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Satellite Technology Project

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Satellite Technology

Satellites have uses in an extensive range of technological fields today, which would include
satellite technology, connectivity, mobile phones, assertion for weather, geology, and other
fields, direct streaming live, and a quantity of other fields as well. Satellites also find applications
in a number of other fields as well.

The technology behind satellites as well as satellites themselves have a wide range of potential
uses. Since the first rockets were launched into the upper sections of the atmosphere and then
started to deliver satellites into orbit, the variety of applications that rocket technology has been
put to has seen a significant increase in recent years.

The cost of satellites and the technology needed to put them into orbit is quite high, but this
technology has come a long way from the early days of Telstar and Early Bird, etc., and is now
much more advanced. Satellites and the related technology that is needed to send them into
orbit are both necessary in order to successfully deploy them into orbit.

The more traditionally sized big spacecraft make up a substantial proportion of the satellites that
are placed into orbit; nevertheless, the creation of a new species of satellites is starting to show
signs of progress. These cube satellites, which are also referred to as Cubesats, are very small
satellites that can be acquired for an affordable price and used for a broad variety of
The rudiments of satellite technology:

There are now a significant number of satellites in orbit, each of which was designed to perform
a particular function. Satellite technology is already widely used, and some of its many
applications include worldwide communication and navigation, surveying and monitoring, data
collecting for weather forecasting, and a great lot of other applications as well.
There is a wealth of information on satellites that is not only intriguing but also educational in
nature. There are a few elements of these satellites, and satellites in general, that are not
necessarily easily visible to the average person.

Satellites: some little-known facts about them

If you are not studying for an appearance on Jeopardy, it is possible that you are not familiar
with some of the intriguing facts that are presented here about satellites and satellite imaging.
Interesting Information About Satellites:

Satellites travel at 18,000 miles per hour. This indicates that satellites are capable of travelling
the whole circle of the Earth about 14 times in a single day.
A satellite has a lower impact on the environment than a PRIUS.
If all of the information that our satellites gather in a single year were stored on DVDs, they
would create a stack that is almost three times as high as the Empire State Building.
Almost 2,500 satellites are currently in orbit orbiting the Earth at any one time.
At any one time, DigitalGlobe has four satellites in orbit around the planet, each of which is
equipped to snap immediate photographs of events occurring across the world.
Not only is satellite imagery put to use for the purposes of military and intelligence gathering, but
it also has numerous creative applications in the fields of the environment, economy,
entertainment, and humanitarian work.



There are many different classifications that can be applied to satellites, such as communication
satellites, scientific satellites or researching satellites, surveillance satellites, satellites used for
weather forecasting, satellites used for global positioning system navigation, and broadcast
The establishment of artificial satellites with the intention of establishing satellite communication
connections between various locations on earth is an essential component of the global network
of communication systems. These connections allow for the transmission of data and voice
between various points on the planet. There are around 5,600 artificial satellites currently
orbiting the Earth at this time. These satellites are in charge of delivering analogue and digital
signals that carry audio, video, and data to and from a single location or several locations
throughout the world.

2. Data analysis SATELLITE

The majority of what we know about the Earth System comes from our observations.
Observations are the "truth" against which hypotheses and models need to be evaluated,
notwithstanding the fact that there are uncertainties and biases associated with them. In order to
accurately anticipate how the Earth System will evolve, it is necessary to have an understanding
of how the observations, which represent the "truth," will evolve. This requires observations that
are I consistent, which means the observing system is the same everywhere; (ii) long-term,
which means the findings are statistically significant; and (iii) high quality, which means they
have minimal mistakes and biases. It is possible that additional criteria for observation will be
necessary, depending on the application. For instance, a global perspective is often required in
order to monitor the effects of climate change. In most cases, a high geographical and temporal
resolution is required in order to analyse the aspects of the weather that have a significant

3. Observatory SATELLITES

Observational satellites of Earth travel in a variety of orbits, each of which provides them with a
unique perspective of the globe. The vast majority of satellites are unable to continuously gather
data because they do not have the power or memory to do so. Although some gather data on a
consistent and dependable basis on a regular basis, others acquire just modest bits of data
throughout the course of time. The satellite will keep the data in storage until it is able to locate
a ground station and transmit it back to Earth from there. The amount of time that passes
between when you take a photo and when you are able to download it might range anything
from a few minutes to an entire month. This period of time will be reduced in proportion to the
rate at which technology improves. There are several data providers since the satellites are
owned by a variety of organisations; each of these providers has its own price structure.

