, Purchases and Finance Orders Issued. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------G.O.O.No. 270/GM/(Adm)/ 2003 Date: 24.07.2003 O R D E R; The erstwhile A.P.S.E. Board formulated the delegation of powers during the year 1963-1964 to various officers working in the organization. Several office orders had been issued from time to time since then to ensure smooth and efficient functioning of the organization. The APGENCO at its second Board Meeting held on 01.02.1999 has resolved to continue the delegation, authorization and other arrangements made by A.P.S.E. Board till APGENCO makes other alternate modified arrangements. During the last 40 years, there has been sizeable increase in prices of spares and consumables and cost of specialist services and higher monetary values were involved in overhauls and for day to day operation of the generating Stations. Consequent upon the sizeable increase in volume of work, involving the higher monetary values specialized nature of works in Generating Stations and keeping in view the need to ensure smooth and efficient functioning of the organization, a thorough review of the existing delegation of powers was made; Keeping in view the suggestions given by Project Heads and other officers, revised delegation of powers were drafted by Senior Officers of the Corporation and submitted to the Board for approval. 2. The whole time Directors of APGENCO have discussed the issue since May 2003 and suggested certain modifications, alterations etc., The same suggestions, modifications, alterations were carried out and revised proposals were submitted for consideration of the Board. These proposals have been discussed in the 28th Meeting of the Board of Directors of APGENCO held on 12.07.2003 and approved the revised delegation of powers to various officers including whole time Directors and CMD of the Corporation on Works, Stocks, Stores and Finance. 3. The APGENCO accordingly issues revised delegation of powers with a concept, intent and purpose of delegation in Annexure III appended to various officers, whole time Directors and CMD as indicated in Annexure I appended subject to the following conditions:1) The above powers should be exercised with due regard to economy, quality and financial propriety as in Annexure IV in all items of expenditure. 2) Contracts and estimates should not be split up into two or more items to bring within the powers of sanction/execution of any lower cadre officer.
3) i) Apart from the existing centralized items {Iron, Steel & Cement, Coal and Fuel Oils, Chemicals, Hydrogen Gas, Power Transformers, Transformer Oil, Conveyor Belts, coal Mill Liners, Coal Crusher Hammers, Grinding Media, Bearings on Rate Contract (like SKF)}, further items, if necessary, may be included as centralized items after review or as decided by the management from time to time; and ii) Head Quarters committees shall procure centralized items, Special T&P, high value items and disposal of scrap.
iii) Purchase of materials coming under centralized items can be resorted to by field engineers / officers provided. a) Materials are unexpectedly required and are not available in the stores
Procurement in such cases is limited to the immediate needs based on the works involved
Rates are not more than the last ordered rate and
Materials like steel and cements to be procured only from main producers.
Screening Committee shall be formed at each power station as suggested below for reviewing the requisitions before initiating procurement action. i. Whenever estimated value of purchase requisition is more than Rs.2 lakhs but upto Rs. 5 lakhs, a Screening Committee consists of representative of Stores (DE/Stores), DE / User and Finance (AO).
In case where the estimated value of purchase requisition is Rs. 5 lakhs and above, Screening Committee consisting of SE in charge of Stores, SAO and requisitioning Engineer (DE/User) shall do the review except the following:
Purchase requisitions of below Rs. 2 lakhs, which are reviewed by group of stores executives.
Purchase requisitions approved by Chief Engineer or Head of of Power Station (These powers are to be used sparingly) Cont..3 2
Purchase requisitions raised by the stores, for items that are approved by competent authority.
Proprietary article certificates/spares for OEM OR OES standardization /single source procurement certificate it is to be forwarded with relevant requisition which shall be approved by an authority not below the level of SE.
5) Tender committees as mentioned in Annexure II are to be constituted for procurement of materials / awarding of works. The committees will meet and examine the procedure followed in sending Enquiries, receipt of tenders, opening of tenders, evaluation of tenders and the detailed tender analysis. The minutes of this meeting of the said committee on the proposals considered by it should be approved on the same day or the next working day of the meeting. Specific mention in the minutes of the committee meeting about the non availability of similar materials in any stores (in the plants / stores concerned) shall be made. The Chief Engineer / Superintending Engineer / Divisional Engineer should place orders after said approval of the committee and after ensuring that there is budget allocation. If the recommendations of the tender committee are not acceptable to the competent authority, the reasons for non acceptance shall be fully recorded. a. It should be ensured that expenditure incurred is not in excess of sanctioned estimates and such excess as provided in the delegation of powers.
The competent authority approving a purchase / award of work as per these delegations may also approve commercial terms conditions and deviations if any from standard conditions of APGENCO.
Copies of all orders placed by the concerned officers should be sent to FA&CCA (Audit)/ VS/ Hyderabad for review at Head Quarters and to circulate a brief analytical note to the Directors, at least once in a month.
4. All the Station Heads should ensure that approved cost data / SSR for various items of work including material, labour, transport etc., is prepared as per procedures laid down and communicated to all concerned field officers for guidance in preparation of estimates and also as a guide while executing the work. Cases of excess expenditure under these heads if any, should be invariably scrutinized during inspections of senior officers.
5. The existing delegation of powers in respect of the issues not covered in the revised delegation of powers, shall be continued until further orders. 6. The Executive Directors shall exercise the powers of Functional Heads.
7. All Executive Directors, Chief Engineers, General Managers, FA&CCAs, Superintending Engineers and Deputy CCAs are requested to take action accordingly and implement these orders scrupulously. 8. These orders shall come into force with immediate effect. (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF ANDHRA PRADESH POWER GENERATION CORPORATION LIMITED ) J. PARTHASARATHY CHAIRMAN & MANAGING DIRECTOR To All Executive Directors / APGENCO All General Managers / APGENCO All Chief Engineers / APGENCO All FA&CCAs / APGENCO All Deputy CCAs / APGENCO Copy to the : Special Officer / Techl. to CMD / APGENCO DE / Techl. to Director (thermal) / APGENCO EE/Techl. to Director (Technical) / APGENCO ADE/Techl. to Director (Hydel) / APGENCO Sr. Accounts Officer to Director (Finance) / APGENCO PA to Executive Director (IS) / APGENCO PA to Executive Director (HR) / APGENCO OSD / Civil / APGENCO /VS/ Hyd. Chief of Vigilance & Security /VS/ Hyd. Addl. SP (Vigilance) //VS/ APGENCO All Divisional Engineers / APGENCO All Sr. Accounts Officers / APGENCO All Deputy Secretaries / APGENCO All Assistant Secretaries / APGENCO Company Secretary / APGENCO Pay Officer/ APGENCO /VS / Hyd. Accounts Officer (CPR) / APGENCO / VS / Hyd. Divisional Engineer / MPP / APGENCO / VS / Hyd. Stock File. // FORWARDED :: BY ORDERS //
CANONS OF FINANCIAL PROPRIETY i. ii. Expenditure should not prima facie be more than the occasion demands. Every employee should exercise same vigilance in respect of expenditure incurred from Public Moneys, as a person of ordinary prudence would exercise in respect of expenditure of his own money. No authority should exercise powers of sanctioning expenditure to pass an order, which will directly or indirectly be to its own advantage. Public money should not be utilized for the benefit of a particular person or section of the community, unless a) b) c) v. Amount of expenditure is insignificant A claim for the amount would be enforced in a Court of Law. Expenditure is in pursuance of a recognized custom or policy.
iii. iv.
