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Stewart Willians 2015

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Risk Factors and Disability Associated with

Low Back Pain in Older Adults in Low- and
Middle-Income Countries. Results from the
WHO Study on Global AGEing and Adult
Health (SAGE)
Jennifer Stewart Williams1,2*, Nawi Ng1, Karl Peltzer3,4,5, Alfred Yawson6,
Richard Biritwum6, Tamara Maximova7, Fan Wu8, Perianayagam Arokiasamy9,
Paul Kowal2,10, Somnath Chatterji10,11
1 Department Public Health and Clinical Medicine Epidemiology and Global Health, Umeå University, Umeå,
Sweden, 2 Research Centre for Gender, Health and Ageing, Faculty of Health, University of Newcastle,
Newcastle, Australia, 3 Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria, South Africa, 4 Department of
Psychology, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 5 ASEAN Institute for Health
Development, Mahidol University, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand, 6 Department of Community Health, University
OPEN ACCESS of Ghana, Accra, Ghana, 7 National Research Institute of Public Health (FSBI, RAMS), Moscow, Russian
Federation, 8 Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Shanghai, China,
Citation: Stewart Williams J, Ng N, Peltzer K, 9 International Institute of Population Sciences, Deonar, Mumbai, India, 10 World Health Organization Study
Yawson A, Biritwum R, Maximova T, et al. (2015) on global AGEing and adult health, Geneva, Switzerland, 11 Surveys, Measurement and Analysis Unit,
Risk Factors and Disability Associated with Low Back World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
Pain in Older Adults in Low- and Middle-Income
Countries. Results from the WHO Study on Global * Jennifer.stewart.williams@epiph.umu.se
AGEing and Adult Health (SAGE). PLoS ONE 10(6):
e0127880. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0127880

Academic Editor: Alessandra Marengoni, Karolinska Abstract

Institutet, ITALY

Received: January 22, 2015

Accepted: April 20, 2015
Back pain is a common disabling chronic condition that burdens individuals, families and so-
Published: June 4, 2015
cieties. Epidemiological evidence, mainly from high-income countries, shows positive asso-
Copyright: © 2015 Stewart Williams et al. This is an ciation between back pain prevalence and older age. There is an urgent need for accurate
open access article distributed under the terms of the
epidemiological data on back pain in adult populations in low- and middle-income countries
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any (LMICs) where populations are ageing rapidly. The objectives of this study are to: measure
medium, provided the original author and source are the prevalence of back pain; identify risk factors and determinants associated with back
pain, and describe association between back pain and disability in adults aged 50 years
Data Availability Statement: The SAGE data are in and older, in six LMICs from different regions of the world. The findings provide insights into
the public domain. See http://apps.who.int/healthinfo/
country-level differences in self-reported back pain and disability in a group of socially, cul-
turally, economically and geographically diverse LMICs.
Funding: In this work, Jennifer Stewart Williams and
Nawi Ng were supported by the FORTE grant for the
Umeå Centre for Global Health Research (No. 2006-
1512). Nawi Ng was also supported by the Swedish Standardized national survey data collected from adults (50 years and older) participating in
Research Council’s “Linnestöd” grant (No 2006-
the World Health Organization (WHO) Study on global AGEing and adult health (SAGE)
21576-35119-66) for the Ageing and Living
Conditions Programme at Umeå University, Sweden. were analysed. The weighted sample (n = 30, 146) comprised respondents in China,
The funders had no role in study design, data Ghana, India, Mexico, South Africa and the Russian Federation. Multivariable regressions

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Low Back Pain in Older Adults in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

collection and analysis, decision to publish, or describe factors associated with back pain prevalence and intensity, and back pain as a de-
preparation of the manuscript. terminant of disability.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
Prevalence was highest in the Russian Federation (56%) and lowest in China (22%). In the
pooled multi-country analyses, female sex, lower education, lower wealth and multiple
chronic morbidities were significant in association with past-month back pain (p<0.01).
About 8% of respondents reported that they experienced intense back pain in the previous

Evidence on back pain and its impact on disability is needed in developing countries so that
governments can invest in cost-effective education and rehabilitation to reduce the growing
social and economic burden imposed by this disabling condition.

Back pain is a highly prevalent disabling musculoskeletal condition affecting almost everyone
at some time [1]. The biopsychosocial model is the prevailing framework used for understand-
ing, managing and treating back pain. This approach suggests that in addition to biology, psy-
chological, socio-economic, environmental and cultural factors all contribute to the incidence
and persistence of back pain symptoms [2, 3]. Many musculoskeletal conditions start in mid-
dle-age and require interactions with health care providers over many years [1, 4, 5]. Low back
pain, or “back pain”, is a leading cause of activity limitation, work absenteeism and lost produc-
tivity throughout much of the industrialized world–threatening function, mental health and
quality of life [6–8] and inflicting substantial direct and indirect costs on health, social and eco-
nomic systems [1].
Globally back pain causes more disability than any other condition. The 2010 Global Bur-
den of Disease Study ranked low back pain as the condition with the highest number of years
lived with disability (YLDs) and sixth in terms of disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) [8, 9].
In 1990, the global burden of YLDs due to back pain in adults aged 50–69 was 59% in develop-
ing countries, but by 2010 this proportion had increased to 67% [10]. With rapid growth in the
numbers and proportions of older adults in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) the
back pain burden in older adults in these countries is expected to grow significantly in coming
decades [1, 8, 9, 11].
Back pain is also one of the most common conditions for which patients in high-income
countries seek medical care [12]. Most of the information about back pain has come from de-
veloped countries in Europe, North American and Australasia, making it difficult to draw com-
parisons with developing countries [12–15]. Italian researchers reported back pain prevalence
of 32% in adults aged over 65 years [16] and a study of community-dwelling adults aged 70–79
years in the United States (US) demonstrated back pain prevalence of 36%. A review of the
prevalence of musculoskeletal conditions in adults aged 60 and over in developed countries re-
ported one-month back pain prevalence of between 18% and 29% [17].
The Jerusalem Longitudinal study [18] showed that chronic back pain was prevalent in the
elderly (aged 70 years and over) and that psychosocial factors, female gender and hypertension

