Invoice Generator
Invoice Generator
Invoice Generator
MAY - 2023
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Techno India NJR Institute of Technology, Udaipur-313001
This is to certify that project work titled “ORDER BOOK - INVOICE GENERATOR” by
KANISHKA JAIN was successfully carried out in the Department of Computer Science
and Engineering, TINJRIT and the report is approved for submission in the partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree of Bachelor of Technology in
Computer Science and Engineering.
Examiner Certificate
during the academic year 2022 – 2023 at Techno India NJR Institute of Technology,
Signature Signature
(Internal Examiner) (External Examiner)
Name - Mr. Aditya Maheshwari Name - Dr. Rimpy Bisnoi
Designation - Head-Industry Projects Designation - Head of Department
Department - CSE TINJRIT, Udaipur Department - CSE TINJRIT, Udaipur
Organization - TINJRIT Organization - TINJRIT
The development of the offline invoice generator project using Room Database in
Android Kotlin marks a significant milestone in addressing the challenges faced by small
businesses and shopkeepers in generating invoices. This project aims to provide a
user-friendly and efficient solution that enables offline invoice generation, particularly for
individuals who may have limited access to the internet or lack technical expertise in
using online invoicing systems.
In this preface, we will provide a brief description of each of the ten chapters included in
this report.
Chapter 1: Introduction
The introduction chapter lays the foundation for the report, introducing the project's
background, objectives, and scope. It highlights the significance of the offline invoice
generator in addressing the challenges faced by small businesses and outlines the
structure of the report.
In this chapter, we delve into the problem statement, discussing the current scenario of
online invoice generation and the difficulties faced by small businesses. We emphasize
the motivation behind developing an offline invoice generator that simplifies the process
and caters to the needs of the target audience.
This chapter explores the system design and architecture of the offline invoice
generator. It discusses the overall structure of the application, including the design
patterns, architectural components, and the utilization of Room Database in Android
Kotlin for data storage and retrieval.
Chapter 4: Implementation
In this chapter, we provide in-depth insights into the implementation details of the offline
invoice generator. We discuss the technical aspects, programming techniques, and best
practices employed during the development process. It covers the integration of Room
Database, implementation of key functionalities, and any challenges encountered during
The system requirements and analysis chapter focuses on identifying and analyzing the
requirements of the offline invoice generator. It includes a detailed examination of the
functionalities, features, and constraints to ensure that the application meets the
expectations and needs of the users.
The user experience and interface design chapter focus on creating a seamless and
intuitive user interface for the offline invoice generator. It covers the design principles,
user interface components, and navigation flows implemented to ensure a user-friendly
and visually appealing experience for the target audience.
Performance optimization is a crucial aspect of any project that aims to deliver efficient
and high-performing software or system. It involves identifying and addressing
bottlenecks and inefficiencies to improve the overall performance and responsiveness
of the project. In a project report, it is essential to highlight the steps taken and
techniques employed for performance optimization to showcase the project's
The testing and quality assurance chapter highlights the importance of thorough testing
to ensure the reliability and functionality of the offline invoice generator. It discusses the
different types of testing conducted, such as unit testing, integration testing, and system
testing. Additionally, it emphasizes the significance of quality assurance processes in
maintaining the application's overall quality.
Chapter 9: Deployment and Maintenance
In this chapter, we delve into the deployment process of the offline invoice generator. It
covers the steps involved in preparing the application for deployment, release
management strategies, user support and maintenance practices, and data backup and
recovery mechanisms. It also explores the monitoring and analytics tools utilized for
maintaining and improving the application over time.
We take this opportunity to record our sincere thanks to all who helped us to
successfully complete this work. Firstly, We are grateful to our Supervisor MR.
ADITYA MAHESHWARI for his invaluable guidance and constant encouragement,
support and most importantly for giving us the opportunity to carry out this work.
