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This eleventh edition primarily updates the previ- p­ ractitioners in various professions. As in previous
ous edition by adding more recent research and editions, the achievement of this goal involves the
interpretations of the concepts and theoretical inclusion of research examples that demonstrate
views associated with those concepts that were in the evidence-based foundation for the motor learn-
the tenth edition. An important feature of this new ing and control concepts. It is important to note that
edition is that it continues its two most distinctive the research examples are just that—examples; the
features as an introductory motor learning and con- intent of the discussion of research about a spe-
trol textbook: its overall approach to the study of cific topic, therefore, is not to present an extensive
motor learning and control and the organization review of the research literature or to investigate
of the implementation of that approach. In every the various controversial views that may exist
edition of this book, the overall approach has been on a topic.
the presentation of motor learning and control
“concepts” to identify the common theme of each
chapter. The concepts should be viewed as general-
ized statements and conclusions synthesized from New Research
collections of research findings. Following the Because an important goal of this book is to pro-
concept statement is a description of a real-world vide research evidence to support the various con-
application of the concept, which is then followed cepts and applications, it is essential to regularly
by discussions of specific topics and issues associ- update the research to maintain the book’s rel-
ated with the concept. An important part of these evance. As in previous editions, each chapter of the
discussions are summaries of research evidence, on eleventh edition includes updated research in the
which we base our present knowledge of each topic text, the A Closer Look boxes, and in the Related
and issue, as well as the implications of this knowl- Readings sections. Research related to motor learn-
edge for practitioners. The benefit of this organiza- ing and control continues to increase, as evidenced
tional scheme is the presentation of motor learning by the ever-expanding amount of research articles
and control as a set of principles and guidelines for and chapters published each year. Because of the
practitioners, which are based on research evidence availability of this new information, it is essential
rather than on tradition or “how things have always that an introductory textbook provide the most up-
been done.” to-date evidence available to support the numerous
Our goal for this edition continues to be to concepts and applications that can be derived from
provide an introductory study of motor learning this research. But, the caveat here is to not over-
and control for students who aspire to become whelm the reader with a litany of research studies.


It is with this point in mind that we have as a pri- Chapter 5: Motor Control Theories
mary intent to present examples of research stud-
∙ Updated and added new research relevant to
ies that provide empirical support for the concepts
the concept discussed in the chapter
discussed rather than to provide exhaustive reviews
of the available research.
Chapter 6: Sensory Components
of Motor Control
IN SPECIFIC CHAPTERS ∙ Updated the role of the vestibular system in
motor control
Chapter 1: The Classification of Motor Skills
∙ Added an example of how tactile feedback
∙ Added a new example to clarify the many- influences movement timing
to-one and one-to-many relationship between ∙ Clarified the temporal occlusion procedure
movements and neuromotor processes used to evaluate the role of vision in motor
∙ Clarified the section on why it is important to control
distinguish actions, movements, and neuromo- ∙ Clarified text related to the two visual systems
tor processes for motor control
∙ Added text to clarify the notion of regulatory ∙ Clarified how the optical variable Tau triggers
conditions an action
∙ Simplified the text that describes the practical ∙ Updated and added new research relevant to
applications of Gentile’s taxonomy the concept discussed in the chapter

Chapter 2: The Measurement of Motor Chapter 7: Performance and Motor Control

Performance Characteristics of Functional Skills
∙ Updated the definitions of performance out- ∙ Added text about the role of vision in
come measures and performance production prehension
measures ∙ Clarified how the optical variable Tau is
∙ Clarified the description of the kinematic used during catching
measure “velocity” ∙ Updated and added new research
∙ Updated the reference to Susan Hall’s textbook relevant to the concept discussed in
of biomechanics the chapter
∙ Clarified the description of “relative phase”
∙ Updated and added new research relevant to Chapter 8: Action Preparation
the concept discussed in the chapter ∙ Added another example of how the end-
state-comfort effect influences movement
Chapter 3: Motor Abilities preparation
∙ Updated and added new research relevant to ∙ Elaborated on how elite performers use preper-
the concept discussed in the chapter formance routines
∙ Updated and added new research relevant to
Chapter 4: Neuromotor Basis the concept discussed in the chapter
for Motor Control
Chapter 9: Attention as a Limited Capacity
∙ Added a mnemonic to help remember the dis-
tinction between motor and sensory neurons
∙ Updated and added new research relevant to ∙ Updated the Closer Look box on how cell
the concept discussed in the chapter phone use influences driving

∙ Updated differences between skilled and less- ∙ Related the cognitive explanation for bilat-
skilled soccer players in their use of visual eral transfer to the first stage of learning as
search strategies described in chapter 12
∙ Updated the range of skills in which the “quiet ∙ Updated and added new research relevant to
eye” has been demonstrated the concept discussed in the chapter
∙ Updated and added new research relevant to
the concept discussed in the chapter Chapter 14: Demonstration and Verbal
Chapter 10: Memory Components, Forgetting,
∙ Added reference to identify a meta-analysis of
and Strategies
64 studies that showed evidence for the con-
∙ Updated and added new research relevant to clusion that demonstrations convey relative
the concept discussed in the chapter motion information
∙ Added footnote to identify a review of research
Chapter 11: Defining and Assessing Learning supporting mirror neurons
∙ Updated and added new research relevant to
∙ Expanded and clarified discussion of the mean-
the concept discussed in the chapter
ing of “persistence” as a general performance
characteristic of skill learning
Chapter 15: Augmented Feedback
∙ Added a specific research example to illustrate
how performance during practice can overesti- ∙ Added clinical example of use of erroneous
mate the amount of learning that occurred dur- augmented feedback
ing practice of a motor skill ∙ Expanded discussion of why beginners ask for
∙ Updated and added new research relevant to KR after good trials during practice
the concept discussed in the chapter ∙ Updated and added new research relevant to
the concept discussed in the chapter
Chapter 12: The Stages of Learning
Chapter 16: Practice Variability and
∙ Added footnote to identify research arti-
cles that provide more elaborate discussions
about the relationship between coordination ∙ Elaborated on discussion of Shea and Kohl
changes and motor control during motor skill experiment to clarify the procedures with
acquisition respect to the task the participants learned
∙ Added a specific reference in text for a meta- ∙ Clarified the relationship between different
analysis of research related to results of brain types of practice schedules and the amount of
imaging showing differences in brain regions contextual interference associated with each
active during early and later stages of ∙ Expanded the discussion of the “challenge point
learning hypothesis” to more directly relate it to the gener-
∙ Updated and added new research relevant to alization limits of the contextual interference effect
the concept discussed in the chapter ∙ Updated and added new research relevant to
the concept discussed in the chapter
Chapter 13: Transfer of Learning
Chapter 17: The Amount and Distribution
∙ Added new real-world example of spatial loca-
of Practice
tion change that results in negative transfer
∙ Expanded example of rehabilitation therapy ∙ Added in Application section the relationship
situation that would induce negative between amount of practice and frequency of
transfer augmented feedback discussed in chapter 15

