Ans. (c) Viticulture is the cultivation of grapes.
1. Major Branches of Biology Vegetable cultivation → Olericulture
Cultivation of flowers → Floriculture
1. Who introduced binomial nomenclature? 7. The science that deals with the relationship of
(a) Claude Louis Berthollet various organisms with their environment is
(b) John Dalton known as–
(c) Dmitri Mendeleev (a) Geology (b) Ecology
(d) Carolus Linnaeus (c) Anthropology (d) Cytology
RRB NTPC (Stage-II) 15/06/2022 (Shift-II) RRB JE 24.05.2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (d) : Carolus Linnaeus introduce and established RRB JE CBT-II 31.08.2019 IInd Shift
the practice of binomial nomenclature that is the Ans : (b) Ecology is the branch of science that deals
denomination of each kind of plant by two words, the with the study of interaction between organisms and
genus name and the species name. their environments.
2. The term 'sericulture' is related to which of the 8. The study of hematology is related to ……….
following? (a) Plant reproductive system
(a) Fish farming (b) Silk farming (b) Blood
(c) Bird farming (d) Bee farming (c) Food habits of animals
RRB NTPC 28.12.2020 (Shift-I) Stage Ist (d) Bones
RRB J.E. (14.12.2014, Green paper)
Ans. (b) The term 'sericulture' is related to silk farming.
Pisciculture → Fish farming Ans. (b) The study of hematology is related to blood.
The study of bones is called Osteology.
Apiculture → Bee keeping
Aviculture → Bird keeping 9. What is Morphology?
(a) Study of insects
3. Which of the following terms best describes the (b) Study of human development
biological study of animal behaviour? (c) Study of the shape, structure and specific
(a) Etiology (b) Ethnology structural properties of the organism
(c) Entomology (d) Ethology (d) Study of interdependence of organism and
RRB NTPC 12.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist environment
Ans. (d) Ethology is the study of animal behavior. RRB SSE (21.12.2014, Set-08, Green paper)
Entomology is the scientific study of insects. Etiology Ans. (c) Morphology is the branch of biology, under
is the scientific study of causes of disease. Ethnology is which the shape, structure and specific structural
the comparative study of two or more cultures. properties of an organism are studied.
4. The cultivation of high value crops such as 10. Which of the following study related to
vegetables, fruits and flowers is called_____. human?
(a) Sericulture (b) Pisciculture (a) Archaeology (b) Archeology
(c) Apiculture (d) Horticulture (c) Anthropology (d) Andrology
RRB NTPC 09.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist RRB NTPC 10.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
Ans. (d) Horticulture is the branch of science in which Ans. (c) Anthropology is the systematic study of
we deal about plant agriculture dealing with garden humanity, through this branch we understand our
crops, generally fruits, vegetables and ornamental evolutionary origin, our distinctiveness as a species, and
plants. Horticulture is divided into the cultivation of the great diversity in our forms of social existence
plants for food (pomology and olericulture) and plant across the world and through time. The focus of
for ornament (floriculture and landscape horticulture). anthropology is on understanding of the both, our
5. The study of cells is called ________. shared humanity and diversity, and engaging with
(a) Serology (b) Cytoplasm diverse ways of being in the world.
(c) Cytology (d) Etiology 11. The study of fertilization, development,
RRB NTPC 08.02.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist division and variation is known as:
(a) Embryology (b) Physiology
Ans. (c) : The study of cells is known as Cytology.
(c) Genetics (d) Evolution
Serology → It is the scientific study of serum and other RRB NTPC Stage Ist 30.04.2016 (Shift-I)
body fluids. Ans : (a) Embryology is the branch of biology that
6. Viticulture is : deals with prenatal development of gametes (sex cells),
(a) Vegetable cultivation (b) Mango cultivation fertilization, and development of embryos and fetuses.
(c) Grape cultivation (d) Flower cultivation Physiology is a biological science that deals with the
RRB NTPC 11.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist functions and activities of life or of living matter (such
RRB Science Planner Biology 475 YCT
as organs, tissues, or cells) and of the physical and Helcology is the study that deals with pathology, and
chemical phenomena involved. Genetics is the branch treatment of ulcers.
of biology concerned with the study of genes, genetic Heterology is the science that studies living organism's
variations and heredity in organisms. dissimilarity, the lack of correspondence of apparently
12. Which branch of zoology is closely related to similar body parts.
the study of sociology of human race? Geriatrics is the branch of medicine or social science
(a) Embryology (b) Zoogeography dealing with health and care of old people.