Amount of allowances, such as traveling allowances granted to meet expenditure of a particular type should be so regulated that allowances are not, on the whole source of profit to the recipient.
ANNEXURE III CONCEPT, INTENT AND PURPOSE OF DELEGATION The delegation of powers has been drawn up keeping in view of the following criteria. i. The Delegation shall effectively contribute to the smooth, expeditious and efficient realization of corporations laid down goals and targets, within the policy framework set for itself. The delegation shall effectively utilize the organizational structure for realization of the purpose set out in (i) above. The Delegation shall be commensurate with the responsibilities and the status of the executives to whom the delegation has been accorded. The Delegation shall be accountable for their decisions under the delegation. The Delegation shall be subject to such controls/instructions as are conveyed from time to time to the delegates in general or in particular. As the delegation is meant for smooth execution of the work and expeditious realization of corporate goals, any constraint or impediment in this direction shall promptly be brought up by the concerned and reviewed by the Competent Authority to remedy the same. An interpretation placed on the delegation shall take into account the intent, purpose and concept behind the delegation, viz. to execute the work in a manner which is smooth (i.e. not causing any disturbance or dislocation in the course of execution), effective (i.e. cost effective, being the best possible alternate at least possible cost) and expeditious (i.e. ensure timely quickest possible realization of the objective without any hindrance or impediment) The delegation is also based on the concept of centralized policy making and decentralized execution. In respect of powers delegated up to the level of concerned Director and in matters of extreme urgency i.e. when in the absence of decision/sanction/ approval, the company is likely to be put to a loss of revenue, disadvantage, embarrassment, increase in expenditure directly or indirectly and the concerned authority is not available to accord approval the next lower level authority may exercise the power after recording the fact of urgency and of the non availability of the higher authority. The decision / sanction / approval shall however, be shown promptly to the concerned higher official for post facto approval. This shall not however apply to modification in terms of payment and payment to contractors. The financial powers shall always be exercised with due observance of canons of financial propriety, which are enumerated in the Annexure IV. Care may be taken to ensure that awards are not split only for the purpose of brining the same within the powers of a particular Executive.
viii. ix.
S.E. Level Committee: (for Generating stations headed by SE) a. S.E. incharge of the Station b. S.E. to be nominated by concerned CE c. D.E. who has requisitioned d. D.E. incharge of Stores e. SAO/AO of the Station C.E. Level Committee: (for Generating stations headed by CE) i) L.P.C. (Rs. 15 lakhs and below): a. b. c. d. ii) C.E. incharge of the Station S.E. who has requisitioned S.E. incharge of Stores Dy CCA / SAO of the Station
H.P.C. (Rs. 15 lakhs to Rs, 50 lakhs) a. C.E. incharge of the Station b. Another C.E. at the Station Head Quarters or to be nominated by concerned Director. c. S.E. who has requisitioned d. S.E. incharge of Stores e. Dy CCA / SAO of the Station
C.E. at the Head Quarters a. Concerned C.E. b. C.E. to be nominated by concerned Director c. S.E. who has initiated the purchases at Head Quarters d. Dy. CCA / Accounts Director Level Committee a. Concerned Director b. Director to be nominated by CMD c. Concerned C.E. d. S.E. who has initiated purchases at the Head Quarters e. ED (Finance ) FA & CCA/ Accounts Chairman & MD Level Committee a. Chairman & MD b. Concerned Director c. Director (Finance) d. C.E. who has initiated purchases at Head Quarters SPC at Corporate Level: Chairman & MD and all full time Directors
The date and time of the Tender Committee Meeting shall be fixed by the competent authority and in case if it is not held for any reason on that date, the same has to be held within next two days with the requisite quorum of three Members.
ANNEXURE I REVISED DELEGATION OF POWERS Sl.No. 1 1.10 Nature of Power WORKS Administrative approval of all capital works included in the Approved Budget. SPC Full Powers CMD Upto Rs. 200.00 lakhs subject to the recommendation of concerned Director Concerned Director Upto Rs. 100.00 lakhs subject to recommendation of CE / concerned CE \ GM or equivalent Upto Rs. 50.00 lakhs subject to the recommendation of SE Dt.12-7-2003 SE \ DGM or DE \ MANAGER equivalent or equivalent Upto Rs. 15.00 Upto Rs. 2.00 lakhs lakhs Remarks
Full Powers
To sanction excess over authorization of all capital works not involving material alteration in design/scope of the project
Full Powers
Upto 25% subject to total estimate not exceeding powers in (1.10) above
Upto 20% subject to total estimate not exceeding powers in (1.10) above
Upto 15% subject to total estimate not exceeding powers in (1.10) above
Upto 10% subject to total estimate not exceeding powers in (1.10) above
Can accept minor technical deviations not having financial affect in execution.
Sl.No. 1.13
Nature of Power Accord technical Sanction to detailed estimates of works covered by authorization --
SPC --
CMD --
Concerned Director
SE \ DGM or equivalent Full Powers for the works costing upto 15.00 lakhs
DE \ MANAGER or equivalent Full Powers for the works costing upto 2 .00 lakhs.
Remarks Technical Sanction of estimates may be accorded only after administrative approval.
Full Powers
Full Powers upto 25% of the contract value subject to a maximum limit of Rs. 200.00 lakhs
Upto 20% of the contract value or Rs. 100.00 lakhs whichever is less
Upto 15% of the contract value or Rs. 50.00 lakhs whichever is less
Upto 15% of the contract value or Rs. 15.00 lakhs whichever is less
Upto 10% of the contract value or Rs. 2.00 lakhs whichever is less
Revised estimate shall be got sanctioned wherever the actual exceed 10% of contract value.
Sl.No. a)
CMD Full Powers upto Rs.200.00 lakhs and excess is not more than 15% of the sanctioned estimate.
Concerned Director Full Powers upto Rs.100.00 lakhs and excess is not more than 15% of the sanctioned estimate.
GE\ GM or equivalent Full Powers upto Rs.50.00 lakhs and excess is not more than 10% of the sanctioned estimate.
SE \ DGM or equivalent Full Powers upto Rs.15.00 lakhs and excess is not more than 10% of the sanctioned estimate.
DE \ MANAGER or equivalent Full Powers upto Rs.2.00 lakhs and excess is not more than 5% of the sanctioned estimate.
Limited Tenders
upto lakhs
upto lakhs
Concrete reasons are to be recorded. Powers are to be used sparingly in case of emergencies and Specialized works only.
If the tender other than the lowest is to be accepted. If necessary after conducting negotiations in case of urgency.
Full Powers upto Rs.100.00 lakhs and excess is not more than 15% of the sanctioned estimate.
Full Powers upto Rs.50.00 lakhs and excess is not more than 15% of the sanctioned estimate.
Full Powers upto Rs.10.00 lakhs and excess is not more than 10% of the sanctioned estimate.