∙ Elaborated on meaning of phrase “diminishing v­ arious pieces of information that led to the con-
returns” as it relates to amount of overlearning cept statement.
and amount of actual learning
∙ Elaborated on discussion of meaning of terms Application
“massed” and “distributed” practice Following the concept statement, the application
∙ Updated and added references to research section describes in practical terms the relevance of
published since previous edition the chapter concept and content to everyday expe-
riences and professional practice.
Chapter 18: Whole and Part Practice
Application Problem to Solve
∙ Elaborated on the skill complexity—organiza- This feature, which follows the application section
tion relationship for making the whole-part at the beginning of each chapter, presents a spe-
practice decision cific application problem for students to work on
∙ Expanded the “A Closer Look” box discussion as they engage in reading the discussion section of
of how to apply the whole-part practice deci- the chapter.
sion to three-ball cascade juggling
∙ Added a dance instruction example to the Discussion
“reducing speed” strategy for implementing This section presents the specific information from
the simplification method for learning complex which the concept statement was derived. It includes
skills the key topics and issues relevant to the chapter con-
∙ Updated and added new research relevant to cept along with summaries and examples of research
the concept discussed in the chapter that provide evidence to support the various points
presented in the chapter.
Chapter 19: Mental Practice
∙ Related mental practice as an action prepara- A Closer Look Boxes
tion strategy to the discussion in chapter 8 Each chapter contains several boxes. The title for
∙ Added specific reference for reading a review each box indicates its content. These boxes typi-
of research on the use of motor imagery for cally serve one of several purposes: to provide
upper limb rehabilitation more detail about a research study than is provided
∙ Updated and added new research relevant to in the text; to describe a situation that applies a
the concept discussed in the chapter point in the discussion to a professional practice
situation; or to describe a relevant issue that allows
the student to explore a topic beyond the limits of
Motor Learning and Control: Concepts and Summary
Applications continues to offer the following fea- Each chapter concludes with a summary that pre-
tures from the previous editions that have helped sents the main ideas addressed in the discussion
enhance student learning. section. Using this tool, the student can return eas-
ily to a topic in the chapter for clarification or study.
Each chapter begins with a concept statement to Points for the Practitioner
present a principle or conclusion that describes This feature describes how the chapter topic relates
the focus of the chapter. The goal of these state- to the practice or performance setting. It encour-
ments is to provide students with a guide for under- ages students to think about how they will use this
standing the chapter content, which provides the information in practical ways.

Related Readings for most chapters. These experiences are available

For students who want to know more about a par- for this edition as well. In the eleventh edition, these
ticular topic, this list at the end of each c­ hapter laboratory experiences are identified by “Lab Links”
offers carefully selected research journal articles, boxes in the margins.
books, and book chapters for further exploration.
Study Questions At the end of the book, all the key terms defined
A set of questions appears at the end of each chap- in the definition boxes are included in a com-
ter to encourage students to review and analyze the prehensive glossary. This glossary is useful as a
chapter content. quick reference and a helpful review to prepare for
Specific Application Problem as a Study
Question Name Index
The final study question presents an application In addition to the regular subject index, this book
problem to solve as a culminating experience for features a name index, which identifies and locates
the student to use the information presented in the all the names referred to in the book. Included in
chapter. This problem differs from the one located this list are the names of important people who
at the beginning of the chapter by describing a situ- have been or are leaders in the field of motor learn-
ation students might experience in their future pro- ing and control.
fessional experience.
Definition Boxes The eleventh edition of Motor Learning and Control
Key terms, which are highlighted in the text in bold- is now available online with Connect, McGraw-Hill
face type, are defined in corresponding boxes for Education’s integrated assignment and assessment
easy reference. Other important terms in the text platform. Connect also offers SmartBook for the new
appear in italics for emphasis. edition, which is the first adaptive reading experience
proven to improve grades and help students study
Lab Links more effectively. All of the title’s website content is
The previous four editions included, as part of also available on Connect, including access to the full
McGraw-Hill’s Online Learning Center for this course Instructor’s Manual, Test Bank, and Power-
book, a laboratory manual of laboratory experiences Point slides, and Student Lab Manual.

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS have learned from them and how they have influ-
enced much of the content of this book.
The creation of a new edition of a textbook requires
We also greatly appreciate the feedback from
the support of colleagues, friends, and loved ones.
the following reviewers: Aaron Banks, ­Gustavus
Each of us wants to identify specific sources of
Adolphus College; Kay Daigle, Southeastern
support, without which we could not have com-
­Oklahoma State University; Amanda D ­ ickinson,
pleted this eleventh edition.
Oklahoma Wesleyan University; Cynthia R ­ utledge
Richard wants to acknowledge students and col-
Ferguson McMurry University; ­ Morgan Hall,
leagues throughout the world who have told or sent
University of Utah; Michelle Hamilton, Texas
him their ideas and suggestions concerning ways to
State University; Christine Inniss, California
make the book work better for them in the classes
State University, Northridge; Timothy Mirtz,
they teach. He greatly appreciates their interest in
Bethune-Cookman University; Michael Moline,
assisting his efforts to develop this new edition. On
Casper College; ­ Robert Pettay, Kansas State
a more personal level, he again acknowledges and
­University; Arend W. A. Van Gemmert, Louisiana
thanks his wife, Susan Koff, for her support, encour-
State University; and Howard Zelaznik, Purdue
agement, suggestions, and patience. He is dedicating
this edition to her for her constancy in “being there.”
David would like to acknowledge support from
Alvin Alvarez, Dean of the College of Health and Richard A. Magill
Social Sciences at San Francisco State University, New York City, New York
as well as support from the Office of Research and
Sponsored Programs. He would also like to thank David I. Anderson
Laurel Enders, Zulema Gamez-Amaya, Dominic San Francisco, California
Rubino, and Wes Turner for their help review-
ing the literature, editing pages, and searching the This text is available
Internet for resources. He is indebted to the many as an eTextbook from
colleagues and collaborators from across the world VitalSource, a new way
who have inspired his work and shaped his per- for faculty to find and review eTextbooks. It’s also
spective on motor learning and control. Finally, he a great option for students who are interested in
would like to thank his wife Suzanne and daughter accessing their course materials digitally and sav-
Torre for patiently enduring the many intrusions ing money. VitalSource offers thousands of the
into “family time” that were necessary to com- most commonly adopted textbooks across hundreds
plete this book. David is dedicating the book to his of courses from a wide variety of higher education
father, Ian Hugh Anderson, for his love and support publishers. It is the only place for faculty to review
and the countless sacrifices he made to ensure that and compare the full text of a textbook online,
he received the best education possible and made providing immediate access without the environ-
it to all of his sports practices and games on time. mental impact of requesting a print exam copy. At
A new edition of a book would not be possible VitalSource, students can save up to 50 percent
without the effort and encouragement of the devel- of the cost of a print book, reduce their impact on
opmental and production editors at McGraw‑Hill. the environment, and gain access to powerful web
We thank them for their direction, suggestions, tools for learning including full text search, notes
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graduate and graduate students who have been in between classmates. For further details contact your
our classes. It is difficult to express how much we sales representative or go to www.vitalsource.com.

