Group 5 - Estimateee Final Boq
Group 5 - Estimateee Final Boq
Group 5 - Estimateee Final Boq
15mm ø IMC Conduit 653.00 PCS 695.00 729.75 104.25 834.00 544,602.00
15mm ø IMC Elbow 94.00 PCS 127.00 133.35 19.05 152.40 14,325.60
15mm ø IMC Coupling 638.00 PCS 45.00 47.25 6.75 54.00 34,452.00
15mm ø IMC Locknut and Bushing 157.00 PCS 25.50 26.78 3.83 30.60 4,804.20
15mm ø IMC Conduit Body "T" 28.00 PCS 142.20 149.31 21.33 170.64 4,777.92
20mm ø IMC Conduit 29.00 PCS 1,000.00 1,050.00 150.00 1,200.00 34,800.00
20mm ø IMC Elbow 4.00 PCS 205.00 215.25 30.75 246.00 984.00
20mm ø IMC Coupling 28.00 PCS 71.00 74.55 10.65 85.20 2,385.60
20mm ø IMC Locknut and Bushing 6.00 PCS 39.50 41.48 5.93 47.40 284.40
25mm ø IMC Conduit 3.00 PCS 1,450.00 1,522.50 217.50 1,740.00 5,220.00
25mm ø IMC Elbow 2.00 PCS 400.00 420.00 60.00 480.00 960.00
25mm ø IMC Locknut and Bushing 2.00 PCS 62.50 65.63 9.38 75.00 150.00
32mm ø IMC Conduit 20.00 PCS 1,755.00 1,842.75 263.25 2,106.00 42,120.00
32mm ø IMC Coupling 19.00 PCS 133.00 139.65 19.95 159.60 3,032.40
32mm ø IMC Locknut and Bushing 2.00 PCS 90.00 94.50 13.50 108.00 216.00
20mm ø PVC Conduit 142.00 PCS 108.00 113.40 16.20 129.60 18,403.20
20mm ø PVC Adapter 65.00 PCS 10.00 10.50 1.50 12.00 780.00
20mm ø PVC Coupling 141.00 PCS 5.00 5.25 0.75 6.00 846.00
20mm ø PVC Locknut and Bushing 68.00 PCS 15.00 15.75 2.25 18.00 1,224.00
7,654.44 714,367.32
Duplex Receptacle Outlet 24.00 PCS 325.00 341.25 48.75 390.00 9360
Simplex Receptacle Outlet 25.00 PCS 120.00 126.00 18.00 144.00 3600
Single Pole, one-gang switch 6.00 PCS 110.00 115.50 16.50 132.00 792
Hand Drier 2.00 PCS 15,199.00 15,958.95 2,279.85 18,238.80 36477.6
18,904.80 50,229.60
38W Surface Mounted Led Lighting Fixtures IP20 30.00 PCS 899.00 943.95 134.85 1,078.80 32364
20W Recessed Mounted Led Down Lighting IP20 15.00 PCS 775.00 813.75 116.25 930.00 13950
95W Led Low Bay Lighting IP65 46.00 PCS 940.00 987.00 141.00 1,128.00 51888
Wall Mounted Emergency Light (2x3 Led Lamp) 23.00 PCS 2,299.75 2,414.74 344.96 2,759.70 63473.1
5W Self-Contained, Maintained Led Exit Light 2.00 SETS 1,199.00 1,258.95 179.85 1,438.80 2877.6
5,896.50 161,675.10
100mm² Bare Copper Wire 271.00 Meters 1,200 1,260 180 1,440 390,240.00
Ground Rod 29.00 PCS 500 525 75 600 17,400.00
Ground Bar 1.00 PCS 1,580.58 1,660 237.087 1,897 1,896.70
Grounding Rod Well 2.00 PCS 475 499 71.25 570 1,140.00
Exothermic Welding Connector 3.00 PCS 15,199 15,959 2279.85 18,239 54,716.40
4506.696 410,676.70
Unistrut Channel 41mmX41mm 60.00 PCS 355.00 372.75 53.25 426.00 25560
Conduit C-Clamp 15mm Dia 55.00 PCS 49.00 51.45 7.35 58.80 3234
Unistrut C-Clamp 15mm Dia 900.00 PCS 18.00 18.90 2.70 21.60 19440
Threaded Rod 3/8" 130.00 PCS 67.00 70.35 10.05 80.40 10452
Threaded Coupling 130.00 PCS 15.00 15.75 2.25 18.00 2340
Nut and Washer 3/8" 500.00 PCS 9.00 9.45 1.35 10.80 5400
615.60 66,426.00