Isro has been quite successful in launching operational satellites into orbit for the purpose of
remote sensing. At the present, thirteen functioning satellites are in orbit around the sun, while
four are in orbit around the Earth. The data collected by these satellites is put to use in a wide
variety of contexts, including but not limited to: mineral exploration; agriculture; water resources;
urban planning; rural development; the environment; forestry; ocean resources; and emergency

Techniques for the monitoring of earth's surface that are applicable to both land and sea:
It is essential to back environmental policies with information that can be relied on and is
accurate in order to determine the issues that need to be addressed and to track how well the
policies are working. The work that the Joint Research Center (JRC) conducts is crucial to the
validation, quality control, and benchmarking of Earth observation products across both ocean
and land.

The use of monitoring of Earth in emergency management

The information that is acquired from satellites is a synoptic, independent, and objective data
source, and it plays an important role in all stages of crisis management. Research conducted
by the Joint Research Center (JRC) focuses on the automatic analysis of satellite data to
provide product designs and analyses for more effective disaster risk reduction, preventive
diplomacy, and case management for post-disaster response, recovery, and reconstruction


You are able to check the weather in any location on the planet at any time of the day or night
because to advancements in both communications satellite technology and weather satellite
technology. There are television channels that provide weather information around the clock.
Images captured by weather satellites are very useful to meteorologists for a wide variety of
applications. The following are some of the many applications for them:

● The amount of heat and energy that is emanating from the Earth and its atmosphere
may be determined by taking radiation readings from both the surface of the Earth and
its atmosphere.
● The results of measurements taken by satellites may provide significant information to
those whose livelihood depends on fishing regarding the temperature of the ocean.
● The amount of snow that falls throughout the winter, how the ice fields in the Arctic and
Antarctic move, and the depth of the ocean are all things that may be monitored by
● Satellites equipped with infrared sensors monitor the health of crops, determine the
locations of deforestation, and identify regions experiencing drought.
● Certain satellites are equipped with a sensor that can detect the amount of water vapour
that is present in various sections of the atmosphere and provide an estimate of the
amount of water vapour that is there.
● Satellites have the ability to detect when volcanoes erupt and track the movement of ash
● Throughout the winter, satellites track the movement of chilly air as it travels south
towards Texas and Florida. Growers are able to be informed by weather forecasts of
impending low temperatures thanks to this.
● Satellites gather data and information about the environment from distant platforms on
the surface of the Earth. These platforms are located on other continents. Ships, buoys
(which are really transmitters that float in the sea), gauges that measure the level and
conditions of rivers, automated weather stations, stations that measure earthquakes and
tidal waves, and buoys are some examples of these types of monitoring stations. This
data is collected from the ground and then sent to the satellite. After then, data is sent to
a primary receiving station located on Earth by the satellite.

