Pritchard Elmon Marozva
Pritchard Elmon Marozva
Pritchard Elmon Marozva
ISSN Online: 2331-4249
ISSN Print: 2331-4222
Laser Welding, High-Strength Steel, Quenched and Tempered, Bead on Plate
Joint, Butt Joint, Heat-Affected Zone (HAZ), CO2 Autogenous Laser
Welding, Mechanical Properties
DOI: 10.4236/wjet.2022.102015 May 11, 2022 241 World Journal of Engineering and Technology
P. E. Marozva et al.
1. Introduction
Quenched and tempered high-strength steels are desirable for use in many in-
dustrial applications because they contain low carbon composition and prefera-
ble thermomechanical properties. High-strength quenched and tempered low
alloy steels derive their strength from quenching, a process by which the steel is
rapidly cooled to room temperature and temper heat treatment where the steel is
heated to a temperature well below the melting point at a suitable rate, to in-
crease the steel ductility, toughness and the grain size of the matrix. The quench-
ing and tempering processes produce a microstructure largely made up of tem-
pered martensite with little amounts of lower bainite [1] [2] [3].
These steels have the capability to meet the demand for higher-strength con-
struction grade material. Due to their ability to protect products from environ-
mental degradation, their reduced weight, high-strength and high impact values,
quenched and tempered high-strength steels are widely used in the construction
of numerous critical applications including bridges, ships, large-scale petroleum
storage tanks and containers [4] [5] [6].
The welding of high-strength steels has had major drawbacks such as cold
cracking, residual stresses and distortion where conventional fusion arc welding
processes such as SMAW, GMAW, SAW have been employed [7] [8] [9] [10]
[11] and in most cases, precautions such as preheating and post-weld heat treat-
ment (PWHT) are employed [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]. These treatments are
however costly and associated with some hazards. To maintain the mechanical
properties as well as minimize distortion of arc welded joints which are a great
challenge because of the associated high heat input, there is a need to explore
new solutions in the production process on improving the weldability of these
steels. The use of high energy density and low heat input process in Laser Beam
Welding ensures narrow welds, a smaller heat-affected zone (HAZ), which cools
very rapidly with very little distortion, and a high depth-to-width ratio [17] [18]
[19] [20]. Previous investigations have demonstrated that the weld metal’s mi-
crostructure and the HAZ of steel are influenced by the welding speed, defocus-
ing distance, and shielding gas flow rate [21]-[27]. In addition, the stability of
the keyhole and the escape of hydrogen in the molten pool are largely influenced
by defocusing distance and gas shielding which often leads to the formation of
undesired porosities during welding [28] [29] [30]. Inevitably, it is expected that
the microstructure and the mechanical properties of welded joints of high-strength
quenched and tempered low alloy SM570 (JIS) steel are affected by the welding
process parameters.
To achieve the best product quality and high production rates, the present
work was conducted to explore the effect of laser power, welding speed, defo-
cusing distance and shielding gas flow rate on the microstructure and mechani-
cal properties of welded joints of quenched and tempered high-strength steel.
Since welding is widely used in the fabrication of various engineering compo-
nents, understanding the factors affecting the quality of welded joints is critical
2. Experimental Procedure
The 7.0 mm thick plates of SM570 low alloy high-strength steel with the highest
strength and toughness among the steel grades under JIS G3106 welded struc-
ture steel, were chosen for laser welding experiments. Their chemical composi-
tion and mechanical properties are given in Table 1 and Table 2 respectively.
Both bead-on-plate (Figure 1) and autogenous square butt-welded joints
(Figure 2) were produced using a CO2 laser system with 5 kW maximum output
power (CW) and a CNC welding head. Figure 2 shows a schematic illustration
of the butt joints of 7 mm thickness. The steel plates were machined to geometry
of 150 mm × 100 mm × 7 mm and then welded perpendicular to the rolling di-
Base metal C Mn Si S P
Table 3 shows the investigated laser welding parameters were laser power (P),
welding speed (S), defocusing distance (Dd), and shielding gas flow rate. At a
constant laser power of 5.0 kW, the welding speed varied between 0.5 and 3.0
m/min, the defocusing distance varied between 0.0 mm and 1.0 mm. To protect
the weld bead from contamination and to reduce the formation of absorbing
plasma, argon gas shielded both the weld pool top and bottom at a flow rate be-
tween 15 and 30 L/min.
Visual examinations of laser beam welded joints showed neither internal nor
external welding defects. Then, various specimens were cut in the cross-sections
of the welds and prepared through grinding with grinding papers of various grit
sizing from coarse to fine in the order 120, 240, 320, 600, 800 and 1000 and sur-
face polishing with alumina paste. Natal solution was used for etching 2% Nitric
acid (HNO3) and 98% Alcohol (CH3OH). A low-magnification stereoscope was
used to determine the weld structure and an optical microscope was used for
microstructure analysis. To investigate the hardness distributions through the
weld, heat-affected zone and base metal, microhardness was measured at a load
of 300 g by a Vickers testing machine (Matsuzawa, Akita, Japan). Tensile testing
was performed by a universal tensile testing machine (Sinofound CO., Beijing
China) integrated with computerized control and data acquisition system. Flat
tensile specimens were prepared from the laser beam butt welds (Figure 3(a))
according to ASTM A370 [31]. Impact test specimens were prepared by etching
(2% nital) to indicate the weld metal (WM), HAZ and the base metal (BM). A
flaw or notch was introduced on the impact test specimens in the 3 different
weld zones in order to examine the weld toughness at these locations (Figure
3(b)). The amount of energy absorbed by the material during fracture was de-
termined at −20˚C.
