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Biomaterials Lab Outlines

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German Jordanian University

School of Applied Medical Sciences

Department of Biomedical Engineering

BM333: Biomaterials Lab

Course Catalog
1 Credit hour (3 hrs laboratory)

The aim is to Understanding the fundamental concepts of the multidisciplinary science of

biomaterials in addition to Learning the main mechanical properties of different type of materials(
metals, polymers, ceramics, xeno-bone, skin…etc) that affect material design.

Moreover, Study mechanical properties for materials which should be replace in our body, in order
to mimic the part that will be replaced, so that studying the mechanical properties for Biological
materials such a (bovine bones) take in consideration in this lab.

Lab Engineer
Lab Engineer Eng. Huda AlShami
Office location Building M, M-002
Office phone +962 6 429 4444, Ext: 4432
Email Huda.alshami@gju.edu.jo

Assessment Tool Weight Expected Due Date
Lab Reports 30 % Each report is due at the beginning of the next lab session
Midterm Exam 30% Assigned at the beginning of each semester
Final Exam 40% Assigned at the beginning of each semester
Total 100% After completing final exam

Topics Covered
Week Experiment No. Topic
1 --------------- Introduction to Biomaterials Lab
2 Experiment 1 Tensile and Compression Test
3 Experiment 2 Bending Test
4 Experiment 3 Hardness Test
5 Experiment 4 Fatigue Test
6 Exam Midterm Exam
7 Experiment 5 Creep Test
8 Experiment 6 Impact Test
9 Experiment 7 Buckling Test
10 Experiment 8 Microscopic Examination
11 Experiment 9 Corrosion and Degradation
12 Experiment 10 Material Treatment ( Hardening by Carburizing) +
Material Treatment using different media of
13 Exam Final Exam

Objectives and Outcomes

Objectives Outcomes
1.1 Provide practical exercises for using general tensile
testing machine to determine the tensile behavior of
different type of material (Iron , Brass , steel , Bone ) .
1.2 Understand the stress-strain curves and use it in
determining various mechanical properties:
1. Understand the concept of Tensile 1.3 In this experiment, we will study the mechanical
and Compression properties of a steel specimen by applying Tensile test
and the mechanical Properties for Bovine bone by
applying a compression test.
1.4 For the biological application,the mechanical
properties of bovine- bone under both compression
and tensile testing.

2.1 Understanding the free-body diagrams FBD for

bending and drawing the reactions; moment diagram
and shear diagram for simply supported beam.
2.2 Calculation of bending stress and deflection caused by
2. Performing practical bending tests.
the load and calculation of the moment of inertia of
different cross-sections.
2.3 Obtaining the Modulus of Elasticity from deflection

2.4 Understanding the concept of Neutral Axis N.A and
Neutral Plane and distinguishing between layers in
compression and layers in tension in bending.

3.1 to be able to distinguish between the hardness values,

given for different materials.
3.2 To become familiar with the basic methods and
3. understand the meaning of
machines used to measure the hardness of materials.
3.3 To be able to relate the hardness to some properties of

4. to get familiar with the principle of 4.1 Students are required to construct an S-N curve (stress
fatigue testing. level - number of cycles to failure) of the test samples
4.2 Students can define the fatigue endurance limit or
fatigue life and fatigue strength of the materials.

5.1 Get familiar with the causes of creep in metals and

indicate the factors influencing creep behavior.
5. Study the principal of creep testing 5.2 Analyze the data and draw the creep curve.
and practice the testing 5.3 Applying Creep test on chicken skin to study the
viscoelastic properties of soft tissues.

6.1 Determining the influence of the notch shape on

notched bar impact work
6.2 Determining the influence of the specimen material on
6. familiarize the students with notched bar impact work
Impact test. 6.3 Determining the Ductile Brittle Transition
Temperature (DBTT)
6.4 Visual evaluation of the fracture surface

7.1 To examine the Euler theory of buckling.

7.2 To investigate the influence of different material
7. determine critical buckling loads 7.3 To compare experimentally observed values of critical
for columns with support stress with the theoretical values
7.4 To study behavior of different types of columns and
find Euler’s buckling load for each case

8.To understand surface 8.1 To understand different principles of operation behind

characterization of materials and the various microscopic techniques.
contribution of microscopes in this 8.2 Getting familiar with metallic sample preparation for
regard. micro-examination using the metallurgical

8.3 Examining the grains in the prepared metallic sample
using the microscope and calculating the grain size.

9.1 performing the carburizing process.

9.2 Measuring the hardness of steel after quenching by
9. learning the different quenching
different media.
media in heat treatment.
9.3 Studying the changes in hardness of steel due to
changes of quenching media.

10. Identify metal corrosion 10.1 Define factors affecting corrosion and corrosion
10.2 Calculate corrosion rate

Lab Report Requirements

Report section Description
This section should provide the context and motivation for the
experiment, briefly explain relevant theory in sufficient detail, introduce
any relevant laws, equations or theorems, and clearly state the aim or
research question that the experiment is designed to address. You should
try to write it in your own words, rather than paraphrasing the lab manual
(but if you have to, be sure to include the appropriate references). It’s
always a good idea to read the entire experiment in the manual before
you begin your introduction.
This section must include a description of the procedure followed. It
should not simply be a re-statement of the procedure section of this
manual. You should interpret the procedure section and develop your
own step-by step method.
In this section, you present the main data collected during your
experiment. Each key measurement needs to be reported appropriately.
Data are often presented in graphs, figures or tables. These need to be
Results labelled appropriately to clearly indicate what is shown. Tables should be
labelled numerically above the table as Table 1, Table 2, etc. Everything
else (graphs, images, diagrams etc.) is labelled numerically below the
figure as Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.
This section should demonstrate how will you understand what happened
in the experiment. You should identify and comment on any trends you
have observed, compare the experimental results with any predictions,
identify how any sources of error might impact on the interpretation of
your results, suggest explanations for unexpected results, and where
appropriate, suggest how the experiment could have been improved.
Conclusion This section should provide a message summing up what has been

learned from the experiment such as: briefly restate the purpose of the
experiment (the question it was seeking to answer), identify the main
findings (answer to the research question), note the main limitations that
are relevant to the interpretation of the results, summarize what the
experiment has contributed to your understanding of the problem.
List all sources that you have referred to in the body of your report.
These can include references to accepted literature values or equations
you use in your calculations. You should use proper referencing
It contains material that is too detailed to include in the main report, such
as tables of raw data, software code or detailed calculations.
Font type: Times New Roman.
Font size: 12 for the main paragraphs and 14 bold for the titles.
Justify the paragraphs.
Figures should be inserted in the center of the page and they should be
labeled below the figure with font size 10.
Tables should be inserted in the center of the page and they should be
labeled above the table with font size 10.

Attendance will be checked at the beginning of each lab session.
Attendance University regulations will be strictly followed for students exceeding the
maximum number of absences (20%).
Each student must hand his\her own separate report. Laboratory reports
are due to one week after the experiment was carried out and it will be
collected at the beginning of each laboratory. If any report is not
submitted to the TA by the deadline, it will be judged as "LATE".
The midterm and the final exams are closed book tests. Students who are
Examinations not able to attend an examination (medical or another emergency) must
notify the instructor. Make up tests require a Valid University excuse.
It is the responsibility of each student to adhere to the principles of
academic integrity. Academic integrity means that a student is honest
with him/herself, fellow students, instructors, and the University in
Student Conduct
matters concerning his or her educational endeavors. Cheating will not be
tolerated in at all. University regulations will be pursued and enforced on
any cheating process.

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