5. The Global Positioning System (GPS) and How It Operates

The idea of navigation through satellite is premised on the existence of a global network of
satellites that are in constant communication with one another via radio signals that are sent
from a medium earth orbit. Users of satellite navigation are most familiar with the 31 satellites
that make up the Global Positioning System (GPS), which was developed in the United States
and is now administered by the United States. GPS was conceived of in the United States, and
it is now maintained by the United States. Also, there are three other constellations that provide
services that are equivalent to those offered by this one. The term "Global Navigation Satellite
Systems" refers to both the satellite constellations themselves as well as any upgrades or
additions that may be made to them (GNSS). The Russian Federation is in charge of the
development and operation of the GLONASS satellite navigation system, while the European
Union and the European Space Agency are in charge of the development and operation of the
Galileo satellite navigation system. China is in charge of the development and operation of the
BeiDou satellite navigation system. Each and every one of the service providers has made it
very clear that the global community is more than welcome to use any one of their platforms at
no cost. Each and every one of the service providers has made a contribution to the formulation
of standards and recommended practises, which have subsequently been approved by the
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in order to make the utilisation of these
constellations for aviation more convenient.
Whether they are on or somewhat near to the surface of the earth, users of the most basic GPS
service have an accuracy of around 7.0 metres 95% of the time, regardless of where they are.
In order to do this, each of the 31 satellites emits a signal that, when paired with signals from at
least four other satellites, enables receivers to determine both their specific location and the
time that is now being seen. Onboard each GPS satellite is equipped with an atomic clock,
which generates time to a high degree of accuracy. Since the information about the time is
contained inside the codes that are provided by the satellite, a receiver is able to consistently
identify the time that the signal was communicated. This is possible because the information
about the time is embedded within the codes. The signal contains data that a receiver may use
to determine the locations of the satellites and to make any extra adjustments that are required
for accurate positioning. Also, the signal allows the receiver to make any necessary corrections.
The receiver is able to calculate the range, or distance, between itself and the satellite by
comparing the time at which the signal was received to the time at which it was broadcast. This
allows the receiver to compute the distance between itself and the satellite. The receiver has to
be able to compensate for any delays or speed decreases in signal transmission that are
caused by the ionosphere and the troposphere, respectively.


A sort of digital radio known as "Satellite Radio" gets its broadcast signals from satellites in orbit
that are specifically designed to transmit communication broadcasts.
It is possible for it to work in any place so long as there is a direct line of sight between the
antenna and the satellite.
Requires connection to a commercial satellite for signal propagation
Customers may get a variety of channel bundles, as well as other services, from a business
known as a "service," which is a sort of commercial venture.
imposes a monthly membership charge on its end users as a condition of doing business.
Sirius Radio was the first of the two satellite radio services to debut in 1990, while XM Radio
began broadcasting in 1992.
When customers gained more access to satellite radio connections, the degree of rivalry
between these two companies intensified dramatically around the turn of the 21st century.
Satellite radio hookups are now more readily available to consumers.
When Sirius bought XM Radio in 2007, there is no longer any rivalry between the two services.
Both Sirius Radio and XM Radio began their broadcasting operations in the early 1990s, which
is when they rose to prominence as the two most notable providers of satellite radio in the
United States.

Just how does it transform into something that may be put to use?

The transmission of signals is accomplished by the use of transmitters that are permanently
installed; however, the reception area for these transmitters is fairly limited. In addition to this,
orbiting mobile satellites that are constantly moving across the planet and giving extra coverage
are used.
They have the ability to immediately pick up radio signals that are broadcast from satellites in
orbit and that are then transferred to earth.
It is then broadcast to the millions of people all over the globe that listen to satellite radio when
the radio frequency that is being sent is reflected off of the satellite, and when it eventually
reaches the ground station.

Other Satellites Operated by NOAA These include:

A. Satellites Operated by the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP):

Satellites in low earth orbit have been supplying the armed forces with crucial environmental
data ever since the Department of Defense (DoD) started the Defense Meteorological Satellite
Program (DMSP) in the middle of the 1960s. The acronym DMSP, when expanded out to its full
form, stands for the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program. Every single DMSP satellite is
on a trajectory that lasts for 101 minutes and provides coverage twice a day throughout the
whole world. This is accomplished by travelling in an orbit.

DMSP satellites are able to "see" aspects of the environment such as clouds, bodies of water,
snow, fire, and pollution due to the fact that their spectral ranges are between those of the
visible and infrared spectrums. This is due to the fact that their spectral ranges fall somewhere
in the centre. The information that scanning radiometers record can be used to help identify
things such as the type of cloud and its height, as well as the heat of land and surface water,
water currents, ocean surface characteristics, cold air, and snow. This information can also be
used to help determine things like the type of snow that is falling and its depth. The sort of snow
that is falling as well as its depth may be determined with the use of this information as well.
Using this information, one is able to establish not only the kind of cloud that is there but also its
height. After going through the process of being processed and analysed by meteorologists, the
information is eventually put to use by the United States of America in the planning and
implementation of military actions around the globe. After first being sent to ground-based
terminals, the data are eventually put to use in some capacity.
The management of the Defense Personnel Statistics Program is the responsibility of the Space
and Missile Systems Center, which has its headquarters at Los Angeles Air Force Base in the
state of California in the United States of America (DMSP). The day-to-day operations of the
facility are overseen by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which has its
main office located in the town of Suitland in the state of Maryland. It is the responsibility of the
facility's management to ensure that it continues to operate in an appropriate manner.

