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Alternatew Fuels 2 Marks

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Alternate fuels

Short Answers

1. Why do we need to go for alternate fuel?
 To reduce dependency on deple ng fossil fuels.
 Mi gate environmental pollu on caused by conven onal fuels.
 Improve energy security by u lizing renewable resources.
 Address the rising cost of conven onal fuels.
 Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change.

2. How is alternate fuel selected to use in diesel engines?

 Compa bility: Should be compa ble with diesel engine
 Performance: Must meet engine performance requirements,
including power and efficiency.
 Availability and Cost: Should be readily available and economically
 Environmental Impact: Should produce lower emissions compared
to diesel.
 Proper es: Must possess suitable combus on and energy
characteris cs like cetane number and calorific value.

3. Desirable proper es of alcohol as engine fuel:

 High octane number for be er an -knock proper es.
 Low emissions of CO, NOx, and par culate ma er.
 High heat of vaporiza on, leading to cooler combus on.
 Renewable and can be produced from biomass.
 Miscible with water, preven ng fuel system freezing.

4. Proper es of Hydrogen as alternate fuel:

 High energy content per unit weight.
 Wide flammability range, enhancing combus on control.
 Zero carbon content, producing water vapor upon combus on.
 High flame speed, improving engine efficiency.
 Requires small igni on energy.

5. Emission benefits of using hydrogen:

 Produces only water vapor, reducing greenhouse gases.
 No carbon-based pollutants like CO, CO2, and HC.
 Reduc on in NOx emissions due to op mized combus on.
 Minimal par culate ma er.

6. Methods of hydrogen produc on:

 Electrolysis of water.
 Steam methane reforming (SMR).
 Par al oxida on of hydrocarbons.
 Gasifica on of biomass.
 Photolysis using solar energy.
7. Proper es of CNG (Compressed Natural Gas):
 High methane content (90%+), making it cleaner than other fossil
 High octane ra ng (~130).
 Lower carbon-to-hydrogen ra o.
 Stored under high pressure (200-250 bar).
 High autoigni on temperature (~540°C).

8. How do you store gaseous fuels for IC engines?

 Compressed gas cylinders at high pressure (200-250 bar).
 Cryogenic tanks for liquefied gaseous fuels (e.g., LNG).
 Adsorp on materials like ac vated carbon for storage at lower

9. Availability of CNG fuel in various loca ons:

 Widely available in urban areas, especially in countries promo ng
clean energy.
 Infrastructure limited in rural or remote loca ons.
 Availability is increasing with governmental efforts toward clean fuel
adop on.

10. Advantages of CNG fuel:

 Lower emissions (CO2, NOx, and par culate ma er).
 High octane ra ng, leading to efficient combus on.
 Cheaper than petrol and diesel in many regions.
 Prolongs engine life due to cleaner combus on.
 Safer as it is lighter than air and disperses quickly in case of leaks.

11. Compare fuel proper es of CNG and LPG:

Property CNG LPG

Composi on Methane (90%+) Propane & Butane

Octane Ra ng 130 110

Energy Density Lower (~50% of LPG) Higher

Emissions Lower CO2 and NOx Moderate emissions

Storage High pressure (200 bar) Liquid under pressure

12. Proper es of LPG as alternate fuel:

 Contains propane and butane.
 High calorific value (~46 MJ/kg).
 Low sulphur content, producing cleaner emissions.
 Stored as liquid under moderate pressure.
 Easily vaporized for combus on.

13. Compare the thermal efficiency of CNG and LPG as engine fuel:
 CNG engines tend to have slightly higher thermal efficiency due to
be er mixing and combus on.
 LPG has a higher energy density but may lead to less efficient
combus on in certain condi ons.
14. How is ammonia manufactured?
 Haber-Bosch Process: Combines nitrogen and hydrogen under high
pressure (150-250 bar) and temperature (400-500°C) using an iron

15. Composi on of bio-gas:

 Methane (50-70%).
 Carbon dioxide (30-40%).
 Trace amounts of hydrogen, hydrogen sulphide, and nitrogen.

16. Processes for manufacturing ethanol:

 Fermenta on of biomass using enzymes.
 Hydra on of ethylene.
 Gasifica on of biomass followed by cataly c conversion.

17. Proper es of Ethanol as alternate fuel:

 High octane number (~108).
 Renewable and biodegradable.
 Miscible with gasoline.
 Reduces CO and par culate emissions.
 Lower energy density compared to petrol.