We would like to express our deepest sense of gratitude and humble regards to our
Head of Department DR. RIMPY BISHNOI for giving invariable encouragement in our
endeavors and providing necessary facilities for the same. Also a sincere thanks to all
faculty members of CSE, TINJRIT for their help in the project directly or indirectly.
Finally, we would like to thank my friends for their support and discussions that have
proved very valuable for us. We are indebted to our parents for providing constant
support, love and encouragement. We thank them for the sacrifices they made so that
we could grow up in a learning environment. They have always stood by us in
everything we have done, providing constant support, encouragement and love.
Contents…………………………………………………………………………….. ii-iv
List of figures………………………………………………………………………. v
Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………… 1
1.1 Background………………………………………………………… 1
1.3 Objective…………………………………………………………… 1
2.4 Summary………………………………………………………….. 3
3.5 Summary………………………………………………………….. 6
4.6 Summary………………………………………………………. 9
5.7 Summary………………………………………………………… 13
6.6 Summary………………………………………………………… 15
7.7 Summary……………………………………………………….. 17
8.8 Summary………………………………………………………… 20
9.7 Summary……………………………………………………….. 23
10.4 Conclusion………………………………………………….. 24
A: Glossary…………….………………………………………… 25
C: Code Snippets………………………………………………… 26
D: User Manual………..…………………………………………. 27
E: Test Cases…………………………………………………….. 27
F: Sample Invoices………………………………………………. 28
1.1 Background
In this chapter, we provide an overview of the project by introducing the background and
context in which it is developed. We discuss the importance of invoice generation
systems in various industries and the need for an offline solution using Room Database
in Android Kotlin.
This section highlights the problem statement that the project aims to address. It
emphasizes the limitations of existing online invoice generators and the challenges
faced when internet connectivity is not available. The focus is on developing an efficient
and user-friendly offline invoice generator.
1.3 Objective
The objectives of the project are defined in this section. We outline the main goals,
including the development of an offline invoice generator using Room Database in
Android Kotlin. The objectives may include features such as user registration, invoice
creation and editing, customer and product management, and a seamless user
Here, we discuss the scope of the project, outlining the boundaries within which the
development and implementation will take place. This includes specifying the target
platform (Android) and the technologies to be used (Room Database, Kotlin). The scope
may also cover the intended user base, any potential limitations, and the expected
outcomes of the project.
Here, we explore the limitations of current invoice generation systems, particularly those
that are online-based. We highlight the challenges faced by shopkeepers who may not
be technologically proficient or have reliable internet access. These limitations may
include complex user interfaces, slow processing times, and dependence on internet
connectivity, making it difficult for less-educated shopkeepers to create invoices
In this section, we discuss the relevant technologies and tools that can be used to
develop an offline invoice generator. Specifically, we focus on the Room Database, a
powerful and efficient database library for Android, and Kotlin, a modern programming
language that simplifies Android app development. We explain how these technologies
can address the limitations of existing systems and provide a user-friendly solution for
2.4 Summary
The literature review chapter concludes by summarizing the key findings from the
review of existing invoice generation systems. It highlights the shortcomings of online
solutions and emphasizes the need for an offline-based invoice generator to cater to the
requirements of less-educated shopkeepers. Furthermore, it introduces the Room
Database and Kotlin as suitable technologies for developing such a solution.
In this section, we discuss the overall system architecture of the offline invoice
generator using Room Database in Android Kotlin. We explain the high-level structure
and components of the system, including the client-side (Android application) and the
database layer. The architecture may follow a modular design pattern, such as Model-
View-ViewModel (MVVM) or Model-View-Presenter (MVP), to ensure separation of
concerns and maintainability.
A use case diagram is presented to illustrate the various interactions between actors
(e.g., shopkeepers) and the system. It depicts the main functionalities and actions that
can be performed within the offline invoice generator. This includes activities such as
user registration, invoice creation, editing invoices, managing customers, and managing
products. The diagram provides a visual representation of the system's behavior from a
user's perspective.