B. The Topography of the Ocean Surface:

Spacecraft in orbit take measurements of the height of the ocean surface, sometimes referred to
as "sea level," in order to gather long-term data on the world's oceans and the currents that flow
across them. This is done in order to better understand both the oceans and the currents that
flow over them. These data may be used to create models, which can then be used to generate
predictions about upcoming shifts in the circulation of the ocean. The values that were reported
are depicted rather well by these measurements. These observations provide data that depicts
the topography of the ocean's surface, which may be used for the analysis of weather, climate,
and a range of other sorts of dynamic ocean phenomena. These observations were carried out
in order to: The management of fisheries, navigation, and activities that take place offshore are
some examples of the many other applications that may be made use of data on the topography
of the ocean surface. There are a wide range of other uses as well.

It is possible to describe the physical characteristics of both land and water using the word
"topography" in a way that is equal to and comparable with the other descriptions. When we
combine these two sets of data, we are able to get an estimate of the height of the land or
ocean in relation to the geoid. A depiction of the form the surface of the water would have if all
tides and currents ceased flowing at the same moment is called a geoid. If the ocean's tides and
currents suddenly ceased flowing in the same direction at the same moment, it would take on
the form seen below.

The data gathered by NASA's altimetry system are routinely combined with those received from
other ocean-viewing satellites as well as in-situ applied to multiple from profiling buoys, drifters,
and ships. This is done with the goal of generating the most accurate picture possible of the
ocean's surface. The combination of these two sources of data accomplishes the following
goals and objectives:

● Follow the rise and fall of the global sea level and provide a continuous image of the
alteration of the topography of the ocean's surface.

● Carry out the appropriate calculations in order to ascertain the amount of heat, water
mass, nutrients, and salt that are transported by the seas.
● Get a more in-depth understanding of ocean circulation and the seasonal oscillations
that occur within it, as well as the manner in which the entire ocean circulation changes
over the course of time. It is important to offer rough estimates of the height of the big
waves and the wind speeds across the ocean.
● See out how we determine the effect that winds have on the circulation of the ocean.
● Develop our knowledge of ocean tides and make progress towards creating global tidal
● Improve our capacity to predict climate-related occurrences such as El Nio and La Nia,
as well as shifts in the state of the world's climate overall.
● Get an in-depth knowledge of the ocean on a global scale while elucidating the
processes that govern ocean dynamics.
● Maintain vigilance over the changes in the average level of the seas across the globe
and how these shifts correlate with the alterations in the global climate.

7. Attach Satellites to Tethers

Long cables that can be used for a variety of functions, such as but not limited to: propulsion,
traction exchange, stabilisation and attitude regulate, in addition to trying to maintain the relative
positions of the parts of a large dispersed satellite or spacecraft sensor system, are referred to
as "space tethers." It is believed that travelling through space with this mode of spacecraft
propulsion would result in much cheaper costs than travelling through space utilising rocket
engines; however, this would be dependent on the mission goals as well as the altitude.

1. Main methods

Tether satellites have a wide variety of possible uses, some of which include research into
tether propulsion, tidal stabilisation, and the dynamics of orbital plasma. There are now five
basic approaches that are in the process of being developed for making use of space tethers.

2. Tethers that are governed by electrodynamic forces

The facilitation of propulsion is the fundamental role that electrodynamic tethers are supposed
to play. These are conducting tethers that carry a current that, in a manner analogous to the
operation of an electric motor, may create either propulsion or drag from the magnetic field of a
planet. To put it another way, their operation is analogous to that of an electric motor.
3. The anchors that hold the Momentum Exchange together

Their goal is to grab an incoming spacecraft and then release it at a later point into a different
orbit with a different velocity. They can come in the form of revolving tethers or non-rotating
tethers, and they can serve this purpose in either direction. You may use momentum exchange
tethers for orbital maneuver, or you can use them as component of a space transport system
that travels out from surface of the planet to orbit, or from orbit to escape velocity. Both of these
uses are possible with the same set of tethers.

