Mobile Information Systems - 2022 - Guo - Retracted Cross Border E Commerce Platform Logistics and Supply Chain Network
Mobile Information Systems - 2022 - Guo - Retracted Cross Border E Commerce Platform Logistics and Supply Chain Network
Mobile Information Systems - 2022 - Guo - Retracted Cross Border E Commerce Platform Logistics and Supply Chain Network
Retracted: Cross-Border E-Commerce Platform Logistics and
Supply Chain Network Optimization Based on Deep Learning
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Mobile Information Systems
Volume 2022, Article ID 2203322, 10 pages
Research Article
Cross-Border E-Commerce Platform Logistics and Supply Chain
Network Optimization Based on Deep Learning
Hongli Guo1 and Tong Zou
Business School, Shandong Jianzhu University, Jinan 250101, Shandong, China
School of International Economics and Trade, Shandong University of Finance and Economics, Jinan 250002, Shandong, China
Received 24 March 2022; Revised 19 April 2022; Accepted 5 May 2022; Published 21 May 2022
Academic Editor: Liming Chen
Copyright © 2022 Hongli Guo and Tong Zou. +is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
E-commerce and logistics are symbioses with each other, but cross-border e-commerce (CBEC) still cannot break away from
cross-border logistics. With the progress of economic internationalization, economic and trade ties around the world have
become closer and closer, and the level of international business exchanges has been improved. +e rise of multinational
e-commerce has also caused unprecedented difficulties to multinational logistics and supply chain management. +e application
of deep neural networks in various fields provides opportunities for cross-border e-commerce platforms to solve these problems.
+e existing logistics distribution model cannot keep up with the development of CBEC and has become a constraint and
bottleneck for the development of CBEC. +erefore, this article introduces deep learning neural network to cross-border logistics
and supply chain based on the analysis of the existing cross-border logistics model and supply chain model and the status quo of
e-commerce development. It optimizes the existing cross-border logistics and supply chain network in order to break through the
current bottleneck in the development of CBEC. +is paper shows through research that introducing deep learning neural
networks into CBEC logistics and supply chain can improve the efficiency of logistics and supply chain. Compared with the
previous efficiency, the efficiency of network optimization can be increased to about 50%, reducing the cost of cross-border
logistics and supply chain. +e research in this article has great theoretical and guiding significance for the development of CBEC.
1. Introduction supply chain of CBEC platforms to change the current
bottleneck in the development of CBEC? +is achieves the
At present, CBEC is developing rapidly, but cross-border simultaneous development of CBEC and cross-border lo-
logistics has become a constraining factor for CBEC. Al- gistics, enables cross-border logistics and supply chain to
though with the standardization and quality development of achieve network optimization, and improves the efficiency
CBEC, related service companies have gradually formed a of cross-border IoT, and the supply chain is one of the
specialized division of labor and complementary advantages current research hotspots.
under the organization and guidance of integrators. A CBEC +is paper applies deep neural networks to CBEC
service logistics supply chain is characterized by collabo- platforms to optimize cross-border logistics and supply
rative integration and service innovation. However, cross- chain research, which can change the dilemma of e-com-
border logistics is slow in time, high in cost, corresponding merce platform development. +is enables the innovation of
after-sales service, lag of information exchange, and other e-commerce platforms and the development of healthy and
problems that have not been effectively solved [1]. At the green cross-border logistics. +is article aims to improve the
same time, deep learning neural networks are widely used in problem of slow timeliness and high cost of cross-border
various fields. +is also brings some effective enlightenment logistics, in order to improve the distribution efficiency of
to cross-border logistics and supply chain. Is it possible to cross-border logistics and reduce the cost of cross-border
apply deep learning neural networks to the logistics and logistics, and promote the further development of CBEC. It
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2 Mobile Information Systems
improves cross-border electricity supply; improves the border logistics model, thereby improving the efficiency of
ability of cross-border electric business platform of the cross-border logistics and reducing the cost of cross-border
supply chain management, contributing to the brand effect; logistics; (2) it applies the deep neural network to the supply
improves the marketing ability of the platform; implements chain service segment of the CBEC platform to improve the
cross-border electricity in the production and circulation of slowness of the service end of the supply chain in contact
commodities of green development; changes traditional with customers, and provide the timeliness of the response;
trade form, and implements different products and services, and (3) the deep learning neural network is integrated into
promoting cross-border market at the heart of the economic supply chain management, and the unsupervised autono-
development status and efficiency [2]. mous learning ability of the deep learning neural network is
In order to improve the distribution efficiency of cross- utilized to optimize the logistics transportation and in-
border logistics and reduce the cost of cross-border logistics, ventory management ability in the supply chain.
