FAR-1 Assessment-1 Solution Normal Batch
FAR-1 Assessment-1 Solution Normal Batch
FAR-1 Assessment-1 Solution Normal Batch
04. IAS 36 Impairment of Assets suggests how indications of impairment might be recognised. Which TWO of the
following would be external indicators that one or more of an entity's assets may be impaired?
(a) An unusually significant fall in the market value of one or more assets
(b) Evidence of obsolescence of one or more assets
(c) A decline in the economic performance of one or more assets
(d) An increase in market interest rates used to calculate value in use of the assets (02)
W-1.1: Value in use
T0 T1 T2
Inflows 80 84 88.2
Outflows (30) (33) (36.3)
Sale proceeds 100
Net Cashflows 50 51 151.9
Discount factor @ 10% 0.909 0.826 0.751
Present Value 45 42 114
Value in use 201
Revalued amount – RV
Acc. Depreciation = ( 𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒
) x Cumulative period
330 – 0
Acc. Depreciation = ( 7
) x 1 = 47.14
Dep. for
277,039 0.25 10,500 0.25 126,700 0.25 337,500 0.25 12,000 0.25 329,000 0.25
the year
Transfer (357,721) 0.25 - 0.25 - (225,000) 0.25 - -
Disposal - (6,000) 0.25 - - - -
Imp. Loss - - - - - -
Closing (181,818) 0.25 (22,500) 0.25 (665,700) 0.25 (262,500) 0.25 (18,000) 0.25 (539,000) 0.25
WDV 1,818,182 0.25 67,500 0.25 54,300 0.25 2,975,000 0.25 102,000 0.25 181,000 0.25
0.5 • KGL made a contractual commitment with Bahria Town to purchase 3 buildings of Rs. 10 million each on
0.5 (W-1) Calculation of revaluation surplus & depreciation on building
Date Description Building R. Surplus
01.07.15 Cost 3,000,000
3,000,000 6
31.12.15 Depreciation ( x ) (150,000)
10 12
31.12.15 WDV 2,850,000
3,000,000 3
31.03.16 Depreciation ( x ) (75,000)
9.5 12
31.03.16 WDV 2,775,000
31.03.16 Revaluation surplus (bal.) 462,500 462,500
31.03.16 Revalued amount 3,237,500 462,500
3,237,500 9 462,500 9
31.12.16 Depreciation ( x )( x ) (262,500) (37,500)
9.25 12 9.25 12
31.12.16 WDV 2,975,000 425,000
3,237,500 3 462,500 3
31.03.17 Depreciation ( x )( x ) (95,221) (13,603)
8.5 12 8.5 12
31.03.17 WDV 2,879,779 411,397
31.03.17 Revaluation surplus (bal.) (879,779) (411,397) (468,382)
31.03.17 Revalued amount 2,000,000 (468,382)
2,000,000 9 475,000 9
31.12.17 Depreciation ( x )( x ) (181,818) 42,580
8.25 12 8.25 12
31.12.17 WDV 1,818,182 425,802
Accumulated Depreciation a/c (Fittings)
01.01.16 Bal. b/d (120,000 X 6
) 6,000
10 12
31.12.16 Bal. c/d 18,000 31.12.16 120,000 12,000
Dep. exp ( 10 )
18,000 18,000
30.06.17 Disposal 6,000 01.01.17 Bal. b/d 18,000
31.12.17 Bal. c/d 22,500 31.12.17 Dep. exp 10,500
28,500 28,500
= 10
x 2 Years = 6,000
Acc. Depreciation = x 1.75 (W-2.1) = 10,938
WDV = Cost – Acc. Depreciation = 50,000 – 10,938 = 39,062
8.25 2000
Rate = 1 – √39,062 = 30.25%
Recoverable amount Rs. Marks
Higher of; 20,000
• Fair value – costs of disposal 20,000 02
• Value in use (W-4.1) 10,260
As Recoverable amount > WDV so no impairment