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From David:
To my father
Ian Hugh Anderson

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Introduction to Motor
Skills and Abilities

The Classification of Motor Skills

The Measurement of Motor Performance

Motor Abilities
The Classification of
CHAPTER 1 Motor Skills

Concept: Classifying skills into general categories helps us to

understand the demands those skills place on the performer/learner.

After completing this chapter, you will be able to

■ Define and distinguish the terms actions, movements, and neuromotor processes,
and give examples of each
■ Describe the one common motor skill characteristic for each of three motor
skill classification systems, the two categories of skills in each
system, and examples of motor skills in each category of each system
■ Describe the two dimensions used to classify skills in the Gentile
taxonomy of motor skills and the classification characteristic included within
each dimension
■ Discuss ways to use the Gentile taxonomy of motor skills in physical
rehabilitation or physical education and sport contexts

APPLICATION we’re able to perform tasks that once seemed impos-

sible to master. On the other hand, we lament the
We are born to move, but learn to move skillfully. loss of coordination and control that follow injury,
When people run, walk with an artificial limb, throw disease, and disability. Such losses help us to real-
a baseball, hit a tennis ball, play the piano, dance, or ize just how important skill is to our sense of control
operate a wood lathe, they are engaged in the per- over the world around us.
formance of a type of human behavior called motor These simple observations highlight how depen-
skills. Every motor skill in our repertoire is the prod- dent we are on our capacity to learn and perform
uct of a long and often arduous process of acquisi- motor skills. Skill, when viewed broadly as a capacity
tion. We delight in watching young children acquire to control our bodies and the world around us, is a
the basic skills of sitting, standing, walking, reaching, biological necessity. The degree of skill we possess
and grasping that permit ever-increasing control is expressed through our ability to use movements
over the environment. We’re enthralled by the elite to deal with the myriad problems we encounter on
athlete and the professional musician and dancer a daily basis. Without some degree of skill to escape
who ­perform feats of movement control that defy the from predators, to find food, to find or build shel-
imagination. We’re equally impressed by the surgeon ter, and to procreate, animals would quickly perish.
and bomb disposal technician who can maintain a Humans are unrivaled in their capacity for acquir-
steady hand and dexterous coordination under the ing skill, as witnessed by the incredible feats of the
most intense pressure. Sometimes we even marvel professional athlete, dancer, and musician, but also
at our own ability to find new and better ways to the young child who can ride a bicycle or the patient
perform activities of daily living, and when we stop relearning to walk after an accident. We are capable
to think, we’re often surprised by just how efficiently of a degree of resourcefulness and adaptability that


far exceeds the capabilities of other animals. These conditions. When we view them in terms of this com-
traits have propelled humans to the top of the food mon characteristic, we can see that these two seem-
chain and allowed us to profoundly change the envi- ingly diverse skills are related.
ronment in which we live.
This book examines our fascinating capacity to Application Problem to Solve Identify five motor
control and acquire motor skills. The book focuses on skills that you can perform, either those that you
helping you understand how people perform and do routinely or those you do for recreation, fit-
learn, and how you can help people perform and learn, ness, or sports, and classify each into one of the
motor skills. It highlights a wide range of factors that categories in each of the motor skill classification
are known to influence how motor skills are per- ­systems you will study in this chapter; indicate
formed, how quickly they are learned, how well they why each skill would be classified this way.
are learned, and how well they are retained over long
periods of time. In addition to the traditional factors
that have been emphasized in the field, such as the DISCUSSION
way in which instruction and augmented feedback are
provided, and the amount and type of practice given To begin our study of motor learning and motor
to the learner, the book also covers a range of other control, we will describe how researchers and pro-
variables that have become prominent in the last few fessionals use these two terms to delineate areas
years, including the learner’s motivation and self-­ of research and professional application. Both
confidence, as well as his or her control over what areas of study share a focus on the performance of
happens during practice. motor skills, which we define as activities or tasks
As you engage in this study, you will find it that require voluntary control over movements of
useful to draw general conclusions to apply what you the joints and body segments to achieve a goal.
learn to a broad range of motor skills, rather than Researchers study motor skills in many ways. Two are
making many specific statements about many skills. especially relevant to discussions in this book: motor
The starting point for doing this is the classification learning and motor control; a third (known as motor
of motor skills into broad categories that emphasize development) is commonly related to these two areas
the similarities rather than the differences among of study, but it is not a focus of this book.
skills. The study of motor learning emphasizes the acqui-
For example, the skill of maneuvering a wheel- sition of motor skills, the performance enhancement
chair through a crowded hallway and that of hitting of learned or highly experienced motor skills, or the
a pitched baseball seem quite distinct. However, both
skills have one characteristic in common that influ-
ences how they are learned and performed. People
must perform both skills in an “open” environ­­ment. motor skills activities or tasks that require volun-
This means that to perform the skill successfully, a tary control over movements of the joints and body
person must adapt certain aspects of his or her segments to achieve a goal.
movements to changing characteristics in the per-
formance environment. For the wheelchair skill, this motor learning the acquisition of motor skills,
means that the person must be able to maneuver suc- the performance enhancement of learned or highly
cessfully through a crowded hallway in which people experienced motor skills, or the reacquisition of
are walking in various directions and speeds. For hit- skills that are difficult to perform or cannot be
performed because of injury, disease, and the like.
ting a baseball, the changing environment involves the
Of interest are the behavioral and/or neurological
ball itself as it moves toward the person. For both of
changes that occur as a person learns a motor skill
these skills, performance success requires the per- and the variables that influence those changes.
former to adapt quickly and accurately to changing