(c) Physiology (d) Anthropology 17. What is the branch of biology related to the
RRB JE 29.05.2019 (Shift-I) classification of organisms?
Ans. (d) Anthropology is the branch of Zoology (a) Taxonomy (b) Nothology
closely related to the study of sociology of human (c) Anatomy (d) Limnology
race. RRB NTPC Stage Ist 28.04.2016 (Shift-I)
Zoogeography is a branch of biogeography Ans : (a) Taxonomy is the branch of biology related to
concerned with the geographic distribution of the classification of organisms. It is basically related to
animals and especially with the determination of the Biodiversity. It classifies organisms including all plants
areas characterized by specific groups of animals and micro organisms of the world. It was developed by
and the study of the causes and significance of such the Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus in 1735, in his
groups. book 'Systema Naturae’. Linnaeus invented binomial
13. The study of diseases in plants and the way in nomenclature, the system of giving each type
which plants resist or cope with infection is of organism a genus and species name. In this system,
called: each species is assigned a two-part name; first part of the
(a) Pathology (b) Physiology name of each animal represents genus and second word
(c) Phytopathology (d) Photomorphogenesis denotes species epithet.
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 29.04.2016 (Shift-III) Anatomy is the branch of science concerned with the
bodily structure of humans and animals.
Ans. (c) Phytopathology or plant pathology is the Limnology is the study of inland aquatic ecosystems.
science of diagnosing and managing plant diseases.
18. Taxonomy is basically related to ……….
14. Under which branch of soil science is the study (a) Biodiversity
of the effect of soil on living things?
(b) Tax structure
(a) Andrology (b) Edaphology
(c) A branch of astronomy
(c) Agrobiology (d) Desmology
(d) Study of human behavior
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 28.04.2016 (Shift-III)
RRB NTPC 19.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
Ans : (b) Edaphology → Study of the effect of soil on Ans. (a) See the explanation of above question.
living things 19. Zoology is the study of :
Agrobiology → Study of soil science in plant nutrition (a) Energy (b) Fruit
and its application to crop production. (c) Viruses (d) Animals
Desmology → Branch of anatomy which concerns RRB JE 31.05.2019 (Shift-III)
ligaments. Ans. (d) Zoology is the study of animals.
15. Which of the following is the branch of 20. What is a branch of science that deals with life
physiology and medicine that deals with or the possibilities of life beyond the earth?
specific diseases and conditions of men? (a) Entomology (b) Exobiology
(a) Andrology (b) Astacology (c) Mycology (d) Paleontology
(c) Bioecology (b) Desmology RRB NTPC 07.04.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 28.04.2016 (Shift-II) Ans. (b) Exobiology is the branch of science that deals
with the possibilities of life that exist beyond earth.
Ans : (a) Andrology → Study of infertility and sexual Insects are studied under the Entomology. Under
diseases in men. Mycology, fungi are studied and under Paleontology, the
Bio-ecology → Study of the relationship among fossils of animals and plants are studied.
different living organisms and their natural 21. ......... is a study of the behavior of elements and
environment. human-like species such as monkeys, apes,
Astacology → Study of crayfish. forest animals, etc.
16. Which of the following disciplines of medical (a) Anthropology (b) Ethnobotany
science is related to treatment and study of (c) Primatology (d) Apiology
liver? RRB NTPC 07.04.2016 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
(a) Helcology (b) Hepatology Ans: (c) Primatology is the study of the behavior of
(c) Heterology (d) Geriatrics human like species such as monkeys, apes, forest animals
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 27.04.2016 (Shift-III) etc. Ethnobotany involves the indigenous knowledge of
Ans: (b) Hepatology is the branch of medicine plant's classification, cultivation, and use as food, medicine
concerned with the study, prevention, diagnosis and and shelter. Anthropology is the branch of zoology closely
management of diseases that affect the liver, related to the study of sociology of human race. Apiology
gallbladder, biliary tract and pancreas. is scientific study of honeybee.
F2 generation genotype = 1: 2: 1
F2 generation phenotype = 3: 1
339. Which type of reproduction can bring more
(a) Regeneration (b) Budding
(c) Sexual (d) Asexual
RRB Group-D 25-09-2018 (Shift-I) 343. The F2 generation has a phenotypic ratio of
Ans : (c) Sexual type of reproduction can provide more ………….
diversity because two gametes involved in formation of (a) 1 : 2 : 3 (b) 9 : 3 : 3 : 1
zygote ,come from different progenies. The gametes are (c) 1 : 3 : 3 : 9 (d) 1 : 2 : 5
formed by meiosis due to which more diversity can occur.
