Apparent Firom FFF
Apparent Firom FFF
Apparent Firom FFF
Submitted By :-
N Names ID. No
1 Finte Abdi Yuya R/1229/13
Oct, 2023
Jigjiga, Ethiopia
List of figure
Figure 1: Architecture of APTRA Vision
Figure 2: Example of ATM
List of Abbreviation
CBE : commercial bank of Ethiopia
ATM : automated teller machine
CHAPTER ONE 1.1 Introduction
………………………………………………………………………… 1
1.2 background of the organization
………………………………………………………………………… 1
1.3 Vision of the
…………… 1
• Mission of the
…………… 2
• Main Products and Services
……………………………………………………………………………… 2
• Main customer or end user of its product or
service……………………………………………. 5
• overall organization and work
Chapter 2. Overall internship
2.1 the way I get to the company
2.2 the section I have been
2.3 The work flow in the section look
like………………………………………………………….. 7
2.4 The work task that I have been
executing……………………………………………………… 7
2.5 How good I have been in performing work
2.6 Challenges I have been facing while performing work
2.7 Measures I have been taken in order to overcome these
challenge…………………. 9
Chapters 3.1 Over all benefit I gained from the
internship……………………………………….. 10
3.2 In terms of upgrading your theoretical
3.3 In terms of improving interpersonal communication
3.4 in terms of improving team playing
3.5 in terms of improving leadership
3.6 in terms of understanding about work ethics related to
3.7 in terms of updated
Chapter 4. Conclusion and recommendation
• Introduction
This internship report is based on practical experience at the
commercial bank of Ethiopia dire dawa district dire dawa branch.
This study selected five major objectives i.e. to know about the
present an overview of commercial bank of Ethiopia., to acquire
the knowledge about the overall activities done in banking
profession. The next part is Historical Background of the
Bank .During our internship program in this branch we have
found some lacings. we found that the credit policy is required for
better performance of the bank. After that we also found that the
some strengthens &weakness of commercial banks of Ethiopia
during our intern period. Finally we observed that commercial
banks of Ethiopia will ensure the better services to the people
and they will be more contribution on development of economy of
Ethiopia. We can simply say that Bank is financial organization
that deals with money. In modern age it is impossible to think a
country without bank. Banks play diversified role in an economy.
The most important task that is done by a bank is building of
capital. That is the key factor of the development of an economy.
The growth of the economy also depends on the performance of
the banking sector. Banks secure money of the society.
Government takes various monetary policies. These policies are
implemented with the help of banking sector. It is impossible to
do foreign trade without the help of bank. Banks provide services
that help the business sector a lot to carry on the business. For
example, giving guarantee, different types of certificate,
expertise advice to business people. Banks also help to establish
good faith among business persons. Its motto is to provide a
prompt and quick service to the clients. This report has been
prepared in the light of practical as well as theoretical knowledge.
During the internship program we have got a good idea about the
CBE has opened four branches in South Sudan and has been in
the business since June 2009. CBE has reliable and long-
standing relationships with many internationally acclaimed
banks throughout the world.
• Vision of the Organization
To treat our employees customers shareholder and our
communities with an attitude of services and appreciation .
• Growing our bank profitably to return dividends to our
shareholders and stock appreciation and
• Volunteering in our communities as bank ambassadors to
shoe that local really does
• To become world class commercial bank with reduced
environmental footprint, leading by example in 2025.
Chapter 2
2. Overall internship experience
2.1 the way we get to the company
As the university academic curriculum the student who finish 3 rd
second semester computer science program student expected to
take the internship program. This done by taking by informal
latter or request from university linkage for internship place
certain period of time this formal latter or request let us to ask
different company to practice theoretical knowledge we have
learned so far for five semester change into practical knowledge.