A class diagram is provided to illustrate the class relationships and dependencies within
the system. This diagram showcases the key classes and their attributes and methods.
In the context of the offline invoice generator, the class diagram may include classes
such as UserProfile (representing the businessman's profile), InvoiceItem (representing
the details of purchased items), and other relevant classes for data handling and
business logic.
3.4 Database Schema Design
The database schema design is crucial for efficiently storing and retrieving data in the
offline invoice generator. In this section, we present three schemas that are essential for
the system's functioning.
● GST Number: The Goods and Services (GST) number associated with the
● SGST: The State Goods and Services Tax (SGST) applicable to the item.
● CGST: The Central Goods and Services Tax (CGST) applicable to the
● IGST: The Integrated Goods and Services Tax (IGST) applicable to the
● Price: The price of a single unit of the item.
3.5 Summary
This section summarizes the system design, including the system architecture, use
case diagram, class diagram, and database schema design. It provides an overview of
the overall structure and components of the offline invoice generator using Room
Database in Android Kotlin. The design ensures a clear understanding of how different
parts of the system interact and function together.
User interface (UI) design plays a crucial role in creating a user-friendly and intuitive
experience for the shopkeepers using the offline invoice generator. In this section, we
describe the UI design process, including wireframing, prototyping, and creating the
final UI elements. We discuss the design principles considered, such as simplicity,
clarity, and consistency, and how they are applied to ensure an intuitive and visually
appealing interface.
Room Database is a powerful library provided by Android for data persistence. In this
section, we explain the process of integrating Room Database into the offline invoice
generator. We discuss the creation of the necessary entities, data access objects
(DAOs), and the database itself. We also cover the implementation of CRUD (Create,
Read, Update, Delete) operations, ensuring that the businessman's profile and invoice
items can be stored, retrieved, updated, and deleted effectively.
Fig 4-1: Database Schema
The heart of the offline invoice generator lies in its ability to generate invoices accurately
and efficiently. In this section, we delve into the implementation of the invoice
generation logic. We explain the algorithm for calculating taxes (SGST, CGST, IGST),
generating itemized lists, and calculating the total price. We also discuss any additional
features, such as discounts or promotions, that may be implemented in the invoice
generation process.
Thorough testing and debugging are essential to ensure the reliability and stability of the
offline invoice generator. In this section, we describe the testing process, including unit
testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing. We discuss the tools and
frameworks used for testing and demonstrate how various scenarios and edge cases
are tested. Additionally, we explain the debugging techniques employed to identify and
fix any issues or bugs encountered during the development process.
4.6 Summary
The implementation chapter concludes with a summary of the development process for
the offline invoice generator. We reflect on the setup of the development environment,
the UI design considerations, the integration of Room Database, the implementation of
the invoice generation logic, and the testing and debugging efforts. This summary
serves as a recap of the key implementation aspects covered in the chapter.
The offline invoice generator includes a user registration and login system to ensure
secure access to the application. In this section, we describe the user registration
process, where shopkeepers can create an account by providing their relevant details
such as name, email, and contact number. We also discuss the login functionality,
which allows registered users to securely log in to the application using their credentials.
5.2 Dashboard and Navigation
The dashboard serves as the main hub of the offline invoice generator, providing an
overview of key information and access to various features. In this section, we explain
the design and functionality of the dashboard, which may include displaying statistics,
notifications, and quick access to important sections such as creating invoices,
managing customers, and managing products. We also discuss the navigation system,
ensuring smooth transitions between different screens and sections of the application.
Efficient customer management is vital for generating accurate invoices. In this section,
we discuss the functionality of the customer management module. Shopkeepers can
add new customers by entering their details, such as name, contact information, and
address. The system should also allow for updating and deleting customer records. We
emphasize the importance of maintaining a well-organized customer database for quick
and easy access when generating invoices.