RRB Group-D 30-10-2018 (Shift-II)
340. .......... are carriers of genetic properties.
(a) DNA (b) Pollen particles Ans. (b) See the explanation of the above question.
(c) Spore (b) RNA 344. Alleles are:
RRB Group-D 24-09-2018 (Shift-I) (a) Alternative form of enzymes.
Ans : (a) The filamentous molecules found in (b) Alternative form of gene.
chromosomes of living cells is called DNA. DNA is a (c) Alternative form of chromosome.
double helix of two anti-parallel, complementary (d) Form of incomplete dominance
strands having a phosphate-sugar backbone with RRB Group-D 05-11-2018 (Shift-II)
nitrogenous bases stacked inside. There is hereditary Ans : (b) When two different traits are present in the
code embedded in it.
same gene, they are called alleles. This is an alternative
341. ............. contributed to the formulation of the form of gene.
principles of heredity of traits in living things.
(a) Stanley Miller (b) J.B. S. Haldane 345. Who proposed ‘Law of Inheritence’?
(c) Charles Darwin (d) Gregor Mendel (a) Thomas Robert Malthus
RRB Group-D 18-09-2018 (Shift-II) (b) John Maynard Keynes
Ans. (d) Gregor Johann Mendel, Father of Genetics, (c) Gregor Mendel
contributed to the formulation of the principles of (d) Donald Bear
heredity of traits in living things. He first recognized RRB NTPC 18.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
dominant and recessive traits in pea plants, while Ans : (c) The Law of Inheritance was formulated by
Charles Darwin and Alfred Russell Wallace proposed Gregor Johann Mendel. Gregor Mendel laid the foundation
the principle of 'Natural Selection' or ‘Evolution’. His for modern genetics with his scientific discoveries. Hence,
theory is also known as ‘Theory of Evolution’. Charles he is known as the Father of Genetics.
Darwin believed that nature develops through evolution.
346. A collection of beliefs and practices aimed at
342. .......... seeds are round and yellow in hybrid improving genetic qualitative traits of human
cross of 556 green round and yellow wrinkled population in field of genetics is known as
seeds. …………... .
(a) 32 (b) 108
(c) 101 (d) 315 (a) Genetic engineering (b) Cloning
RRB Group-D 17-09-2018 (Shift-III) (c) Embryo selection (c) Eugenics
Ans. (d) For the dihybrid cross, Mendel conducted a RRB NTPC 31.03.2016 (Shift-III) Stage Ist
cross of plants reproduced from round and yellow seeds Ans : (d) A collection of beliefs and practices aimed at
(RRYY) and green and wrinkled seeds (rryy), round improving the genetic quality of the human population,
and yellow seeds are dominant in it, i.e. 315 round is called eugenics in the field of genetics. Genetic
yellow seeds are highest in number in hybrid cross of engineering facilitates in study and diagnosis of human
556 green round and yellow wrinkled seeds. Hence, the pathology. Har Gobind Khorana was awarded by the
phenotype ratio of F2 generation plants is 9: 3: 3: 1. Nobel Prize in 1967 for research on genetic code.
1710. In which part of the leaves do massive amounts Anaerobic respiration does not require oxygen. It
of gaseous exchange take place during produces energy by dissolving glucose into lactic acid
respiration? or ethyl alcohol without oxygen (O2).
(a) Stomata (b) Grana 1716. Pyruvate splits in –––––– using O2.
(c) Chlrophyll (d) Thylakoid (a) Lysosome (b) Mitochondria
RRB Group-D 22-08-2022 (Shift-III) (c) Nucleus (d) Vacuoles
Ans. (a) : Stomata is the part of the leaves do massive RRB Group-D 18-09-2018 (Shift-I)
amounts of gaseous exchange takes place during Ans. (b) : The citric acid cycle takes place in the matrix
respiration. of the mitochondria in which breakdown and complete
1711. Which of the following part is helpful in conversion of pyruvate to acetyl CoA occurs.
gaseous-exchange, in plants? Organisms derive the majority of their energy from the
(a) Stomata (b) Nucleus Kreb's Cycle, also known as the TCA cycle. The Kreb's
(c) Guard Cells (d) Cell membrane Cycle is an aerobic process.
RRB Group-D– 17/08/2022 (Shift-II) 1717. Which of the following in biology is the energy
currency of cells?
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question. (a) PTA (b) PAD
1712. Which of the following takes up carbon dioxide (c) ADP (d) ATP
at night and prepares an intermediate which is RRB Group-D 15-10-2018 (Shift-II)
acted upon by the energy absorbed by the
Ans : (d) ATP is also called the energy currency of the
chlorophyll during the day?
