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8 X 8 QSHE Risk Assessment Matrix

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8 x 8 QSHE Risk Assessment Matrix

Consultant Waseem Shakoor | February 25, 2018 | LinkedIn

A Risk Matrix is a graphical tool that basically involves the calculation of the magnitude of potential
consequences scale in vertical axis (levels of impacts) and the likelihood in horizontal axis (levels of
probability) of these consequences to occur.

This is a simple mechanism to increase visibility of risks and assist management decision making.

Risk = Consequence x Likelihood; where:

I. Likelihood is the Probability of occurrence of an impact that affects the environment; and,
II. Consequence is the Environmental impact if an event occurs.

Probability is the measure of the likelihood that an event will occur.

The likelihood levels can be described as frequency values.

The quantifiable effect / escalation of effects leading to damage (to people, assets, environment,
reputation, work, business etc.)

Risk Rating/Level
A measurement of the risk useful for assessing the priority for control measures for the treatment of
different risks. The risk rating is derived from the ‘risk score’ for consequence x ‘risk score for likelihood.
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