True Depth Conversion CSEGRecorder Nov 2001
True Depth Conversion CSEGRecorder Nov 2001
True Depth Conversion CSEGRecorder Nov 2001
A good seismic image is not enough for an exploration or interpretation in the time domain is a riskier business.
field development interpretation. Good well ties and reliable Interpreting structure i n the time domain means accepting
depth conversion are also required. The authors have found the risk of assuming a constant velocity model, or that all
that geologists and geophysicists tend to approach the depth p o s s i b l e v e l o c i t y a b e r r a t i o n s c a n be c a u g h t b y the
conversion process quite differently. interpreter. Further, even simple geology can produce false
The geologist says, " I f I don't have "True Depth": highs (or can obscure true highs) - a 'velocity anomaly' is
wells, how can I do depth?" - often the actual not required in order to have a time structure. A thick zone
unaware that seismically-derived depth in the of high velocity material can masquerade in the time domain
velocities exist. T h e geophysicist subsurface. as an evenly deposited layer of rock overlying a structural
says, " I have all these velocities from high {Figure 1). Many good interpreters have fallen into this
my seismic," - and needs to be cautioned that these imaging classic pitfall! Similarly, structures can be concealed by the
velocities are not right for true depth conversion. o v e r b u r d e n , a n d a good d e p t h c o n v e r s i o n can s h o w
structures where none were thought to exist, revealing
We have also seen that there is sometimes confusion about potentially bypassed reserves.
w h a t the deliverables of a depth conversion project are.
These can be 1) seismic data v o l u m e ( S E G - Y ) i n depth D e p t h c o n v e r s i o n is a w a y to r e m o v e the s t r u c t u r a l
instead of time, 2) maps and/or computer grids of depth from ambiguity inherent i n time and verify structure.
the seismic a n d w e l l s , 3) a velocity model i n the f o r m of a Explorationists need to v e r i f y structures to c o n f i r m the
2 D profile or 3 D cube data v o l u m e ( S E G - Y ) , 4) another presence of a structural trap when planning an exploration
possible deliverable is an uncertainty analysis on the final well, or to determine the spill point and gross thickness of a
'best' result. prospect to establish volumetrics for economic calculations,
or to define unswept structural highs to drill with infill wells
Recently we have also seen confusion over the meanings of to tap attic oil.
"depth migration" and "depth conversion," which are two
different processes. M i g r a t i o n is an i m a g i n g issue; W h a t ' s more, there is an increasing use of seismically-
conversion is a calibration issue (although some blurring of derived rock property data in reservoir studies. Geological
the lines has arisen recently w i t h the advent of anisotropic, and engineering reservoir modeling studies are inherently in
pre-stack depth migration, or A P S D M ) . The differences are depth. By translating seismic interpretations from time to
discussed later i n this article. depth, we enable the integration of the seismic asset w i t h
geologic, petrophysical, and production data.
This article w i l l describe various methods to perform depth
conversion, including how m u c h sophistication is needed for
v a r i o u s objectives. We w i l l d i s c u s s a c c o u n t i n g for r e a l
geologic structure and stratigraphy, proper calibration of ^ ^ • a n d s & Shales
seismic velocities, proper honouring of w e l l data versus
s e i s m i c d a t a , a n d s u i t a b i l i t y to m e e t t i m e a n d c o s t
First things first: why depth?
Table 1
Imaging Depthing
j Purpose: Purpose :
• reposition reflectors • convert seismic times to actual
• collapse diffractions depths
• produce correct relative structural • produce predictions of depths av/ay
pictu re from the wells.
• absolute vertical calibration
! Imaging is done first. Depthing is done after Imaging.
Imaging is mainly a lateral correction. Depthing is strictly a vertical correction.
Imaging uses imaging velocities Depthing u s e s vertical propagation
(horizontal and vertical components). velocities (vertical component only).
T i m e migration is strictly v a l i d only for vertically v a r y i n g Transverse isotropy (seismic waves traveling horizontally
velocity; it does not account for ray bending at interfaces. through a geologic layer w i l l normally travel at a higher
Depth migration accounts for ray bending at interfaces but velocity than a similar w a v e traveling vertically) is often the
requires an accurate velocity model. Depth migration is typi- cause of the disparity between the best depth-imaging
cally called for w h e n there is significant lateral variation of velocities and the best depth-conversion velocities (Schultz,
velocities. 1999). Provelocities are generally very different from the
true vertical velocity field. For this reason, pre-stack depth
Imaging addresses the proper lateral positioning of reflectors, migration ( P S D M ) does not provide the correct depth of
but does not result in a true depth data set, even if depth migra- events and should just be used for lateral positioning, not for
tion is used (Al-Chalabi, 1994; Schultz, 1999). Depth migration depthing (Al-Chalabi, 1994).
