Contoh Embedded System Bersistem Operasi Friendly ARM Mini 2440
Contoh Embedded System Bersistem Operasi Friendly ARM Mini 2440
Contoh Embedded System Bersistem Operasi Friendly ARM Mini 2440
Jefri Setia Prayoga
Mini 2440 merupakan salah satu jenis embedded system yang memiliki
operating system .Produk ini didesain oleh SAMSUNG untuk menjalankan
aplikasi-aplikasi khusus maupun umum dengan kebutuhan daya yang
hemat.Contoh penggunaan dalam aplikasi khusus yakni alat ini bisa digunakan
dalam bidang robotic dan microcontrol yang lainnya.Sedangkan untuk aplikasi
umum alat ini menyerupai computer umum yakni dapat menjalankan aplikasi
secara multi tasking.Bahkan bisa juga digunakan untuk browsing internet asalkan
ada jaringan internetnya.
Windows CE
Bahkan dari sumber yang tidak resmi yang saya dapat dari internet alat ini
dapat diinstal iOS dan MacOS Leopard besutan Apple.Inc.
Untuk menginstal berbagai system operasi tadi user tidak perlu khawatir
karena beberapa situs internet telah menyediakan tutorialnya baik dalam
bentuk text maupun video.
Selain produk mini 2440 ini Samsung juga memproduksi jenis lainnya yang
setingkat diatasnya yakni micro 2440.
Architecture cycle.
· Integrated system for hand-held devices and · Supports self-refresh mode in SDRAM for
general embedded applications. powerdown.
· 16/32-Bit RISC architecture and powerful · Supports various types of ROM for booting
instruction set with ARM920T CPU core. (NOR/NAND Flash, EEPROM, and others).
· Enhanced ARM architecture MMU to support NAND Flash Boot Loader
WinCE, EPOC 32 and Linux. Supports booting from NAND flash
· Instruction cache, data cache, write buffer and memory.
Physical address TAG RAM to reduce the effect · 4KB internal buffer for booting.
of · Supports storage memory for NAND flash
main memory bandwidth and latency on memory
performance. after booting.
· ARM920T CPU core supports the ARM · Supports Advanced NAND flash
debug Cache Memory
architecture. · 64-way set-associative cache with I-Cache
· Internal Advanced Microcontroller Bus (16KB)
Architecture and D-Cache (16KB).
(AMBA) (AMBA2.0, AHB/APB). · 8words length per line with one valid bit and
System Manager two
· Little/Big Endian support. dirty bits per line.
· Support Fast bus mode and Asynchronous bus · Pseudo random or round robin replacement
mode. algorithm.
· Address space: 128M bytes for each bank · Write-through or write-back cache operation
(total to
1G bytes). update the main memory.
· Supports programmable 8/16/32-bit data bus · The write buffer can hold 16 words of data
width and four
for each bank. addresses.
· Fixed bank start address from bank 0 to bank Clock & Power Manager
6. · On-chip MPLL and UPLL:
· Programmable bank start address and bank UPLL generates the clock to operate USB
size Host/Device.
for bank 7. MPLL generates the clock to operate MCU at
· Eight memory banks: maximum 400Mhz @ 1.3V.
– Six memory banks for ROM, SRAM, and · Clock can be fed selectively to each function
others. block
– Two memory banks for ROM/SRAM/ by software.
Synchronous DRAM. · Power mode: Normal, Slow, Idle, and Sleep
· Complete Programmable access cycles for all mode
memory banks. Normal mode: Normal operating mode
· Supports external wait signals to expand the Slow mode: Low frequency clock without PLL
Idle mode: The clock for only CPU is stopped. · Woken up by EINT[15:0] or RTC alarm
Sleep mode: The Core power including all interrupt
peripherals is shut down. from Sleep mode