coop Report
coop Report
coop Report
This report paper prepared to summarize and accomplish the course of professional practice
in marketing that enables student to know how principles of theoretical course of marketing
are applied in the real business world and to create awareness about the current business
environment. The report was conducted on both bank service and product of cooperative
bank of Oromia. The required data was collected by using direct observation, discussion
with concerned parts, using observed service, product and office documents. this report has
three major title such as background, department/section, and evaluation of organization
with various subtitle under each title. Subtitles and details are also explained in this practical
First of all, I would like to thanks God for enabling me to successful complete this practical
attachment. I would like to express my gratitude to all those who give me the opportunity to
complete this report. I want to thank the department of Marketing Management for giving me
this golden opportunity to do this report in the first instance and also I would like to thanks Mr
Abdi Adem who allow me to work my practical attachment in their organization and stimulating
suggestion and encouraged me in all time at the training site and also for writing this report. I
want to thanks for all your help, support, interest and. Especially, I would like to give my
especial thanks to my parents whose patient love enabled me to complete this work. Finally I
would like to thanks all employers of the bank and the close supervisor in helping me honestly
to explain and allow me to make close observation, discussion and be voluntary to ask different
CHAPTER ONE..........................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Historical Background of Cooperative Bank of Oromia....................................................................1
1.2 Main function or core activity of the host organization.....................................................................2
1.3 Vision, mission statement and Core value of the organization...........................................................2
1.4 The structures of cooperative bank of Oromia...................................................................................3
1.5 Marketing practice and service delivery of organization....................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO.........................................................................................................................................5
2. HOST ATTACHMENT DEPARTMENT IN THE ORGANIZATION..................................................5
2.1 key function of the department..........................................................................................................5
2.2 Staff establishment of the department in terms of the number of employee and their duties and
2.3 Detailed description of the assignment that I was handing in the department....................................6
CHAPTER THREE.....................................................................................................................................7
3.EVALUATION OF THE ATTACHMENT PERIOD..............................................................................7
3.1 Benefits you gained from the Attachment..........................................................................................7
3.2 Description of the Strength and weakness.........................................................................................7
3.3 Description of the Opportunities and Threats....................................................................................8
3.4 Possible problem that you have noticed with respect to the specific task that you were handling and
the working condition in the organization, and staff relationship............................................................9
3.5 Challenges encountered by student during the attachment period......................................................9
3.6 How the challenges were solved........................................................................................................9
3.7 Conclusions.....................................................................................................................................10
3.8 Recommendations............................................................................................................................11
3.8.1 Recommendations for the university in general and the department in particular as to how the
practical attachment course implementation can be improved...........................................................11
3.8.2 Recommendations for the company in general and the section in particular as to how to solve
its problems that I observe during the attachment period...................................................................11
Bank of Abyssinia was legally replaced by Bank of Ethiopia shortly after Emperor Haile Selassie
came to power in 1931. After the Ethiopia victory over fascist Italy the state bank of Ethiopia
established by proclamation issued in august 1942. In April 1943, state bank of Ethiopia
commenced full operation and acted as the central bank of Ethiopia. Commercial Bank of
Ethiopia was legally established in 1963. After the fall of socialism, the first private bank Awash
International Bank, S.C. was established in 1994. After 1994 different private Banks were
established. Currently there are about 27 private banks in Ethiopia. From these one is
Cooperative Bank of Oromia S.C.
Establishment of CBO (S.C.) was registered commercially on October 29, 2004 in accordance
with article 304 of Commercial Code of Ethiopia & in line with proclamation no. 84/1994 with
authorized capital of Birr 300 million. It started operation on 8th march 2005, with paid up share
capital of birr 112 million.62.86 % of Ownership was occupied by Cooperatives while the
remaining 37.14% was occupied by non-cooperatives.
Cooperative Bank of Oromia is a private commercial bank in Ethiopia. As of October 2022, the
bank has above 9.5 million account holders, more than 610 branch network and has more than
11,500 employees throughout the country. Cooperative bank of Oromia has ETB 121.7 billion
Asset, and ETB 100 billion Deposits. CBO receives money sent from all over the world through
its SWIFT Code CBORETAA and 16 international money transfer agents like money gram,
Atlantic international, x-press money, KAAH, Ria World remit and so, on. The bank delivers
foreign exchange in all its branch distributed throughout the country.