Full Powers upto Rs.2.00 lakhs and excess is not more than 10% of the sanctioned estimate.
Sl.No. d)
Nature of Power If only one tender is received and it is not considered necessary to reinvite tenders and follow up negotiations are not considered necessary
CMD Full Powers upto Rs.50.00 lakhs and excess is not more than 15% of the sanctioned estimate.
Concerned Director Full Powers upto Rs.25.00 lakhs and excess is not more than 15% of the sanctioned estimate.
CE\ GM or equivalent Full Powers upto Rs.5.00 lakhs and excess is not more than 10% of the sanctioned estimate.
SE \ DGM or equivalent Upto Rs.1.00 lakh 5% excess over with technically sanctioned estimate.
DE \ MANAGER or equivalent --
Awarding of contracts on nomination if tenders are not received even after two calls.
Awarding of contracts on nomination without inviting tenders in case of emergency both for original and repair works.
Sl.No. 1.18
Nature of Power Annual maintenance and repairs of Buildings/Roads/ Station Equipment / Plant and Machinery, and other works
Concerned Director
CE\ GM or equivalent
SE \ DGM or equivalent
DE \ MANAGER or equivalent
Building and Roads: Residential, Non residential Buildings, Roads, special repair, additions and alterations and ordinary repairs.
Full Powers
Upto lakh
Maintenance, Repairs, Servicing of earth moving and Heavy Haulage equipment, like tractors, cranes, locos, Fire tenders, bull dozers etc.
Full Powers
Upto lakh
Sl.No. C)
Nature of Power Maintenance and repairs of plant and Machinery (Exclusive of cost of spares and replacement parts)
Maintenance and repairs of Motor vehicles, other equipment, Plant and Machinery. Replacement of parts (Special Repairs) Full Powers 1) Jeep/Car Rs.1.00 lakh 2) All types of vans and mini buses Rs.2.00 lakhs 3) Lorry / Bus Rs.4.00 lakhs 1) Jeep/Car Rs.75,000/2) All types of vans and mini buses Rs.1.50 lakhs 3) Lorry / Bus Rs.2.00 lakhs 1) Jeep/Car Rs.50,000/2) All types of vans and mini buses Rs.75,000/3) Lorry / Bus Rs.1.00 lakhs 1) Jeep/Car Rs.30,000/2) All types of vans and mini buses Rs.50,000/3) Lorry / Bus Rs.60,000/1) Jeep/Car Rs.15,000/2) All types of vans and mini buses Rs.20,000/3) Lorry / Bus Rs.25,000/-
Full Powers
Full Powers
Nature of Power
CE\ GM or
SE \ DGM or
Director F) Write off and approve survey reports in respect of unserviceable vehicles and Earth moving machinery like dozers, Locos, Fire tenders tractor Trailors etc. and T&P Articles. ----
Annual servicing contracts for equipment with the suppliers or their authorized agencies
Full Powers
-1.19 Grant of extension of time beyond stipulated period for execution of contracts -Full Powers Full Powers for works approved by him or lower authority Full Powers for the works approved by him or lower authority 50% of the agreement period for the works accepted by him
Sl.No. 1.20
SPC --
CMD ---
Concerned Director --
GE\ GM or equivalent
Remarks Full Powers to the agreement concluding authority after approval of supplementa l items by the competent authority.
Full Powers
Upto Rs.50,000/-
Full Powers
Upto Rs.50,000/-
Upto Rs.20,000/-
Note :
The existing powers of ADEs for Chit Agreements upto Rs. 2500/- and repairs of vehicles upto Rs. 1000/- may also be enhanced up to Rs. 5000/- and Rs. 2000/- respectively.
The above powers shall be exercised by the tender committees formed at Stations and Head Quarters as given in the Annexure.II.
Sl.No. 2. 2.10
Nature of Power STOCKS & STORES To sanction and purchase of Stocks / Stores for works/ O&M Materials relevant to construction/ Operation / Plant & Machinery / Electrical equipment including spares and computer related equipment**
Concerned Director
** Like purchase of a) Computers b) Servers c) Printers d) Network equipment e) Computer related accessories f) UPS g) Computer furniture h) Software, i) Software development ii) Proprietary articles Full
(With the general approval of Executive Director/ Information Systems or through Executive Director / Information Systems)
Sl.No. iii)
Nature of Power Tools, Scientific, Survey, Laboratory equipment, computer related items like a) AMC of computers, network equipment, UPS & other computer related equipment, b) consumables, c) stationery, d) spares, e) lease line payment f) Internet connectivity payments g) training h) consultation charges i) faculty management charges j) data entry charges. Medical & Hospital stores Office equipment, Furniture and consumables. To Incur expenditure in respect of any matter for which no specific authority has been provided.
SPC Full
Remarks (with the general approval of Executive Director / Information Systems or through Executive Director / Information Systems for Computer related items).
iv) v) vi)
(Justification shall be sent immediately to the next higher authority for incurring the expenditure).
Sl.No. 2.11
Nature of Power To purchase on DGS&D Contract rates/ specific or calling rates approved by the company without calling for tenders To purchase outside DGS&D rate contract in respect of the material available against rate contract items at the same or lower rates than those prevailing under rates contract on conditions which are not less favorable than those of DS&D rate contract Acceptance of tenders where more than one valid tender is received If the tender is lowest a) Open Tenders
Concerned Director
GE\ GM or equivalent
SE \ DGM or equivalent
DE \ MANAGER or equivalent
b) Limited Tenders ii) If a tender other than the lowest is to be accepted (Reasons to be recorded) Open Tenders Purchase of Proprietary items a) Government & PSU b) OEM (Private)
Upto Rs.50,000/-
Upto Rs.50,000/-
(For accepting other than the lowest tender, monthly return of such cases shall be sent to next higher authority with copy to FA&CCA/ Audit).
Concerned Director
To place repeat order provided there is not downward trend in prices subject to budgetary provision and over all powers vested with the purchase authority. a) Emergency / casual Purchases (reasons to be recorded) b) Short term lending / borrowing and emergency / purchase of materials and equipment with centre / State Govt. & Govt. controlled organizations a) To declare stores as surplus / unserviceable to fix resale , reserve price for them and order disposal by open Tender or other-wise difficult to dispose off at book value.
Upto Rs.250 lakhs Upto 50% of the original order approved by itself
Upto Rs. 50 lakhs Upto 50% of the original order approved by himself
Upto Rs. 25 lakhs Upto 50% of the original order approved by himself Full
Upto Rs.5 lakhs Upto 50% of the original order approved by himself Upto Rs. 20,000/Upto Rs.15 lakhs
Upto Rs.2.00 lakhs Upto 50% of the original order approved by himself Upto Rs. 10,000/Upto Rs.5.00 lakhs
DE \ MANAGER or equivalent --
(Reasons to be recorded).
Upto 50% of the original order approved by himself Upto Rs. 5,000/Upto Rs. 1 lakh (Salvage committee to be appointed at every station consisting of SE (user dept.), SAO, Divisional Engineer / Store other SE to be coopted)
Sl.No. B)
Nature of Power T0 declare stores as surplus / unserviceable to fix resale, reserve price for them and order disposal by open tender or otherwise difficult to dispose off at book value for T&P articles.