(a) Bacteria (b) Blue-green algae cell. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is an organic
(c) Fungi (d) Desert plants compound, which provides energy to the cell. The
RRB Group-D 29-09-2022 (Shift-III) energy produced by the consumption of food in the
body, combines with ADP (adenosine diphosphate) as a
Ans. (d) : Desert plants takes up carbon dioxide at night
phosphate group to form ATP.
and prepares an intermediate which is acted upon by the
energy absorbed by the chlorophyll during the day. 1718. During which of the following processes, a
large amount of energy is released?
1713. Which of the following are the end products of (a) Fermentation
respiration in plants ? (b) Anaerobic respiration
(a) CO2 and O2 (b) Glucose and O2 (c) Aerobic respiration
(c) O2 and Energy (d) CO2, H2O and Energy (d) Transpiration
RRB Group-D– 09/09/2022 (Shift-I) RRB Group-D 03-12-2018 (Shift-II)
Ans.(d) : Plants like all other living organisms carry out Ans : (c) A large amount of energy is released during
mitochondrial respiration, the oxidation of substrates to the aerobic respiration process. Aerobic respiration is a
CO2 and the conversion of O2 to H2O with the biochemical process, which results in the production of
concomitant release of energy. Oxygen is consumed energy and carbon dioxide. This energy is stored as
because respiration is essentially an oxidation process in chemical energy ATP, while carbon dioxide is released
which reduced substrates (produced in photosynthesis) into the atmosphere.
are oxidised. The end products of respiration in plants
1719. In which of the following processes, thermal
are CO2, H2O and energy.
energy is produced?
1714. In plants the exchange of carbon dioxide and (a) Respiration (b) Circulation
oxygen takes place by :
(c) Excretion (d) Digestion
(a) osmosis (b) fermantation
RRB Group-D 12-11-2018 (Shift-I)
(c) diffusion (d) plasmolysis
RRB Group-D– 13/09/2022 (Shift-III) Ans. (a) : Aerobic respiration is the process of
breakdown of glucose in the presence of oxygen
Ans. (c) : In plants the exchange of carbon dioxide and releasing energy. It takes place in mitochondria and is a
oxygen takes place by diffusion. diffusion is a very multistep process which produces energy in the form of
important process for photosynthesis where carbon ATP, carbon dioxide and water.
dioxide from the stomata diffuses into the leaves and
finally into the cells. C6H12O6 + 6O2→6CO2 + 6H2O +673 K Cal
Glucose Oxygen Carbon di-oxide + Water + Energy
1715. ............ takes place with the help of oxygen and
is responsible for the complete breakdown of 1720. The ........... process converts chemical energy
glucose into CO2 and H2O. into thermal energy.
(a) Anaerobic respiration (a) Respiration (b) Transport
(b) Heart (c) Nutrition (d) Defecation
(c) Aerobic respiration RRB Group-D 26-11-2018 (Shift-III)
(d) Lungs Ans : (a) Respiration converts chemical energy into
RRB Group-D 05-10-2018 (Shift-III) thermal energy.
RRB Science Planner Biology 634 YCT
1721. The first step in respiration is the breakdown (d) The process which is the main driving force
of glucose into ……. of water into the xylem during the day is root
(a) Pyruvate (b) Lactic acid pressure.
(c) Ethanol (d) Carbon dioxide RRB Group-D 14-09-2022 (Shift-I)
RRB Group-D 16-12-2018 (Shift-II) Ans. (a) : The translocation is the process by which
water is pulled from the xylem cells of the roots into
Ans. (a) The first step in respiration is the breakdown
leaves. Xylem is a specialized vascular tissue that
of glucose into pyruvate. Glucose is the simplest
serves as a conduit of water and minerals and provides
carbohydrate. It is soluble in water and the chemical
mechanical support for upright growth.
formula is C6H12O6. It is the main source of energy
found in cashew, grapes, other fruits and also in beet 1726. The transport of food and other substances
and sugarcane. takes place in the sieve tubes with the help of
adjacent companion cells both in upward and
1722. Which organism can live without oxygen? downward directions. Name the process.
(a) Aerobe (b) Anaerobe (a) Translocation (b) Osmosis
(c) Parasite (d) Symbiotic (c) Diffusion (d) Transpiration
RRB JE 26.05.2019 (Shift-III) RRB Group-D 12-09-2022 (Shift-I)
Ans. (b) Anaerobe organisms can live without oxygen. Ans. (a) : The transport of food and other substances
take place in the sieve tubes with the help of adjacent
(iv) Transportation in Plants companion cells both in upward and downward
direction this process is known as translocation. In
1723. Identify the FALSE statement. simple word translocation is the movement of materials
(a) Transpiration is the mechanism by which a from leaves to other tissues throughout the plant.