5.4 Product Management
The core functionality of the offline invoice generator lies in its ability to create and edit
invoices. In this section, we explain how shopkeepers can create new invoices by
selecting customers, adding purchased items, specifying quantities, and applying taxes.
We also discuss the functionality for editing existing invoices, allowing for modifications
such as adding or removing items, updating quantities, and recalculating prices. The
aim is to provide a user-friendly interface and intuitive workflow for generating and
editing invoices efficiently.
5.6 Invoice History and Tracking
The offline invoice generator should maintain a record of generated invoices for easy
reference and tracking. In this section, we describe the functionality for viewing invoice
history, allowing shopkeepers to access and review past invoices. The system may
provide search and filtering options based on various criteria such as customer name,
date, or invoice number. We also discuss the importance of tracking invoice statuses,
such as paid or unpaid, to facilitate better financial management.
5.7 Summary
The features and functionality chapter concludes with a summary of the key features
provided by the offline invoice generator. We recap the user registration and login
process, the dashboard and navigation system, customer management, product
management, invoice creation and editing, and invoice history and tracking. This
summary serves as a comprehensive overview of the application's capabilities.
User experience plays a critical role in the success of any application. In this section, we
discuss the importance of providing a seamless and intuitive user experience in the
offline invoice generator. We highlight the benefits of a well-designed user interface,
such as increased productivity, user satisfaction, and reduced learning curve for less-
educated shopkeepers. Emphasizing the importance of UX sets the foundation for the
subsequent sections on interface design.
In this section, we explore the fundamental principles of interface design that contribute
to a positive user experience. We discuss principles such as simplicity, consistency,
visibility, and feedback. We explain how these principles guide the design of the offline
invoice generator's interface, ensuring ease of use and minimizing user errors. By
adhering to these principles, the application can provide a user-friendly and intuitive
experience to shopkeepers.
Visual design elements play a crucial role in enhancing the aesthetics and usability of
the offline invoice generator. In this section, we discuss various visual design elements,
such as color schemes, typography, icons, and layout. We explain how the appropriate
use of these elements can create a visually appealing and cohesive interface that aligns
with the branding and purpose of the application. We also consider the importance of
readability, contrast, and accessibility in visual design.
for designing interfaces that are optimized for mobile devices. This includes responsive
design, touch-friendly elements, and adapting to different screen sizes and resolutions.
We also address the importance of performance optimization to ensure smooth and
responsive interactions on mobile devices.
Usability testing is crucial in evaluating and improving the user experience of the offline
invoice generator. In this section, we discuss the process of conducting usability tests
with real users. We explain the importance of gathering feedback, identifying usability
issues, and iterating on the design based on user insights. We also highlight the
significance of incorporating user feedback throughout the development process to
continually refine and enhance the application's usability.
6.6 Summary
The user experience and interface design chapter concludes with a summary of the key
aspects discussed. We emphasize the importance of providing a seamless and intuitive
user experience in the offline invoice generator. We discuss the principles of interface
design, the use of visual design elements, the considerations for mobile-friendly design,
and the significance of usability testing and iteration. This summary provides a
comprehensive overview of the focus on user experience and interface design in the
Code optimization plays a vital role in improving the performance of the offline invoice
generator. In this section, we discuss various techniques for optimizing the codebase,
such as minimizing redundant calculations, optimizing loops and conditionals, and
reducing memory allocations. We also explore best practices for writing efficient and
clean code, including proper resource management and avoiding unnecessary method
calls. These optimizations can significantly enhance the application's performance and
Although the offline invoice generator primarily operates offline, it may have features
that involve network connectivity or data synchronization. In this section, we discuss
techniques for optimizing network operations, such as implementing caching
mechanisms, compressing data transfers, and minimizing network requests. We also
explore strategies for efficient data synchronization, including incremental updates and
intelligent syncing algorithms. Optimizing network and data synchronization processes
can enhance performance and minimize data transfer costs.