Mieso branch one of the new branch of cooperative bank of Oromia
It has been established in 2021. It was located in Mieso town. Cooperative bank of Oromia mieso
branch started working within few employees but, currently there are 10 employees including
secretary, guard and more than 5090 customers. In general, by adopting or accepting different
modern working technical Cooperative Bank of Oromia mieso branch tries to achieve its vision,
mission and to bring desire economic development in the country.
We root Our foundation in communities to Provide Banking Solution that create
greater customer experience with emphasis to cooperatives and Argo-Based
Businesses through proper use of Human resource and up-to-date technologies to
maximize stakeholders’ value.
To provide full-fledged and customer responsive banking service for cooperative
societies, individuals and other entries with special emphasis to agricultural and agro
based business
financing and to maximize shareholders value through use of competent and
disciplined employee visionary leaders a modern banking technologies
Customer Satisfaction
Learning Organization
Team Work
Cost consciousness
Concern for community
Protect the interest of the bank against any harmful cause, internal and external.
Protect the employees against unfair exploitation of labor and improper utilization of
effort and skills.
Support the members during the time of financial distress and unlawful eviction or
dismissal from job.
Promote to meet customer satisfaction via employee’s satisfaction.
Raise awareness on right and duties of employees in line with existing national laws,
international labor conventions and human resource principles.
Promote to establish and enhance network communication with local and international
unions and federations.
Create and promote partnership linkage with similar unions operating in the banking
and insurance industry and others.
To promote saving culture and create access to loans.
To maximize shareholders value.
General body. The apex body of cooperative bank of Oromia is the general body of
shareholders /owners of the bank who have the basic right to decide the objective, the existence
and operation of the bank.
General assembly: The general assembly elected representatives, the boards of directors to
whom all the powers to run the bank are based upon.
Board of directors: Boards of directors hired the general managers of the bank.
Executive managers. They are who interested to perform the function relating to policy matters,
implementation and supervision.
Functional departments: at head office levels and branches are in charges of the
implementation of policy and strategies of the bank.
1.5 Marketing practice and service delivery of organization.
Service is any activity or benefit that one part can offer to another that is essentially intangible
and does not result in the ownership of anything.
Cooperative bank of Oromia is a community oriented bank that provide banking service to
individual, cooperatives, businesses, foreigners, and Ethiopian in the diaspora. It also offers
service that fit anyone needs they are split into four categories such as; conventional,
cooperative, diaspora, and interest free banking
In general cooperative bank of Oromia delivery service that can meet the need of their customer
and satisfy user of the bank and also it provides online Michu digital loans service for their
customer without warrant through Michu digital application that make unique from other private
bank in the country.
2.1 key function of the department.
The Customer account and transaction service department is one of the sectors of cooperative
bank of Oromia mieso branch. its duties and responsibility by settingspecific and feasible goals
and objectives which support to speed up customer satisfaction and profit maximization of the
Saving account – is interest bearing deposit opened by legal and physical persons,
organization and association.
Demand deposit account – shall mean an interest bearing account opened only by
customers who are literate.
Special demand account or Alhuda – means a non interest bearing account that is
opened to full fill the request of customer who for one not wants interest for their
Fixed time deposits – a type of account deposit is received at certain period of time
without movement a minimum of three months and attracts higher interest rate than
Cash withdrawal
Cash deposit
3) Telegram: - that means send outgoing message and receive incoming message from other
5) checker activities: - means checking daily tickets which are filled and written manually, by
2.2 Staff establishment of the department in terms of the number of employee and
their duties and responsibilities.
This department was established in 2021 when the bank starts its job.
We can say that the department is the back bone of the organization.
It has one employee in each window.
Their duties and responsibilities
Attend customer at the counter properly and with due respect.
Post all type of transaction and identify customer.