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Low Back Pain in Older Adults in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

were associated with back pain. Association between back pain and older age is also heavily
modified by the severity and intensity of the complaint [19]. Studies conducted in North Amer-
ica, [20, 21] Europe, [12, 22, 23] and Australasia [17] found that the prevalence and intensity of
back pain is associated with individual, psychosocial and occupational factors. In addition to
being older and female [1, 24, 25] modifiable determinants of back pain in developed countries
include smoking, depression, lack of physical activity and abdominal obesity [12, 23, 24, 26–
30]. A Japanese study of men aged 40 years and older demonstrated that back pain had a signif-
icant negative impact on quality of life [31]. European studies provide evidence of inverse asso-
ciation between back pain and socioeconomic factors, such as older age, higher income and
education [32–35].
Although a few studies investigating the determinants of back pain have been conducted in
developing countries, the literature is sparse compared with developed countries. In a commu-
nity-based study of adults in Korea (mean age 56 years) the common determinants were ad-
vancing age and female sex [36]. Studies conducted in Taiwan [37], China [38] and Sri Lanka
[39] have focused on working-age populations. A review of back pain prevalence studies con-
ducted in Sub-Saharan Africa on mostly working-age adults and adolescents, concluded that
back pain prevalence was rising [25].
The perception and reporting of back pain is influenced by individual characteristics, work-
ing conditions, lifestyle, and social, economic, cultural and ethnic factors, as well as the avail-
ability of treatment and rehabilitation options [1, 5]. In some societies and countries there is a
greater awareness of the symptoms and also a greater willingness to report them, while in oth-
ers, back pain is not necessarily associated with disability, but rather seen as a natural conse-
quence of routine physical work or the ageing process itself [1]. Given the fundamental social,
cultural and economic differences between developed and developing countries, it is reasonable
to argue that the antecedents and consequences of back pain are not homogeneous. For exam-
ple, extreme poverty, infectious diseases epidemics, work tasks, family structures, responsibili-
ties, social expectations, geography, health care availability and support may all impact
differently on the perception and reporting of back pain in different contexts and settings.
As a consequence of the major epidemiological and demographic transitions occurring in
emerging economies in all regions of the world, there is now an urgent need to gather accurate
comparable epidemiological data on back pain in older adult populations in developing coun-
tries [11, 29, 36, 40–43]. This research draws attention to the complexity of predisposing, en-
abling and contextual factors that require consideration at the country level [5].
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) one of the most disabling conditions
among the elderly is musculoskeletal disorders, of which back pain is a major contributor [8,
14, 17, 40, 43]. Data collected from adults aged 50 years and older participating in the WHO
Study on global AGEing and adult health (SAGE) were analysed to: measure the prevalence of
back pain; identify risk factors and determinants associated with back pain prevalence and in-
tensity, and describe association between back pain and disability. The purpose is to gain in-
sights into country-level differences in self-reported back pain in a group of socially, culturally,
economically and geographically diverse LMICs.

Ethics Statement
The SAGE study was approved by the following bodies: the Ethics Review Committee, World
Health Organization; Ethical Committee, Ghana Medical School, Accra, Ghana; Ethics Com-
mittee, OPM (School of Preventive and Social Medicine), Russian Academy of Medical Sci-
ences, Moscow, Russia; Ethics Committee, Shanghai Municipal Centre for Disease Control and

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Low Back Pain in Older Adults in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Prevention, Shanghai, China; Institutional Review Board, International Institute of Population

Sciences, Mumbai, India; Research Ethics Committee, Human Sciences Research Council, Pre-
toria, South Africa; and Ethics Committee, National Institute of Public Health (INSP), Cuerna-
vaca, Mexico. This approval also covered all procedures by which written informed consent
was obtained from each individual participant. Confidential records of participants’ consent
were maintained by SAGE.

Data Collection
The SAGE Wave 1 is a longitudinal study that provides the baseline round of data for national-
ly representative samples of adults aged 50 years and over in China, Ghana, India, Mexico, the
Russian Federation and South Africa. Cross sectional data from SAGE Wave 1 were collected
via in-person structured interviews (2007–2010). All six SAGE countries implemented multi-
stage cluster sampling strategies [44]. Household-level and person-level analysis weights, based
on the selection probability at each stage of sampling along with post stratification corrections,
were applied to produce nationally representative cohorts. Age and sex standardizations based
on WHO’s World Standard Population [45] and the United Nations Statistical Division’s pop-
ulation distributions (http://unstats.un.org/unsd/default.htm)) were carried out to adjust for
between country population age and sex differences. Additional details about SAGE are provid-
ed elsewhere [46].

The sample in this study included adults aged 50 years and over in the six SAGE countries.
There were 29, 807 observations: 11,648 in China; 4,072 in Ghana; 6,350 in India; 2,004 in Me-
xico; 2,933 in the Russian Federation and 2,805 in South Africa. Weighted samples were 30,146
for the six countries comprising: 11,525 in China; 4,059 in Ghana; 6,329 in India; 2,973 in the
Russian Federation and 2,720 in South Africa.

Dependent Variables. Three dependent variables–past-month back pain prevalence, back
pain frequency/intensity and disability—were derived from questions in the SAGE individual
Past-month back pain prevalence (no vs. yes) was identified from responses to the question
“Have you experienced back pain in the last 30 days?”
A score measuring the intensity and frequency of past-month back pain, was conditioned
on responses (yes) to this prevalence question (4008). Frequency was measured using re-
sponses to question 4009 which asked “On how many days did you have this back pain during
the last 30 days?” A pain intensity measure was derived by summing responses to questions
2007 and 2008. In these two questions respondents were asked to use a Likert scale (1 = none,
2 = mild, 3 = moderate, 4 = severe and 5 = extreme) to rate the extent of overall bodily pain
(question 2007) and discomfort (question 2008) experienced in the previous 30 days. The in-
tensity and frequency score was computed as the product of these two measures. This was
converted to a percentile index, with zero and 100 indicating the minimum and maximum
possible scores. The distribution was skewed (skewness = 1.48, median 8.3, mean = 18.2 and
standard deviation = 21.6). Scores were grouped into three categories: low (zero score) vs. mod-
erate (> = 50) vs. high intensity (>50). The proportion of respondents in the categories varied
across countries ranging from: 9% to 22% in the low group, 72% to 82% in the moderate group
and 4% to 12% in the high group. This intensity/frequency variable was used here as the mea-
sure of “back pain intensity”.