plant eliminates surplus water. 1727. What types of waste products are stored in Old
(b) Numerous waste products from plants are Xylem?
stored in centrioles (a) Uric acid
(c) Photosynthesis produces oxygen as a by- (b) Resins and gums
product. (c) Ammonia, urea and amino acids
(d) Gum is an excretory product of plants (d) Growth promoting substances
RRB Group-D 30-08-2022 (Shift-II) RRB Group-D 07-10-2022 (Shift-I)
Ans. (b) : In plants the waste products are stored RRB Group-D 25-08-2022 (Shift-II)
in cellular vacuoles. Centrioles help determine the Ans. (b) : Resin and gums are the two wastes product
locations of the nucleus and other organelles within the which are stored in old xylem in plants.
cell. 1728. In plants during the spring season, food
Rest all the statements are correct. material stored in the roots usually moves into
1724. Which of the following statements is correct the _________.
with respect to Phloem? (a) buds (b) flowers
(a) Phloem carries photosynthetic products from (c) leaves (d) fruits
leaves to other plant parts. RRB Group-D– 26/09/2022 (Shift-II)
(b) Sieve tubes in phloem are made up o dead
cells. Ans.(a) : During spring when the trees leaves are shed,
(c) Phloem transport is uni-directional. the buds growth relies on long-distance transport of
(d) Companion cells of phloem have perforated carbohydrates from roots.
walls. At the time of spring, food material demand of
RRB Group-D 14-09-2022 (Shift-I) developing buds when exceeds locally available
storage. Thus requiring the translocation of sugars from
Ans. (a) : Phloem caries photosynthetic products from distant locations like stems and roots.
leaves to other parts of plant.
Phloem is a plant vascular tissue that conducts foods 1729. Which among the following statement is false
made in the leaves during photosynthesis to all other about transportation through phloem?
parts of the plants. Phloem is composed of various (a) Transportation is phloem uses GTP and CTP
specialized cells called sieve tube, phloem fibres and (b) Sucrose is transported initially by using
phloem parenchyma cells. energy into phloem
1725. Which of the following statements correctly (c) Transportation in phloem is by Utilization of
describes water transport in plants? energy (ATP)
(a) The process by which water is pulled from (d) Increase in osmotic pressure due to sucrose
the xylem cells of the roots into leaves is causes water to move into phloem.
called translocation. RRB Group-D– 30/09/2022 (Shift-I)
(b) The process by which water takes place in the Ans.(a) : Transpiration in phloem is by utilization of
form of water vapour through stomata is energy (ATP) and not by GTP and CTP. Sucrose is
called transpiration. transported initially by using energy into phloem.
(c) The process of water loss from stomata Increase in osmotic pressure due to sucrose causes
requires energy in the form of ATP. water to move into phloem.
RRB Science Planner Biology 635 YCT
1730. Which of the following components of xylem do 1735. Which of the following organisms shows a
not function in the transport of water? parasitic nutritive strategy?
(a) Xylem parenchyma (b) Xylem vessels (a) Amoeba (b) Cuscuta
(c) Xylem fibres (d) Xylem tracheids (c) Mushroom (d) Yeast
RRB Group-D– 26/08/2022 (Shift-I) RRB Group-D– 02/09/2022 (Shift-I)
Ans.(c) : Xylem consists of tracheids, vessels, Ans. (b) : Parasitic nutrition is a mode of heterotrophic
parenchyma and fibers. Fiber component of xylem do nutrition where a parasitic organism lives on the body
not function in the transport of water, it provide strength surface or inside the body of another type of organisms
to the plant. (a host) and gets nutrition directly from the body of the
1731. In plants, diffusion is mainly responsible for host. This type of parasitic nutritive strategy is used by
the process of transportation. However for a wide variety of organisms like cuscuta, lice, leeches
transport of some substances, energy is needed. and tapeworms.
Which option shows the substances transported 1736. What role does transpiration play in the
using energy from ATP ? transport of water in plants?
(a) Water, minerals and food
(a) It exerts a suction force.
(b) Food, amino acids and hormones
(b) It exerts a pumping force.
(c) Water and minerals
(c) It promotes diffusion of water.
(d) Only amino acids
(d) It promotes growth of roots.
