Qualitative Electrolysis
Qualitative Electrolysis
Qualitative Electrolysis
o Ex. Calculate the amount of charge that flows when a current of 2A flows in a circuit for 20mins:
We can calculate the number of moles of electrons that can be calculated from the charge and Faraday’s constant
o Ex. Calculate the number of moles of electrons in 3600C
How to calculate the masses and volumes of substances liberated during electrolysis
Ex. Calculate the mass of lead deposited at the cathode when a current of 2.2A flows through molten lead(II)
bromide for 25mins
Ex. A steel spoon needs to be electroplated with 0.08 kg of chromium. Calculate the length of time that a current of
15.0 A would have to flow to electroplate the spoon.
A 10.5- Industrial applications of electrolysis
Extraction of metals
o Reactive metals can be extracted from their ore using electrolysis
Ex. extraction of aluminum from Al2O3
o Process where the thickness of an aluminum oxide layer is artificially increased
1. Aluminum sheet is treated with NaOH and outer oxide layer is removed
2. Aluminum sheet is then placed in dilute sulphuric acid solution as the anode in the
electrolysis of the sulphuric acid
3. Oxygen gas formed reacts with aluminum anode forming thicker oxide layer
o Depositing thin layer of one metal on top of another, usually brass, nickel, or steel
1. Object being electroplated is made at cathode
2. Anode is usually a pure sample of the metal which is being used for plating; anode is
active an ionizes
3. Electrolyte must contain ions of the metal which is being used for plating
Ex. chromium plating, silver plating, and nickel plating
Reaction at cathode:
Amount of copper dissolving at the anode is exactly the same as the amount of copper
depositing on the cathode
Impurities fall to bottom of cell and form a sludge