Optimizing the user interface and rendering processes can significantly improve the
perceived performance of the offline invoice generator. In this section, we discuss
techniques for optimizing UI rendering, such as minimizing view hierarchy, leveraging
view recycling, and using appropriate image formats and compression techniques. We
also explore strategies for asynchronous loading of UI elements to ensure smooth and
responsive interactions. These optimizations can create a seamless and fluid user
interface experience.
In this section, we discuss the importance of performance profiling and monitoring tools
for identifying performance bottlenecks in the offline invoice generator. We explore tools
and techniques for measuring and analyzing performance metrics, such as CPU and
memory usage, database query execution time, and network latency. By leveraging
these tools, developers can identify areas for optimization and continuously monitor the
application's performance to ensure optimal user experience.
7.7 Summary
The performance optimization chapter concludes with a summary of the key aspects
discussed. We emphasize the importance of optimizing the offline invoice generator's
performance to provide a smooth and responsive user experience. We discuss code
optimization techniques, database performance optimization, network and data
synchronization optimization, UI and rendering optimization, and the significance of
performance profiling and monitoring. This summary provides a comprehensive
overview of the focus on performance optimization in the application.
Testing and quality assurance are critical aspects of software development. In this
section, we discuss the importance of testing the offline invoice generator thoroughly to
ensure its functionality, reliability, and user satisfaction. We highlight the benefits of a
robust testing process, including early bug detection, improved performance, and
increased customer confidence. Emphasizing the significance of testing and quality
assurance sets the foundation for the subsequent sections.
In this section, we explain the process of test planning and strategy for the offline
invoice generator. We discuss the various types of testing that should be conducted,
such as unit testing, integration testing, and system testing. We outline the steps
involved in test planning, including identifying test objectives, defining test cases, and
establishing test environments. Additionally, we discuss the importance of test
documentation and tracking progress throughout the testing phase.
for the offline invoice generator. We discuss the creation of test cases that focus on
testing the integration points between modules, ensuring proper communication and
data flow. We explore techniques such as stubs and mocks to simulate dependencies
and validate the integration of various components.
System testing validates the behavior and functionality of the complete system as a
whole. In this section, we describe the system testing process for the offline invoice
generator. We discuss the creation of test cases that cover end-to-end scenarios,
including user interactions, data validation, and error handling. We also explore
techniques such as black-box testing and user acceptance testing to ensure that the
application meets the requirements and expectations of the end-users.
Performance testing evaluates the responsiveness and scalability of the offline invoice
generator under different load conditions. In this section, we explain the performance
testing process for the application. We discuss the selection of performance metrics, the
creation of realistic test scenarios, and the use of tools such as JMeter or Firebase
Performance Monitoring to measure and analyze the system's performance. We also
explore techniques for identifying and resolving performance bottlenecks.
Quality assurance involves monitoring and improving the overall quality of the software.
In this section, we discuss the quality assurance process for the offline invoice
generator. We explore techniques such as code reviews, static code analysis, and
continuous integration to maintain code quality and detect potential issues early in the
development cycle. Additionally, we emphasize the importance of bug tracking systems
to capture, prioritize, and resolve issues identified during testing.
8.8 Summary
The testing and quality assurance chapter concludes with a summary of the key aspects
discussed. We highlight the importance of testing and quality assurance in ensuring the
functionality, reliability, and user satisfaction of the offline invoice generator. We discuss
the test planning and strategy, unit testing, integration testing, system testing,
performance testing, and quality assurance and bug tracking processes. This summary
provides a comprehensive overview of the testing and quality assurance efforts in the
development of the application.
In this section, we discuss the deployment process of the offline invoice generator. We
outline the necessary steps to prepare the application for deployment, including code
compilation, generating the APK (Android Package) file, and signing the application with
the appropriate certificates. We also explore different deployment options, such as
publishing the application on Google Play Store or distributing it directly to users.