reacquisition of skills that are difficult to perform or behavioral level, researchers investigate questions
cannot be performed because of injury, disease, and by observing and analyzing human behavior as it is
the like. Of interest are the behavioral and/or neuro- affected by characteristics of any or a combination
logical changes that occur as a person learns a motor of these influences. Researchers may observe peo-
skill and the variables that influence those changes. ple performing motor skills in laboratory, clinical, or
An example of a question that a motor learning natural settings. To answer the research questions
researcher would seek to answer is, Does the type described in the preceding paragraphs, researchers
of feedback an instructor gives to a person learning could engage in either the behavioral or neurophysi-
(or relearning) a motor skill influence how quickly and ological level of study. As you will read in chapter 2,
how well the skill will be learned? researchers, as well as practitioners, use a variety
In the study of motor control, the question of of performance measures to quantitatively or quali-
interest is how our neuromuscular system functions tatively evaluate a person’s performance of a skill.
to activate and coordinate the muscles and limbs Researchers who study motor learning, control, and
involved in the performance of a motor skill. Research- development will often use their observations of
ers may investigate this question while a person is behavior (i.e., motor skill performance) to infer neu-
learning a new skill or performing a well-learned or rophysiological mechanisms that are responsible for
highly experienced skill. An example of a question that the behavior. For investigations at a neurophysiolog-
a motor control researcher would seek to answer is, ical level of study, researchers directly or indirectly
Are the movements of the arms and legs coordinated in observe central and peripheral nervous system com-
similar or distinct ways when a person walks or runs at ponents as they interact with muscles involved in per-
various speeds? forming a motor skill.
A related area is the study of motor ­development, The focus of this textbook is on motor learning and
which concerns issues related to either or both motor control without reference to developmental concerns,
learning and control, but is primarily interested in the although developmental relevance is considered in
relationship between these issues and human develop- several instances. Also, while you will be introduced
ment from infancy to old age. Those who study motor to some neurophysiological aspects of motor learn-
development place much greater emphasis on how ing and control, a behavioral level of study dominates
processes such as growth and maturation influence the textbook’s approach. In addition, you will see evi-
changes in motor behavior. An example of a question dence for and examples of how the three influences
that a motor development researcher would seek to on motor skill performance, as described in the previ-
answer is, How do the elderly compare with young ous paragraph, form the basis for our understanding
adults in terms of how quickly they can decide what of the learning and control of motor skills.
they need to do to avoid a collision with another per- To establish a foundation on which to build your
son while walking in a crowded hallway? study of motor learning and control, it is essential to
In their investigations researchers in these areas of have a good understanding of motor skills, which are
study assume that motor skill performance is influenced the focus of both areas of study and are an impor-
by the (1) motor skill, (2) performance environment, and tant component of the three general influences on
(3) physical and psychological characteristics of the motor skill performance depicted in figure 1.1. To help
person performing the skill (see figure 1.1). Research- you develop your understanding of motor skills, the
ers use this assumption to investigate questions about remainder of this chapter will address two impor-
learning, control, and development from behavioral tant points. First, we will consider what distinguishes
and/or neurophysiological levels of study.1 At the motor skills from other skills and define some other
commonly used terms related to the term motor skill.
You will sometimes see the term level of analysis rather than Second, we will discuss four different approaches to
level of study. We will consider these phrases to be synonymous classifying motor skills into categories that identify
and interchangeable. common characteristics of various skills.
Exploring the Variety of Random
Documents with Different Content
bridegroom part of the way to the bride’s apartment. So, lifting the
heavy Mohammed, I carried him a few paces. He was evidently
pleased at my doing him this friendly service, and, the form having
been gone through, sprang quickly down, and, taking me and one of
his other friends each by a hand, began to run. Before us sped a
young man; the rest followed. We were breathless when we reached
the caves.
All was in order. A crowd of spectators began to gather
immediately, and we slipped in through the gates and down the
passage, rapidly crossed into the first court, thence through the
underground passage and out into the other court. This was half-
dark, but from one of the caves shone a light. Here we entered. The
vaulted oblong room with its whitewashed walls was brilliantly lit up.
At the far end a carpet hung right across the room, concealing
something on the ground; in front was spread another carpet. Here
Mohammed seated himself, facing the door. There was no other
furniture visible.
On the bridegroom’s left his friend took a seat, pointing to me to
take my place on the right. There was not the slightest sign on the
features of the former expressive of any emotion, either of gladness
or gravity. To the looker-on he appeared merely phlegmatic, and sat,
wrapped in his cloak, staring into vacancy. His friend, who was also
clothed in red, sat, like himself, in silence.
In the open doorway I saw the faces of Belkassim and Mansur,
also some children, Jews, and the men who had followed us. No
women were present.
When we had been seated thus for a while, there appeared, from
the part of the room divided from us by the hangings, a large dish of
kus-kus and, soon after, a pitcher of water. These were placed
before Mohammed, who took a mouthful of the food—the first meal
prepared for him by his bride.
We sat silent a moment longer, then Belkassim dismissed the
spectators from the door, and I rose, shook hands with my friend the
bridegroom, and left. In the doorway I looked back. There sat the
bridegroom, dumb and stiff, but behind him I saw the carpet being
drawn a little aside, and in the dim light beyond it fancied I caught
sight of a woman’s face. Whether it were pretty, young, or smiling, I
know not. I only know that it must have been the bride’s.
In the open air the festival was in full swing. Closely packed in
front of the gate, and all along the approach, sat veiled women. The
banks and hollows were white with spectators. The negroes danced,
played, and drummed. There a mulatto sang a droll ballad; here two
men danced a stick dance, and so on.
I had been requested to take my place amongst the bridegroom’s
friends, who held themselves in a group apart, prepared to show him
this last day’s homage.
About an hour elapsed, then from the bridal cave a muffled gun-
shot was heard; it was scarcely noticeable, as the shrieking and
booming of the music overpowered all sounds. Ali hastily handed me
a gun, which I discharged, and several shots were fired from our
group. Every one of those present knew what this meant, and
rejoiced, but none more so than the family of the bride. They, who
had waited anxiously, were reassured, for she would not now, under
cover of the silent dark night, and wrapped in a grey blanket, be
hunted at a given word out of the village, and driven home to
sorrowing and disgraced parents and relatives.
The festival was not interrupted, but continued as before.
With the Khalifa by my side, and surrounded by his sons, the
sheikhs, and the principal guests, I remained seated all the evening
and far into the night, watching the entertainment, that in course of
time became very monotonous.
Now and again some men stepped forward, either singly or two
together. Over their shoulders hung red cloaks, and they posed in
graceful attitudes, with their heads held high, one foot forward, and
the left arm hidden beneath the burnous and the red cloak, whilst the
right hand was extended. On each side of them crouched a negro,
with the flaps of his burnous spread out before him to catch the coins
shortly to be thrown to him. Round these figures danced other
negroes, whilst the drums played.
Now one of the red figures raised an arm and threw a coin into the
negro’s lap, then again, slipping his hands into the folds over his
breast, pulled out another coin. This went on incessantly, that all
might witness how much money was distributed.
First it was the turn of the representatives from Beni Sultan, then
from Zaraua, Tamezred, or other villages, who in this way paid the
tribute expected of them on such festive occasions for the benefit of
the negro musicians.
When at last the men ceased, and the chink of coin was no longer
heard, one of the negroes advanced towards the group of women,
and, half-singing, half-declaiming, told them that the men of such
and such villages had given so much, at the same time praising not
only their generosity, but also their other virtues. Now and then his
song was interrupted by the “Yu, yu” of the women, which this
evening, owing to the number of voices, sounded quite imposing.
When he concluded, the applause was deafening.
Now and then a solo was sung, two or three voices joining in the
chorus that followed, the singers sticking their noses as close
together as they could during the performance. These songs are
always sung in a nasal tone, without any modulation, and the time
never varies.