SPC Full
Remarks (Salvage committee to be appointed at every station consisting of SE (user dept.), SAO, DE /Stores other SE to be co-opted).
Sanction of sale of stores other than tools and plant and controlled articles at issue rates plus storage, supervision and handling charges or at market rates which ever is higher without detrimental to works (against payment)
(Salvage committee to be appointed at every station consisting of SE (user dept.), SAO, DE / StoreS other SE to be co-opted)
Sl.No. 2.16
Nature of Power To sanction expenditure on transport of materials by the i) Cheapest mode shortest route;
Concerned Director
ii) Other than the cheapest mode/ shortest route for reasons to be recorded. 2.17 To award contract for loading ,unloading, transport and handling of materials based on tenders Purchase of stationery, drawing materials, printed forms, printed book, logbook, charts for recorder etc. Upto Rs.5.00 Crores
Sl.No. 2.19
Nature of Power A) Authorizing expenditure demurrages or whargage charges a) Railways b) Other than Railways of
Concerned Director
Sale of scrap
Nature of Power 3 3.10 FINANCE To Open account/s with Bank/s to operate on such accounts, to make sign, draw, accept, endorse or other wise execute cheques, promissory notes, drafts, hundies, orders bills of exchange, bills of lading and other negotiable instruments and to give receipts, release and other discharges for moneys payable to the company and for claims / demands of the company.
Concerned Director --
Full Powers
Full Powers
Full Powers
Opening of Bank accounts should be with the permission of the committee of two Directors consisting of Director (Finance). -
To determine from time to time who shall be entitled to sign companys behalf bills, notes receipts, acceptances, endorsements cheques, dividend warrants, release, contracts documents and to give the necessary for such purpose Sanction of compensation for damages to crops cutting of valuable or fruit bearing trees, involved in construction works Scrutiny by Full Powerrs
Full Powers
Upto Rs.50,000/-
Upto Rs.10,000/-
Director/ Finance
Dy. CCA/SAO Upto Rs.5 Lakhs p.a. in each case FA&CCA concerned Full Powers
b) Sanction of re-appropriation between the units with in the same head of expenditure of O&M budget
Nature of Power 3.14 To take on lease or other wise required for the company any property rights or privileges a) Upto 5 yers b)More than 5 year
Concerned Director
Full Powers
Scrutiny by To take over land & Buildings i) Where acquired through Govt. Revenue authorities ii) Through negotiations
Full Powers Sanction by the concerned director with concurrence of Director (F) Director /Finance
FA&CCA (Audit)
Full Powers
Compensation amount not to exceed upto Rs.10 lakhs A committee consists of C.E. of concerned unit. S.E. from HQRs SAO of the Field unit
Compensation amount not to exceed upto Rs.5 lakhs A committee consists of S.E. of concerned unit. D.E. HQRs AND SAO/AO of the Field unit
Nature of Power 3.16 a) To make deposits / payments to Governments / Statutory Local bodies as per statutory requirements b) Other Agencies To accept certificate of payment in lieu of missing voucher where payment was made by crossed cheque/D.D. To accept certificate of payments in the time of missing voucher where payments was made by cash
Full Powers
Concerned Director Upto Rs.5 lakhs p.a Rs. 50,000 in each case Upto Rs.2 lakhs p.a Rs. 25,000 in each case Upto Rs.1 lakhs p.a Rs. 5,000 in each case Upto Rs.2 lakhs p.a Rs. 5,000 in each case
Due to theft, fraud or negligence Due to irrecoverable rents / hire charges / debts / loans / advances Any amount due to the corporation such as bills receivable from supplier, rent, hospital dues etc., becoming irrecoverable Irrecoverable amounts dues from employees and ex-employees Small irrecoverable amounts including small irrecoverable amounts from the accounts of contractors Transit Losses of Coal Windage losses of coal
Upto Rs.10 lakhs p.a Rs. 1 Lakh in each case Upto Rs.10 lakhs p.a Rs. 1 Lakh in each case Upto Rs.5 lakhs p.a Rs. 50,000 in each case Upto Rs.10 lakhs p.a Rs. 50,000 in each case
Upto Rs.2 lakhs p.a Rs. 20,000 in each case Upto Rs.50,000/- p.a Rs. 10,000 in each case Upto Rs.25,000/- p.a Rs. 2,500/- in each case Upto Rs.1 lakhs p.a Rs. 2,500 in each case
Upto Rs.5 lakhs p.a Rs. 50,000 in each case Upto Rs.50,000/- in each case
Upto Rs.2 lakhs p.a Rs. 5,000 in each case Upto Rs.20,000/- in each case
Upto Rs.1 lakhs p.a Rs. 2,500 in each case Upto Rs.10,000/- in each case
G) H)
More then 2% & upto 3% More then 0.6% & upto 1.2%
3.20 A) B)
Settlement of claims against the corporation from any cause not specifically provided for in the powers delegated Mode of payments Operating of Letter of Credits (L/C) Negotiation of documents through Banks for indigenous supplies and services Appointment of Tax Consultants / internal / Tax auditors / and experts in accountancy company law, costing and financial management etc., for consultancy services approval of their fees All types of administrative and general expenses of relevant nature not covered under other items (Contingencies Liveries, Uniforms, safety items
Concerned Director
Upto Rs.50,000/
Upto Rs.5,000/-
a) Sanction of imprest
Full powers
Full powers for purchases with in his jurisdiction Full Powers with in his jurisdiction as per rules
Full powers for purchases with in his jurisdiction Full Powers with in his jurisdiction as per rules
Full powers
Full Powers for payment of legal fee as per Govt. approved scales to legal councils
c) Upto Rs. 50,000/each case by Head quarters CE/FA&CCA for tender notices / advertisement Full Powers as per rules
CMD 3.28 a) Sanction of postage, freight, demurrage, wharfage, loading, unloading and other contigent charges other than coal.
b) Insurance
c) Custom duty
Full powers CE / head quarters will deal with main plant & machinery Full Powers
SE\Dy.CCA Upto Rs.10,000/in each except demurrage and wharfage. Full Powers
Full Powers
Full Powers
Full Powers
CMD 3.29 Purchase of Office equipment like Clocks Time Pieces, Rubber stamps and Other Articles of Office equipment based on quotations wherever feasible Articles and equipment for Guest Houses, Project Hostels, Inspection Bungalow etc., based on quotations wherever feasible.
Full Powers
a) Initial expenses Upto Rs.5 Lakhs in each case b) Replacement and renewals upto Rs.1,00,000/- p.a. per building
Full Powers
b) Deceased employee
a) Full powers in respect of employees working under their control till the end of academic year b) 3 months from the date of death extendable to 6 months in special cases.