But we were lucky to get an acceptance paper from commercial
bank of Ethiopia dire dawa district branch organization gave our
chance to train and take the acceptance paper. Starting form (19
July 2023) we went to commercial bank of Ethiopia organization
to join and practice the theoretical knowledge we have learned in
the class in different section of the industry. As we arrived first
day to company, we get good acceptance from our supervisor
and he told us the rule and regulation the organization before we
get to work then he introduced with the other IT director staff
workers, operators of the organization. CBE directorate gave the
positive answer to host as for the required period.
2.2 the section we have been worked.
During our study in CBE we have worked the places that are
related to computer science department.
Some the section the we have been worked flows are
• ATM management system
2.3 The work flow in the section we have been worked
How do we maintain ATM machine ?
In Commercial Bank Of Ethiopia there are many ways to maintain
ATM machine, to maintain ATM machine they use Three Steps
Types Of ATM Problem
In Mainly There Are Three problems those are
• Lost Communication problem
• Cash Out problem
• Hard Fault
• Lost Communication:- Is a type of ATM problems this
types of problem can occur when the network of ATM
system was does not works or when it was damages this
types of problem can fixed by Tele worker and Network
• Cash Out:- it is also a type of ATM Problem it can occur
when the ATM machine is Does not a money And when it
finish the money on the cassettes of money this types of
problem can fixed by Operator which means Branch
• Hard Fault:- This is one of ATM failures and this types of
problem occurs mostly and the causes of the failure are
when the power goes off while the ATM is operation and
various hardware problem occur.
• This types of crash has been fixed by IT Supporter or when
the problem need to technical treat At that time It
supporter can report in to Moti Engineering
In Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, there three types of malfunction
ATMs repaired by experts namely
• Operator(Branch technician)
• IS (IT Support)
• Moti Engineering
1, Operator (Branch technician) : - The main job of the
operators is to open the ATM machine and insert money when the
cash cassettes run out.
2,I S (IT Support) : - IT Support staff fix most of the ATM
malfunction such as hard faults, transaction problem, changing
ATMs cassettes, lost com problems if they are offline, bring them
back online and fix them if the system is down due to power
2.4 The work task that we have been executing
The work task, we have been executing during and internship
period were interested and helps us in so many ways. From those
such as the following are some benefits in have gained when we
were executing work task.
• Enable us to know how theoretical knowledge can be
changed into practical skill.
• Execute work task in short period of time.
• Learn and adapt the environment and condition.
• Initiate and inspire us to do more
• Interact with each other and team work
Chapters 3
3.1 Over all benefit we gained from the internship
The main aim this internship program is changing the theoretical
education we have learned to the practical one. The main
objective of this practical attachment is to make the graduating
student to have sufficient practical experience that enables them
to perform effectively on their appropriate profession after
graduation. The practical attachment is very interesting and
helpful for the for the student. It helps the student observe the
work environment and gain experience for their future career. It
will also help the student to solve the real world problem by
applying all their learning time. However its is, from this
internship program we have got different skills.
Skills we have got and improved in our internship program are list
• Practical skill
• Theoretical knowledge
• Interpersonal communication skill
• Team playing
• Leadership skill
• About work ethics related issue
• Entrepreneur skill
3.2 In terms of upgrading your theoretical knowledge
Even if we have some vision in various courses learn in the class.
Briefly we know more while we saw really. We recall and relate
the theoretical knowledge with practical. While we do something
that force us to refer about the subject this make us to remember
and upgrade our self.
Some of theoretical knowledge we have gained during internship
period are listed below
• Learn about how to manage ATM
• Learn about how to test and fix system problem
• Apply class room theoretical part to real work
3.3 In terms of improving interpersonal
communication skills.
In the company, we were working with all the staff members and
any individual peacefully, by the experience we have gained from
our internship program.
In the internship period interpersonal communication skill is the
best thing because one way of learning, mutual exchange of
ideas information and skill, furthermore we can establish mutual
respect within the company, we were engaged during our
internship period at CBE team work. We tried to develop our
interpersonal communication skill by different from such as
speaking, writing and listing.
It has the following advantages;
• To handle information.
• Making productivity more fruitful.
• To become easier to work with.
• To persuade people.