Over the Mountains and across the Plain

from Hadeij to Metamer

During the night most of the guests wended their way homewards,
but a few still remained next morning; some of whom desired to
accompany me to Beni Sultan.
The bridegroom was expected to emerge from his cave at any
moment, so I lingered awhile, partly in hopes of bidding him farewell,
and also because I had been told he would be received with
rejoicings, and would distribute sweetmeats amongst the village
children. But the time fixed for my departure came, and I had to ride
off without witnessing this concluding scene of the festival.
Mansur’s mule was brought me. The Khalifa himself arranged my
saddle and lengthened the stirrups, thus showing me the final marks
of courtesy. He then gave the guide his instructions, and I took my
leave with warm expressions of thanks to him and to his sons, and
also to the assembled men. I rewarded little Ali for the services he
had rendered me, bowed respectfully to the Khalifa, and rode off with
my heart full of gratitude towards him and his people for their great
hospitality, and with the pleasant impression that my stay in the
Matmata mountains had given me the opportunity of seeing manners
and customs which, to my knowledge, no European had yet
witnessed in these regions. I thankfully recognised my good fortune
in having had the goodwill and assistance of the authorities; and
was, above all, grateful for the great hospitality of the people from
whom I had then just parted, and for their friendship which I flattered
myself I had gained.
A mule saddle is very broad, and resembles somewhat a pack. Its
peculiarity is that the stirrup-leathers are not secured to it. A leather
strap with a stirrup hung at each end is slung over the saddle, so
that, to mount, one must either vault into the saddle without setting
foot in the stirrup or be lifted into it. To anyone accustomed to the
ordinary English saddle it is an extremely uncomfortable seat, as it is
necessary to bear equally on both stirrups, or one risks losing one’s
balance and falling off; but I must say my mule proved to be
altogether a success on the difficult mountain road.
For nearly an hour we rode along the mountain top, whence we
had a lovely view; then we descended into a long valley in which
were many half-dead olive trees and green palms. Just as we began
the descent, we met a couple of men on their way to Hadeij from
Beni Sultan to complain to the Khalifa that their sheep had been
In the valley was a deep, broad river bed, then dry, and the
mountain sides were furrowed with deep watercourses leading
thereto. In these furrows stood a number of palms surrounded by
We halted in a lovely grove of olives, amongst which sprung a few
palms. Here some of our guides awaited us. They had crossed the
mountain by a shorter but precipitous path, whilst we had circled
round by a less steep and fatiguing route.
From an eminence some way down the valley we observed a
village looking like an eagle’s nest. This was the ancient Beni Sultan,
now deserted and in ruins, the present village lying on the incline on
the farther side of the mountain. A few of the houses in this deserted
village were excavated in the ground.
We travelled directly across the valley, and by a very dangerous
and slippery path reached the lowest point of the mountain ridge.
From thence we looked down on the valley on the other side. Facing
us were the ruins of the old village, standing picturesquely against
the sky. We rode down in a zigzag line past the farms and houses
scattered on the mountain side; the dwellings were crowded with
domestic animals, with men and women, and especially with
Not till we reached the valley did we halt, close to the descent to a
cluster of cave dwellings belonging to the Sheikh, in absence of
whom I was most cordially received by one of his nearest relatives.
The passage to the cave was not covered, and was cut into steps
where it sloped down into the ground towards the gate. On one side
of the wall by the steps was dug out a vaulted and somewhat
decorated cave; this was the guest-room where I dined. Afterwards I
visited the nearer of the Sheikh’s houses, with permission to
examine them from top to bottom.
In the main these dwellings were on the same plan as those of
Hadeij, but I found several cisterns in both the farms and the ruins.
Water flowed from the mountains into these through canals and
primitive pipes.
The caves were not all dug down and around a courtyard, but
were often high up on a perpendicular wall, and were reached by
The women offered me dates and showed me their looms. I saw
where they slept, generally on benches like low tables, called by
them “mokera.”
In one of the underground vaults, to which the access was
through a very heavy gate, was an oil-mill, and in another a granary.
After spending a couple of hours in the shelter of the caves, we
again started riding through the valley in a southerly direction, and
passing through large palm and olive groves. Nowhere in the
mountains had I seen such rich vegetation.
Close to the village were some ten women clad in dark blue,
drawing water from one of the few wells on this mountain. Two large
columns, formed of hewn palm stems, were inserted on either side of
the well, so as to slope inwards. These supported another palm stem
placed horizontally on the top of them; this again sustained a
wooden disk by means of which the water was hauled up. This
system of drawing water is rather comical, for the women, instead of
hauling up the bucket by moving their hands on the rope, seize the
latter and take a quick run, the distance covered being equal to the
depth of the well. When they have thus drawn a pitcherful of water
they return to the well to take another run.
We constantly passed spots in the valley planted more or less
largely with olive trees, but some of these were in an unhealthy
condition, showing grey or yellow instead of a deep fresh green. If
rain were not soon to fall these would die, and it would be many
years before others could be grown and bear fruit.
It cut me to the heart to see all this wealth on the verge of
destruction, and the more so when I learnt that the Khalifa owned
many of the trees. Rain had fallen in many other districts, but none in
Quitting the valley we turned to the right, and rode in a westerly
direction amongst colossal cliffs and into a wild ravine, where we
were surrounded to the north, west, and south by towering rock
pinnacles. Only the very centre of this chasm was reached by the
sun, which, hidden behind the mountain, streamed in glorious
radiance through a rift in the wall of the cliff. On either side of this rift,
with the light playing on their roughly piled grey masses, were the
two villages of Tujan, clinging to the precipitous sides like swallows’
nests to a wall. On one side, high up the mountain, I caught a
glimpse of what appeared to be an eagle’s nest as the sunlight
glanced on it. On inquiring what it was I received the reply that in old,
very old, days the village people resided there, before they moved
lower down the slope.
When we arrived at a difficult pass, my guide, “Erzib ben Hamed,”
who had his home in the village, asked me to dismount. So, leading
our animals, we walked slowly up, our feet slipping, and the stones
rattling down behind us. Beneath some olive trees we again
mounted to make our entry.
We were now near enough to discern that the rift was a deep
ravine; on either side was an irregular mass of dreary, grey houses
piled one over the other, above which the nearly perpendicular cliffs
rose steeply to almost the very top of the mountain, broken only in
one place by a flat surface. On the side nearest to us stood the ruins
of the village of bygone days, perched like a mediæval castle on the
summit of the cliff.
I sat in silent contemplation of this imposing sight, till interrupted
by Hamed, the faithful Hamed, who came up dragging his horse
behind him. He told me to turn round and look at the view of the
Great heavens! how glorious was the sight when I raised myself
and looked back. It was so beautiful that even Hamed and the Arabs
were awed by its splendour.
Looking down directly over the slopes, the valley, and the
mountains on either side, we saw the blue sea far away beyond the