Figure 3. Schematic illustration and dimensions of (a) transverse tensile test specimen of
the welded joint, (b) V-notch location of the impact test specimen in the BM, HAZ and
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
The results showed a significant increase in the fusion zone size at lower
welding speeds and consequently a decrease in depth/width ratio. Complete pe-
netration with a relatively acceptable fusion zone size for the 7 mm base metal
thickness was achieved at a welding speed of 0.6 m/min as shown in Figure 5(d).
At high welding speeds, penetration is usually low because of the drop in heat
input. However, in this case, the rate of increase of the weld width was signifi-
cant, leading to a low depth to ratio at lower speeds although it remained within
an acceptable range. The fusion zone was found to be symmetrical about the axis
of the laser beam (Figure 7). The butt joint is symmetrical in shape with com-
plete fusion. This is the expected geometry of a laser-welded joint, without excess
penetration from the root side or visible porosity in the joint.
Figure 7. A cross-section of butt weld made using P = 5 kW, S = 0.5 m/min, Dd = −0.5
(b) (c)
Figure 8. Face side of 7.0 mm thick plates of JIS G3106 SM570 produced by laser power
of 5 kW, welding speed of 0.5 m/min, shielding gas flow rate of 30 L/min and defocusing
distance (a) 0.0 mm, (b) −0.5 mm, (c) −1.0 mm.
Figure 9. Butt welds of 7.0 mm thick plates of JIS G3106 SM570 produced by laser power
of 5 kW, welding speed of 0.5 m/min, shielding gas flow rate of 30 L/min and defocusing
distance of −0.5 mm (a) face side, (b) root side.
(a) (b)
Figure 10. Macrographs showing weld quality produced by laser power of 5 kW, welding
speed of 0.5 m/min, a defocusing distance of −0.5 mm and a shielding gas flowrate of (a)
15 L/min, (b) 30 L/min.
(b) (c)
distance, and welding speed and gas flowrate. Visual inspection also showed no
structural changes which have a significant influence in decreasing mechanical
properties usually brought about by the laser welding thermal cycle. Metallo-
graphic examinations also support the retaining of the material structural cha-
Figure 13 gives the hardness distribution of the base metal, HAZ and weld
metal of JIS G3106 SM570 steel. High hardness of between 300 - 355 HV in the
WM and HAZ near the weld metal. However, the least hardness of 218 HV was
observed as we approach the BM. This is expected because the mechanical prop-
erties of steel, in general, are characteristic of its microstructure in these different
zones. Complete penetration of 7.0 mm thickness had a width of 4.0 mm and a
minimized HAZ width of 1.5 mm.
To determine the impact resistance (toughness) of JIS G3106 SM570 steel, the
amount of energy absorbed during fracture was ascertained by the Charpy-V
notch test. The impact toughness of the laser-welded butt joint was investigated
in three different positions. The results of the Charpy-V impact toughness in the
base metal (BM), HAZ and weld metal (WM) at −20˚C are shown in Figure 14.
There was an uneven distribution of toughness along the butt welded joint, with
the lowest impact energy observed at WM while the highest impact energy was
observed in the BM. However, all measured values in all the different zones ex-
ceed the minimum required absorbed energy.
4. Conclusion
In this study, autogenous laser welding of both BOP and butt joints of JIS G3106
SM570 steel was investigated. From the study, it was found that the difficulty re-
lated to conventional fusion arc welding of high-strength quenched and tem-
pered steel can be avoided using the non-conventional laser beam welding
process. The selected optimal welding conditions were a laser power of 5.0 kW, a
500 mm/min welding speed, an argon gas shielding flow rate of 30 L/min, and a
defocusing distance of −0.5 mm. An optimum butt weld with a narrow weld zone,
a small heat-affected zone (HAZ), very little distortion, and a high depth-to-width
ratio was made. Subjected to examination and tests, a good combination of me-
chanical properties including hardness (355 HV), tensile strength (580 MPa) and
toughness (1.4 J/mm2) of welded joints was observed. Laser welded joints cha-
racterised by minimum distortion as well as microstructure and mechanical prop-
erties; close to those of the base metal will enhance the application of high-strength
quenched and tempered low alloy steels in bridges, ships, large-scale petroleum
storage tanks, etc.
This research is funded by the Pan African University through the Institute of
Basic Sciences, Technology & Innovation (PAUSTI), Kenya. The authors grate-
fully acknowledge the help of the Laser-X Co. Ltd.-Japan in conducting the laser
welding experiments and the Central Metallurgical Research and Development
Institute (CMRDI), Cairo for their support in material testing, examinations,
workshops and related industrial visits. The research work is jointly supervised
by both PAUSTI and CMRDI. Assistance provided by Ahmed Saiyah, CMRDI
during this study is highly appreciated.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this pa-
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