18. How is Methanol produced?

 Steam reforming of natural gas.
 Gasifica on of coal or biomass.
 CO2 hydrogena on using cataly c processes.

19. Raw materials for manufacturing alcohol fuels:

 Sugarcane, corn, and other starch-rich crops.
 Lignocellulosic biomass (e.g., wood, agricultural residues).
 Natural gas and coal.

20. Thermal proper es of alcohol vs. vegetable oil as engine fuel:

 Alcohol has a lower calorific value but be er combus on
characteris cs.
 Vegetable oil has higher viscosity and energy density but requires
modifica on for engine use.

21. Merits of vegetable oil as fuel:

 Renewable and biodegradable.
 High energy density.
 Reduces reliance on fossil fuels.
 Can be produced locally.

22. Disadvantages of using propanol as alternate fuel:

 Higher cost of produc on.
 Lower energy density than diesel.
 Limited availability.
 Corrosive proper es affec ng engine components.

23. Jus fy: CNG fuel is be er than LPG fuel.

 CNG produces fewer emissions than LPG.
 Higher octane ra ng, leading to be er engine performance.
 Safer as it disperses quickly in case of leaks.
 More economical in many regions.

24. Safety measures while using gaseous fuels in IC engines:

 Regular inspec on and maintenance of storage tanks and pipelines.
 Use of pressure relief valves.
 Avoid exposure to open flames or high temperatures near storage.
 Proper ven la on in storage and refuelling areas.
 Installa on of gas leak detectors.
1. Methods for Hydrogen Storage On-board a Vehicle
 Compressed Gas Storage: Storing hydrogen in high-pressure tanks
(350–700 bar).
 Liquid Hydrogen Storage: Cryogenic storage at -253°C.
 Solid-state Storage: Absorbing hydrogen in metal hydrides or
adsorbing on porous materials like MOFs.

2. Methods of Using Hydrogen in SI Engines

 Port Injec on: Hydrogen is injected into the intake manifold before
combus on.
 Direct Injec on: Hydrogen is injected directly into the combus on
chamber for precise control.
 Dual-Fuel Opera on: Hydrogen is mixed with another fuel, like CNG
or gasoline.

3. Electrolysis Method
 Electrolysis splits water (H₂O) into hydrogen and oxygen using
 Process: Passing electric current through water using electrodes.
 Types: Alkaline electrolysis, PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane)

4. Safety Precau ons for Storing and Opera ng Hydrogen

 Use of high-strength, leak-proof storage tanks.
 Install pressure relief and flame arrestors.
 Regular inspec on for leaks and corrosion.
 Ensure proper ven la on to avoid accumula on in confined spaces.

5. Hazards of Hydrogen
 Flammability: Wide flammability range, making it highly
combus ble.
 Leakage: Difficult to detect due to colorless, odorless nature.
 High Diffusion Rate: Can escape easily through materials.
 Low Igni on Energy: Ignites easily under minimal condi ons.

6. Short Note on Biogas

 Biogas is a renewable fuel produced through anaerobic diges on of
organic ma er like agricultural waste and sewage.
 Composed primarily of methane (50–70%) and carbon dioxide (30–

7. Hazards of Biogas
 Explosive Nature: Methane in biogas is highly flammable.
 Asphyxia on: High CO₂ content can displace oxygen in enclosed
 Corrosion: Hydrogen sulfide in biogas causes equipment corrosion.

8. Composi on of CNG
 Methane (~90%).
 Ethane, propane, butane, and small amounts of nitrogen and CO₂.
9. Safety Aspects of LPG Used in Engines
 Store in robust, pressure-rated tanks.
 Install automa c shut-off valves.
 Ensure proper ven la on in storage areas.
 Use flameproof equipment to prevent igni on.

10. Engine Modifica ons for Gaseous Fuels

 High-pressure injectors for fuel delivery.
 Adjusted igni on ming.
 Reinforced cylinder head and valves for high combus on
 Modified storage and fuel lines for gaseous fuels.

11. Composi on of LPG

 Propane (~60%) and Butane (~40%).
 May contain traces of propylene and ethane.

12. Material Compa bility of LPG

 Compa ble with metals like steel and aluminium.
 Rubber seals must be resistant to LPG-induced swelling and
degrada on.