plains. In the evening light all the tints of blue, violet, brown, yellow,
and green were softly blended and intermingled as into a veil which
spread over the whole landscape, and imagination divined more than
was actually visible, thus adding to the fascination of the scene.
By the first house, the Sheikh’s, we halted. Some people came
out, one of whom, I suppose, acted as his representative, since he
invited me in; but Hamed was already off his horse and had gone in
to look at the quarters. He returned and announced that they were
very bad, upon which I inquired whether notice had been given of my
coming, and whether the Sheikh had not directed that I should be
given decent accommodation. The spokesman insisted that there
was no other room available. I suspected this to be false, and
ordered Hamed and Erzib to mount their horses at once, and we
rode up a narrow lane and alighted outside Erzib’s dwelling, where
he had already told me I should be welcome. I heard the man
following us, and saw that a number of people had gradually
Erzib’s dwelling lay high up on the side of the cliff, but there were
others that were higher still, and yet others below. In front of these
dwellings ran a narrow path, that, starting from the highest farms, led
in a zigzag course down to those below. The outside of the path was
on the edge of a steep declivity, down which all refuse was thrown,
and was therefore dirty; looking, as did all the other banks when
seen from a distance, as though scored with black stripes. On the
slope below us was a house with a courtyard between it and the cliff
wall. This yard, in which a woman was working, was completely
open to view. Thence the ground fell gradually away till it ended in
palm-grown gorges and valleys; beyond these were low hills, then a
plain, and, last of all, the sea.
Below us, and a little to one side, was the principal edifice of the
village—a little mosque, or Marabout’s tomb, outside which a crowd
of men had gathered to perform their evening devotions. Kneeling
almost simultaneously, they kissed the earth and rose again. A few
of them presently disappeared through the open door of the
Marabout’s tomb, but the remainder stayed outside.
Looking upwards, the eyrie on the summit was visible above
Erzib’s house, that is, one could discern it by stretching one’s neck.
On the opposite side, at the end to the left, lay the other village.
In the evening the women sallied forth in numbers to fetch water
from the cisterns in the valley, and the village dogs barked,
answering each other from every side. Below us, at the foot of the
slope, a crowd of men gathered. I could hear their shouts and see
their gesticulations, as, with extended arms, they pointed to one
figure. Some of them turned and called up the bank to us, one of
them being the man who had met me on the Sheikh’s behalf. They
shouted that I should come down and live wherever I pleased with
the other men, and when I replied that I was well installed, they
informed Erzib that fowls, eggs, and bread would shortly be sent,
that the stranger guest might have a really good meal prepared for
Through a very broad gateway I descended into a court. Opposite
was a long house with its own entrance, to the right another
resembling it; and between the two was a passage leading to a third
dwelling that was situated at the back. To the left was a wall.
On the flat roof of the nearest of these houses stood some
enormous rush-bins for corn, and in the courtyard was another.
There also were two fireplaces, one on either side, screened off with
branches. Behind the screen to the left sat a woman laying small
faggots on the fire to warm her hands, for it was cold since the sun
had set. Some children came out of the door, but fled when they
caught sight of me, wrapped as I was in the folds of Erzib’s burnous.
From the door on the left peeped out an elderly and rather nice-
looking woman.
These two were Erzib’s wives: each had her own house; the
children belonged to the woman I saw seated by the hearth.
Erzib told his wives to come forward. This they did quite naturally
and willingly, retiring again after I had shaken hands with them.
Soon after, I saw people arriving with screaming fowls and a
basket of eggs and bread. Erzib at once drew his knife and vanished
with the hens—his intentions were easy to divine.
In the meanwhile carpets had been spread on the floor of the
house, and a couch arranged for me. I lit a candle which had been
placed in a small square recess in the wall. The room was very
irregularly shaped. The floor was of beaten clay, and the walls not
whitewashed. In the background a door led into another room
containing a loom, and where gala dresses hung on a cord, and
household goods on the wall. Through yet another door in the wall to
the right was a room with a bed in it raised on four slight stumps: this
was made of twigs, and had no coverings.
This dwelling was inhabited by the younger wife and her children
—two boys and a little girl. The wife was pretty and not old.
In the house in the courtyard the elder wife resided. In this the
anteroom was larger, and contained household goods and
implements; behind it was the sleeping apartment.
A grown-up married son, then absent, occupied a house tucked
away at the back, and designed on the same plan as the others. His
wife was at home.
Whilst the pile of wood burnt and crackled in the yard and the
women were busy preparing food, I sat on a bank outside the house
in company of my host and several other men.
The moon had risen and shone clearly over mountain and vale. I
could see down into a courtyard at the foot of the slope, where a fire
burnt brightly on a hearth. Over it hung a cauldron watched by the
housewife. She was young and pretty, and as she moved to and fro
a couple of little children trotted after her. Now and then she stood
still, shading her eyes with her hand, and gazing up in our direction;
possibly in the stillness of the night our voices reached her, for it was
not likely that she could see us. By the hearth a white dog lay and
growled, and when the woman paused and looked up he moved
restlessly, for he also was watching the stranger.
Erzib’s first wife came out and stood leaning against the doorway.
She did not speak, but was evidently interested in our conversation.
Her husband glanced at her and said abruptly—
“She has a great sorrow, and has grieved and wept for many
years. Ali, her only son, who was in service at Gabés, was sent to
prison, accused of having stolen money from the tradesman he
served. But he was innocent—that we know; he was a good boy, and
his mother loved him. It is now four years and four months since we
heard from him, and eight months more must pass before we can
have him home again.”
“Do you not even know if he lives?”
“Yes, we have learnt through strangers that he is alive, and
supposed to be imprisoned at Bona in Algeria.”
The old woman drew herself along the wall till she was close to
me when she heard of what we were talking.
“Are you from Bona?” she asked, whimpering.
“No,” I replied, “I come from a much more distant place, and have
never been in Bona.”
“Ah! then you do not know Ali,” she said, with a sob.
“No, poor woman,” I replied; “that I do not; but now you will soon
see your son alive. You have waited so long for him that the
remaining time will soon pass ere he return to you and be happy with
you again, for you love him. He will have thought so often of you,
and he will be so good to you that both of you will rejoice.”
“Ah! it was a great misfortune, for he was innocent—I am sure of
that; another must have been the culprit, for he was so young.”
“How old was he?”
“That I do not remember.”
“Don’t you know what year he was born?”
“No, I cannot recollect; we never know anything of that.”
“Don’t you know either, Erzib?”
“No, Sidi; but it was before the strangers came to this country.”[2]
The poor woman sobbed audibly, and Erzib pushed her inside the
door that her weeping might not trouble me, saying, “She is very
unhappy, Sidi.”
“Oh yes, Erzib. Would I were able to help you to get back your
son sooner, or at least to procure you tidings of him. But this I can
promise—I will speak to the Khalifa of Gabés on the subject, and, if