'depths' often mistie known well depths; errors of over 100
metres are still common after depth migration (Haskey et al., Depth migration output is in the depth domain, but does not
1998). The "depth" in "depth migration" is not true depth. Why? result in accurate depths of reflectors because the velocities
Because provelocities, those that do the best job of N M O and used are provelocities. T h i s is w h y depth migration results
migration, are not the same as true verhcal propagation veloci- do not tie wells accurately. Schultz (1999, pp. 2-7 and 2-8)
ties. Seismic energy, after all, does not travel vertically. There is says:
a strong horizontal element to the travel path of energy that w e
record in any seismic surface data (Reilly, 1993; Schultz, 1999). " E v e n though velocity model-building and depth
Even if you do a zero-offset survey, and you send the source sig- imaging create a seismic depth volume, their main
nal down vertically, the raypaths refract in accordance w i t h contribution is an improved image. The depth
Snell's law whenever velocity variations are encountered. rendering, v i a the [imaging] velocity model used
Because of Snell's law and ray-bending, the signal that departed for depth migration, is not sufficiently accurate to
vertically will be unlikely to travel verhcally. It is compelled to tie the wells. A major reason for the misties is
travel along at directions that are bent away from vertical. v e l o c i t y anisotropy. The migration velocity
analysis measures the horizontal component of
Nonetheless, provelocities are the right values to use for imag- velocity, and the depth conversion requires the
ing. What makes them so fit for their purpose, though, makes vertical component of velocity. The horizontal
them unfit for the purpose of true depth conversion, because component is often faster, and commonly makes
they are designed to correct a different problem. You neither the well depth markers come in at a shallower depth
want to use vertical propagation velocities to do depth migra- than the corresponding seismic reflection event."
tion, nor use provelocities to do depth conversion {Table 1).
Another reason for the mistie is nonuniqueness: there are
Is this unsettling? Intuitively, geophysicists feel that there many velocity models that w i l l produce an equivalent image
must be an actual velocity at w h i c h the seismic wavefront (Tieman, 1994; Ross, 1994). E v e n in totally isotropic media,
travels through the ground. Over the years, though, velocity therefore, unless well data are incorporated into the velocity
terminology has suffered casual use a n d often misuse. m o d e l ( A l k h a l i f a h & T s v a n k i n , 1995), there w i l l probably
Unfortunately, what is commonly called 'velocity' obtained be misties - especially due to the tendency to pick on the
from seismic processing; fast s i d e w h e n p i c k i n g p r o c e s s i n g v e l o c i t i e s so as to
discriminate against multiples.
"has the dimensions of velocity but is generally or
only remotely or vaguely related to the actual A good a p p r o a c h to depth c o n v e r s i o n , e s p e c i a l l y i n a
velocity i n the groimd. The most common type of complex geological environment, is first to perform a depth
s u c h ' v e l o c i t y ' is w h a t i n the i n d u s t r y is
commonly k n o w n as stacking velocity. ... Its real
the given layer, not just the one w i t h the best tie at the well
(i.e., the base of the geological layer) (Figure 4b). But h o w
1 •
can we evaluate goodness of fit? There is a unique quantitative
method for determining the accuracy of the fit of the models.
V -V The authors call this approach "discrepancy a n a l y s i s . " It
* 1 ' i 'intoW
was derived and patented by Al-Chalabi (1997a), and has
been used extensively for several years. What follows is a
+<F -V )e discussion of Ai-Chalabi's approach.
max Y mm max/^
a) Average veL b) Interval vei c) Instantaneous veL This approach makes use of the fact that most analytic expres-
sions of velocity variaHon with depth, whether a linear or
Figure 5
curvilinear expression, have two parameters. (The ideas
presented here are extendible to functions w i t h more than
two parameters. For simplicity, the two parameter case is dis-
velocity v e r s u s m i d p o i n t depth, for example, or w e can cussed.) For example, i n the commonly used linear equa-
contour our w e l l average or interval velocities - perhaps tion of the form V ( z ) ^ VQ + k Z , the two free parameters are
contour them geostatistically u s i n g seismic processing Vg and k. Within a given rock layer, the variation of velocity with
velocities at distances far from the wells. depth can be described equally well by a range of V O a n d k
parameter values. These analytic functions describe a smooth
A d d i n g still more detail, w e w o u l d like our model layer variation of velocity with depth, much smoother than the high
velocities to include variation with depth in some cases, frequency fluctuations observed on sonic logs (Figure 6).
because velocities often increase w i t h greater degrees of
compaction caused by thicker overburden (Figure 5c). For velocity
these situations we w i s h to have an instantaneous velocity
data set to model, such as a time-depth curve from a vertical Actual V(z)
seismic profile, or check shot survey, or an integrated sonic black curve
log. T h i s type of curve provides velocity variation over very
small depth increments, hence "instantaneous" velocity.
