P/N: P029.026.E201
MICROFIT RECEPTACLE 8 CLK-/MA- O Clock- for SSI & EnDAT, or Master- for BiSS C
J8 MOLEX 43025-0400
9 Z2+ I Incr. encoder2 Z+ diff. input
J8 MOLEX 43030-0007 CRIMP PIN, MICROFIT, 5A 10 Z2- I Incr. encoder2 Z- diff. input
11 GND - Return ground for sensors supply
Standard 8P8C modular jack (RJ-
J6, J7 - Analog input, 12-bit, 0-5V. Used to read an analog
45) male
12 FDBK I position or speed feedback (as tacho), or used as
general-purpose analog input
Connector Description
13 n.c. -
Pin Name Type Description Incr. encoder2 B- diff. input, or Dir-; has 120Ω
14 B2-/Dir- I
1 GND - Negative return (ground) of the power supply resistor between pins 4 and 14
2 +VMOT I Positive terminal of the motor supply: 12 to 80VDC. Incr. encoder2 A- diff. input, or Pulse-; has 120Ω
15 A2- /Pulse- I
Safe Torque Off input 1, negative SELV/ PELV power 1 GND - Return ground for I/O pins
3 STO1- I supply for motor
return (opto-isolated, 0V) 12-36V digital PNP/NPN input. Positive limit switch
PWM output 2 IN2/LSP I
Safe Torque Off input 2, negative input
4 STO2- I operation
return (opto-isolated, 0V) 5-36V 0.5A, drive Error output, active low, NPN
3 OUT2/Error O
open-collector/TTL pull-up. Also drives the red LED
Pin Name Type Description
5-36V 0.5A, drive Ready output, active low, NPN
1 +5VOUT O 5V output supply for I/O usage 4 OUT3/Ready O open-collector/TTL pull-up. Also drives the green
2 Hall 1 I Digital input Hall 1 sensor LED.
3 Hall 2 I Digital input Hall 2 sensor 5-36V 2A, general-purpose digital output, NPN
5 OUT0 O
open-collector/TTL pull-up
Incr. encoder1 B+ diff. input, or analogue encoder
4 B1+/Cos+ I 5-36V 0.5A, general-purpose digital output, NPN
Cos+ diff. input 6 OUT1 O
open-collector/TTL pull-up
Incr. encoder1 A+ diff. input, or analogue encoder
5 A1+/Sin+ I 7 +5VOUT O 5V output supply for I/O usage
Sin+ diff. input
6...8 n.c. Not connected Positive terminal of the logic supply input: 12 to
9 Z1+ I Incr. encoder1 Z+ diff. input
Pin Name Type Description Motor Outputs (A/A+, B/A-, C/B+, BR/B-) Min. Typ. Max. Units
for DC brushed, steppers and
ON: CANopen communication protocol
1 CANopen - BLDC motors with Hall-based 20
OFF: TMLCAN communication protocol trapezoidal control
Nominal output
2 ID-Bit6 - for PMSM motors with FOC
3 ID-Bit5 - sinusoidal control (sinusoidal 20 A
amplitude value)
4 ID-Bit4 - Hardware AxisID selection switches for PMSM motors with FOC
5 ID-Bit3 - They represent the first 7 LSB bits of an 8-bit sinusoidal control (sinusoidal 14.2
6 ID-Bit2 - Axis ID number. effective value)
Motor output
7 ID-Bit1 - maximum 10s -40 +40 A
current, peak
8 ID-Bit0 - Short-circuit
protection ±45 A
5 10 µs
Electrical characteristics protection delay
Nominal output current;
All parameters measured under the following conditions (unless otherwise specified): including typical mating ±0.3 ±0.5 V
voltage drop
• Tamb = 24ºC, VLOG = 24 VDC; VMOT = 80VDC connector contact resistance
• Supplies start-up / shutdown sequence: any Off-state
±0.5 ±1 mA
leakage current
• Load current (sinusoidal amplitude / continuous BLDC, DC, stepper) = 20A
Recommended FPWM
Operating Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units value, for current 20 kHz 330
Ambient ripple max. ±5% of 40 kHz 150 µH
0 +40 ºC
temperature 1 full range;