possible, send you greeting from your son.”
To my regret, however, I must confess that I was unable later to
do anything for these poor folk. Whether the boy is still in prison I
know not, and whether innocent or no, I know less. My sincere hope
is that he may be worthy of his parents’ touching affection.
The repast was now brought and set out in the house, on the clay
floor, where I enjoyed it; the father, surrounded by his children whom
he caressed, sat aside with Hamed and the younger wife.
When I had finished, and Hamed and Erzib had also eaten, we
remained seated. I talked with the wife about her children. The eldest
may have been about ten years old; he was a lively boy, who nodded
continually to me, and was indefatigable in showing me all the
treasures of his home, from an old musket to his father’s agricultural
implements. When I showed surprise at a very primitive and curious
harrow used to break up the soil, his father gave it to me.
Next in age to the boy was a very pretty little girl about six years
old. Unfortunately she had lost one eye; her father told me that it was
in consequence of a severe attack of inflammation when she was
quite little, and that the eye had fallen out of itself. Here in the south
one meets with an alarming number of people who are blind or
suffering from eye complaints. A doctor told me that many are born
thus; with others it is the result of dust, heat, and uncleanliness.
The youngest child was a bright little fellow of two, who clung to
his father, whose neck he clasped tightly in his arms.
Feeling disposed to take a stroll before retiring to rest, I bade
Erzib follow me. As we crossed the court, he inquired whether I
would not like to see all the dwellings. Accordingly we went first to
visit the elder lady. When we entered with a light we found her
crouching in a corner, her face buried in her hands; beside her lay a
large dog which growled at me.
Thence we went into the son’s house. Asleep on the bed, quite
dressed,—for the natives never undress at night,—was a woman
wrapped in blue clothing; she was evidently the son’s wife.
We walked on and up amongst other houses till we were nearly at
the top of the village. Beneath, we saw the lights and fires in the
courts, and heard the incessant barking of dogs. Shortly after, we
climbed a difficult ascent just over the village, to a ledge or terrace of
some width cut in the side of the cliff, which from thence rose, quite
straight and steep, to the old deserted village that lay in darkness on
the very summit. According to Erzib, we could not reach it from the
side we were on.
I contented myself with examining some real cliff caves, which I lit
up by means of matches. They were excavated from the terrace,
and, according to tradition, had once been inhabited; they were
irregular in form, and not very large.
After an hour’s enjoyment of the beautiful evening, we descended
from this high point.
Wrapping myself in my burnous I lay down on my couch on the
ground; in the same room lay both Hamed and Erzib. In the side
chamber, of which the door remained open, slept the children and
their mother. Just as I was falling asleep a woman came and spread
a covering over me; it warmed me well, and I slept till daybreak, and
was only once disturbed by a little kid coming in through the open
door leading from the courtyard and tripping over me. I heard then
the children, who with their mother were sleeping in the next room,
Hamed and Erzib moving on their beds, and, out of doors, the distant
and continuous barking of dogs. I slept again, and when I awoke saw
that what had been spread over me was a brand new festal garment
that evidently was considered none too good for the guest.
From the doorway overlooking the courtyard I saw through the
gate and down into the valley, where grew a solitary palm, and at the
same time had a view of the flat roofs of several houses, and of the
path where the horses and mules stood ready saddled. From a side
chamber the head of a cow came peering in at the gate, and above
the gateway a white dog lay on the wall watching me.
I gave some money to the children, ate a couple of dates with a
sup of water, and, having thanked the women for their hospitality,
mounted, with Erzib in front and Hamed behind me. As we left, the
women came out to throw refuse down the slope, and vanished
again behind the wall.
From the hearths rose a light blue smoke that was wafted over the
valley beneath us.
We had a view over the mountains of the valley, the plains, and
the Mediterranean Sea, as we followed the route along the western
declivity of the Matmata range, which commands the low-lying land
that extends right away to Tripoli.
For a while we were accompanied by two women who were on
their way to the mountains. They tripped along beside our horses,
and stared at me in astonishment through carelessly drawn veils.
The mountain tops, where lie the villages of Shenini and Sguimi,
are a continuation of the southern range. As I was aware that the
inhabitants of these villages were absent sowing their crops, and
having been told that the dwellings were similar to those I had
already seen, I decided not to visit them. We therefore left them on
one side and rode down the mountain and across a small plain
encircled by hills, behind which lie the great steppes. Towards the
east this plain is bounded by low hills, where water springs are
found, and where we could descry herds grazing. It was here that,
when passing through a little thicket, we spied a covey of partridges
running amongst the bushes. Erzib tried to fire at them from his
horse, but it would not stand long enough, and when he got off it was
too late—the birds had flown.
Before traversing the last of these hills, we halted and partook of
dates, bread, and water, as many hours would elapse before we
could arrive at any place of habitation.
The ride on the mule had tired me, so I preceded the others on
foot, and reached the farther side of the acclivity. There lies an
interminable flat plain stretching as far as the eye can reach from the
east to the north-west; whilst towards the south the mountains fade
away in long undulations. In the midst of the plain I distinguished a
hill, and on its summit what appeared to be a tower or fortress. This
was the signal station near Metamer. It corresponds to the one we
saw near Gabés, and also to another farther south.
I wandered down the gentle slope, through bushes and among
stones, and crossed the bed of the river, that, coming from the
mountains, winds out into the plain. There were many paths, all
leading in an easterly direction. I followed one of these, crossed yet
another stony torrent bed, and continued steadily towards the east,
making the signal station my point of direction; until, looking round, I
discovered the two riders in their white burnouses far away towards
the south. They beckoned to me, as we were compelled to make a
détour to avoid a rough and uneven river bed.
Joining once more my party, we rode farther and farther over the
plain, which becomes dismally desolate and monotonous; with the
exception of the hill and its signal station, nothing breaks the long
line of the horizon.
At last we viewed in the distance a couple of palm trees, and
concluded that the Ksar of Metamer was probably near them, but we
could not see it at all, as it lay in a hollow.
For long, naught but these trees showed on the level horizon.
Then at last the tops of other palm trees appeared, and a little later
some huts; the number of these increased, and proved to be the
outskirts of the town. The huts—of straw and branches—were round,
as a rule, with a pointed thatch. But it was easy to infer that the
inhabitants were absent, as the network which usually encloses the
verandah that runs round each hut had been removed, and only the
centre of the huts remained, their thatched eaves sticking out all
round, so that they resembled thick mushrooms on short stalks.
As the day advanced, the heat became stifling, so that I took off
my gaiters and bared my legs. But after a couple of hours they were
so scorched by the sun that, on arrival at Medinin, I had to ask a
doctor to dress them for me, to ease the pain of the sun-scorch, and
it was eight days before they recovered.