Prepare cash and non-cash tickets/instruments.
Process customer account opening and perform cross selling activity.
Pay cash to all types of transaction within his/her limit.
Scan customer and authorized staffs’ signature.
Receive cash from all type of transaction within the branch.
Process clearance of negotiable instruments.
2.3 Detailed description of the assignment that I was handing in the department.
As department member I also has the responsibilities to performing the activities of the
department. Based on those general activities, I perform the following specific work as an
internship, when I was participating in cooperative bank of oromia at mieso branch some of them
as the follows I opened more than 80 account with bank staff 35 in bank and 45 out of bank
during internship practices with employees and also I opened 100 mobile banking or Coopay E-
Birr for varies customer in mieso town and also I was participated in different writing and typing
activities that help customer like withdraw, deposit as well as transfer form for customer and
advise customer to fulfill the ticket properly and I was fill many mobile banking link form as
well as ATM order form for varies customer according to their needs. I accomplish a given work
punctual and honestly by obeying the rules and regulations of the bank.
3.1 Benefits you gained from the Attachment.
Since this practical attachment is the connection between theory in class and real world it has
significant. Some of the significance of this practical attachment;
Help to know and compare the relationship between the theory and real
To increase the confidence of students on future work
To identify the problem in the company for necessary solution
Help to apply the theory in class for future expected activities
Help for students how to identify and find solution for problem
Help to teach others the acceptability of theory in class
Increase confidence of student for research and etc…
Some the weaknesses are as follows
Absence of ATM.
Lack of integrity.
Poor market area selection.
Poor network utilization insufficient working area for storing money.
3.3 Description of the Opportunities and Threats
The best opportunities are as follows: -
3.4 Possible problem that you have noticed with respect to the specific task that
you were handling and the working condition in the organization, and staff
During my practical attachment I have observed different major problem that retard the
organization to achieve its development plan. Setting mission and vision does not mean the ways
are quite smooth to meet the target.
Some of the problem I observe in the organization are Lack of data for previous work
Dishonest of the employee’s.
Technological influence like Facebook.
Unqualified planning and budget system to perform work.
3.5 Challenges encountered by student during the attachment period.
There are some problems which affect me on my activities of 45 days. Some of these problems
are from the organization and some are from customers: -
Some of them don’t sign on the ticket and some signature on the ticket and
on the book are different.
No correct order of sender name which is difficult to serve customer.
Some are careless to respect the employees and rules.
Some of them bring incorrect account which the system is not read.
3.7 Conclusions.
Cooperative Bank of Oromia can’t wait to achieve an Integral service and product Planning; the
situation is serious in terms of social and economic profit. The risk is very high and demands
sooner actions. It is necessary to integrate accounting principle strategies (organizational) with a
domestic Service program (small actions). Implementation of an Integral customer service
System will avoid social and economic risks of every local condition and will minimize the
Quality of service. Traditional bank management strategies, focusing only on routine services are
too simple in today`s bank management practice.
This work can help to resolve the problems not only in CBO, even in others banks of the area
with the same situation.
3.8 Recommendations
The following are the possible recommendations for the advancement of the
bank: -
Best management for effective and efficient resource utilization
Selection strategic work place
Sustainable online connection for money mobilization
Good initiation and capacity building for employees
Working with good team spirit
3.8.1 Recommendations for the university in general and the department in
particular as to how the practical attachment course implementation can be
3.8.2 Recommendations for the company in general and the section in particular as
to how to solve its problems that I observe during the attachment period.
Would like to suggest to Cooperative bank of Oromia Mieso branch have to work
properly to achieve their goals and also to address other problems by I working in
cooperation with other organization, especially non-governmental organization
Service excellence is useful for Cooperative bank of Oromia to compete with private
banks. The bank should expand modern banking service especially E-banking service
to its customer;
Like other private bank Cooperative bank of Oromia should pay better salary to its
employee due to employee satisfaction is one among the values of the bank, in
addition to that better salary may reduce skilled and experienced employee flow to
private bank.
The organization needs to change this situation by looking for bank expert which play
a great role in order to promote banking system.