RRB Group-D– 08/09/2022 (Shift-III)
RRB Group-D– 15/09/2022 (Shift-III)
Ans.(b) : Food, amino acids and hormones are the
substances transported using energy from ATP. Ans. (a) : Due to transpiration of water from the leaves,
Diffusion is the process of movement of molecules from a suction pull is created, which pulls the water upwards
a region of higher concentration to a region of lower from the roots. Due to this pull, water is forced to move
concentration. It is very important process for upwards in trees through xylem tissue. As water is
photosynthesis. released out during transpiration, more water is
1732. How are the products of photosynthesis absorbed by the roots and thus rate of transportation of
transported from leaves to other parts of the water increases.
plant ? 1737. The food prepared by the leaves of the plants is
(a) Through the phloem transported by phloem to which parts of the
(b) Through the tracheid plant?
(c) Through the xylem (a) Only to roots and seeds
(d) Through the stomata (b) Only to roots and fruits
RRB Group-D– 08/09/2022 (Shift-II) (c) Only to seeds and growing regions
Ans.(a) : The products of photosynthesis transported (d) To storage organs of roots, seeds, fruits and
from leaves to other parts of the plant through the growing regions
phloem. Phloem is a plant vascular tissue. RRB Group-D– 01/09/2022 (Shift-I)
1733. What product(s) is/are transported by the plant Ans.(d) : In the case of plants, the synthesized food is
transport system from the leaves and roots ? stored by various storage organs which include-stems,
(a) Water only fruits, roots etc. The vascular tissue, phloem helps in the
(b) Carbohydrates and minerals transportation of the synthesized food from the leaves to
(c) Carbohydrates only various storage organs.
(d) Energy stores and raw materials 1738. Which of the following nutrients is provided to
RRB Group-D– 09/09/2022 (Shift-II) plants from soil ?
Ans.(d) : Leaves and roots provide essential energy and (a) Nitrogen (b) Hydrogen
raw-materials to the plants. Roots store-up the nutrients- (c) Carbon (d) Oxygen
absorbed from the soil and provide them to plants, RRB NTPC 31.07.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
Hence option (d) is the current answer. Ans.(a) Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, three of the
1734. How are the gaseous waste products produced essential plant nutrients, are taken up from atmosphere
in the hard stem of big plants and trees and water. The other essential nutrients come from the
removed by the plant? soil. The major nutrients, or macronutrients, supplied by
(a) Through osmosis (b) Through lenticels the soil are nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur,
(c) Through transpiration (d) Through stomata magnesium and calcium.
1739. Which tissue is responsible for transportation
Ans. (b) : The gaseous waste of restoration and
photosynthesis in plants are removed through stomata of water in plants?
and lenticels. (a) Ribosome (b) Xylem
Lenticels are the body of cells on the stem which acts as (c) Chloroplast (d) Cytoplasm
a pore and enables the transfer of gaseous wastes into RRB NTPC 05.04.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
the atmosphere while stroma is a pore found in the Ans. (b) The basic function of xylem is to transport
epidermis of leaves and stems and controls the gaseous water from root to stem and leaves. Phloem transports
exchange in plants. The exchange of gases through food materials to the whole plant body. Its basic
these pores is done by simple diffusion. function is transport of food from source tissues.
RRB Science Planner Biology 636 YCT
1740. What is the function of phloem in plants?
(a) It transports oxygen. (v) Plant Hormones
(b) It transports carbon dioxide.
(c) It transports sugar.
(d) It transports water. 1745. Which hormone is particularly high in fruits?
RRB NTPC 27.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist (a) Gibberellins (b) Auxins
Ans. (c) Xylem and phloem are vascular tissue. Phloem (c) Cytokinin (d) Abscisic acid
transports the food produced by the leaves to the RRB Group-D– 20/09/2022 (Shift-I)
different parts of the plant whereas xylem transports the Ans. (c) : Cytokinin hormone is particularly high in
water absorbed by the roots to the different part of the fruits. Cytokinins are a group of plant growth regulators
plant. and helps in promoting the cell's growth, development
1741. Which essential element is used in the synthesis differentiation, apical dominance, differentiation and
of proteins and other compounds in plants? delay in leaf senescence.
(a) Potassium (b) Phosphorous 1746. ............promotes cell growth and cell
(c) Magnesium (d) Nitrogen differentiation in plants.
RRB NTPC 05.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist (a) Cytokinin (b) Abscisic acid
Ans. (d) Nitrogen is an important component for the (c) Gibberellin (b) Auxin
synthesis of chlorophyll, protoplasm, proteins, and RRB Group-D 30-10-2018 (Shift-I)
nucleic acids. The main nutrients used by plants are RRB Group-D 16-10-2018 (Shift-III)
nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. RRB Group-D 28-09-2018 (Shift-II)
Minor nutrients - Calcium, Magnesium and Sulfur. Ans : (a) Cytokinin promotes cell growth and cell
Micro nutrients - Iron, Zinc, Copper, Molybdenum, differentiation in plants.