Concerned Director
Cheque drawing
Full Powers
Full Powers
Concerned Director
DE/EE/SAO SAO Full Powers AO Upto Rs.1,00,000/AAO Upto Rs.25,000/Upto Rs. Rs.500/at tme
Full powers
Full powers
Remarks Entries for accounting, rectification etc. without involving any financial commitment
CMD 3.36 Authorization and approval of Tour Programme a) Within his jurisdiction b) within the state
Concerned Director
Full powers
c) within the India d) Abroad 3.37 Authorising staff and executives under them to travel on official tours by a higher class / mode to which they are not entitled under TA rules. Counter signatures of T.A. Bills / Medicals and other bills
Full powers
Full powers
Full powers
Full powers
Full powers
A.O. & A.A.0 can counter sign T.A. bills and other bills subject to approval of tour diaries etc., by competent authority A.O. can exercise similar powers.
1. G.O.O.No. 270/GM(A)/2003, dated 24.07.2003 2. Minutes of the 73rd Board Meeting of the Company held on 16.4.2008
ORDER: After careful consideration, the following amendment is issued to the G.O.O.No. 270/GM(A)/2003, dated 24.07.2008 AMENDMENT Chairman Level Committee is created with the following members. a) Chairman b) Managing Director c) Director Finance d) Concerned Director e) The concerned Chief Engineer.
2) Consequent on assumption of charge by Sri S.V.Prasad; IAS as whole time Director and Chairman of the Company, the following powers are delegated to the Chairman/APGENCO. Powers now delegated to Chairman (Rs.Lakhs 300 200 150
Nature of Power Ref: G.O.O.No. 270/GM(A)/2003, dated 24.07.2008 Administrative approval of all capital works in the Approved Budget Administrative approval of all capital works not included in the Budget Approval of extra or deviated items (Supplemental items) Acceptance of tenders for works when competitive tenders are invited If the acceptable tender is the lowest Limited tenders If the tender other than the lowest is to be accepted. If necessary after conducting negotiations in case of urgency. If only one tender is received and it is not considered necessary to re-invite tenders and follow up negotiations are not considered necessary.
1.16 1.17
G) 2.10 i)
ii) iii)
2.12 i)
Awarding of contract on nomination if tenders are not received even after two calls Awarding of contracts on nomination without inviting tenders in case of emergency both for original and repair works Annual maintenance and repairs of Building / Roads/ Station equipment / Plant and Machinery, and other works Building and Roads: Residential, Non residential Buildings, Roads special repairs, additions and alterations and ordinary repairs Maintenance, Repairs Servicing of earth moving and Heavy Haulage equipment, like tractors, cranes, locos, Fire tenders, bulldozers etc., Maintenance and repairs of plant and Machinery (Exclusive of cost of spares and replacement parts) Annual servicing contracts for equipment with the suppliers or their authorized agencies. To sanction and purchase of Stocks/Stores for works/O&M Materials relevant to construction / Operation / Plant & Machinery / Electrical equipment including spares and computer related equipment like purchase of Computers, Servers, Printers, Network equipment, Computer related accessories, UPS, Computer furniture, Software, Software development, Cranes, Ambulances, School buses, Lorries, Vehicles under various projects Proprietary articles Tools , Scientific , Survey, Laboratory equipment, computer related items like a) AMC of Computers, network equipment, b) consumables, c) Stationery, d)spares, e) lease line payment, f) Internet connectivity payment, g) training h) consultation charges i) faculty management charges j) data entry charges. Medical & Hospital stores Office equipment, Furniture and consumables. To incur expenditure in respect of any matter for which no specific authority has been provided. b) To purchase outside DGS&D rate contract in respect of the material available against rate contract items at the same or lower rates than those prevailing under rates contract on conditions which are not less favorable than those DGS&D rate contract. Acceptance of tenders where more than one valid tender is received. If the tender is the lowest a) Open Tenders b) Limited Tenders If a tenders other than the lowest is to be accepted (Reasons to be recorded) Open Tenders Purchase of Proprietary items a) Government & PSU b) OEM (Private)
70 40
150 70
70 40 30 3 Crores
3 Crores 70 Lakhs
B) 2.14
Single tender (branded material) b) Short term lending / borrowing and emergency / purchase of materials and equipment with center / State Govt., & Govt., controlled organizations a) To declare stores as surplus / Unserviceable to fix resale, reserve price for them and order disposal by open Tender or other-wise difficult to dispose off at book value. To declare stores as surplus / unserviceable to fix resale, reserve price for them and order disposal by open tender or otherwise difficult to dispose off at book value for T & P article To sanction expenditure on transport of materials by the i) Cheapest mode shortest route: ii) Other than the cheapest mode / shortest route for reasons to be recorded To award contract for loading, unloading, transport and handling of materials based on tenders Sale of scrap Write Off powers Due to obsolescence
40 Lakhs
1 Crore 70 Lakhs 1.50 crores 3 crores 15 lakhs per annum. Rs. 1 lakh in each case 15 lakhs per annum. Rs. 1 lakh in each case 6 lakhs per annum. Rs. 50 thousand in each case 10 lakhs per annum. Rs. 50 thousand in each case 6 lakhs per annum Rs. 50 thousand in each case 6 lakhs per annum Rs. 50 thousand in each case 6 lakhs
Any amount due to the corporation such as bills receivable from supplier , rent, hospital dues etc., becoming irrecoverable
Small irrecoverable amounts including small irrecoverable amounts from the accounts of contracts, Settlement of claims against the corporation from any cause not specifically provided for in the powers delegated Appointment of Tax Consultants / Tax auditors ad experts in accountancy company law, costing and financial management etc., for consultancy services approval of their fees.
6 lakhs
All types of administrative and general expenses of relevant nature not covered under o\other items (Contingencies)
3. It is ordered that the Managing Director is authorized to nominate any director in Director level Committee. 4. It is ordered that in Chairman Level Committee, Stores Purchase Level Committee, Borrowing Committee and Employees Promotions (DPC) Committee the Chairman is authorized to chair the committee meetings. 5. It is ordered that the specifications relating to the works that are above Managing Director Level Committee should be circulated to Chairman. 6. It is further ordered that the Managing Director is authorized to look after day to day business of the organization under the guidance of whole time Directors and the supervision of Chairman. 7. It is ordered that the transfers and postings of Divisional Engineers and above level executives, the files should be circulated to Chairman. 8. It is further ordered that the purchase proposals should be routed through FA&CCA (Accounts), if the limits are within the Directors powers and through Director (Finance), if it is above the Directors powers. 9. These orders shall come into force with immediate effect.
AJAY JAIN MANAGING DIRECTOR To: All the Chief General Managers / APGENCO All the Chief Engineers / APGENCO All the FA&CCAs / APGENCO All Superintending Engineers / APGENCO All Dy.CCS/ APGENCO Copy to the: PS to Chairman/ APGENCO DE/ADE(T)EE(T)PO to all Director / APGENCO SAO to Director (Finance) / APGENCO Joint Secretary (Per) / APGENCO PA to ED(IS) ED(Coal) / APGENCO Chief of Vigilance & Security / APGENCO Company Secretary / APGENCO/V.S./HYD All Deputy Secretaries /Asst, Secy. / APGENCO Pay Officer & AO /CPR / APGENCO / V.S./HYD DE/MPP/APGENCO/V.S./HYD C.No.JS(P) /DS(A)(P-T)/PO.D2/918A/2003 / / FORWARDED BY ORDER / / PERSONNEL OFFICER
1. G.O.O.No. 270/GM(A)/2003, dated 24.07.2003 2. G.O.O.No. 251/GM(A)/2004, dated 25.08.2004 3. Minutes of the 73rd Board Meeting of the Company held on 16.4.2008
ORDER: After careful consideration, the following amendment is issued to the G.O.O.No. 251/GM (A)/2004, dated 25.08.2004 AMENDMENT For the words occurring in G.O.O.No. 251/GM (A)/2004, dated 25.08.2004 Sl.No. Nature of Power Powers now delegated to Managing Director (Rs. Lakhs) 75
Shall be read as Sl.No. Nature of Power Powers now delegated to Managing Director (Rs. Lakhs) 125
The other conditions mentioned in the above G.O.O shall remain unchanged.
