WRE - II 10 Aug 2024
WRE - II 10 Aug 2024
WRE - II 10 Aug 2024
unsteole zone
The steady seepage flow through an isotropic and homogeneous soil mass can be
represented by the laplacian cquation,
=0 Piezometer
Here, = low potential =Kh, H
where, K= coefficient of permeability.
h= seepage head at any point in the Suream
The above equation represents two
sets of curve which intersect cach other
orthogonally. One set of curves is
known as equipotential lines and the Impervious layer
other set of curves is known as stream
lines. ig. 11.1 Flow lines
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Sireamiines The path along which the sub-surface water flows through the
soil indicales the streamline. Every water particle traces out ils own streamline
while moving from upstream to downstream below the foundation of the hydrau
lic structue. The first streamline just follows the bottom surface of foundation of
the structure. The other streamlines trace out semi-elliptical path (Fig. 11.1).
Equipolenlial ines Every streamline possesses a certain head H (ie. the
depth of watr on upstream side). when it just eniers the soil. This hcad goes on
decreasing as it travels towards the downstream and ulümately it becomes zero.
By piczomeier tubes, it may be found that at some intermediate poini in
streaml1ine, there could be certain residual head 'h' which gets diss1pet
remain1ng length of its path. Thus, on different srcamlines there m.y
of cqual residual head 'h. II these points are joined, then a curveis
which is known as equipotential line (Fig. I1.1).
Ie AA. RR. CC. renresent the seenase flow. When the seenage water flows
e1 1! 21
Let AA, BB, CC, represent the seepage flow. When the seepage water flows
through the soil it exerts some force which is known as scepage force. The force
acts in the direction of flow.
Let us consider an element of cross-secional area as A and its length as d!.
The intensity of hydrostatic pressure on upstream face is assumed as pand that
on the downstream face as(p+dp) (Fig. I1.2). Seepage force in the irection of
flow =p dAand seepage forceagainst the flow =(p +dp) dA.
Net scepage force =pdA -(p +dp) dA =- dp-dA
The volume of element =dA-d/
Forceper unit volume dA-d! -
The force-cts tangentially to the streamline. Here, -ve sign indicates
that the pressure decreases in the direcion of fow. This force is vertical at the
exit end and it is proportional to
dh -Weir
This expresionis d!
known as the
hydraulic gradient or exit gradient. The
soil atthe exit end willremain stable if
the downward weight of the submerged
soilisgreater than the upward seepage
force. When the two forces just bal
ance each other, hen it is known as
criticalhydraulic gradient or critical
exit sradient. The critical conditin .Seepage påA
41 12 21
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Here, represents the hydraulic gradient at the exit end. When th1s grnd.
ent iscqual to the value given by (l-n) (G- ), then the gradient will be termed
s critical hydraulic gradient or criticalexit gradient. For safety. the actual exit
gradient should be within 1/4 and 1/6.
e1 :2 21 OA 0 162.67%
Bligh's Creep Theory for Seepage Flow
According to Bligh's Theory, the percolating water follows the outline of the base
of the foundation of the hydraulic structure. In other words, water creeps along the
bottom contour of the structure. The length of the path thus traversed by water is called
the length of the creep. Further, it is assumed in this theory, that the loss of head is
proportional to the length of the creep. If H, isthe total head loss botween the upstream
and the downstream, and L is the length of creep, then the loss of head per unit of creep
length (e. H/L) is called the H.G. Line ¬
hydraulic gradient. Further, Bligh
makes no distinction between 24 7
horizontal and vertical creep. Bottom - - .
of floor
Consider a section as shown in
Fig. 11.1. Let H, be the difference
of water levels between upstreamn dd
and downstream ends. (No water
is shown on d/s side in Fig. 11.1). - L
Water will seep along the bottom
00 162.67%
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b+2.(di +dh+ d)
Head losses equal to ; willoccur respectivct, in
the planes of three vertical cut offs. The hydraulic gradient line (H.G.
drawn as shown in Fig. 11.1. Line) can then be
() Safety Against Piping or Undermining. According to Bligh, the
safety against
piping can be ensured by providing sufficient creeD length. oiven hu I.=rH. wkara O D } 162.67%
() Safety Against Piping or Undermining. According to Bligh, the safety
piping can be ensured by providing sufficient creep length, given by L= CH,against
Cis Bligh'scoefficient for the soil. Different values of C for where
tabulated in Table l1.1. different types of soils are
(i) Safety against uplift pressure. The ordinätes of the H.G. line above the bottom
of the floor represent the residual uplift water head at cach
point. Say for example, ir ar
any point, the ordinate of HG. line above the bottom of the loor is 1m, then l mhead
of water will act as uplift at that point. If hmetres is this ordinate, then wzier pressure
equal to Hmetres will act at this point, and has to be counterbalanced by the weight of
the floor of thickness say t.
.. Uplift pressure =Y, h
where y., isthe unit wt. of water
Downward pressure =(Y G)
where G is the specific gravity of the floor
For equilibrium
Subtracting ton both sides, we get
(-)=(GI- )=t(G-1)
where (h-) =his the ordinate of the H.G. line above the top of the floor. (G- 1) is the
submerged specific gavity of the floor material. For concrete, Gmay be taken equal to
4 14 / 2! O O Z 162.67%
where (h -)=histhe ordinate of he H.G. line above the top of the floot. (G-1) is the
submerged specific gavity of the floor material. For concrete,Gmay be taken equal to
2.4. Hence, the thickness of the floor can be casily determined by using the equation
(11.1).This is generally increased by 33%, s0 as to allow a suitable factor of safety.