Boron and Chlorine 1747. What is phytohormone?
(a) Chemicals used for peeling
1742. What is the movement of the cell against the
(b) Substances controlling disease
concentration gradient called?
(c) Substances used for photosynthesis
(a) Active transport (b) Proliferation (d) Regulators synthesized by plants influencing
(c) Reverse osmosis (d) Osmosis
physiological processes.
RRB NTPC 04.04.2016 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
RRB ALP & Tec. (20-08-18 Shift-II)
Ans. (a) Active transport is the transport where the
direct expenditure of energy takes place and the Ans : (d) Phytohormones, also known as plant
molecules move against the gradient which is from hormones, are produced in plants only. Phytohormones
lower concentration to the higher concentration. are responsible for giving certain shape to the plants, for
Tracheids and vessels are hollow tube-like structures seed development, flowering time, sex of flowers,
that help in conducting water and minerals. They are growth of leaves and senescence in plant etc. There are
found in the primary and secondary xylem of vascular mainly five types of hormones found in plants - auxin,
plants, they carry water and mineral salts from the root gibberellins, cytokinins, ethylene and abscisic acid.
of the plants to the leaves. Auxin hormone helps in phototropism of plants.
1743. The absorption of water caused by a process 1748. Which of the following is a plant hormone?
through root hair in plants, is called : (a) Estrogen (b) Chlorophyll
(a) Respiration (b) Transpiration (c) Thyroxine (d) Auxin
(c) Osmosis (d) Imbibition RRB NTPC 22.01.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
RRB J.E. (14.12.2014, Green paper) Ans.(d) Auxin is a plant hormone which is responsible
Ans. (c) : The absorption of water caused by osmosis for all division in plants. It regulates growth,
through root hair in plants . Osmosis is the movement particularly by stimulating cell elongation in stems. Five
of water through a semipermeable membrane. Osmosis kinds of hormones present in plants are –
is spontaneous process.The direction and rate of 1. Auxin
osmosis depend upon the sum of two forces, pressure 2. Gibberellins
gradient and concentration gradient. 3. Cytokinin
1744. In case of plants, nitrate absorbed from the soil: 4. Abscisic Acid
(a) is converted into urea. 5. Ethylene.
(b) is converted to free nitrogen.
(c) is converted into amino acids . 1749. Plants bend towards light due to the diffusion
(d) is converted into ammonia. of the ………. hormone on the other side of the
RRB NTPC Stage Ist 30.04.2016 (Shift-III) shoot.
Ans : (b) In the case of plants, the nitrate absorbed (a) Auxin (b) Cytokinin
from the soil is converted into free nitrogen. Nitrate is (c) Abscisic acid (d) Gibberellin
an anion composed of oxygen and nitrogen elements. Its RRB ALP & Tec. (13-08-18 Shift-II)
chemical formula is NO3. The salts produced by the Ans. (a) The term auxin is used for indole-3 acetic acid
reaction of nitric acid on metals or their oxides are (IAA) and other natural and synthetic compounds that
called nitrates. Generally, nitrates are soluble in water. have the ability to growth. They are usually formed on
Nitrates absorb water vapor from the atmosphere. These the tips of the stem & root and move to functional areas
are called hygroscopic substances. of plant.
RRB Science Planner Biology 637 YCT
Auxins like I.A.A. and I.B.A (indole butyric acid)is 1755. Zeatin is produced in ........... and is transported
extracted from the plant. Charles Darwin and his son to ............ in the xylem where it promotes cell
Francis Darwin observed firstly the effects of light on division.
movement of canary grass (Phalaris canariensis) (a) Shoots, roots (b) Roots, shoots
coleoptiles. The coleoptile is a specialized leaf (c) Stems, leaves (d) Leaves, stems
originating from the first node which sheaths the RRB NTPC Stage Ist 27.04.2016 (Shift-I)
epicotyl in the plants seedling stage protecting it until it Ans : (b) Zeatin is produced in roots and is transported
emerges from the ground. The coleoptile shows to shoots in the xylem where it promotes cell division. It
phototropism and responds to phototropic stimulus.
is responsible for growth of lateral twigs in plant.
1750. Dwarfness can be controlled by treating plants
with: 1756. Which of the following plant hormones inhibits
(a) Cytokinin (b) Ethylene growth and is responsible for wilting of leaves?