AJAY JAIN MANAGING DIRECTOR To: All the Chief General Managers / APGENCO All the Chief Engineers / APGENCO All the FA&CCAs / APGENCO All Superintending Engineers / APGENCO All Dy.CCS/ APGENCO
Copy to the: PS to Chairman/ APGENCO PS to MD/APGENCO DE/ADE (T) EE (T) PO to all Director / APGENCO SAO to Director (Finance) / APGENCO Joint Secretary (Per) / APGENCO PAs to ED (IS) ED (Coal) / APGENCO Chief of Vigilance & Security / APGENCO Company Secretary / APGENCO/V.S./HYD All Deputy Secretaries /Asst, Secy. / APGENCO Pay Officer & AO /CPR / APGENCO / V.S./HYD DE/MPP/APGENCO/V.S./HYD C.No.JS (P) /DS (A)(P-T)/PO.D2/918A/2003 / / FORWARDED BY ORDER / / PERSONNEL OFFICER
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
G.O.O.No. 270/GM(A)/2003, dated 24.07.2003 Circular No.CMD/SO(T)F.PC/D114/2003,dtd.01.10.2003 G.O.O.No. 251/GM(A)/2004, dated 25.08.2004 G.O.O.No. 492/CGM(A)/2004, dated 15.02.2005 Report of the committee constituted to study the existing procedures and fixing up of time limit for tender processing in the meeting held on 13.06.05. G.O.O.No. 170/CGM(A)/2005, dated 4.08.2005 G.O.O.No. 487/CGM(A)/2006, dated 08.01.2007
After careful consideration, the G.O.O.No. 487/CGM (A)/2006, dated 08.01.2007 has been withdrawn with retrospective effect. 2. The following Amendment is issued to G.O.O.No. 170/CGM (A)/2005, dated AMENDMENT The Clauses 4.0 & 5.0 mentioned in G.O.O.No. 170 /GM (A)/2005, dated 04.08.2005 Are omitted and the following may be added asCaluse 4.0 4) Administrative approvals of technical specifications, prequalification criteria & technical bids Value SPC MD Concerned Director, Director (Finance)& MD Above lakhs Rs.100 Concerned Director Concerned CE 4.08.2005
Up to Rs.50 lakhs
3. The other terms and conditions mentioned on G.O.O.No.170/CGM (A) 2005, DT. 04.08.2005 including Annexure to the G.O.O. shall remain unaltered. P. SHYAM BABU CHIEF GENERAL MANAGER (Adm) To: All the Chief Engineers / APGENCO All the Chief General Managers / APGENCO All Superintending Engineers / APGENCO Copy to the: All the FA&CCAs // All the Deputy CCAs/APGENCO PS to Chairman/ PS to Managing Director /APGENCO PS to Director (Thermal) // ADE / Techl. To Director (Hydel) /APGENCO EE/ Techl. To Director (Technical) / / ADE Techl. To Director (Projects)/APGENCO SAO to Director //(Finance) // PO to Director Commercial / APGENCO Joint Secretary (Per) // Company Secretary / APGENCO PAs to Executive Director (IS) Executive Director (Coal) / APGENCO All Divisional Engineers // Executive Engineers / APGENCO All Deputy Secretaries // Asst. Secretaries / APGENCO Chief of Vigilance & Security / APGENCO / Pay Officer // Accounts Officer (CPR) // Divisional Engineer (MPP) APGENCO/
Stock File / Spare C.No.CGM (Adm) / DS (Adm) ASD (P-T) //PO.D3/918A/2003 / / FORWARDED BY ORDER / / PERSONNEL OFFICER
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
G.O.O.No. 270/GM(A)/2003, dated 24.07.2003 Circular No.CMD/SO(T)F.PC/D114/2003,dtd.01.10.2003 G.O.O.No. 251/GM(A)/2004, dated 25.08.2004 G.O.O.No. 492/CGM(A)/2004, dated 15.02.2005 Report of the committee constituted to study the existing procedures and fixing up of time limit for tender processing in the meeting held on 13.06.05. 6. G.O.O.No. 170/CGM(A)/2005, dated 4.08.2005
After careful consideration, the APGENCO issues the following amendment to G.O.O.No. 170/CGM(A)/2005, dated 04.08.2005 AMENDMENT The following amendment is issued to G.O.O.No. 170/CGM (A)/2005, dated 04.08.2005 The entire clause 4.10 issued in G.O.O.No. 170/CGM (A)/2005, dated 04.08.2005 is omitted and the clause 4.10 issued in G.O.O.No. 492/CGM (A)/2005, dated 15.02.2005 is restored 2. The other guidelines / conditions mentioned in G.O.O.No.170/CGM (A)/2005, dated 04.08.2005 shall remain unchanged / unaltered.
P. SHYAM BABU CHIEF GENERAL MANAGER (ADM) To: All the Chief General Managers / APGENCO All the Chief Engineers / APGENCO All Superintending Engineers / APGENCO Copy to the: All the FA&CCAs // APGENCO All the Dy. CCAs // APGENCO PS to Chairman/ APGENCO PS to MD/ APGENCO
DE /ADE (T) EE (T) /PO to all Directors / APGENCO SAO to Director (Finance)/APGENCO Joint Secretary (Per)/APGENCO Pas to ED (IS) ED (Coal)/APGENCO Chief of Vigilance & Security /APGENCO Company Secretary /APGENCO All DEs/EEs/APGENCO All Deputy Secretaries / Asst. Secretaries /APGENCO Pay Officer / AO (CPR)/VS/Hyd DE/MPP/APGENCO C.No.CGM (A) / DS (A) ASD (P-T) //PO.D3/918A/2003 / / FORWARDED BY ORDER / / PERSONNEL OFFICER
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
G.O.O.No. 270/GM(A)/2003, dated 24.07.2003 Circular No.CMD/SO(T)F.PC/D114/2003,dtd.01.10.2003 G.O.O.No. 251/GM(A)/2004, dated 25.08.2004 G.O.O.No. 492/CGM(A)/2004, dated 15.02.2005 Committee constituted to study the existing procedure and fixing up of time limit for tender processing in the meeting held on 13.06.05.