as well as to realize the green and healthy development of the
supply chain, many scholars have carried out in-depth re-
search on the logistics and supply chain of CBEC platforms. 2. CBEC Platform Logistics and Supply Chain
Among them, Zhang H analyzes all aspects of the CBEC Network Optimization Methods
logistics process based on big data processing technology. He
built a standardized and modular logistics optimization 2.1. Deep Learning Neural Network. Deep learning is a new
platform and used logistics networks as an example to verify concept proposed relative to shallow learning. Bringing it
its effectiveness. +is provides reference and guidance for into the CBEC platform logistics and supply chain is to apply
further improving CBEC logistics technology. Although the deep learning neural network to the cross-border lo-
Zhang’s research combined big data technology, it failed to gistics and supply chain. +e deep learning neural network
achieve the healthy development of the supply chain [3]. Sun model can effectively improve the efficiency of cross-border
P proposed the construction of cross-border e-commerce logistics, reduce the cost of cross-border logistics, and
logistics supervision system based on internet of things promote the healthy and green development of the supply
technology. +rough experiments, the proposed cross-border chain of CBEC platforms. +e proposal of a deep neural
supervision system is safe and controllable. In addition, network naturally cannot leave the research on the human
e-commerce logistics protect the privacy of users and data and brain, so the deep neural network is based on the human
can prevent forgery and fraud [4]. Ene S established a brain. It can also be widely used in medical, transportation,
multiobjective optimization model to determine the network business, and other fields. +e generation and application of
design of the green supply chain. +is model can be used as a deep neural networks are shown in Figure 1:
strategic decision-making tool to solve problems with mul- Deep learning is a technology in the field of machine
learning. It is generated through the study of the human
tiple goals and conflicts [5]. His research has a certain guiding
significance for the optimization of the supply chain of CBEC, brain. +e purpose is to make it close to the human brain and
but it lacks theoretical support. Zheng et al. analyzed the stimulate the human brain to deal with various affairs, so as
coordination mechanism of supply chain finance in B2C to acquire new knowledge or skills and reorganize the
CBEC. He proposed the use of a reputation mechanism to link existing knowledge structure to continuously improve its
the credit repayments of upstream manufacturers with the own performance [8]. +erefore, applying deep learning
credit lines of financial institutions. And he believes that the networks to cross-border logistics and supply chains can
reputation mechanism can increase the chance of contract make logistics and supply chains more intelligent and
performance, thereby solving the problem of SCF default precise. Deep learning neural network is a multilayered
framework. It adds a hidden layer on the basis of the BP
caused by information asymmetry [6]. Although his research
can improve some of the problems in the supply chain, it still nerve, which can enhance the learning ability of the deep
fails to improve the efficiency of the supply chain. Due to the learning model. +erefore, in cross-border logistics, when
explosive growth trend of CBEC, Yan W conducts research on the deep learning model is used in the logistics model, it can
the supply chain from the perspective of decision-making and operate in accordance with specific instructions internally to
coordination. He used the Shapley value method and the full- improve the efficiency of logistics and supply chain. +e
cooperative income incremental sharing mechanism to re- network structure of deep learning is shown in Figure 2.
distribute profits under different cooperation modes, in order +e deep learning neural network originated from BP
to provide a scientific decision-making reference for domestic neural network. It realizes the establishment of a deep
CBEC companies to rationally choose cooperative relations learning network through the superposition of RBM layer by
[7]. His research is very novel but lacks the support of the- layer. Each RBM is a probabilistic generative model, which
oretical data. +erefore, this article will optimize the CBEC restricts input and output data through RBM. To realize the
platform logistics and supply chain on the basis of their re- adjustment of the weights of the deep learning network, the
search to improve the problems in cross-border logistics and probability model of any RBM is
supply chain. j− E(g,f)
+is article has the following innovations in the research R(g, f) � . (1)
of CBEC platform logistics and supply chain: (1) it applies a
deep neural network to cross-border logistics and improves In the structure diagram of Figure 2, the middle layer is
and optimizes the network based on the original cross- the hidden layer of deep learning. If the input is defined as g
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Mobile Information Systems 3
Input layer
Study of the human brain
Figure 1: +e generation and application of deep neural networks.