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Low Back Pain in Older Adults in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Disability was measured using the WHO Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS 2.0)
encompassing six domains [47, 48]. Twelve items were included in the scale asking about diffi-
culty in functioning in the past 30 days. This included activities of daily living (such as, stand-
ing, dressing oneself) and instrumental activities of daily living (such as learning a new task,
participating in community activities, household chores). Responses were measured on a Likert
scale, ranging from no difficulty to severe difficulty or cannot perform the activity, and
summed to a composite score which was transformed to a scale of 0–100, with 100 indicating
the most severe disability [48].
Socio-demographic variables. Data on socio-demographic characteristics collected in
SAGE were used to describe the study sample. The variables were sex: male vs. female; age: 50–
59 years vs. 60–69 years vs. 70–79 years vs. 80-plus years; education level: no primary complet-
ed vs. completed primary vs. completed secondary or high school vs. completed university or
college; marital status: never married, vs. married/cohabiting vs. divorced/separated/widowed;
work status: never worked vs. currently working vs. not currently working; wealth quintiles: 1
(poorest) to 5 (richest) and area of residence: urban vs. rural. A random-effects probit model
(previously developed and reported elsewhere) was used to estimate wealth levels based on
asset ownership [49, 50]. This was applied to every household in the SAGE surveys and used to
establish country-specific quintiles of household wealth made available by the WHO. The
quintiles provide an alternative measure of income and assets that is less likely to be biased by
contextual differences than traditional income-based measures.
Health-related variables. Health-related variables are described here. Responses to ques-
tions on the use of alcohol and tobacco were categorised as smoker: not current vs. current;
and alcohol: never drinkers vs. former drinkers vs. current drinkers. Obesity was measured
using waist circumference rather than body mass index (BMI). In making this decision we con-
sidered evidence of the importance of waist circumference as a predictor of health outcomes
[30, 51–53] and the availability of WHO recommendations for waist circumference in men
and women separately [54]. The waist circumference variable (low risk vs. high risk) was de-
rived using WHO recommended cut-offs of > = 102 centimetres for men and > = 88 centi-
metres for women.
Physical activity was measured using the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ)
[55, 56] which collects information on sedentary behaviour and physical activity participation
in work, travel, and recreation. A categorical variable measuring low vs. moderate vs. high
physical activity was included. High physical activity was defined as vigorous-intensity activity
(such as running which increases the heart rate and breathing) on at least three days per week,
or seven or more days per week of any combination of walking, moderate or vigorous intensity
activities. Moderate physical activity was defined as (per week) three or more days of vigorous-
intensity activity, or five or more days of moderate-intensity activity (such as walking or
cycling resulting in a small but noticeable increase in the heart rate and breathing) of at least
30 minutes per day, or five or more days of any combination of walking, moderate or vigorous
intensity activities. Low physical activity was defined as not meeting any of these criteria.
Indicator variables (no vs. yes) for symptom-based arthritis, depression, asthma [57, 58]
and self-reported diabetes mellitus are included. Symptom-based conditions were derived
using validated WHO algorithms. A “chronic count” variable (zero vs. one vs. two or more
chronic conditions) was included.

Statistical analyses
Data presented here are weighted and include post stratification adjustments in national coun-
try samples and in the pooled multi-country data set [45].

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Low Back Pain in Older Adults in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

We undertook a complete case analysis. Data were missing for: education (2.2%); marital
status (0.6%); work status (1.4%); wealth (0.4%); smoking (1.9%): drinking (2.1%); waist cir-
cumference (7.0%); physical activity (1.6%); depression (2.1%); arthritis (2.2%); asthma (2.2%);
diabetes (1.8%) and the count of chronic conditions (1.7%).
Descriptive statistics for socio-demographic variables are presented as proportions for each
country and pooled. The prevalence of back pain and back pain intensity (conditioned on prev-
alence) is shown by countries and pooled, and also by socio-demographic and health-related
characteristics in the pooled sample.
Three sets of multivariable regression were undertaken using the pooled multi-country data
set. Multivariable logistic regression describes association between socio-demographic and
health-related determinants and back pain prevalence. Multivariable ordinal logistic regression
describes association between socio-demographic and health-related determinants and back
pain intensity (low vs. moderate vs. high). Multivariable linear regression describes association
between back pain intensity (independent variable) and disability (dependent variable) adjust-
ing for confounding by socio-demographic and health-related factors. A country variable (ref-
erence China) was included in all multivariable regressions.
The literature includes a substantial number of factors associated with back pain and dis-
ability. In aiming to achieve relatively parsimonious models, we focused on recurrent, com-
monly cited factors, identifiable in the SAGE data. These factors were tested in bivariate
analyses, and where statistically significant (p<0.05), were included as covariates in the
multivariable regressions.
Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals are reported. Variables were tested for correlation
and multicollinearity. Diagnostic checks were undertaken on models and no violations of as-
sumptions were found. STATA Version 11 (StataCorp, 2009) was used for all statistical

Back pain prevalence was estimated on the weighted sample of 30,146 derived from 29,807 in-
dividual observations in the six SAGE countries pooled. In order to measure back pain intensi-
ty, the analysis was conditioned on back pain prevalence, giving a sub-sample of 8,815.
Table 1 compares socio-demographic characteristics of the study sample by countries and
pooled (n = 30,146). There were more females in the study population except in Ghana and
India. In most countries, almost half of the study respondents were aged between 50–59 years.
In contrast to Ghana and India, where over 60% of the respondents reported no primary edu-
cation, almost 18% of respondents in the Russian Federation reported that they had completed
university or college education. The majority of the respondents were married or cohabiting at
the time of the survey. Almost 40% of the respondents were separated, divorced or widowed in
Ghana and the Russian Federation. Over 56% reported that they were currently working in
the Russian Federation compared with 23% in Mexico. About 72% of respondents in India
lived in rural areas, compared with only 22% and 30% in Mexico and the Russian Federation
Table 2 presents past-month prevalence (n = 30,146) and back pain intensity conditioned
on prevalence (n = 8,815) for respondents 50 years and older in the six SAGE countries. Over-
all, the self-reported prevalence of back pain in the past month was 30%. Prevalence was high-
est in the Russian Federation (56%) and lowest in China (22%).
Comparing the proportion of respondents in each intensity group, India had the highest
proportion of respondents in the high intensity group (12%) and China and South Africa had
the lowest (4%). In the pooled analysis, 8% of respondents were in the high intensity group,

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Low Back Pain in Older Adults in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Table 1. Weighted proportional distribution of socio-demographic characteristics, adults aged 50-plus years, by country and pooled countries,
SAGE Wave 1.