(c) Gibberellic acid (d) Auxin (a) Gibberellin (b) Abscisic acid
RRB ALP & Tec. (17-08-18 Shift-III) (c) Cytokinin (d) Auxin
Ans. (c) Dwarfness can be controlled by treating plants RRB NTPC 14.03.2021 (Shift-II) Stage Ist
with gibberellic acid. The gibberellins are plant Ans. (b) Abscisic acid (ABA) is an anti-growth plant
hormones, especially abundant in seeds and young shoots hormone. ABA functions in many plant developmental
where they control stem elongation by stimulating both
cell division and elongation. The gibberellins are carried processes, including seed and bud dormancy, the
by the xylem and phloem. Parthenocarpic fruits are control of organs size and stomatal closure. It is
produced due to effect of gibberellic acid . especially important for plants in the response
1751. Growth hormone function - to environmental stress, including drought, soil salinity,
(a) Rarely as a growth promoters. cold tolerance, freezing tolerance, heat stress and heavy
(b) Sometimes as growth promoters and metal-ion tolerance.
sometimes as growth inhibitors. 1757. The concentration of which plant hormone is
(c) Always as growth inhibitors. highest at the top of the plant and decreases as
(d) Always as growth promoters. you get closer to the roots?
RRB ALP & Tec. (17-08-18 Shift-I) (a) Ethylene (b) Gibberellin
Ans : (d) Growth hormone is a protein-based peptide (c) Auxin (d) Cytokinin
hormone. It promotes growth, cell reproduction and RRB NTPC 04.03.2021 (Shift-I) Stage Ist
reconstruction in humans and other animals. Growth
hormone is a 191-amino acid, single-chain polypeptide. Ans. (c) Auxin is a plant hormone which is involved in
1752. The universal natural auxin of plants is - cell growth and cell expansion, so it is produced
(a) IBA (b) Citric auxin primarily in parts of the plant that are actively growing
(c) NAA (d) IAA like the stem (specifically, the very tiptop of the stem).
RRB ALP & Tec. (20-08-18 Shift-III) Auxin is transported in one direction in a plant –
Ans : (d) Auxin was first extracted from human urine. downward from the top to the bottom, like a one-way
They are usually formed on the tips of the stem & root road from the stem tip to the roots. It is the only plant
and move to functional areas of plant. hormone known to do this. Therefore the concentration
• I.A.A. (indole 3-acetic acid) and I.B.A (indole of auxin is highest at the top of the plant and decreases
butyric acid) are natural auxin. as get closer to the roots, this controls the overall shape
• N.A.A (Naphthalene acetic acid) and 2.4. D (2, 4, of the plant.
dichloro phenoxy acetic acid) is the synthetic auxin. 1758. Which of the following helps in closure of
Synthetic auxins are extensively used as herbicides. stomata and abscission of leaves?
1753. Which of the following is not a hormone found (a) Abscisic acid (b) Gibberellin
in animals? (c) Auxin (d) Cytokinin
(a) Insulin (b) Auxin RRB Group-D 24-10-2018 (Shift-III)
(c) Thyroxine (b) Adrenaline Ans. (a) : Abscisic acid (ABA) is often referred to as a
RRB ALP & Tec. (21-08-18 Shift-III)
inhibitory rather than stimulatory hormone. It is
Ans : (b) Auxin is a plant hormone that causes plant involved in the closure of stomata, bud and seed
growth. It is found in vegetative parts of plants, while
insulin, thyroxine and adrenaline are animal hormones. dormancy and is known to inhibit other hormonal
actions. Abscisic acid acts as growth inhibitor, i.e, this
1754. ......... is concerned with cell division. plant hormone inhibits growth of plant. Its main
(a) Maleic hydrazide (b) Gibberellin
(c) Auxin (d) Cytokinin function is as follows:
RRB ALP & Tec. (30-08-18 Shift-II) (1) Abscisic acid stimulates the closure of the stomata
Ans : (d) The first cytokinin was isolated from Herring in the epidermis.
sperm in 1955 by Miller. Kinetin and zeatin acts to (2) Abscisic acid blocks cell division, that is why
promote cytokinesis. Natural cytokinins are synthesized abscission of fruits and leaves occur.
in regions where rapid cell division is occurring. e.g., (3) It involves in seed dormancy and is generally
root apices, developing shoot buds, young fruits etc. associated with negative-feedback interactions or
Cytokinins overcome apical dominance. They promote stress-related environmental signals such as
nutrient mobilization that help in delay of leaf drought, freezing temperatures and environmental
senescence. pollutants.