In the G.O.O.1 read above, orders were issued delegating powers to various officers on
Works, Stocks, Stores, Purchases and Finance. 2. In the Meeting held on 13-06-2005 with the Directors and the Functional Heads a Committee was constituted to study the existing procedures and come out with a detailed proposal for fixing up a reasonable and shortest time limit for tender processing to implement new projects on a fast track mode.
3. After careful consideration, of the Committees report, the following amendments are issued to the delegation of powers. a. The monetary limit for SPC is enhanced from Rs.10 Crores to Rs. 25 Crores in respect of Works and Purchases appearing at clauses 1.15(a) ST and 2.12 (i) (a) in Annexure I of the G.O.O.1 cited. The following amendment is issued to the G.O.O.No. 492/CGM(A)/2004, dated 15.02.2005
Nature of Power
Concerned CE Up to lacs 50
READ AS Sl.No Nature of Power Board SPC MD Concerned Director Full Powers Concerned CE ---
4. TENDER SPECIFICATIONS 4.10 Administrative ---Approvals and specifications irrespective of value of work.
c) The following may be added as item No. 5 below the item No.4 10 in Annexure I of the G.O.O.No. 270/GM (A)/2003, dated 24.07.2003 and shall be read as follows. 5.00 ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVALS OF PRE QUALIFICATION CRITERIA & TECHNICAL BIDS SPC MD Concerned Director Director (Finance ) MD Concerned Director Concerned CE
Above lakhs
Up Rs.100 lakhs
NOTE 1. The concerned Director while approving the Tender Notice, shall clearly indicate the names and editions of the News papers wherein the Notice is to be published and the same shall be enclosed to the requisition note being sent to the DE(CCC) No separate approval is required for publishing charges. 2. The detailed guidelines time schedule for processing of tenders are issued in the Annexure appended to this order.
DE /ADE(T) EE(T) /PO to all Directors / APGENCO SAO to Director (Finance)/APGENCO Joint Secretary /APGENCO PA to Executive Director (IS) /APGENCO Chief of Vigilance & Security /APGENCO
All the FA&CCAs // APGENCO All the Dy. CCAs // APGENCO
Addl. SP/ Vigilance /APGENCO Company Secretary /APGENCO/VS/Hyd All Deputy Secretaries / Asst. Secy /APGENCO Pay Officer / AO (CPR) /APGENCO /VS/Hyd DE/MPP/APGENCO/ VS/Hyd C.No.CGM (A) / DS (A) AS (P-T) //PO.D3/918A/2003 / / FORWARDED BY ORDER / / PERSONNEL OFFICER
1. 2. 3. 4.
G.O.O.No. 270/GM(Adm2003, dated 24.07.2003 G.O.O.No. 251/GM(A)/2004, dated 25.08.2004 Circular No.CMD/SO(T)F.PC/D.No114/2003,dtd.01.10.2003 Letter from Company Secretary Lr.No. CMD/APGENCO/CS D.No. 2005, DT .1.2005
ORDER In the circular dated 01.10.2003 cited 3rd above, powers were delegated to various officers for approving the tender schedules containing technical specification and pre-qualification requirements. 2. In the reference 4 cited, the Company Secretary /APGENCO informed that the meeting held on 15.1.2005 in the chambers of the Managing Director /APGENCO with technical directors / APGENCO and functional heads suggested certain modifications and requested for issue of the orders. 3. After careful consideration, the following amendment is issued to G.O.O cited 1st above.
AMENDMENT The following may be added as item No.4 below the Item No.3.40 in Annexure I of the G.O.O.No. 270/GM (Adm) 2003, dated 24.07.2003 and shall be read as follows:
Nature of Power
Concerned CE Up to lacs 50
The MD, Concerned Director and Concerned CE referred above shall mean Managing Director. Concerned functional Director and Chief Engineer Concerned only and does not apply the meaning of Committees referred in the delegation st of powers issued vide G.O.O.1 cited for the purpose of exercising these delegation of powers. In order to avoid delays, it is suggested that tender schedules containing technical specifications and pre-qualification requirements of the bidders may be obtained by way of circulation. The modifications or alterations to the original specification, as approved by the competent authority, shall be carried only after obtaining the approval from the next higher authority. This stipulation is not applicable in case of SPC.
General conditions as to the pre-qualification requirements of the bidders for various material / equipment /works shall be prepared by the Director-Thermal, DirectorTechnical and Director Hydel and the same will be placed before the Board in due course for perusal and approval. Till such time the concerned functional head shall prepare technical conditions required for pre-qualification for each tender and obtain the approval from the competent authority as indicated above by way of circulation before publication. The concerned functional head shall incorporate invariably in the tender schedules stating that the APGENCO reserves the right to change or alter the bid conditions before the final date of submission of the bids by issuing addenda. The concerned functional head shall ensure that reasonable time shall be given between for issuance notification of the addenda and the extended date of receipt of the bids to avoid unnecessary litigations and costs.
DE Tech to Dir (Thermal) / APGENCO EE/Tech to Dir (Techl) APGENCO ADE/Tech to Dir(Hydel) /APGENCO SAO to Director (Finance)/APGENCO PA to Director (Finance) /APGENCO PA to ED (IS) /APGENCO Company Secretary /APGENCO/ Pay Officer / /APGENCO AO/CPR/ APGENCO/ C.No.CGM (A) / DS (A) AS (P-T) //PO.D3/918A/2003 / / FORWARDED BY ORDER / / PERSONNEL OFFICER
In the reference 2 cited Orders were issued delegating certain powers to the Managing Director as specified therein. 2. A question has arisen that which authority should take decision on the cases falling beyond the scope of the powers of the Managing Director. After careful consideration the APGENCO decided that all such cases should be decided by the Board and accordingly order to place all such cases before the Board for consideration and decision. 3. All Executive Director, Chief Engineers, General Manager, FA&CCAs Superintending Engineers & Deputy CCAs are requested to take action accordingly.
To: All Executive Directors / APGENCO All General Managers / APGENCO All Chief Engineers / APGENCO All FA&CCAs/ APGENCO All Deputy CCAs / APGENCO Copy to the: PS to Chairman/ APGENCO PS to MD/ APGENCO
Company Secretary /APGENCO SAO to Director (Finance)/APGENCO DE (Techl) to Director (Thermal) /APGENCO EE/Tech to Director (Technical)/ APGENCO ADE/Tech to Director (Hydel) /APGENCO PO to Director (Commercial) /APGENCO Executive Director /VTPS/APGENCO/Ibrahimpatnam Chief of Vigilance & Security /APGENCO Advisor Coal and Transportation /APGENCO PA to General Manager (Adm) /APGENCO PA to General Manager (HR) /APGENCO PA to General Manager (I.R.) /APGENCO Addl. SP Vigilance /APGENCO SE/TBHES/TB Dam SE/MHES (Jt.) / Machkund SE/Civil/General //APGENCO/VS/HYD Executive Engineer /O&M /PABRHES/APGENCO All Dy. Secretaries /Asst. Secretaries/Dy.CCAs. APGENCO Pay Officer & AO/CPR/APGENCO/VS/Hyd Stock File. / / FORWARDED BY ORDER / / PERSONNEL OFFICER
1. G.O.O.No. 270/GM(A)/2003, dated 24.07.2003 2. 35th Board Meeting Minutes of the Company held on 12.8.2004
ORDER: The following amendment is issued to the G.O.O.1ST read above AMENDMENT For the Words Chairman and Managing Director wherever occurring in G.O.O.No. 270/GM (A)/2003, dated 24.07.2003 substitute the word Managing Director" 2. In view of the assumption of the charge by Sri. Ajay Jain, IAS as Managing Director the following Powers are delegated to Managing Director / APGENCO.