Parameterl (eg.
Yellow area: equally good
parameter choice
Figure 7
Well data are h a r d measures of depth - not completely Although provelocities w i l l always have more error and
w i t h o u t error, but the w e l l d e p t h m e a s u r e m e n t s c a r r y uncertainty than well velocities, w e can at least calibrate them
relatively low uncertainty. However, wells present us w i t h to the w e l l s a n d then benefit f r o m their a d d e d s p a t i a l
velocity information that is spatially sparse, often clustered, coverage. Calibrated provelocities can be converted either to
and l i m i t e d by w e l l total depth. Further, w e l l data over- average or to interval velocities, and then combined with well
represent anomalous locations, such as structural highs. average or interval velocities, preferably using an appropriate
Seismic data offer a spatially dense, regular, and objective geostatistical approach (e.g., k r i g i n g w i t h external drift,
sampling, and cover the entire depth range evenly throughout collocated cokriging, etc.). This approach is often very useful
the survey area. These traits offer the opportunity to overcome in the first layer of a multi-layer depth conversion, where
many of the limitations of using w e l l data alone. However, instantaneous well velocities are often limited or absent (due
seismic data are a measure of time rather than depth or to no logging behind surface casing), and where average
velocity directly, and the provelocities derived from seismic provelocities handle the overburden and provide extensive,
are imaging velocities, not vertical propagation velocities such unbiased areal coverage.
as in wells.
Perhaps more usefully, though, provelocities can also be used
A n y effort that undertakes to combine hard (well) data (high for instantaneous velocity modeling, using several different
certainty and low sampling density) and soft (seismic) data approaches. I n one such approach, well data are used to
(low certainty and high sampling density) must honour the derive the gradient parameter (k) in the Vo,k function, and
h i g h e r c e r t a i n t y of the w e l l d a t a . Geostatistics ( s p a t i a l interval velocities extracted from seismic and converted to V,,
statistics) is the proper w a y to combine these two diverse are used in combination w i t h well VQ values in a V,) map.
types of data and retain proper weighting of well control, as Another approach is to derive the VQ from the provelocities
w e l l as to capture and maintain spatial trends (Chambers et after they have been converted into "pseudo w e l l s , " described
al., 2000). For instance, kriging (which here is taken to include next.
the various versions of kriging and cokriging) is a method of
interpolation that uses specially-weighted combinations of The advantage of these approaches is that the wells provide
data observed at k n o w n locations (such as wells) to predict the necessary detail in the vertical direction (k gradient), the
u n k n o w n v a l u e s at other locations. K r i g i n g also p r o v i d e s seismic provides the necessary detail in the lateral directions
estimates of the accuracy of the predicted values. (VQ map), and geostatistics ties them together w i t h proper spa-
tial weighting.
The field of geostatistics presents many interesting techniques
for integrating and mapping velocity, and analyzing spatial Pseudo-wells from seismic
structures of velocity. We must restrict the scope of this short
article to the topic at hand - depth conversion - and simply One of the unique things that can be done w i t h provelocities
note that geostatistical analysis offers us tools to combine all is to compute "pseudo-wells."
available velocity data.
From provelocities that have been calibrated to true vertical
Extending the velocity model to make use of velocities, time-depth curves ( T - D curves) are c o m p u t e d at
velocities from seismic each s t a c k i n g location. ( T - D curves are just another w a y of
representing velocity-depth functions.) T h e n T - D curves can
H o w can w e extract good quality v e r t i c a l propagation be amalgamated (averaged) into pseudo-wells to be used in
velocity information from seismic data? Recall our earlier instantaneous velocity function modeling just as the T - D curves
discussion that the provelocities used i n processing the from wells are used for instantaneous velocity modeling,
seismic data to a stacked, migrated, laterally focused picture albeit at a coarser time sampling {Figure 10). T h e averaging
of the subsurface reflectors are not the same entity as true is used to smooth the error inherent in stacking velocity
vertical propagation velocities i n the same ground, w h i c h analysis.