Deep learning
as hidden layers
Output layer
C T application
E T Figure 2: Network structure diagram of deep learning.
and the output is defined as f, the connection weight between g exp x′ g + t′ f + f′ dg
the input layer and the hidden layer is represented by d. +e R � ,
f f exp x′ g + t′ f + f′ dg
bias is expressed by x and t, and Q(g, f ) is defined as the
relationship function of this neuron. +e normalization
g exp x′ g + f′ dg
factor is K; then the relationship between K and the rela- R � .
tionship function Q(g, f ) can be expressed as follows: f K exp x′ g + f′ dg
where n is the threshold of neurons in the neural net- and communication network, helping to deal with the
work structure. It can be seen from the above formula that if problems related to the supply chain. It can improve existing
the information of the input layer is known, then the problems by applying deep neural networks to the logistics
probability of each node in the hidden layer in the deep of transnational e-commerce platforms. It can also promote
learning network is a factorial. +at is to say, in the the speed of logistics and shorten the cycle of logistics and
e-commerce platform, each logistics is independent of the promote the healthy and green development of the supply
other but is interconnected. In the algorithm of deep chain of cross-border business platforms.
learning, the neural network in deep learning adopts un-
supervised learning. Applying it to the cross-border
e-commerce platform can realize the intellectualization of 2.2. CBEC Platform Logistics and Supply Chain. CBEC refers
the platform and improve the efficiency of the platform in to two traders who exist in different countries, through the
dealing with problems. When the value weight in the neuron e-commerce platform to reach a transaction between the two
of deep learning is 1 and 2 and a node is in the activated state, parties. When the transaction is completed, the product
the activation probability is needs to be delivered to the consumer. +erefore, it needs to
deliver goods to consumers through cross-border logistics to
1 exp xn + dn x
R fn � � . (5) complete the entire cross-border transaction [9]. Of course,
g 1 + exp xn + dn x this is one of the supply chains, which is called the logistics
supply chain. Cross-border transactions need to be con-
Formula (5) can be expressed as follows:
cluded as long as there are commodities, and commodities
1 are produced by enterprises, so cross-border transactions
Rfn � � sigm xn + dn x. (6)
g require the cooperation of multiple parties to complete. +e
cross-border transaction process is shown in Figure 3.
In the same way, it can be concluded that the conditional In Figure 3, the cross-border transaction requires con-
probability of the input layer is sumers to place an order on the shopping platform, and the
1 seller of the cross-border e-commerce platform will deliver
Rgn � � sigm tn + dn t, (7) the goods according to the received order and then send the
f goods to the buyer from the domestic logistics to the cus-
where y � sigm(x) is the activation function of neurons in toms and the overseas logistics.
the deep learning neural network. When the value weight of CBEC has competitive advantages such as fewer sales
the input layer and the hidden layer are both the conditional links and convenient payment. With the continuous im-
probability of 1, the activation function can be indexed, and provement of the competitiveness of the international trade
the normalization function can be obtained as follows: market, the rapid development of CBEC has brought huge
profits at the same time. It also exposed the shortcomings of
1 − Q(g,f) the CBEC platform development model. One is that most
R(g, f) � j , (8)
K CBEC companies have not formed core competitiveness
and brand effects. Each enterprise has its own governance,
where K is the normalization factor. +en it adds the
input layer and the hidden layer to get competing with each other in the form of price wars, and
the products have become severely homogenized [10]. In
K � j− Q(g,f) . (9) terms of logistics, goods purchased across the border will
g,f undergo express delivery violence during transportation,
resulting in quality problems and high costs in a long
+e amount of business data allocated to the input layer logistics cycle. In terms of logistics, the delivery service
by the network is the sum of the value weights of all the input quality of CBEC is generally low. However, the speed of
layers, and it can get logistics distribution is relatively slow, and the cost of
1 logistics distribution is also high. And it is prone to damage
R(f) � j− Q(g,f) . (10) to goods during transportation. Some multinational
K g
e-commerce companies mainly engaged in small transac-
Since the neurons between the input layer and the tions are fragmented due to their relatively small trade
hidden layer are independent and interrelated, there are: scale. +erefore, the customs clearance time is too long, and
the settlement method is not standardized. In addition,
f f although the development of communication technology
R � R n ,
g n g and science and technology has realized cross-border
(11) payments. However, although cross-border payment has
g g realized the convenience of payment, it cannot guarantee
R � R n .