4. Formation flight while being connected to the ground

In most cases, this is a reference to a tether that does not carry electricity and appropriately
maintains a specified distance among a group of spacecraft that is flying in formation.

5. Electric sail:

A sort of solar wind sail that is built with electric charges tethers and is meant to be pushed by
the momentum of solar wind ions. This type of solar wind sail is also known as an ion sail.

6. A mechanism for the unanimous praise of activities in orbit

An concept that includes suspending anything in space using a tether that is being moved
through the vacuum of space.

There have been many various concepts proposed for usage of space tethers, such as using
them as skyhooks, deploying them as space elevators, and carrying out propellant-free orbital


ARE: 1970S: Aryabhata:

Aryabhata was the initial step India took towards space exploration.
The name was given to India's very first satellite, which was successfully launched into space,
and it was derived from the name of a well-known astronomer from India. It was sent into orbit
on April 19, 1975[3,] using a Kosmos-3M launch vehicle that was launched from Kapustin Yar,
which was a Soviet rocket launch and development facility situated in Astrakhan Oblast in the
Russian Federation. [More citation is required] [More citation is required] It was built by the
Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), and the Soviet Union launched it as part of the
Soviet Interkosmos project, which provided friendly governments with access to space.

On April 19, 1975[3,] India successfully launched a satellite into orbit for the first time using a
launch vehicle called a Kosmos-3M. The Russian rocket launch and development facility known
as Kapustin Yar is located in the Astrakhan Oblast of the Russian Federation. This is the area
where the launch took place. It was the responsibility of the Indian Space Research
Organization to put everything together from the bottom up (ISRO). The launch was made
possible as a result of an agreement that was negotiated between India and the Soviet Union in
the year 1972 under the direction of UR Rao. Because of these arrangements, India was able to
successfully place a satellite into orbit. In exchange for the Soviet Union's cooperation in
launching a variety of Indian satellites, India agreed to let the Soviet Union use Indian ports for
monitoring ships and launching warships. This was done in exchange for the Soviet Union's
support in launching a variety of Indian satellites. In return for the Soviet Union's support in the
launch of a variety of Indian satellites, this was done.


ISRO constructed its first experimental remote sensing satellite, which was called Bhaskara-I.

Two Bhaskara satellites were sent into orbit by Soviet Kosmos-3M launch vehicles, that were
being flown from Kapustin Yar, as members of the satellites-for-earth-observations (SEO)
programme. This was done as part of the search engine optimization (SEO) effort. The major
goal of this mission was to perform observations of Earth while it was in space.
The primary goals were to conduct Earth observation experimental studies for applications . this
is due to hydrology, forestry, and geology using a two-band TV video system and to conduct
open sea studies using a two-frequency satellite radiofrequency radiometer (SAMIR) system.
Both of these activities were to be carried out with the assistance of a two-band TV camera
system. Both of these endeavours were going to be accomplished with the support of a satellite
microwave radiometer (SAMIR) system that has two different frequencies. Each one of these
responsibilities was expected to be completed with the assistance of a satellite microwave
radiometer (SAMIR) system that was equipped with a pair of distinct frequencies. The mission's
secondary goals included doing scientific research in X-ray astronomy, testing engineering and
data processing systems, and collecting limited meteorological data from distant sites. The
Bhaskara was a kind of polyhedron that had a shape that was almost spherical and included a
total of 26 faces. It was 1.66 metres tall and had a width that varied from 1.55 metres to the
point where it was the narrowest, which was also 1.55 metres.

Rohini (satellite) (satellite):

Rohini Satellite (RS-1)Series (Launched by Indian launch vehicle SLV-3 )

The Rohini satellites were successfully sent into orbit by the Indian Space Research
organisation, which is in charge of launching satellites into space (ISRO). The Rohini series
consisted of a total of four satellites, each of which was successfully launched into orbit by the
Satellite Launch Vehicle in a manner that was hailed as an unqualified triumph (SLV).
Nevertheless, only three of the spacecraft were able to arrive to the orbital location that they had
been aiming for successfully. The great majority of the satellites in this category were designed
with the intention of conducting experiments as their main goal.