13. Selec on Criteria for Alternate Fuel in Diesel Engines

 Availability and cost of the fuel.
 Suitability with diesel engine components.
 Environmental impact and emissions.
 Energy density and combus on proper es.

14. Problems of Using Alcohol in CI Engines

 Low cetane number, leading to poor igni on.
 Corrosive nature affec ng engine components.
 Lower energy density requiring more fuel for the same output.

15. Modifica ons for Using Ethanol in Engines

 Improved fuel injec on systems.
 Adjusted compression ra o.
 Corrosion-resistant materials for fuel lines and tanks.

16. Methanol Produc on

 Steam reforming of natural gas.
 Gasifica on of coal or biomass.
 Cataly c hydrogena on of CO or CO₂.

17. Techniques for Using Alcohol in CI Engines

 Blending with diesel.
 Dual-fuel systems.
 Conver ng to spark-igni on opera on.

18. Why Alcohols Are Not Preferred in CI Engines

 Poor auto-igni on characteris cs (low cetane number).
 Risk of phase separa on in water-contaminated fuel.
 High fuel consump on due to low calorific value.

19. Material Compa bility of Ethanol

 May corrode metals like aluminium and brass.
 Requires use of ethanol-compa ble elastomers (e.g., Viton).

20. Oxygenated Addi ves

 Chemical compounds added to fuels to increase oxygen content and
improve combus on efficiency.
 Examples: Methanol, ethanol, MTBE, ETBE.

21. Various Oxygenated Addi ves

 Methanol.
 Ethanol.
 MTBE (Methyl Ter ary-Butyl Ether).
 ETBE (Ethyl Ter ary-Butyl Ether).

22. Dual Fuel Injec on System

 A system where two fuels (e.g., diesel and CNG) are injected into
the combus on chamber to op mize performance and emissions.

23. Blending Ra o
 The propor on of an alternate fuel mixed with conven onal fuel
(e.g., 10% ethanol with 90% gasoline is E10).
24. Brake Thermal Efficiency Curve for Ethanol in SI Engine
(Graph required: Ethanol shows improved efficiency due to higher
compression tolerance.)

25. CO Emission Curve for Alcohol in CI Engine

(Graph required: Alcohol reduces CO emissions due to be er
combus on.)

26. Various Vegetable Oils

 Soybean oil.
 Palm oil.
 Rapeseed oil.
 Sunflower oil.

27. Problems of Using Vegetable Oils in CI Engines

 High viscosity leading to poor atomiza on.
 Carbon deposits and injector fouling.
 Cold flow issues causing fuel line blockages.

28. Differences Between Biodiesel and Straight Vegetable Oil

Property Biodiesel Straight Vegetable Oil

Viscosity Low High

Compa bility Engine-ready Requires modifica on

Emissions Cleaner Higher par culate ma er

29. Vegetable Oil Emission Comparison with Diesel

Emission Type Vegetable Oil (%) Diesel (%)

CO Lower Higher

NOx Slightly Higher Lower

PM Higher Lower

30. Esterifica on Process

 Conversion of fa y acids into esters by reac ng with alcohols in the
presence of a catalyst.

31. Process of Transesterifica on

 Reac on of triglycerides in vegetable oils with alcohol
(methanol/ethanol) and a catalyst to produce biodiesel and glycerol.

32. Problems of Straight Vegetable Oils

 Poor cold weather performance.
 Incomplete combus on.
 High carbon residue.

33. Ways Vegetable Oils Can Be Used in IC Engines

 Direct use with pre-hea ng.
 Blending with diesel.
 Conver ng to biodiesel.
34. Engine Modifica ons for Vegetable Oil Use
 Pre-heaters for reducing viscosity.
 Modified injectors for be er atomiza on.
 Strengthened fuel pumps for high-pressure opera on.
Module – 3
1. Types of Vegetable Oils
 Soybean oil
 Palm oil
 Sunflower oil
 Rapeseed (Canola) oil
 Jatropha oil
 Castor oil

2. Problems of Vegetable Oils as Fuel in CI Engines

 High viscosity affects fuel atomiza on and combus on.
 Carbon deposits and injector fouling.
 Cold flow proper es cause clogging.
 Oxida on stability issues lead to gumming.