Metamer and Medinin

Arriving at the palm grove in the hollow we had seen from the
distance, we found that it lay by a river bed. The trees were not
particularly well cared for, as could be seen at a glance; they were
far apart, and there were few ditches for irrigation.
On a slope to the east of the valley and above it, there is a village
of peculiar construction, with whitewashed buildings that are dazzling
in the sunlight. This is the “Ksar” Metamer. The ground plan of the
houses is oblong and rectangular, and their raised roofs are vaulted.
They lie lengthwise, as the houses do at home in towns dating from
the Middle Ages—the gable ends turning towards the streets. In
general they are erected round an open square. The fronts of those
facing the plain are without any aperture, except some loop-holes
here and there. In other words, every quarter, and also the town as a
whole, forms a little fortress. This is the style of building adopted
here in the plains; it is, in fact, the same plan as that employed in
cave construction, but in this case carried out aboveground; since
the natives have found it impossible to reach the inaccessible
mountain peaks, or to dig down into the rocky ground. The houses
are very often seven storeys high. On every storey there is a well-
barred door to the inner gable. This is reached by steps or by stones
projecting from the walls. The effect is most peculiar and
picturesque. Each inhabitant carries in his hand a key that he takes
with him everywhere. This locks his rooms, which are mostly used as
corn stores.
Not far from the “Ksar” are barracks for the little garrison, and
shops that supply the needs of the soldiers, not only of the place, but
also of those quartered in the neighbouring town of “Medinin.” I did
not wish to visit the camp just then, so dismounted outside an Arab
dwelling, and was invited to enter and partake of stewed kid.
After a hurried visit to the town, and having taken leave of Erzib,
who desired to ride a long way towards his home that evening, I
procured a new guide and rode eastwards over the plain, so as to
arrive before nightfall at the Ksar of Medinin. As we approached its
neighbourhood we turned into the highroad from Gabés.
Before us and to our left lay the “Ksar” of Medinin, illuminated by
the evening sun. The ends of the houses were turned outwards,
producing the effect of a circular wall scalloped at the top. Above
these vaulted gable ends I caught a glimpse of higher buildings, and
amongst them, in the centre of the town, a large square block. This
was the Kasba. Through a narrow opening in the row of houses I
saw the inner gable ends of dwellings, and doors disposed one
above the other, the whole calling to mind the pictures one sees of
Mexican “pueblos.”

Parts lay in deep shadow, parts blinding white in the sunshine.

These lights and shadows were mingled in such dazzling contrast
that the eye could scarcely discriminate what it beheld.
We rode along the exterior wall till we came to some palms;
farther on grew others. These plantations are to the south of the
Ksar and between it and the European quarter, which showed up
gradually on the right, and consisted of barracks for the cavalry and
infantry, quarters for the officers, and those occupied by the “Bureau
de Renseignement.” The soldiers work amongst the palms, and have
enclosed a plot of ground as a garden. In the beds I saw tender
young green plants sprouting, which proved to be cress. In the open
square in front of headquarters, and before the other houses, holes
were being dug for plants by soldiers in light linen clothing.
In the future the whole military quarter will be surrounded by a
beautiful palm grove, affording shade to the dwellings now
completely exposed to the glare of the sun.
I rode up to headquarters—a large building—where the flag was
hoisted half-mast high on account of the death of Marshal
Lieutenant Henry, who was at the Bureau, came out to welcome
me. He told me that I was expected, and added that I should meet
the officers of the 4th Light Brigade, whom I had known well at
Gabés, they having arrived to relieve the southern station. I was
quickly conducted to real bachelor’s quarters, consisting of a couple
of rooms. All over the walls hung weapons and curiosities collected
in these regions. The furniture, though camp-like, was very
comfortable. At last I was able to indulge in the luxury of a bath and
In the meantime Hamed arrived to say farewell. He wished to ride
back to Metamer on his donkey and accompany Erzib as far as
Tujan, whence he hoped to take the donkey back to Hadeij, and
return later to Gabés.
When I was dressed I called on the Commander-in-Chief of the
district, Commandant Billet, a young man, who invited me to be his
When I told him that I was most anxious to meet some Tuareg if
possible, he replied, to my great joy, that by riding some thirty-two
miles farther south I should probably have my wish gratified, as a
telegram had just arrived from the signal station that two of these

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