The San Diego Space Center launched an experimental spin-stabilized satellite into orbit on
August 10, 1979. This spacecraft was given the designation of Rohini Technology Payload, or
RTP for short. The RTP had a launch weight of 35 kilogrammes (77 pounds), had a power
requirement of 3 watts, and was launched from the San Diego Space Center. Throughout the
time that the rocket was being launched, the satellite carried a number of different monitoring
sensors, which maintained an eye on the rocket. Since the carrier rocket SLV was only "mostly
successful," it was not able to reach the orbit that had been planned for it. This was unfortunate
because the orbit was crucial to the mission.

List of the top ten accomplishments of the Indian Space

Research Organization (ISRO)
With the mission to "harness space technology for national development while simultaneously
pursuing space science research and planetary exploration," India's Indian Space Research
Organization (ISRO) has become one of the leading space organisations in the world in terms of
both research and the exploration of space by humans. On August 15th, 1969, Vikram Sarabhai
laid the groundwork for what would later become the company. INCOSPAR, the Indian National
Committee for Space Research, was the organisation that successfully launched India's first
rocket in 1963, prior to the establishment of ISRO. On the other hand, the current organisation
is the one that is accountable for India's present place in the international community. ISRO has
come a long way from the days when they transported their first rocket on the back of a bicycle
and became the first nation to successfully reach Mars on their very first attempt. Below is a list
of the top ten accomplishments of ISRO that have helped place it on the map of the globe.

1. SRE-1 in 2007

This list of the top 10 accomplishments of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)
begins with the Space Capsule Recovery Experiment (SRE-1), which was launched on January
10, 2007 from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre First Launch Pad in Sriharikota, Andhra
Pradesh. This mission is considered to be ISRO's most successful to date. PSLV C7 was the
rocket that successfully launched SRE-1 and three additional satellites into space. The purpose
of this whole expedition was to demonstrate how a space capsule might potentially be
recovered while it was in orbit. Before returning to Earth, the capsule had spent a total of twelve
days travelling across space. Other scientific goals included guidance control, navigation,
communication management, and a great deal of others.

2. The beginning of INSAT operations in 1983

This was one of the earliest missions carried out by ISRO that brought the organisation to
everyone's attention. The Indian National Satellite System, often known as INSAT, is one of the
few and biggest domestic communication satellite systems in either the Asia-Pacific or Indo-
Pacific regions. Nine of its communication satellites are positioned in the geostationary orbit,
where they provide coverage. In 1983, it was commissioned so that broadcasting,
telecommunications, weather forecasting, search and rescue operations, catastrophe warning,
and meteorology could be satisfied. The introduction of INSAT marked the beginning of a
significant paradigm shift in the communications industry of the nation.

3. The creation of the RLV system

The creation of a reusable launch vehicle should be the next item on this list, since it is an
important task for the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) (RLV). ISRO, in contrast to
NASA, does not have an infinite budget or flexibility, which is why it is necessary for them to be
both cost effective and cost efficient in their operations. Because of this, the creation of RLV is
an important project for the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). In the event that this
reusable, unmanned space rocket is granted the go-ahead to launch, the organisation will have
the opportunity to further their objective of conducting scientific study and venturing deeper into
space. While the RLV is still in the prototype stage, it successfully completed its first voyage on
May 23, 2016.

4. Beginning the year 2015 with the most demanding of our business missions

In 2015, ISRO either established a new record for the heaviest commercial mission or broke an
existing record. On July 10, 2015, the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle-C28 (PSLV-C28) was
successfully launched with a payload of 1440 kg. ISRO and Antrix Company worked together to
control the spacecraft while it carried five satellites belonging to the United Kingdom. From the
Satish Dhawan Space Centre, the spacecraft travelled a distance of 647 kilometres in 19
minutes and 22 seconds.