China Ghana India Mexico Russian Feda Sth Africab Pooled

Weighted Sample 11,525 4,059 6,329 2,103 2,973 2,720 30,146
Observations 11,648 4,072 6,350 2,004 2,933 2,805 29,807
Sex (%)
Male 49.2 52.5 51.2 46.0 37.8 40.1 48.5
Female 50.8 47.5 48.8 54.0 62.2 59.9 51.5
Age Group (%)
50–59 years 45.3 40.2 49.1 50.6 47.5 50.2 50.2
60–69 years 31.9 27.4 30.9 25.7 25.2 30.2 28.8
70–79 years 18.6 22.9 15.6 17.0 20.2 14.1 15.9
80+ years 4.2 9.5 4.3 6.7 7.1 5.5 5.1
Education (%)
No primary compc 42.8 63.9 61.1 55.5 1.9 49.4 46.0
Compc primary 21.7 11.1 14.7 24.2 5.0 22.0 18.4
Compc secondary/high 31.7 21.4 19.1 12.6 75.4 22.6 30.5
Compc univd/college 3.8 3.7 5.2 7.8 17.7 6.0 5.1
Marital Status (%)
Never married 1.0 1.2 0.7 7.2 2.4 14.7 1.3
Married/cohabiting 85.2 59.4 77.5 74.1 58.5 52.6 80.5
Separated/dive/widowed 13.9 39.3 21.8 18.7 39.1 32.7 18.2
Work Status (%)
Never worked 43.8 70.1 43.9 38.7 42.9 31.0 45.0
Currently working 47.4 28.4 29.2 23.0 56.4 55.3 40.4
Not currently working 8.8 1.5 26.9 38.3 0.8 13.7 14.6
Wealth Quintile (%)
Lowest (poorest) 16.7 18.1 18.3 15.0 14.4 19.8 17.0
Second 18.9 19.2 19.0 25.5 16.4 20.7 18.9
Third 20.4 20.5 18.9 16.3 19.3 19.9 19.6
Fourth 23.2 20.9 19.8 16.2 23.0 19.5 22.0
Highest (wealthiest) 20.7 21.4 24.0 27.1 26.9 20.1 22.5
Residence (%)
Urban 46.8 41.0 28.2 78.0 70.5 64.8 42.7
Rural 53.2 59.0 71.8 22.0 29.5 35.2 57.3
Russian Federation
South Africa


compared with 77% and 15% in the moderate and low intensity groups respectively. Mexico
had the highest prevalence in the low intensity group (22%) and Ghana and India had the low-
est (9%).
Table 3 shows the pooled prevalence of back pain in the past month by socio-demographic
and health-related characteristics (n = 30,146). Past-month back pain prevalence was high for
females (35%), rural dwellers (32%) and those with high risk waist circumference (36%). Preva-
lence was 52% for respondents with arthritis, 55% for depression, 52% for asthma and 31% for

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Low Back Pain in Older Adults in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Table 2. Back pain prevalence and intensity, adults aged 50-plus years, by country and pooled, SAGE Wave 1.

Back Pain Prevalence Back Pain Intensity

n % (95% CIe) n Low Moderate High

China 11,525 22.0 (19.9,24.1) 2,490 18.5 (16.5,20.7) 77.4 (75.7,79.1) 4.1 (2.5,6.5)
Ghana 4,059 40.5 (38.1,42.8) 1,622 8.8 (7.0,11.0) 83.1 (80.5,85.4) 8.1 (6.4,10.2)
India 6,329 39.1 (36.6,41.7) 2,466 8.8 (7.4,10.5) 79.0 (76.7,81.1) 12.2 (10.5,14.2)
Mexico 2,103 35.5 (28.5,43.1) 746 22.0 (14.9,31.1) 74.2 (64.8,81.8) 3.9 (1.8,8.1)
Russian Feda 2,973 55.7 (50.2,61.2) 1,565 19.9 (15.3,23.5) 72.0 (66.8,76.6) 8.1 (5.5,11.8)
Sth Africab 2,720 38.5 (34.9,42.2) 1,019 13.5 (10.4,17.3) 82.3 (78.3,85.6) 4.3 (3.0,6.0)
Pooled 30,146 29.7 (28.1,31.4) 8,815 14.9 (13.6,16.2) 77.2 (75.8,78.5) 7.9 (6.9,9.2)
Russian Federation
South Africa
Confidence Interval
Intensity sample conditioned on prevalence


diabetes. Amongst respondents with two or more chronic conditions, the prevalence of back
pain was 59%. There are prevalence gradients for wealth, education and age, with higher wealth
and higher education associated with lower prevalence, and older age associated with
higher prevalence.
In Table 3, the proportion of respondents with low intensity (n = 1,311) vs. moderate inten-
sity (n = 6,804) vs. high intensity (n = 700) back pain in the pooled sample is shown by socio-
demographic and health characteristics. There were more females than males were in the high
intensity group (9% vs. 6%). About 10 to 13% of respondents who did not complete primary
education, were separated, divorced or widowed, not working, operated at low levels of physical
activity, and had diabetes, were in the high intensity group. Over 20% of respondents with de-
pression, 18% with asthma, and 17% with two or more chronic conditions were in the high in-
tensity group. An age gradient is evident for the high intensity group; 21% of respondents aged
80 and over had high intensity back pain compared with 5% of respondents aged 50 to
59 years.
Tables 4, 5 and 6 present the results of the adjusted multivariable regressions. Reference cat-
egories for the education, employment, wealth status and physical activity variables were
changed from those shown in Tables 1 and 3 in order to show odds as risk.
In Table 4, female sex, rural residence, being married or separated/divorced/widowed com-
pared with never being married, being a current smoker, and drinking alcohol, were statistically
significantly in association with back pain. There is a gradient in the association between edu-
cation level and back pain. Respondents who had not completed even primary education had
almost two-fold higher odds of reporting back pain compared with those who completed uni-
versity/college. The odds of back pain were 40% higher for respondents in the lowest (poorest
socioeconomic quintile) compared with respondents in the highest quintile (as the reference
group). The odds of back pain increased with the number of chronic comorbidities, (i.e. from
2.7 times for those with one condition, to 4.8 times for those with two or more comorbidities).
There was no statistically significant association between back pain and age, physical activity
level, waist circumference and employment status. Country odds ratios, with China as the ref-
erence, were statistically significant. Adults in the Russian Federation, for example, had four-
fold higher odds of reporting back pain compared with adults in China.
In Table 5, the ordinal logistic regression presents the odds of reporting high intensity back
pain vs. low intensity back pain and high intensity back vs. moderate intensity back pain for

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Low Back Pain in Older Adults in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Table 3. Back pain prevalence and intensity by socio-demographic and health characteristics, adults aged 50-plus years, pooled countries SAGE
Wave 1.