It may be mentioned that the floor thickness has to be designed according to
equation (11.1) only for the downstream floor and for the werst conditions Le. when
Maximum ordinates of H.G. line. 0ccur. The.water.standing onthe upstream floor, more
than counterbalances the uplift caused by the same water, and hence, only a nominal
floorthickness is required on the upstream side,s0 as to resist wear, impact of flowing
water, etc.
Hence, while designing aprons of bydraulic structures on Bligh's theory for :uh
surface flow, the floor thickness, is designed in accordance with the above rules, 1
sufficient length of pucca floor given by L= CH, is provided, so as to ensure a
value of bydraulic gradient.
Table 11.1. Values of Bligh's Safe Hydraulic Gradient for diferent types of Soils
Note : The hydraulic gradient, Le. H/L is then equal to 1/C. Hence, it n.
stated that the hydraulicgradient must be kept under asafe limit in order toensurc si
against piping.
Limitations of Bligh's Theory
1. Bligh made no distinction between horizontal and vertical creep.
2. Bligh's method holds good so long as the horizontal distance between
the pile
lines is greater than twice their depth.
did not explain the idea of exit gradient. The safety against undermining
3. Bligh gradient but by keeping this
cannot simply be obtained by considering a lat average
gradient well below critical.
and inner faces of sheet piles or
4. Bligh makes no distinction between outerinvestigations, the outer faces of the
the intermediate sheet pile, vhereas accordinginner
much more effective than ones. Also, intermediate sheet piles
end sheet piles are ineffective except for local redistrib. tin
outer ones are
of shorter length than the
the same proportion as cruep
5. Loss of head does not take place inlinear but follows a sne curve.
is Dot
Aso, the uplift pressure distribution necessity of providing a sheet pl
specify the absolute
6. Bligh does not essential to have a deep vertical cut off at d's e 4
end whereas it is absolutely
prevent undermining.
I Secon A.paf SI161.pdt (SEOURED) WRE-DSecton ADdt
3.0 to 1.6 3to U1.6
6. Clayey soils
Fig. 11.3
component from the point whero the4 12streamline
i )1
turns nward Far enil ni 162.67%
component from the point where the steamline tuns upward For soil grains to remain
stable, the upward component of this force should be counterbalanced by the submerged
weight of the soil grain. This force has the maximum disturbing tendency at the cxit
end, because the direction of this force at the exit point is vertically upward, and hence
full force acts as its upward component. For the soil grain to remain stable, the sub
merged weight of soil grain should be more than this upward disturbing force. The
disturbing force at any point isproportional to he gradient of pressureof water at that
point (i.e. dp/di) This gradient of pressure of water at the exit end, is called the exit
gradient. In order that the soil particles at exit remain stable, the upward pressure at
exit should be safe. In other words, the exit gradient shold be safe.
Critical Exít Gredient. This exit gradient is said to be critical, when the
disturbingforce on the grain is just cqual to the submerged weight of the grainupward
at the
exit. When afactor of safety equal to 4 or 5 is used, the exit
as safe. In other words, an exit gradient equal to to of the gradient can then be taken
critical exit gradient is
ensured, as to keep tho structure safe against piping.
The submerged weight (W) of a unit volume of soil is given as :
(l-n) (S,- 1)
where Y= unit weight ofwater.
S,=sp. gravity ofsoil paricles
n=porosity of thesoil material.
For critical conditions to occur at the cxit
F= W
where F is the upward disturbing force on the
18/21 162
For criical conditions to occur at the exit point,
where F is the upward disturbing force on the
Force F= pressure gradient atthat point =dl dh
(3)Undermining of the floor starts from the down stream end of the d/s pucca floor,
nd if not checked, it travels upstream towards the weir wall. The undermining starts
It is,
only when the exit gradient is unsafe for the subsoil on which the weir is founded.
therefore, absolutely necessary to have a reasonably deep vertical cut-off at the
( 19/21 O D } 162 67%
Undermining of the floor starts from the downstream end of the d/s pucca floor,
not checked, it travels upstream towards the weir wall. The undermining starts
and if
when the exit gradient is unsafe for the subsoil on which the weir is founded. It is,
oaly cut-off at the
therefore, absolutely necessary to have a reasonably deep vertical of. thís d/s
downstream end of the ds pucca floor toprevenu undermining. The depth
vertical cutoff is governed by two considerations i.e.
() maximum depth of scour ; (i) safe exit gradient.
While-designing-a weir downstream cutoff. fromn the maximum scoured depth
considerations is, first of all, provided, and checked for exit gradient. If a safe value of
cit gradient is not obtained, then the depth of cutoff is increased. The depth of deep
S also govermed and limited by practical considerations, as the execution of very
Culoff may be difficult or unpracticable at site.
Aweir orabarrage may fail not only due to seepage (i.e. sub-surface flow) as stated
by Bligh, but may also fail due to the surface flow. The surface flow (Le. when flood
tWaler flows over the weir crest) may cause scour, dynamic action; and in addition, will
cause uplift pressures in the jump trough (if the hydraulic jump forms on the
downstream).These uplift pressures must be investigated for various flow conditione
The maximum uplift due tÏ this dynamic action (Le. for surface flow) should then
compared with the maximum uplift under steady seepage (i.e. for sub-surface flow) .
and the maximumn of the two chosen for designing the aprons and the floors of the weirs
All these modern aspects and other details about designing weirs on permeable founda.
ions, as per the Khosla's theory, have been discussed in article 11.6.
Khosla's theory differs from Bligh's theory in all the above respects, but owing to
the simplicity, Bligh's theory is still used for design of small works. A minimum
practical thickness for the floor and a deep vertical cutoff at the downstream end is
however, always provided, in addition to the requirements of Bligh's theory. However.
onmajor works,Bligh's theory should never be used, as it would lead to expensive and
unsafe erroneous designs.