5. The launch of Aryabhata in 1975, which was India's first satellite

The fact that Aryabhata, the legendary Indian astronomer who also developed zero and found
an approximation of pi, is one of the things we Indians are most proud of is perhaps the only
thing. In addition to this, he was one of the very few astronomers to put up the heliocentric
hypothesis. Because of this, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) chose to honour
Aryabhata by naming their first successful satellite after him. In 1975, it was sent into space by
the Soviet rocket Kosmos-3M, which was launched from Kapustin Yar in the Astrakhan Oblast.
Before re-entering Earth's atmosphere on February 10, 1992, the spacecraft had already been
in orbit for seventeen years. In March of 1981, ISRO was unable to establish any more
connection with the satellite.

6. 2008's Chandrayaan 1

Chandrayaan 1 is the name of the subsequent ISRO mission that altered the path that India's
space research would take. It was the first lunar probe to be sent into space as part of the
Chandrayaan programme, and it was launched in October of 2008. The mission, which included
a lunar impactor as well as an orbiter, lasted from August 2009 up till now. It was sent into orbit
around the moon in order to gather data pertaining to the mineralogy, geology, and topography
of the lunar surface. While the mission was successfully completed, some people see it as a
failure since ISRO lost communication with the spacecraft far before it had even been in orbit for
a full year.

7. GSLV MK3 in 2014

Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark III is what is meant by the abbreviation GSLV
MK3. ISRO designed and built this three-stage medium lift launch spacecraft specifically for the
purpose of launching Chandrayaan 2 into orbit. It is the most powerful rocket that ISRO has,
and it has the capability of placing up to 4,000 kg into orbit. Also, it has the capacity to transport
three astronauts, which is a significant achievement for India given that very few other
companies have been able to achieve this goal.

8. Successfully deployed 104 satellites in a single flight

ISRO broke another world record in 2017, using the Indian rocket Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle
from Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh to launch the greatest number of satellites in a single
mission. This record was created after ISRO successfully completed the heaviest commercial
mission ever attempted. 101 of the 104 satellites that were launched into space were spacecraft
from other countries. One of the most significant accomplishments that ISRO has accomplished
to this far was the insertion of all of the satellites into the correct orbit in a single launch.

9. Launching IRNSS in 2016

The Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System, often known as IRNSS, is an independent
navigational satellite system that was developed specifically to provide users in India with
correct information. India became the sixth nation in the world to have its own own navigation
system when it successfully launched IRNSS. ISRO was successful in completing the satellite
system on April 29, 2016, after successfully launching all seven satellites that were required to
do so. That is a significant advance for the future, and something that each and every Indian
should be proud of.

10. 2014's Mangalyaan or MOM

Mars Orbiter Mission, often known as MOM, is without a doubt ISRO's most successful
endeavour. There is not a single nation that has had an easy time getting to Mars. India is the
only nation in the world that has succeeded in reaching Mars on its very first mission. In addition
to this, they were successful in completing the mission despite having a very limited budget of
INR 450 crore, which was the lowest to date. After the United States, Russia, and Europe, India
is the fourth nation to reach the surface of the red planet.

Satellites, satellites and more satellites. Throughout the sixty-four years that have passed since
the introduction of the world's first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, into orbit in 1957, mankind have
successfully launched a multitude of satellites. Due to the fact that the batteries on board ran
out of power after just three weeks, the mission was cancelled. Since then, there have been
many advancements made in areas like as technology, materials, and dimensions.

The proliferation of artificial satellites may be attributed to the internet's role in increasing the
interconnectivity of global communications. With an estimated 35 billion gadgets presently part
of the Internet of Things, people are more connected than they have ever been (internet of
things). The number of linked Internet of Things devices is expected to exceed 50 billion by the
year 2030. This includes anything from the smart watch you wear to vehicles that drive
themselves. This number is simply going to continue to rise.

Satellites have played an essential part in the expansion of global connectivity through their
provision of a wide range of services, including data acquisition and research, as well as
communications, defence, safety, and weather forecasting; navigation; business insights;
environmental monitoring; and environmental protection. Even in just the last two years, the
number of satellites that have been successfully launched has experienced a significant spike.

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