Back Pain Prevalence Back Pain Intensity % (95% CIa)

% (95% CIa) Low Moderate High

Observations 30,146 1,311 6,804 700
Male 24.2 (22.5,26.1) 17.3 (15.4,19.5) 77.1 (75.1,78.9) 5.6 (4.4,7.1)
Female 34.9 (33.0,36.9) 13.3 (11.9,14.8) 77.3 (75.4,79.0) 9.4 (8.1,11.0)
Age Group
50–59 years 26.3 (24.5,28.3) 19.8 (17.8,21.9) 75.3 (73.0,77.5) 4.9 (3.8,6.2)
60–69 years 31.8 (29.7,34.0) 13.6 (11.8,15.7) 77.8 (75.5,80.0) 8.6 (6.7,10.8)
70–79 years 35.1 (32.6,37.7) 8.7 (7.1,10.6) 81.5 (78.3,84.3) 9.8 (7.7,12.5)
80+ years 34.9 (31.1,39.0) 5.1 (3.4,7.5) 73.8 (67.1,80.0) 21.1 (15.6,28.0)
No primary compb 34.9 (30.0,36.9) 10.1 (8.8,11.6) 79.8 (78.0,81.6) 10.1 (8.5,11.8)
Compb primary 24.7 (22.2,27.4) 17.4 (14.6,20.5) 76.1 (72.4,79.4) 6.5 (4.9,8.7)
Compb secondary/high 26.4 (24.1,28.8) 21.6 (18.9,24.5) 73.5 (70.5,76.2) 5.0 (3.7,6.7)
Compb univc/college 21.2 (17.8,25.0) 26.6 (20.6,33.7) 69.4 (62.5,75.5) 4.0 (2.2,7.2)
Marital Status
Never married 23.7 (19.0,29.1) 19.3 (12.3,28.8) 77.4 (66.8,85.3) 3.4 (1.4,8.0)
Married/cohabiting 27.7 (26.0,29.4) 16.3 (14.8,18.0) 76.9 (75.4,78.3) 6.8 (5.7,8.0)
Separated/divd/widowed 39.3 (36.9,42.0) 10.1 (8.6,11.8) 78.0 (75.3,80.5) 11.9 (9.8,14.4)
Work Status
Never worked 26.9 (24.6,29.2) 18.2 (16.1,20.5) 77.0 (74.9,79.0) 4.8 (3.6,6.4)
Currently working 30.6 (28.6,32.8) 13.9 (12.2,15.8) 76.6 (74.4,78.6) 9.5 (8.0,11.4)
Not currently working 36.2 (33.2,39.3) 9.8 (7.9,12.0) 80.0 (75.6,82.0) 11.3 (9.0,14.0)
Wealth Quintile
Lowest (poorest) 36.2 (33.5,38.9) 10.7 (8.9,12.7) 81.0 (78.4,83.3) 8.4 (6.7,10.3)
Second 31.5 (29.1,34.0) 13.2 (11.2,15.5) 77.2 (74.0,80.1) 9.6 (7.1,12.9)
Third 30.8 (27.8,34.0) 13.6 (11.6,15.8) 78.5 (75.5,81.2) 8.0 (6.2,10.2)
Fourth 27.4 (24.8,30.2) 18.4 (15.7,21.5) 73.6 (70.3,76.6) 8.0 (6.0,10.6)
Highest (wealthiest) 24.7 (21.7,28.O) 19.1 (15.7,23.1) 75.4 (71.6,78.8) 5.5 (4.0,7.6)
Urban 27.4 (25.2,30.0) 19.6 (17.2,22.2) 74.8 (72.6,76.9) 5.6 (4.3,7.2)
Rural 31.5 (29.2,33.8) 11.8 (10.5,13.2) 78.7 (77.1,80.3) 9.5 (8.0,11.3)
Not current 29.6 (27.9,31.4) 15.4 (13.9,17.1) 76.9 (75.1,78.7) 7.7 (6.4,9.1)
Current 30.0 (27.9,31.1) 13.7 (11.6,16.1) 77.7 (75.2,80.1) 8.6 (6.9,10.6)
Never drinkers 29.7 (28.0,31.4) 13.7 (12.3,15.4) 77.1 (75.3,78.7) 9.2(7.9,10.8)
Former drinkers 34.5 (31.2,37.9) 14.9 (12.2,18.0) 79.0 (75.6,82.0) 6.1 (4.7,7.9)
Current drinkers 26.8 (23.9,29.4) 19.4 (16.6,22.6) 76.2 (73.3,78.8) 4.5 (3.3,6.1)
Waist Circumference
Low risk 28.0 (26.3,29.6) 15.1 (13.7,16.6) 77.0 (75.5,78.5) 7.9 (6.7,9.3)
High risk 35.9 (33.6,38.3) 14.2 (12.0,16.6) 77.7 (75.0,80.1) 8.1 (6.6,10.0)
Physical Activity
High 30.9 (28.9,33.1) 16.2 (14.5,14.2) 78.2 (76.4,79.8) 5.7 (4.6,6.9)
Moderate 27.7 (25.5,30.09 15.2 (12.8,17.9) 77.6 (74.7,80.3) 7.2 (5.6,9.3)
Low 29.4 (27.1,31.9) 12.1 (10.1,14.4) 75.0 (72.0,77.7) 13.0 (10.6,15.8)

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Low Back Pain in Older Adults in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Table 3. (Continued)

Back Pain Prevalence Back Pain Intensity % (95% CIa)

% (95% CIa) Low Moderate High

No 23.5 (22.0,25.0) 18.2 (16.4,20.1) 74.9 (73.0,76.7) 6.9 (5.9,8.1)
Yes 51.9 (48.8,54.9) 9.5 (8.1,11.1) 80.9 (78.5,83.1) 9.6 (7.8,11.8)
No 27.6 (26.0,29.2) 16.6 (15.2,18.2) 77.7 (76.2,79.1) 5.7 (4.8,6.9)
Yes 55.1 (49.4,60.8) 4.9 (3.6,6.6) 74.5 (70.0,78.5) 20.6 (16.9,24.9)
No 28.3 (26.7,29.9) 16.1 (14.8,17.6) 76.6 (75.3,78.0) 7.2 (6.2,8.4)
Yes 52.4 (48.3,56.4) 6.3 (4.4,8.9) 76.0 (70.7,80.5) 17.8 (13.4,23.3)
No 29.6 (28.0,31.3) 15.1 (13.8,16.5) 77.Q (75.7,78.4) 7.8 (6.8,9.0)
Yes 31.4 (27.5,35.6) 11.9 (8.8,15.9) 78.4 (73.4,82.4) 9.7 (6.5,14.2)
Chronic count
0 18.9 (17.6,20.3) 23.1 (20.7,25.5) 73.0 (70.5,75.3) 4.0 (3.2,5.0)
1 41.0 (38.5,43.5) 12.1 (10.5,13.9) 81.4 (79.4,83.3) 6.5 (5.1,8.1)
2+ 59.4 (55.7,63.0) 5.7 (4.6,7.2) 77.2 (73.7,78.4) 17.0 (14.2,20.4)
Confidence Interval
Arthritis, Depression, Asthma measured using WHO algorithms. Diabetes measured using self-report.