f n f the security of payment. +ere are still great security risks
in the payment process [11]. +erefore, CBEC companies
In this case, when the deep learning network is com- must take the initiative to seize the huge market oppor-
pleted on the e-commerce platform, it can be used as a tunities provided by international big data resources, op-
supporter for optimizing the logistics information network timize the supply chain platform, and improve the quality
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Mobile Information Systems 5
Platform cross-
border e-commerce Pay enterprise logistics The customs consumers
Third Party
Service entrepreneurs
customs clearance cross-border
import consumers logistics payment e-commerce Manufacturers
inspection enterprises
of logistics services and the efficiency of logistics distri- platforms. +e optimized network structure is shown in
bution. Although the development of CBEC is fast, there Figure 4:
are still risks and shortcomings. +erefore, if it wants to As an e-commerce platform serves as a bridge between
better promote the development of CBEC, it needs to sellers and buyers, this platform needs to provide buyers and
actively build a scientific and reasonable supply chain sellers with timely logistics information to prevent parcels
platform [12]. from being lost. For this reason, in order to solve the loss of
+e current cross-border logistics speed cannot keep up parcels between the two countries, the e-commerce platform
with the development of cross-border commerce platforms, can set up a warehouse overseas. In other words, it can first
which will lead to a series of problems. For example, the aggregate the goods delivered by domestic logistics to
logistics cycle is too long, which leads to the failure of lo- overseas warehouses. It then carries out foreign trans-
gistics tracking, which leads to the repetition of work, and portation to promote the efficiency of transportation. +is
the delivery violence leads to quality problems. +is makes a can also reduce the cost of lost packages [15]. It is shown in
lot of unnecessary problems to occur. And, if the logistics, Figure 5.
capital flow, and information flow cannot be carried out For the network optimization of the supply chain, its
simultaneously, it will lead to the rework of many proce- optimization adheres to low-carbon and environmental
dures, resulting in a large amount of time and capital costs. protection, optimizes the resource allocation of CBEC, and
+erefore, it needs to optimize the cross-border platform changes the situation of e-commerce enterprises being in-
logistics and supply chain network. It is necessary to pro- dependent so that the resources of the e-commerce platform
mote the synchronization of the logistics, capital flow, and can be shared. +e means to promote information com-
information flow of the CBEC platform to ensure the healthy munication provide a good information foundation for
and stable development of the e-commerce platform. logistics tracking and e-commerce platforms. +is is the
complementarity between members in terms of production,
capital, technology, and management relying on the
2.3. CBEC Platform Logistics and Supply Chain Network e-commerce platform [16]. In addition, it is necessary to
Optimization. At present, the development of cross-border optimize the information infrastructure and remote com-
logistics and CBEC is still not coordinated. +e rapid de- munication technology, promote communication and
velopment of CBEC makes it difficult for the development of contact between all parties, achieve the goal of timeliness,
cross-border logistics to keep up, but there are still many and improve the disadvantages caused by information delay.
outstanding problems. +erefore, the network optimization +e management capability of the supply chain is measured
of the supply chain of the CBEC platform is mainly aimed at from different aspects. +ese include online marketing ca-
optimizing the supply chain for the problem that logistics, pabilities, inventory management capabilities, and brand
capital flow, and information flow cannot be synchronized management capabilities, as shown in Figure 6.
[13]. +e goods of CBEC will pass through two or more Online marketing capabilities refer to sales capabilities
countries during the transportation process, making it on e-commerce platforms. +e ability in this area is currently
difficult to track the goods during the transportation process. considerable because it saves consumers a lot of time and
So it is necessary to optimize the network for this problem. cost on the e-commerce platform, so online consumption is
And, in the process of transportation, if the two countries are very happy [17]. Of course, for different commodities, the
far apart, the goods will be delayed for a long time on the way sales volume will of course be different. +erefore, the sales
of transportation, requiring a lot of time and cost [14]. volume of this single product is difficult to consider and can
+erefore, it uses deep learning neural networks to optimize only be seen from the sales capacity of the entire e-commerce
the logistics and supply chains of multinational e-commerce platform. Inventory management capabilities will involve
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6 Mobile Information Systems
business platform
E-commerce sellers consumers
Goods payment
logistics Inventory
service provider information
clearance service Provide logistics
provider information
financial After-sales
service provider service
Follow up logistics
E-commerce and provide logistics
platform information
E T Domestic
logistics and
Enterprises in cross-
Supply chain
border e-commerce
management ability
platform performance
terprises are part of the supply chain, so the inventory A set of
management of logistics enterprises also needs to be 110
informatized, networked, and highly integrated. In this way, Clothes 5
logistics management costs can be saved [18]. Brand China Switzerland
Rubber sheet 50
management ability means that brand effects can be formed Makeup 20
through the supply chain, but there are currently many Shoes 15
CBEC companies. +is makes different products compete to
imitate in terms of performance, appearance, and even
marketing methods, and it has also brought a huge impact to
Table 2: Time required for the entire supply chain.
