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DLL Quarter1 Lesson1 Week2

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DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Mrs. Johny Lyn A. Tanupan Learning Area English
as per DO 42, s. 2016 Teaching Dates August 5-9, 2024 Quarter 1st Quarter

First Day Second Day Third Day Fourth Day Fifth Day

A. Content The learners demonstrate their multiliteracies and communicative competence in evaluating
Standards Philippine literature (poetry) for clarity of meaning, purpose, and target audience as a foundation for
publishing original literary texts that reflect local and national identity.
B. Performance The learners analyze the style, form, and features of Philippine poetry (lyric, narrative, dramatic);
Standards evaluate poetry for clarity of meaning, purpose, and target audience; and compose and publish an
original multimodal literary text (poem) that represents their meaning, purpose, and target
audience, and reflects their local and national identity.
C. Learning Learning Competency EN7LIT-I-1 Analyze literary texts as expressions of individual or communal
Competencies/ values within
Objectives Learning Objectives
1. Share specific thoughts or insights on Filipino values discussed in class.
2. Write a short prayer showing the elements of poetry.
3. Analyze the given poem according to the assigned concept.
4. Share their ideas and thoughts about significant concepts from the poem and relate it to your
specific local identity or Filipino identity in general.
II. LEARNING 11,020 Boy Girl Praying Royalty-Free Images, Stock Photos & Pictures. (n.d.). Shutterstock.
RESOURCES https://www.shutterstock.com/search/boy-girlpraying Galan, R. S. (2015, August 9). Tartanilla
[Facebook Post]. https://www.facebook.com/100040847452939/posts/1616923655248011/ Kalesa.
(2024, May 17). Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalesa#/media/File:Allan_Jay_Quesada_-
_Vigan_Calle_Crisologo_DSC_1917.jpg 2 Pinterest. (n.d.). Pinterest.
x=16&y=16&w=532&h=376&surfaceType=flashlight Strauss, L. (2015). A Filipino Dream – My
Spirit. Poetrysoup. https://www.poetrysoup.com/poem/a_filipino_dream_-_my_spirit_645256
A. References
1. Teacher’s Lesson Exemplar
Guide pages
2. Learner’s
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing 1. P.O.E.T.R.Y.: Playing with Words in Acronymic Style The teacher will show or write the word
previous lesson ‘POETRY’ on the board and explain that to recall the previous lesson, today’s task is to think of
or presentingwords or phrases that start with each initial letter and are relevant to the topic of poetry. These
the new lesson words or phrases will be the building blocks of their acronym. The learners will work in pairs and
each pair will present their work in front of the class.
2. Spotlight on Strengths: Illuminating Your Superpowers The class will work in groups consisting of
four – five members. Each student will share a moment from the previous less where they think
they did the best and why they did exceptional during that time. The group members will take turns
sharing and come up with an idea on how they can reinforce their positive attributes. The group will
then choose a representative to share their answers and feedback to the class
B. Establishing a Imbibe Me
purpose for the The teacher will show the image below to the students and ask them the following questions to
lesson guide their discussion:
1. Look at the image carefully. What do you see? Describe the image as best as you can.
2. What Filipino value do you think is shown in the image? Why do you think so?
3. When you pray, what do you usually pray for? Share some lines from your prayers and explain
why they are important to you.
4. How does prayer play a role in your life? What does it mean to you?
Think, Pair, and Share
● The teacher will ask the class to form pairs and collaborate to write a prayer using the elements
of poetry. Students can choose to write a free-verse poem or a rhyming poem as their prayer.
● Once the pairs have completed their poems, they will take turns reading their work aloud to the
class. ● Encourage the rest of the class to listen attentively and provide positive comments or
constructive suggestions after each reading.

Guide Questions:
a. How did you feel about writing a poem using the elements of poetry? Describe your experience.
b. Do you think there is a connection between writing poetry and writing a prayer? Explain your
thoughts. c. Did you face any challenges while writing your prayer poem? If so, how did you address
C. Presenting The teacher will present a series of pictures and provide a definition as a clue for the students to
examples/instan guess a word. Hint: A type of horse-drawn carriage or a traditional Filipino horse-drawn vehicle. It is
ces of the new commonly used as a mode of transportation in rural areas and small towns in the Philippines. 10
lesson letters. Word to Guess: Tartanilla
Guide Questions:
1. Based on the images shown, how would you describe a tartanilla?
2. What are your thoughts on tartanilla as a vehicle? How does it compare to other modes of
3. Do you think tartanillas are still commonly used today? If so, where can they be found?
4. What significance does the tartanilla hold in Filipino culture?
D. Discussing new Explicitation Brain Blossoms: Cultivating Ideas and Thoughts
concepts and Processing Questions:
practicing new 1. How did creating the flower concept map help you better understand the concept of poetry?
skills 2. What did you learn about your own experiences with reading, writing, and understanding poetry
while making the concept map?
3. If you were to analyze a poem right now, what would be the first step you take?
E. Developing Practice Task
mastery (leads Guide Questions:
to formative 1. How would you describe the form and structure of the poem? What do you notice about the
assessment) length and arrangement of the lines?
2. Did the author use any imagery, sound devices (like rhyme or alliteration), or figurative language
(like metaphors or similes)? Provide examples from the poem.
3. What do you think is the main message or theme of the poem? How well did the author convey
this theme through their choice of words?
4. What can you tell about the background of the poem? Consider the author's life, the historical
period, or the cultural setting when the poem was written.
F. Finding practical The teacher will ask the learners to work in pairs. Their task is to analyze the poem and answer the
applications to table provided.
concepts and Describe the form of the poem
skills in daily How are the lines arranged in the poem?
What can you say about how the lines were used?
Did the author use any form of imagery? Cite some line/s from the poem.
Did the author employ the use of figurative language? How?
G. Making 1. Learners’ Takeaways
generalizations On a piece of paper, the students answer the following:
and abstractions ● Write three things you learned from this lesson.
about the lesson ● List down two things you want to learn more about.
● Ask one question about the lesson.
2. Reflection on Learning The teacher will divide the class into small groups and prompt
them to discuss their most effective learning experiences as well as areas they believe they can
enhance. Afterwards, each group will combine their insights, and two representatives from each
group will present the answer to the class.
H. Evaluating 1. Formative Assessment Instruction: Examine the sections of the poem provided and complete the
learning table by sharing your insights. Then, discuss important themes from the poem and connect them to
your own local identity or the broader Filipino identity.

I. Additional
activities for
application or
A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have caught
up with the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

Prepared by: Checked:



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