Motor inductance +VMOT = 80 V 60 kHz 120
Ambient humidity Non-condensing 0 90 %Rh
Altitude (vs. sea level) -0.1 0÷2 2 km (phase-to-phase) Minimum value, 20 kHz 120
Altitude / pressure 2 limited by short-
Ambient Pressure 02 0.75 ÷ 1 10.0 atm 40 kHz 40
circuit µH
Storage Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units
protection; 60 kHz 30
Ambient temperature -40 +85 ºC +VMOT = 80 V
Recommended 20 kHz 250
Ambient humidity Non-condensing 0 100 %Rh
Motor electrical value for ±5% 40 kHz 125
Ambient Pressure 0 10.0 atm time-constant current µs
Mechanical Mounting Min. Typ. Max. Units (L/R) measurement 60 kHz 100
Airflow natural convection 3, closed box error
Environmental Characteristics Min. Typ. Max. Units Current
FS = Full Scale accuracy ±5 ±8 %FS
Size (Length x 139 x 94.2 x 24.5 mm
Without mating connectors Digital Inputs
Width x Height) ~5.47 x 3.7 x 0.97 inch Min. Typ. Max. Units
(IN0, IN1, IN2/LSP, IN3/LSN) 5
Weight Without mating connectors 240 g Mode
Power Idle (no load) 3.6 PNP
W compliance
dissipation Operating 11 Input floating (wiring
Efficiency 98 % Default state Logic LOW
Cleaning agents Dry cleaning is recommended Only Water- or Alcohol- based Logic “LOW” -36 0 2.4
Protection Logic “HIGH” 7.5 24 36
According to IEC60529, UL508 IP20 -
Hysteresis 1.2 2.4 2.8
Logic Supply Input (+VLOG) Min. Typ. Max. Units
Floating voltage (not
Nominal values 12 24 36 VDC 0
Input voltage connected) V
Absolute maximum values, Absolute maximum,
drive operating but outside 8 24 40 VDC -36 +39
Supply voltage guaranteed parameters Absolute maximum, surge
Absolute maximum values, † -50 +50
† -1 +45 V (duration ≤ 1s)
surge (duration ≤ 10ms) Logic “LOW”; pulled to GND 0 mA
+VLOG = 9V 300 Input current
Logic “HIGH”; pulled to +24V 9 10
No Load on +VLOG = 12V 250
Supply current Digital mA
+V LOG = 24V 150 Mode
Outputs NPN
+VLOG = 36V 100
Input floating (wiring
Motor Supply Input (+VMOT) Min. Typ. Max. Units Default state Logic HIGH
Nominal values 12 80 90 VDC Logic “LOW” -36 0 2.2
Absolute maximum values, Logic “HIGH” 7.5 36
Supply voltage drive operating but outside 11 94 VDC
guaranteed parameters Hysteresis 1.2 2.4 2.8
Absolute maximum values, Floating voltage (not
-1 95 V Input voltage 23 V
4 connected)
surge (duration ≤ 10ms)
Absolute maximum,
Idle 1 5 mA -36 +39
Operating -40 ±20 +40 A Absolute maximum, surge
Supply current † -50 +50
Absolute maximum value, short-
(duration ≤ 1s)
circuit condition 45 A
1 Logic “LOW”; Pulled to GND 9 10
(duration ≤ 10ms) Input current mA
Logic “HIGH”; Pulled to +24V 0.4
Stresses beyond values listed under “absolute maximum ratings” may cause 2
All differential input pins have internal 120Ω termination resistors connected across
permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated 3
conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. “FS” stands for “Full Scale”
Name First edition Document template: P099.TQT.564.0001 Last edition Visa :
EP September 5, 2022 September 5, 2022 AN
Title of document N° document
IEC61800-5-1 / This drive is UL compliant
UL 61800-5-1 only if the applied voltage
does not exceed 60V
VOUT – the output voltage, VMOT – the motor supply voltage
Name First edition Document template: P099.TQT.564.0001 Last edition Visa :
EP September 5, 2022 September 5, 2022 AN
Title of document N° document