CBEC. +erefore, a resource aggregation platform is needed
to integrate the resources of these homogeneous com- Time (day)
modities. +is article hopes to achieve brand effects and Production Transport
promote the healthy and stable development of e-commerce A set of furniture 30 20
platforms [19]. Clothes 15 14
Rubber sheet 45 17.5
Makeup 20 30
3. Experiment and Analysis of CBEC Network Shoes 35 8
Optimization Platform Logistics and
Supply Chain
3.1. Is the Transportation Speed of the Logistics Supply Chain 30
Improved? +e network optimization of CBEC is to improve
the efficiency of logistics and supply chain and to promote 25
the green and healthy development of the supply chain. +is 20
experiment will measure and record the number of days 17.5
logistics before network optimization. Because the weight of 5 3
goods will also affect the speed of logistics, the greater the
weight, the longer the logistics transport time, so the weight a set of furniture clothes rubber sheet Makeup Shoes
of goods is also recorded. +e goods to be shipped are shown goods
in Table 1.
In Table 1, it can be seen that their logistics will deliver after
five items of different weights to the same place in the same Figure 7: Time comparison chart before and after logistics and
country. To this end, it records the time required for the transportation optimization.
entire supply chain of different commodities from pro-
duction to consumers in Table 2.
In Table 2, it has not yet recorded the returns and ex- efficiency was greatly improved. +erefore, in the trans-
changes. If the product has quality problems during portation of small commodities, the efficiency improvement
transportation, a lot of time cost may be incurred in the of the optimized logistics and the optimized logistics is
middle. +erefore, their current CBEC logistics will not only uncertain, and it needs to be investigated according to the
lose the goods but also may cause quality problems due to actual situation.
being too violent. For this reason, it recorded the logistics Cross-border logistics circulates between the two
and supply chain efficiency of the CBEC platform after countries, so it also records the time from domestic to
network optimization and compared it with the logistics and customs and the time of overseas transportation for
supply chain before optimization. +e results are shown in comparison. At the same time, it also compared and an-
Figure 7. alyzed the required transportation time before and after
From Figure 7, the transportation speed of logistics network optimization. During the period, it may fail to
transportation has been significantly improved after net- track the logistics when it uses the logistics before network
work optimization. In particular, the transportation speed of optimization to go abroad. +erefore, overseas trans-
heavyweight commodities such as furniture and rubber has portation will take more time. +e recorded time is shown
basically increased by about 50%, which shows that the in Figure 8.
transportation speed is very fast. However, the effect of It can be clearly seen from Figure 8 that domestic lo-
increasing speed is not very obvious. +e transportation gistics is faster than overseas logistics, whether it is before or
speed dropped directly from 30 days to 5 days, and its after optimization, so domestic logistics tracking is very
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8 Mobile Information Systems
18 18
16 16
14 14
12 12
10 10
8 8
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
a set of clothes rubber Makeup Shoes a set of clothes rubber Makeup Shoes
furniture sheet furniture sheet
goods goods
Domestic Domestic
overseas overseas
(a) (b)
Figure 8: Comparison of domestic and overseas logistics speed: (a) before optimization and (b) after optimization.
time-efficient. However, in foreign countries, the logistics Table 3: Product categories and sales in 2020.
information will not be transmitted to the CBEC platform in
Category of goods Sales (million)
time, which leads to more time spent on logistics abroad. +e
transportation efficiency of overseas logistics after network Electronic products 40,697,678
Clothing 77,865,445
optimization is obviously much faster than that of overseas
Cosmetics 67,675,774
logistics before optimization. It saves a lot of time and cost, Food 73,465,683
so in the logistics supply chain, the optimized CBEC plat- Daily necessities 998,777,667
form logistics has a much higher commodity transportation
3.2. Changes in the Management Capabilities of the Optimized 100000000
Cross-Border Platform Supply Chain. +is experiment is
mainly to test the marketing capabilities of the optimized 80000000
sales (million)
need to be calculated and the sales of these products in 2020, 40000000
as shown in Table 3.