• To improve relationship with others all staff members
peacefully and consideration for one another opinion
and inputs.
• To understand workers attitude.
• To know the work characteristics o the organization
ACI is a type of Application whose purpose is to troubleshoot
ATM machines, it develops a broad line of software focus on
facilitating real time electronic payments. These product and
services are used globally by banks, financial intermediaries such
as third party electronic payment processor, payment
association, switch interchanges, merchants, corporation, and a
wide range of transaction generating endpoint, including
automated teller machine( ATM ).
We see the advantages of ACI as follows
• To check whether the transaction is working or not
• To check the ATM status
• To check the cash cassettes whether there is
money or not
• To view transaction and so on
The method we use check if the ATM is working is called ping. To
use ping, we first copy the IP address of the ATM from APTRA
Vision, then go to Start and type ping, then press space and then
paste the copied IP Address and call it inter. Then we can know if
the ATM is working or not.
3, Moti Engineering:-
Moti Engineering’s main job is to fix the problems that are
beyond the capabilities of the IT Supporter or the ones that needs
to be solved.
How to register Moti Engineering
• First we will call the ATM branches where there is a
malfunction and confirm
• Then Moti Engineering has its own website and by
entering the website we record the branch where the
ATM is located and when the transaction was stopped.
Chapter four
4. Conclusion and Recommendation
4.1 conclusion
The practical attachment that we have done for 45 days is an
attractive work and intelligence activities for professional field of
our work career opportunity. This practical attachment gives us
the experience, skill and knowledge on our job application for the
work activities performed professionally. Because practical
attachment helps to find the job opportunity practiced in different
organization to change better information accessibility in the
public services.
IT center of CBE organization established for the purpose of guide
how to communicate among each sector of work. During stay in
internships we have observed ATM management system and
learn as well. This internship was very fruitful to us because we
had to know what we apply during installation. We also learn new
concepts and new ways of working. To conclude, we think that
this internship was very beneficial to us as we learnt a lot, and it
made our discover work's in a real world.
4.2 Recommendation
We would like to recommend practical attachment is good way
basic acquired knowledge; however durations of the practical is
very short in the internships. Because of many course require
practices that we had learnt from 2ndb to 3rd year to cover the
theory one into practical. Such as application, maintenance. So,
the department increases duration of internship period to cover
all things, and also assign advisors for the student for
• Documents and report of the CBE
• Interview with supervisor
• Google
As we mentioned above some about what we do during
internship period, it helps the reader to understand brief and
detail explanation that related to Computer science in
Commercial bank of Ethiopia(CBE) organization.
So, we motivated, and inspire to write some about the problems
or challenges faced in organizations, industries, teaching and
learning (example in universities, colleges, schools, and other
institutes) with in their possible and appropriate solutions.
Some of them are listed below.
IT challenges facing or problems in organizations: The main
problems are high cost of getting, installing, operating,
maintaining, and replacing IT systems, use of unlicensed software
,outdated hardware and software systems, lack of technical
support for maintenance of systems and also other challenges
like ever increasing demands for transformation, customer
experience, growing cybersecurity and data privacy threats,
advancing data opportunities, geopolitical impacts, workload,
skills gaps, budget are main challenges of IT in industries and
Problems or challenges in integrating IT in teaching and
learning: The major barriers were lack of genuine software,
inadequate computer in the classroom, low speed internet, lack
of motivation from both teacher and student side to use IT, lack
of proper training skills, unavailability of latest IT equipment, lack
of expert technical staff, poor administrative support and poor
To overcome from challenges or problems those I explained in
the above, we take different method and procedure with in
appropriate skills and knowledge as follows.
• Understand and identify the key components of IT
• Make holistic judgments against broad criteria when
assessing IT capability.
• Promote learning progression in the development of
concepts, knowledge, skills and confidence applied to
tasks depends on the range and type of problems tackled.
• Reinforce a positive outlook, ask question to understand
the problem, be open- minded, look down on a problem,
define the problem completely, think logically, and each
other related.