each of the covariates. Older age, female sex, living in a rural area, not completing primary edu-
cation, not currently working, being a current smoker, and having multiple chronic conditions,
were statistically significant in association with higher back pain intensity. A clear gradient is
seen across age, with individuals aged 80 and over having three times higher odds of high back
pain intensity compared with those aged 50 to 59 years. Unlike the results in Table 4, marital
status and wealth were not statistically significant in association with high back pain intensity.
In Table 6, the multivariable linear regression shows association between levels of back pain
intensity and the continuous WHO disability score. The reference group comprises respon-
dents with no back pain, according to self-reported past-month back pain prevalence. Com-
pared with the non-prevalent reference group, people in the high intensity group had, on
average, a 19-unit worse disability score, and people in the lowest intensity group had less dis-
ability, when all other variables were held constant. The disability score for respondents in the
moderate disability group was, on average, five units higher than the score for those without re-
ported back pain after adjusting for all other variables.
The sample size (N = 29,996) is due to missing data (n = 150) on the intensity score for re-
spondents who were included in prevalence estimates.
Disability was also associated with socioeconomic factors and comorbidities when back
pain intensity was held constant. There are inverse associations between education, wealth and
disability and there was positive association between disability and comorbid chronic condi-
tions. There was higher disability amongst the oldest age group and rural residents. People
with higher physical activity had less disability compared with those with low physical activity,
and those who never worked had higher disability compared to those who were working.

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Low Back Pain in Older Adults in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Table 4. Multivariable logistic regression of factors associated with back pain prevalence, adults 50+
years, pooled, SAGE Wave 1 (N = 30,146).

Adjusted Odds Ratio 95% CIa

Sex (Reference: male)
Female 1.6*** 1.4,1.8
Age Group (Reference: 50–59 years)
60–69 years 1.1 1.0,1.2
70–79 years 1.1 1.0,1.3
80+ years 1.0 0.8,1.2
Education (Reference: completed university/college)
Completed secondary/high 1.4** 1.1,1.7
Completed primary 1.6** 1.1,2.1
No primary completed 2.0*** 1.5,2.5
Marital Status (Reference: never married)
Married/cohabiting 1.6** 1.1,2.2
Separated/divorced/widowed 1.5** 1.1,2.2
Work Status (Reference: currently working)
Never worked 1.0 0.9,1.2
Not currently working 1.1 1.0,1.2
Wealth Status (Reference: highest-wealthiest)
Second highest 1.1 0.9,1.3
Mid 1.2 1.0,1.5
Second lowest 1.2 1.0,1.4
Lowest (poorest) 1.4** 1.1,1.7
Residence (Reference: urban)
Rural 1.2** 1.0,1.4
Smoker (Reference: not current)
Current 1.2* 1.0,1.3
Alcohol (Reference: never drinkers)
Former drinkers 1.2 1.0,1.4
Current drinkers 1.2** 1.1,1.5
Waist Circumference (Reference: low risk)
High risk 1.1 0.9,1.2
Physical Activity (Reference: low)
Moderate 1.0 0.9,1.2
High 1.1 1.0,1.3
Chronic Conditions Count (Reference: none)
1 2.7*** 2.4,3.0
2+ 4.8*** 4.1,5.6
Country (Reference: China)
Ghana 2.2*** 1.9,2.6
India 1.8*** 1.5,2.2
Mexico 1.8** 1.2,2.8
Russian Federation 4.1*** 3.1,5.4
South Africa 2.3*** 1.9,2.8
Confidence Interval
*** <0.01
Variance Inflation Factor = 1.17.


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Low Back Pain in Older Adults in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Compared with China, adults aged 50 and older in the other five SAGE countries, had more

This study of the six SAGE countries is the first to utilize nationally representative, comparable,
population survey data to measure and assess factors associated with past-month back pain
prevalence across six culturally different LMICs. These findings are a start but not sufficient.
They serve as a reference point for clinicians, public health practitioners and researchers plan-
ning future qualitative and quantitative studies that can inform development of country-specif-
ic medical education and practice guidelines.
In recent years, there has been increasing recognition of the growing burden of musculo-
skeletal disease and back pain in both developed and developing countries [5, 8, 9, 11, 43]. A
large multi-country study of chronic pain conditions [42] showed that the age standardized
prevalence of chronic pain conditions in the previous twelve months was 37.3% in developed
compared with 41.1% in developing countries, with back pain more common in developing
Across the six SAGE countries, past-month back pain prevalence was almost 30%. These re-
sults are within range of prevalence estimates reported in some other studies. Estimates of one-
month back pain prevalence for adults aged 60 and over in developing countries range between
18% and 29% (13). In our study prevalence estimates varied across the SAGE countries, from
22% in China to 56% in the Russian Federation. The estimates for the two African countries,
Ghana and South Africa, were 41% and 39% respectively. A review of back pain prevalence
studies in adults aged 20 to 85 years in the African continent reported one-year back pain prev-
alence between 40% and 72% [25]. The high back pain prevalence seen here in the Russian Fed-
eration is consistent with a previous analysis of World Health Survey data in which the
prevalence was 76.8% in the major metropolitan areas of Moscow and St Petersburg [59].
In addition to pharmacological interventions, treatment and management modalities for
back pain include behaviour and exercise therapy and lifestyle change, many of which are rela-
tively low-cost to implement in primary care settings [60]. However, most of what is known
and demonstrated comes from developed countries. Context-specific trials and evaluations in
developing countries are needed.
In agreement with other studies [15, 16, 61] this study shows that back pain increases with
age although not necessarily for the very old, and that female sex is significantly associated
with back pain [16, 18, 24]. The reasons for this are not clear, although it is suggested that this
may be due to greater sensitization to pain, the reporting of pain, and differences in response to
analgesics in females [42, 62, 63]. Even though the mechanisms that lead to gender differences
in pain are yet to be elucidated, in their literature review, Bartley and Fillingim [63] suggested
that multiple bio-psychosocial mechanisms (e.g. genetic, sex hormones, pain coping, gender
roles) may interact and contribute to the phenomenon.
Other studies have also reported inverse socioeconomic gradients between the prevalence
and intensity of back pain and education and wealth [14, 32, 35]. Our study also found that
people living in rural areas were more likely to experience back pain and at higher intensity.
This may have also been due to more frequent and strenuous outdoor household activities (e.g.
carrying water or food), undertaken by older people living in rural areas in these six countries
[14, 36, 37]. The occupational variable in SAGE that identified physical labour however had
considerable missing data, and for that reason, was not included here. Instead, we used a mea-
sure of working status for which the data were over 98% complete. However, a simple cross

PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0127880 June 4, 2015 12 / 21

Low Back Pain in Older Adults in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Table 5. Multivariable ordinal logistic regression of factors associated with back pain intensity, adults
50+ years, pooled, SAGE Wave 1 (N = 8,815).