3. Differences Between Biodiesel and Straight Vegetable Oil

Property Biodiesel Straight Vegetable Oil

Viscosity Low High

Engine Modifica ons Not required Required

Combus on Efficiency High Low

Emissions Cleaner Higher par culate ma er

4. Vegetable Oil Emissions vs Diesel

Emission Type Vegetable Oil (%) Diesel (%)

CO Lower Higher

NOx Slightly Higher Lower

Par culates Higher Lower

5. Reac on Classifica on in Transesterifica on

 Type: Cataly c reac on.
 Reactants: Triglycerides and alcohol (methanol/ethanol).
 Products: Biodiesel (esters) and glycerol.

6. Problems of Straight Vegetable Oils

 Poor atomiza on due to high viscosity.
 Incomplete combus on leads to smoke and deposits.
 Corrosion of engine parts.
 Requires pre-hea ng for be er flow.

7. Ways Vegetable Oils Can Be Used in IC Engines

 Directly with pre-hea ng.
 Blending with diesel in specific ra os.
 Conversion to biodiesel via transesterifica on.
8. Engine Modifica ons for Vegetable Oil Use
 Pre-heaters for reducing viscosity.
 Modified injectors for be er spray characteris cs.
 Upgraded fuel pumps for high-pressure opera on.

9. Degumming of Straight Vegetable Oils

 Degumming removes phospholipids and impuri es from crude
vegetable oil.
 Process: Trea ng oil with water or acid and separa ng impuri es via
centrifuga on.

10. Four Seeds Used for Fuel Oils

 Jatropha
 Castor
 Sunflower
 Soybean

11. Unfavourable Proper es of Vegetable Oil

 High viscosity.
 Poor oxida on stability.
 Poten al to form gum and deposits.
 Poor cold flow behaviour.

12. Emission Benefits of Vegetable Oil

 Reduces CO and unburned hydrocarbons.
 Produces lower sulphur emissions.
 Poten al to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

13. Esterifica on Process

 Defini on: A chemical reac on between fa y acids and alcohol to
produce esters and water.
 Catalyst: Acidic or basic.

14. Merits of Using Vegetable Oils as Fuel in CI Engines

 Renewable and biodegradable.
 High energy density.
 Reduces dependency on fossil fuels.

15. Electricity Produc on in Fuel Cells

 Fuel cells generate electricity through an electrochemical reac on
between hydrogen and oxygen, producing water as a by-product.

16. Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs)

 Vehicles combining an internal combus on engine with an electric
motor powered by ba eries.

17. Power Density in Ba eries

 Power density refers to the rate of energy delivery per unit weight
or volume of a ba ery, indica ng its ability to deliver quick bursts of
18. Define Hybrid Electric Vehicle
 A vehicle powered by a combina on of an internal combus on
engine and an electric motor.

19. Define EV (Electric Vehicle)

 A vehicle powered solely by an electric motor using energy stored in
ba eries.

20. Two Advantages and Main Disadvantages of EVs

 Advantages:
1. Zero emissions.
2. Lower running costs.
 Disadvantages:
1. Limited driving range.
2. Long charging me.

21. Limita ons of EVs

 Limited range per charge.
 Long charging mes.
 High ini al cost.
 Limited charging infrastructure.

22. Difference Between Solar and Hybrid Vehicles

Feature Solar Vehicles Hybrid Vehicles

Power Source Solar panels Engine + Electric Motor

Feature Solar Vehicles Hybrid Vehicles

Emissions Zero Reduced but not zero

23. Func on of Electronic Control System in Automobiles

 Monitors and manages engine performance.
 Controls fuel injec on, igni on ming, and emission systems.

24. Define Biomass Energy

 Energy derived from organic materials like wood, crop residues, and
animal waste.

25. Applica ons of Fuel Cell Technology

1. Power genera on in portable devices.
2. Propulsion systems in electric vehicles.

26. Difference Between High Energy and Power Density Ba eries

Property High Energy Density High Power Density

Func on Stores more energy Delivers energy quickly

Example Lithium-ion ba eries Supercapacitors

27. Types of Ba eries for Automobiles

 Lithium-ion ba eries.
 Nickel-metal hydride ba eries.
 Lead-acid ba eries.
28. Difference Between Electric and Hybrid Vehicles

Feature Electric Vehicles (EVs) Hybrid Vehicles (HEVs)

Power Source Electric motor only Engine + Electric Motor

Emissions Zero Lower than conven onal

29. Major Problems in Fuel Cell Vehicles

 High cost of fuel cell produc on.
 Limited hydrogen refuelling infrastructure.
 Durability and performance in extreme condi ons.

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