasing
cost efficiency. Investors believe a company with stable profits and shows an increase in a company that is worth
investing in because it has prospects in the future. The form of investor participation is by purchasing company shares,
thus encouraging share price increases and increasing Firm Value. An increase in profitability will increase the Firm
Value because investors like companies that have shown profit-making, thus encouraging high demand for shares.
Sudiani (2018), states that the higher the company's ability to earn profits, the greater the return expected by investors
to make the company's value increase. These results support the signaling theory which states that profitability can
affect firm value positively (Sadewo et al., 2017).
The results of this study are in line with empirical studies obtained by Sucuahi & Jay (2016); Tauke et al. (2017);
and Handayani et al. (2018), namely profitability has a positive and significant effect on firm value. Investment
opportunities provide positive information that the company will show growth, thereby increasing the Firm Value.

The role of profitability as mediation influence of capital structure against the firm value

Sobel test results indicate that profitability is able to mediate the effect of capital structure on firm value in Consumer
Goods companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the 2013-2018 period. The results of this test indicate that
H6 was received. Gumanti (2017), explains that if the use of debt is below the optimal point, each addition can increase
the Firm Value. The use of high amounts of debt appropriately can increase profits compared to companies with high
equity but are unable to manage their capital. High debt to produce high profitability is more attractive for investors to
buy shares. The reason is that high debt becomes a positive signal that shows the prospects and performance of the
company going forward. The high demand for shares in the capital market pushed up share prices which could reflect
an increase in the Firm Value.
The results of this study are in line with an empirical study by Rahman (2012), which found that profitability was
able to mediate the effect of capital structure on firm value. Data on Consumer Good's financial statements show that
most companies utilize high debt in their operations. The existence of proper debt management by management is able
to increase profits and encourage increased Firm Value.

4 Conclusion

The results of this study support the Signaling Theory, namely sales growth and profitability that have a positive effect
on firm value. This means that any increase in sales growth and profitability can give a signal to investors that the
company is in good condition so that investors are willing to buy shares. The high demand for shares has an impact on
increasing the Firm Value. Investors always expect the benefits of their investments.
Profitability reflects the ability of management to allocate its capital effectively and efficiently in investment assets
for the survival of the company. The results of the study also prove that profitability is able to act as a mediating
variable in the effect of capital structure on firm value, profitability as a mediating effect of sales growth on firm value.
The negative effect of capital structure on profitability means that the use of high debt by the company will have
an impact on profit decline. High corporate debt requires companies to prepare high amounts of funds to repay their
debts. This condition can have an impact on decreasing company profits.
Sales growth has a positive and significant effect on profitability. This means that every increase in sales has an
impact on increasing profits. These benefits come from the high income received and are able to cover the costs
incurred by the company.
The results of this study also showed that sales growth had a positive and significant effect on firm value. The
growth reflects if the company is feasible to be invested by investors because the company always evaluates so that
each period there is an increase in performance. Conditions that can increase the company's stock price because long-
term investors are interested in buying companies with positive growth.

IRJMIS Vol. 7 No. 1, January 2020, pages: 145-155

IRJMIS ISSN: 2395-7492  153
The results of this study found that capital structure has no effect on firm value. There are other factors that are
considered more important by investors than capital structure such as Indonesian Government policies that can affect
the Consumer Good sector as a whole. These factors have an impact on the Firm Value in terms of the price of shares
formed on the purchase and sale of shares by investors in the capital market.
The results of this study can be used in contributing ideas to the company as a consideration in making further
decisions. The first consideration is the determination of the company's strategy in forming capital structure to achieve
profit targets and create corporate value in order to attract investors to invest. Second, being able to be considered in
making strategies to increase product sales to achieve positive performance so that the company's survival is
guaranteed. The results of this study are also expected to be used as input information by investors in determining
which companies to invest by looking at the company's fundamental conditions.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declared that they have no competing interests.

Statement of authorship
The authors have a responsibility for the conception and design of the study. The authors have approved the final

The authors would like to thank the editor of IRJMIS for their valuable time, support and advice in completing the
current study.

Putri, I. G. A. P. T., & Rahyuda, H. (2020). Effect of capital structure and sales growth on firm value with
profitability as mediation. International Research Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences,
7(1), 145-155. https://doi.org/10.21744/irjmis.v7n1.833
154  ISSN: 2395-7492

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