Adjusted Odds Ratio 95% CIa

Sex (Reference: male)
Female 1.3** 1.1,1.6
Age Group (Reference: 50–59 years)
60–69 years 1.3** 1.1,1.6
70–79 years 1.7*** 1.3,2.2
80+ years 3.3*** 2.2,4.9
Education (Reference: completed university/college)
Completed secondary/high 1.2 0.8,1.7
Completed primary 1.4 0.9,2.2
No primary completed 1.6** 1.0,2.6
Marital Status (Reference: never married)
Married/cohabiting 1.1 0.7,1.7
Separated/divorced/widowed 1.1 0.6,1.7
Work Status (Reference: currently working)
Never worked 1.2 0.9,1.6
Not currently working 1.3** 1.0,1.5
Wealth Status (Reference: highest- wealthiest)
Second highest 1.0 0.7,1.3
Mid 1.2 0.9,1.6
Second lowest 1.2 0.9,1.6
Lowest (poorest) 1.2 0.9,1.6
Residence (Reference: urban)
Rural 1.6*** 1.3,2.0
Smoker (Reference: not current)
Current 1.2** 1.0,1.5
Alcohol (Reference: never drinkers)
Former drinkers 1.1 0.9,1.3
Current drinkers 1.2 0.9,1.4
Waist Circumference (Reference: low risk) 1.2 1.0,1.4
High risk 1.2 1.0,1.4
Physical Activity (Reference: low)
Moderate 0.8 0.7,1.0
High 0.8* 0.6,1.0
Chronic Conditions Count (Reference: none)
1 1.9*** 1.6,2.2
2+ 4.2*** 3.4,5.3
Country (Reference: China)
Ghana 2.0*** 1.5,2.7
India 2.0*** 1.5,2.7
Mexico 1.0 0.6,1.6
Russian Federation 1.2 0.8,1.8
South Africa 1.1 0.8,1.6
Confidence Interval
*** <0.01
Variance Inflation Factor VIF = 1.15.


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Low Back Pain in Older Adults in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

tabulation in the pooled SAGE dataset showed that over 51% of rural residents were in occupa-
tions involving physical labour compared to 38% of urban residents.
There was a higher prevalence of back pain among respondents with high risk waist circum-
ferences, although in the presence of other factors in the multivariable models, waist circumfer-
ence was not statistically significant. The precision of these estimates is influenced by missing
data in the waist circumference variable.
In this study of the six SAGE countries there was a higher prevalence of back pain amongst
those with high levels of physical activity and the odds of reporting back pain were slightly
higher for those who had high, compared with moderate or low levels of physical activity.
However, these results were not statistically significant and the association between back pain
and physical activity can occur in both directions. For example Kim et al. [64] found that vigor-
ous and moderate physical activity in older Koreans was associated with an increased risk of
back pain in both men and women, whereas strength exercises were associated with a reduced
risk of back pain.
In the pooled analysis of adults aged 50-plus in the SAGE countries, about 8% of those with
back pain experienced it at high intensity, although at the country level this ranged from 4% in
China to 12% in India. Respondents who experienced high intensity back pain had consider-
ably greater disability, compared with those with low intensity or no back pain. Musculoskele-
tal disorders are a frequent cause of disability in older populations [40] and these findings
reflect the major disabling effect of back pain on daily function and activities. In the multivari-
able disability model, the effect of female sex was not evident as in the other models, but there
was a clear age gradient, with older age significantly associated with greater disability. These re-
sults are generally consistent with other studies. In a study of Korean adults with a mean age of
40 years, Kim et al. [64] found that the degree of disability from back pain assessed was influ-
enced by a pain severity and type. In the US Weiner et al. [65] showed that, in a large cohort of
well-functioning adults aged 70–79 years, back pain frequency/intensity was associated with
perceived difficulty in performing important physical functional tasks. These authors suggested
that the dose-response relationship between back pain frequency/intensity and self-reported
functional task difficulties underscores the importance of efforts to treat and reduce pain with-
out necessarily eradicating it [65].
The WHO measure of disability [48] takes into account variations in the reporting of dis-
ability across cultures [66]. There is increasing evidence of the effectiveness of low-cost easily
implemented therapeutic interventions, such as physical exercise, in improving rehabilitation
outcomes for people with back pain as well as the quality of life for people with disabilities [67]
in higher income countries. The finding of strong association between back pain and disability
in the SAGE countries has important public health policy implications for LMICs. One of the
reasons for this is that the data were population-based being captured in households, rather
than in clinical settings or the workplace. This suggests the need for investment in community-
based primary care assessment and education.

The cross sectional nature of the study presents limitations in terms of interpreting causal asso-
ciation. We cannot separate antecedent factors that influence incident cases from consequent
factors associated with prevalent cases. Some determinants may also be consequences, e.g.
smoking and drinking, and there may also be selection effects, e.g. those with back pain are
unable to undertake physical activity at high levels but physical activity may also be a causal
factor. Data from future waves of SAGE will provide information about the direction of

PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0127880 June 4, 2015 14 / 21

Low Back Pain in Older Adults in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Table 6. Multivariable regression of factors associated with disability, adults 50+ years, pooled coun-
tries, SAGE Wave 1 (N = 29,996).

Adjusted Coefficient 95% CIa

Back Pain Intensity (Reference: No back pain)
Low -3.3*** -4.2,-2.5
Moderate 5.0 *** 4.2,5.7
High 18.6*** 16.5,20.6
Sex (Reference: males)
Female 0.9** 0.3,1.5
Age Group (Reference: 50–59 years)
60–69 years 1.4*** 0.8,1.9
70–79 years 5.4*** 4.6,6.2
80+ years 13.0*** 11.3,14.7
Education (Reference: completed university/college)
Completed secondary 2.8*** 1.8,3.9
Completed primary 4.2*** 3.1,5.2
No primary 5.4*** 4.4,6.5
Marital Status(Reference: never married)
Married -1.4 -3.7,0.9
Separated/divorced/widowed -0.1 -2.2,2.6
Work Status (Reference: currently working)
Never worked 3.9*** 2.8,5.0
Not currently working 3.1*** 2.3,3.8
Wealth Status (Reference: highest)
Second highest 1.4*** 0.9,2.4
Mid 2.7*** 1.7,3.8
Second lowest 3.3*** 2.3,4.2
Lowest (poorest) 4.8*** 3.9,5.8
Residence (Reference: urban)
Rural 3.0*** 2.1,3.9
Smoker (Reference: not current)
Current -0.2 -0.8,0.5
Alcohol (Reference: Never drinkers)
Former drinkers 0.7 -0.2,1.6
Current drinkers -0,4 -1.0,0.3
Waist Circumference (Reference: low risk)
High risk -0.3 -0.0,0.3
Physical Activity (Reference: low)
Moderate -3.9*** -4.7,-3.0
High -4.9*** -5.7,-4.1
Chronic Conditions Count (Reference: none)
1 3.8*** 3.1,4.4
2+ 9.3*** 8.3,10.3
Country (Reference: China)
Ghana 10.3*** 9.1,11.4
India 15.3*** 14.3,16.3
Mexico 4.4*** 2.1,6.8
Russian Federation 8.1*** 6.5,9.7

PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0127880 June 4, 2015 15 / 21

Low Back Pain in Older Adults in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Table 6. (Continued)

Adjusted Coefficient 95% CIa

South Africa 7.9*** 6.7,9.1
Confidence Interval
Variance Inflation Factor VIF = 2.05.