Providing ongoing user support and maintenance is essential for the smooth operation
of the offline invoice generator. In this section, we discuss the strategies for handling
user support requests, such as setting up a support email or ticketing system. We also
explore the importance of regularly updating the application to address bug fixes,
security vulnerabilities, and compatibility issues with new Android versions. Additionally,
we emphasize the significance of collecting user feedback and incorporating it into
future updates.
Data backup and recovery mechanisms are critical to protect user data in case of any
unforeseen events or data loss. In this section, we discuss the implementation of data
backup and recovery strategies for the offline invoice generator. We explore options
such as local device backups, cloud storage integration, or synchronization with other
devices. We also emphasize the importance of regularly testing the backup and
recovery mechanisms to ensure their effectiveness.
Monitoring the performance and usage of the offline invoice generator is vital for
identifying potential issues and making data-driven decisions. In this section, we discuss
the implementation of monitoring and analytics tools for the application. We explore
options such as crash reporting tools, user behavior tracking, and performance
monitoring to gather insights on application usage, performance bottlenecks, and user
engagement. This data can be used to optimize the application and improve user
9.7 Summary
The deployment and maintenance chapter concludes with a summary of the key
aspects discussed. We highlight the deployment process, release management, user
support and maintenance, data backup and recovery, monitoring and analytics, and
continuous improvement efforts in the development and maintenance of the offline
invoice generator. This summary provides a comprehensive overview of the deployment
and maintenance processes involved in the application.
In this section, we provide a brief summary of the offline invoice generator project. We
highlight the main objectives of the project, the features implemented, and the benefits
of the application. We also discuss the technology stack used in the development
process, including Android Kotlin and Room Database.
In this section, we evaluate the offline invoice generator project in terms of its success
in meeting the project objectives and requirements. We discuss the effectiveness of the
application in addressing the challenges faced by small businesses in generating
invoices and the impact of the application on improving their workflow and efficiency.
In this section, we outline the potential future work that could be done to improve and
expand the functionality of the offline invoice generator application. We discuss possible
features to add, such as integration with external accounting software, support for
multiple languages and currencies, and synchronization with cloud storage platforms.
10.4 Conclusion
The conclusion summarizes the key aspects of the project, including its objectives,
features, benefits, and potential for future work. We emphasize the importance of the
offline invoice generator application for small businesses, particularly those without
access to reliable internet connectivity or technical expertise. We also highlight the
significance of using modern development technologies, such as Android Kotlin and
Room Database, to create robust and user-friendly applications.
Appendix A: Glossary
This appendix provides a glossary of terms and acronyms used throughout the report. It
serves as a reference for readers to understand the specific terminology associated with
the offline invoice generator project.
This appendix includes the detailed database schema for the offline invoice generator. It
provides a visual representation of the structure and relationships between different
tables in the Room Database, including the profile_table and invoice_items table
discussed in Chapter 3
Appendix C: Code Snippets
This appendix presents relevant code snippets from the implementation of the offline
invoice generator. It includes snippets of key functions, classes, or modules that
demonstrate important aspects of the application's functionality or design. These code
snippets can serve as a reference for developers or readers interested in exploring the
implementation details.
Fig 11-3: Database Initialization Class
The user manual appendix provides a comprehensive guide on how to use the offline
invoice generator application. It includes step-by-step instructions, screenshots, and
explanations of various features and functionalities. The user manual appendix is
intended to help users, particularly small business owners or shopkeepers, navigate the
application effectively and make the most out of its capabilities.
This appendix contains a collection of test cases used during the testing phase of the
offline invoice generator. It includes both positive and negative test scenarios to ensure
thorough coverage of the application's functionality. Each test case provides a
description, expected result, and any relevant test data or prerequisites. The test cases
appendix serves as a reference for future testing efforts or quality assurance activities.