Nature of Power
150 75 75
1.16 1.17 Awarding of contracts on nomination if tenders are not received even after two calls Awarding of contracts on nomination without inviting tenders in case of emergency both for original and repair works Annual maintenance and repairs of Buildings / Roads / Station Equipment / Plant and Machinery and other works Buildings and Roads: Residential, Non residential Buildings, Roads, special repair, additions and alterations and ordinary repairs. Maintenance , Repairs, Servicing of earth moving and Heavy Haulage equipment like tractors, cranes, locos Fir tenders, bulldozers etc Maintenance and repairs of plant and Machinery (Exclusive of cost of spares and replacement parts) Annual servicing contracts for equipment with the suppliers or their authorized agencies. To sanction and purchase of Stocks/ Stores for works O&M Materials relevant to construction/ Operation Plant & Machinery/ Electrical equipment including spares and computer related equipment like purchase of Computers, Servers, Printers, Network equipment, Computer related accessories, UPS, Computer furniture Software, Software development. Proprietary articles Tools, Scientific, survey, laboratory equipment, computer related items like a) AMC of computers, network equipment, UPS & Other computer related equipment, b) Consumables c) stationery, d) spares, e) lease line payment f) Internet connectivity payments, g) training, h)consultation charges i) faculty management charges j)data entry charges Medical & Hospital stores Office equipment, Furniture and consumables To incur expenditure in respect of any matter for which no specific authority has been provided. b) To purchase outside DGS&D rate contract in respect of the material available against rate contract items at the same or lower rates than those prevailing under rates contract on conditions which are not less favorable than those of DGS&D rate contract. Acceptance of tenders where more than one valid tender is received If the tender is lowest a) Open Tenders b) Limited Tenders If a tender other than the lowest is to be accepted (Reasons to be recorded ) Open Tenders Purchase of Proprietary item a) Government & PSU b) OEM(Private ) Single Tender (Branded materials) 35 20
1.18 A)
20 35 25
C) G) 2.10 i)
ii) iii)
35 20 15
2.12 i)
150 35 75 150 35 35
ii) iii)
2.14 b) Short term lending borrowing and emergency/purchase of materials and equipment with center/state Govt. & Govt. 35
controlled organizations a) To declare stores as surplus/Unserviceable to fix resale, reserve price for them and order disposal by open Tender or other wise difficult to dispose off at book value To declare stores as surplus/un-serviceable to fix resale reserve price for them and order disposal by open tender or otherwise difficult to dispose off at book value for T&P articles To sanction expenditure on transport of materials by the i) Cheapest mode shortest route; ii) Other than the cheapest mode /shortest route for reasons to be recorded To award contract for loading unloading, transport, and handling of materials based on tender. Sale of scrap Write off powers Due to obsolescence
75 lakhs 35 lakhs 75 lakhs 1.50 Crores 7.5 lakh p.a Rs.50,000/- in each case 7.5 lakh p.a Rs.50,000/- in each case 3 lakhs p.a Rs.25,000/- in each case 5 lakhs p.a Rs.25,000/- in each case 3 lakhs p.a Rs.25,000/- in each case 3 lakhs p.a Rs.25,000/- in each case 3 lakhs
Any amount due to the corporation such as bills receivable from supplier, rent, hospital, dues etc., becoming irrecoverable Irrecoverable amounts dues from employees and exemployees Small irrecoverable amounts including small irrecoverable amounts from the accounts of contracts Settlement of claims against the corporation from any cause not specifically provided for in the powers delegated Appointment of Tax Consultant / Tax auditors / and expert in accountancy company law, costing and financial management etc., for consultancy services approval of their fees All type of administrative and general expenses of relevant nature not covered under other items (Contingencies)
3.19 3.21
3 lakhs
3. It is further ordered that the Chairman / APGENCO will preside over the Meeting of the SPC, Borrowing Committee and any other Committee earlier presided over by the CMD. 4. It is further ordered that the Managing Director is authorized to nominate any Director in Director level Committee. 5. It is also ordered that the MD/APGENCO shall look after the day to day business of APGENCO 6. All Executive Directors, Chief Engineers, General Managers, FA&CCAs Superintending Engineers & Deputy CCAs are requested to take action accordingly and implement the procedures contained in the said G.O.O. 7. These orders shall come into force with immediate effect.
To: All Executive Directors / APGENCO All Chief Engineers / APGENCO All FA&CCAs/ APGENCO All Superintending Engineers/ APGENCO All Deputy CCAs / APGENCO Copy to the: PS to Chairman/ APGENCO PS to MD/ APGENCO
Company Secretary /APGENCO SAO to Director (Finance)/APGENCO DE (Techl) to Director (Thermal) /APGENCO EE/Tech to Director (Technical)/ APGENCO ADE/Tech to Director (Hydel) /APGENCO PO to Director (Commercial) /APGENCO Executive Director /VTPS/APGENCO/Ibrahimpatnam Chief of Vigilance & Security /APGENCO Advisor Coal and Transportation /APGENCO PA to General Manager (Adm) /APGENCO PA to General Manager (HR) /APGENCO PA to General Manager (I.R.) /APGENCO Addl. SP Vigilance /APGENCO SE/TBHES/TB Dam SE/MHES (Jt.) / Machkund SE/Civil/General //APGENCO/VS/HYD SE/C/ //APGENCO/VS/HYD Executive Engineer /O&M /PABRHES/APGENCO All Dy. Secretaries /Asst. Secretaries/Dy.CCAs. APGENCO Pay Officer & AO/CPR/APGENCO/VS/Hyd Stock File. / / FORWARDED BY ORDER / / PERSONNEL OFFICER
J.PARTHASARATHY, Chairman & Managing Director APGENCO
To: The Deputy Secretary (Legal APGENCO, VIDYUT SOUDHA Hyderabad - 82 Copy to the: The Special Officer (Techl.) to CMD The PS TO CMD All FA&CCAs All Dy. CCAs The Superintending Engineer (Planning) The DE (Techl) to Director (Thermal) The DE (Techl) to Director (Hydel) The EE (Techl) to Director (Techl.) The ADE (Techl) Director (Commercial) The SAO to Director (finance) The Pay Officer // Accounts Officer (CPR) The PA to GM (ADM) // GM (HR) GM (Gen) All Chief Engineers /APGENCO All Superintending Engineers//APGENCO All Divisional Engineers /APGENCO The SLA/APGENCO The Advocate on record, Supreme Court / New Delhi The Consultant (Law) /APGENCO All Dy. Secretaries /APGENCO All Asst. Secretaries /APGENCO All Personnel Officers /APGENCO Spare // Stock File C.No. GM (HR) DS (L) PO (L) 1481/2002