Although the GPAQ was the best available measure of physical activities in this dataset, it is
possible that we underestimated the amount of physical activities undertaken by these older
adults. The GPAQ only captures work and recreational activities and does not include indoor
and outdoor household activity, which can be significant in developing countries, particularly
in rural areas.
The WHODAS 2.0 disability score captures respondents that have difficulties in performing
everyday tasks that may not be attributable to back pain. Nevertheless, the WHODAS 2.0 was
the most appropriate measure of disability for this study.
We developed an index for back pain intensity and frequency using questions that referred
to pain in general, rather than back pain specifically. While it is true that the pain that the indi-
vidual reports could have been due to a number of conditions, we assume that back pain was
one of these. Therefore if back pain was experienced in the previous 30 days, we assume that it
would have contributed to the responses to the questions about general pain that were used to
develop the intensity/frequency index.
A large proportion of the data in the SAGE were self-reported, and could be influenced by
the reporting heterogeneity by the respondents, either due to their experiences or expectations.
Salomon et al. [68] suggested the use of anchoring vignettes based on fixed levels of health on
different dimensions such as mobility, pain, cognition, to adjust for this. However Hirve et al.
[69] analysed eight health and demographic surveillance sites within the WHO-INDEPTH
Network and found that the use of vignettes to adjust for reporting heterogeneity could not be
justified because vignette equivalence and response consistency requirements were
not fulfilled.
Because there was a relatively low percentage of missing data, we decided against using mul-
tiple imputation methods. We acknowledge the possibility of bias due to missing data.

Measures of back pain prevalence are typically based on self-report. Estimates vary widely
across populations and settings owing to methodological, definitional and socio-cultural differ-
ences [11, 12, 36]. Socio-cultural and psychosocial factors influence the reporting of pain, as
well as knowledge and perception of ways of dealing with the impact of pain on everyday func-
tioning [1, 41]. The SAGE adjusted for cultural differences as far as possible by using standard-
ized culturally appropriate instruments.
This is the first study of its kind to use nationally representative standardized population
survey data to present detailed contextual analyses of back pain and disability in older adults in
LMICs. The questionnaire was first translated into the local language, and then back translated.
All translations were validated before data collection commenced. The interviews were

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Low Back Pain in Older Adults in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

administered by trained local interviewers in face-to-face, one-on-one settings to ensure

cultural appropriateness.
The study reveals differences between countries that can be followed up by policy makers.
For example, the high back pain prevalence in the Russian Federation contrasts with low back
pain prevalence in China. Amongst those who experienced back pain, a relatively high propor-
tion of respondents in India reported high intensity back pain, while a high proportion re-
ported low intensity back pain in Mexico, and a high proportion reported moderate intensity
back pain in South Africa. Ghana and India had greater disability compared with China. Al-
though the SAGE questionnaires are designed to accommodate cultural differences, there may
be other reasons for the between-country differences. This is certainly an area for further

Our study highlights the need to further gather data and investigate back pain determinants in
older adults within country settings [5]. We do not yet fully understand the impact of sociocul-
tural factors on the perception and reporting of back pain in developing countries [29]. Our
findings are a start but certainly not sufficient. What is needed is context-specific data that can
inform the design, development, trialling and economic evaluation of interventions for the di-
agnosis, management, treatment and rehabilitation of back pain in older adults in developing

We thank the respondents in each country for their continued contributions, and acknowledge
the expertise and contributions of the country principal investigators and their respective
survey teams. The US National Institute on Aging’s Division of Behavioral and Social
Research, under the directorship of Dr Richard Suzman, has been instrumental in providing
continuous support to SAGE and has made the entire endeavour possible. We thank our SAGE
Collaborators. Their names are listed as follows: Ghana: Mensah GP, Department of Commu-
nity Health, University of Ghana Medical School. China: China; Guo Y and Zheng Y, Shanghai
Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Shanghai, China. Yong J, National Cen-
ter for Chronic and Noncommunicable Disease Control and Prevention, China Center for Dis-
ease Control and Prevention, Beijing. India: Parasuraman P, Lhungdim H and Sekher TV,
International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai, India. Mexico: Rosa R, Lopez Ridaura
R, Salinas-Rodriguez A, and Manrique-Espinoza B, National Institute of Public Health, Cuer-
navaca, Mexico. Russian Federation: Belov VB, Lushkina NP, and Meshkov D, National Re-
search Institute of Public Health (FSBI, RAMS) Moscow, Russian Federation. South Africa:
Phaswana-Mafuya R, Makiwane M, Zuma K, Ramlagan S, Davids A, Mbelle N and Matseke G,
Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria, South Africa; Schneider M, independent consul-
tant; Tabane C, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. USA: Snodgrass
JJ, Eick G, Sterner K, Liebert MA, Gilbert TE, University of Oregon, University of Oregon, De-
partment of Anthropology, Eugene, Oregon, USA: Thiele EA, Department of Biology, Vassar
College, Poughkeepsie, New York USA. Australia: Byles JE, Research Centre for Gender,
Health and Ageing; University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia. D'Este C, National Centre
for Epidemiology & Population Health, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
Negin J. School of Public Health, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
In this work, Jennifer Stewart Williams and Nawi Ng were supported by the FORTE grant
for the Umeå Centre for Global Health Research (No. 2006–1512). Nawi Ng was also sup-
ported by the Swedish Research Council’s “Linnestöd” grant (No 2006-21576-35119-66) for

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Low Back Pain in Older Adults in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

the Ageing and Living Conditions Programme at Umeå University, Sweden. The funders had
no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of
the manuscript.

Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: JSW NN SC. Analyzed the data: JSW NN SC. Wrote
the paper: JSW NN SC. Contributed to the design and implementation of the study, data collec-
tion and review of the manuscript: KP AY RB TM FW PA PK.

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