Halogen Diagnostic Set Halogen Ophthalmo-Otoscope Set: Direct Ophthalmoscope
Halogen Diagnostic Set Halogen Ophthalmo-Otoscope Set: Direct Ophthalmoscope
Halogen Diagnostic Set Halogen Ophthalmo-Otoscope Set: Direct Ophthalmoscope
- 12345FΟ - 134FO
Used for diagnosis of eye, ear, nose and throat. Used for diagnosis of eye, ear and nose.
Contents: Contents:
Halogen Ophthalmoscope BXα head Halogen Ophthalmoscope BXα head
Otoscope with 2 specula Otoscope with 2 specula
(10pcs, each of 2.5mm and 40mm, Disposable) (10pcs,each of 2.5mm and 4.0mm, Disposable)
Laryngoscope C cell battery handle
C cell battery handle Spare bulb for Ophthalmoscope
Spare bulb for Ophthalmoscope Spare bulb for Otoscope
Spare bulb for Otoscope, Laryngoscope Bulb:
Bulb: Ophthalmoscope:Model No.L-30 (3V,2W)
Ophthalmoscope:Model No.L-30 (3V,2W) Otoscope:Model No.L-69 (3V, 1.7W)
Otoscope and:Model No.L-69 (3V, 1.7W)
Laryngoscope:Model No.L-06 (3V, 0.9W)
Fiber Otoscope
- 34FΟ
Polarized Filter
While observing fundus through the ophthalmoscope, you can insert
polarizing filter both in the illumination and observation axes. By this
way, corneal reflex is minimized while maintaining observation. The
polarizing filter in the observation axis can be rotated so that an
optimum balance between brightness of visual field and amount of
corneal reflex may be achieved.
Bright Illumination
The combination of an effective condensing lens and mirror
reflection system makes the best use of brilliant halogen light Used with C cell battery handle. Used with AA cell battery handle.
source. Contents: Contents:
Halogen Ophthalmoscope BXα head Halogen Ophthalmoscope BXα head
C cell battery handle AA cell battery handle.
Wide Range of Corrective Lenses Spare bulb Spare bulb
Corrective powers range from -36D to +35D in 1D steps, ensuring Bulb: Model No. L-30 (3V, 2W) Bulb: Model No. L-30 (3V, 2W)
the sharpest focus of fundus image at all times. The corrective lens
wheel is rotatable endlessly, allowing smooth change of powers
even when the amount of change is great.
Separate Operation
for Aperture Dial and Filter Lever
The aperture dial and the filter lever are moved separately so that
all apertures can be used with a 4000K filter or a polarizing filter.
Aperture Dial
The aperture dial contains a standard aperture, a small aperture for
macula observation, a slit aperture, a concentric scale aperture and
a redfree filter aperture.
Filter Lever
With a flip of the filter lever, the 4000K filter and the polarizing filter Used with rechargeable battery. Two RC handles can be charged
can be selected. Brightness is twice as great as the battery at the same time.
operated model.
Rechargeable with Dual Desk Charger RC-Ⅱ.
Aperture Shutter Contents:
All optical systems are totally enclosed Halogen Ophthalmoscope BXα head
in the instrument head. When not in Rechargeable battery handle
use, the aperture shutter prevents dust Spare bulb
from infiltrating the head. Bulb:Model No. L-29 (4V, 3W)
Rechargeable Battery: Model No. 1000RS
Recharger: Dual Desk Charger RC-II (120V or 230V)