Alternatew Fuels 2 Marks
Alternatew Fuels 2 Marks
Alternatew Fuels 2 Marks
Short Answers
1. Why do we need to go for alternate fuel?
To reduce dependency on deple ng fossil fuels.
Mi gate environmental pollu on caused by conven onal fuels.
Improve energy security by u lizing renewable resources.
Address the rising cost of conven onal fuels.
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change.
13. Compare the thermal efficiency of CNG and LPG as engine fuel:
CNG engines tend to have slightly higher thermal efficiency due to
be er mixing and combus on.
LPG has a higher energy density but may lead to less efficient
combus on in certain condi ons.
14. How is ammonia manufactured?
Haber-Bosch Process: Combines nitrogen and hydrogen under high
pressure (150-250 bar) and temperature (400-500°C) using an iron
3. Electrolysis Method
Electrolysis splits water (H₂O) into hydrogen and oxygen using
Process: Passing electric current through water using electrodes.
Types: Alkaline electrolysis, PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane)
5. Hazards of Hydrogen
Flammability: Wide flammability range, making it highly
combus ble.
Leakage: Difficult to detect due to colorless, odorless nature.
High Diffusion Rate: Can escape easily through materials.
Low Igni on Energy: Ignites easily under minimal condi ons.
7. Hazards of Biogas
Explosive Nature: Methane in biogas is highly flammable.
Asphyxia on: High CO₂ content can displace oxygen in enclosed
Corrosion: Hydrogen sulfide in biogas causes equipment corrosion.
8. Composi on of CNG
Methane (~90%).
Ethane, propane, butane, and small amounts of nitrogen and CO₂.
9. Safety Aspects of LPG Used in Engines
Store in robust, pressure-rated tanks.
Install automa c shut-off valves.
Ensure proper ven la on in storage areas.
Use flameproof equipment to prevent igni on.
23. Blending Ra o
The propor on of an alternate fuel mixed with conven onal fuel
(e.g., 10% ethanol with 90% gasoline is E10).
24. Brake Thermal Efficiency Curve for Ethanol in SI Engine
(Graph required: Ethanol shows improved efficiency due to higher
compression tolerance.)
CO Lower Higher
PM Higher Lower
CO Lower Higher