+e product categories in this experiment are divided 20000000
into five categories: electronic products, clothing, beauty,
food, and daily necessities. It calculates and compares the Electronic clothing cosmetics food daily
sales before optimization, and the sales after optimization products necessities
category of goods
for these five categories to see if the marketing capabilities
of the optimized CBEC platform supply chain manage- before
ment have improved. +e result is shown in Figure 9.
Without network optimization, it can clearly see that Figure 9: Comparison of sales before and after optimization.
sales are less than optimized sales. Because the optimized
CBEC platform provides instant services, consumers have a
better shopping experience. And, under the speed of lo- 3.3. Experiment Summary. +e above experiments show that
gistics, the quality of the transportation process will also be the network optimization of the logistics and supply chain of
guaranteed. the CBEC platform has shown that the speed of its logistics
In terms of inventory management capabilities and has increased compared with the past, and its speed and
brand management, supply chain management after net- efficiency have increased by about 50%. After the supply
work optimization can better promote the management of chain has been optimized, its inventory management ca-
the two and realize the reasonable allocation of resources. pabilities have also increased significantly, which has pro-
+erefore, the abilities in these two aspects can naturally be moted the rational allocation of resources. +is effectively
improved accordingly, and in addition to better serving improves the speed of logistics transportation between re-
consumers, it also promotes the healthy development of gions. In a unified CBEC platform, it has improved the
bright orange in the supply chain. phenomenon of product homogeneity and promoted the
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Mobile Information Systems 9
enterprises on the cross-border e-commerce platform to
improve the brand effect of the industry and promote the and explained the shortcomings of current CBEC platforms.
green development of cross-border e-commerce. +is provides a better reference for the logistics and supply
chain network optimization of the CBEC platform in the
4. Discussion following article. In this paper, regarding the current
e-commerce platform development and logistics problems
+is article discusses the principles of deep learning neural and the lagging problems of information resources and
networks. +e deep learning neural network is composed of capital chain, the deep learning neural network is integrated
output, input, and hidden layers. +e three tiers can operate into the e-commerce platform to improve these problems. It
simultaneously, and applying them to CBEC platforms can has greatly improved the marketing capabilities, inventory
effectively serve buyers and sellers as well as e-commerce management capabilities, and brand management capabil-
platforms. Output and input can be used to transmit various ities of the cross-border business platform. It improves the
messages about logistics and supply chain. +e hidden layer efficiency of logistics and brings a better experience to
is the intermediate e-commerce platform, which makes the consumers. +is article has great theoretical significance and
communication between buyers and sellers time-sensitive reference value for the research of CBEC platform logistics
and reduces the loss caused by information delay [20]. and supply chain network optimization. However, the re-
Furthermore, deep learning neural networks can coordinate search in this paper fails to fully consider the factors affecting
commodity resources for e-commerce platforms, carry out the development of e-commerce platforms, and there are
effective integration, and promote the rational use of re- still many deficiencies. It is hoped that future research can
sources. At the same time, in order to keep up with the consider other factors to promote the stable development of
development speed of CBEC platforms, deep learning neural cross-border e-commerce platforms.
networks can be trained on the platform first and then
unsupervised learning according to the processing mode of Data Availability
the platform. It can be used as a manual operation on the
platform to improve the efficiency of the e-commerce No data were used to support this study.
Secondly, the logistics and supply chain problems of Conflicts of Interest
multinational e-commerce platforms are now more prom-
inent. +erefore, it is necessary to find solutions to these +e authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
outstanding problems and to a certain extent improve the
speed and level of logistics. At the same time, it is also
necessary to ensure the quality of the goods required by Acknowledgments
buyers during the transportation process, improve the
+is study was supported by the Humanities and Social
satisfaction of overseas customers, and reduce the proba- Science Project of Shandong Province, China (Grant No.
bility of return and exchange. It needs to truly achieve the 2021-YYJJ-29), project name: “Research on the Develop-
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CBEC and promote the green and healthy development of the Digital Economy.”
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